Access free text field in shopware - smarty

Hello I would like to use free text fields in my custom template, but after half day of searching how to access it in my template, I'm still not sure how :/ maybe anyone here have some experience with that.
enter image description here

In your Template file you can access the freetextfield with {$sArticle.yourfreetextfieldname}.
But there are other options too. You can take a look at the Developer Docs how to use the freetextfield's in shopware.


Magento: How to Use for Newbs

I am new to this software. I was just wondering how to create/edit/check header, side, and footer link. What I have noticed so far from numerous searches is that it requires some type of actual manual programming. And also if it is not a template, I would have to add it through Static Blocks or Edit it through a .phtml/.php/.xml file which I have no idea to do. Assume I have the latest software. Any help is appreciated.
You can create a shop in english without manual coding at all. But you will get the result you asked for. A hard application without any customisations which probably will not be valid IRS-wise(for example, the invoices in Greece have to contain very specific things. If not they are not valid and you get fined.). The header and the footer are customised by Static Blocks from the backend of Magento without trouble. You will have to search for a documentation of your template ofcourse. There are so many information and we cannot give it to you with just one post. You will have to study and ask the right questions!

Ez Publish - Ez Flow - Editinlocks errors

I have to upgrade an old website in ez publish 4.2. There is a class which use a layout attribut (ez flow layout and manual blocks). In front office, the result is perfect, but in backend, i can't change the content.
In bakcend, it's possible to choose differents layout but there is nothing to change blocks content.
When i look for on google, on official documentation, i see how to change the content, but in my case, the display is different, there is nothing...
Someone can help me ? I think it's config file problem but i don't find it.
Thks a lot
It looks like you are having problem with Override.ini (or block.ini in case of ezflow).
in eZPublish every view should first be enabled and entered in Override.ini so that ezpublish knows that this is going to override which template.

What is the best extension for Image changing on Joomla CMS?

I have this specific requirement that there is a list of names of people and a container for photo.
So when I click on specific user's name, his photo will appear in that container.
Is there any specific extension for this, so that admin can manage all the people names with their images ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are referring to an Avatar and using Joomla 2.5+ then I would recommend using Community Builder. I know it's a fairly big system, however it extends user profiles massively and might come in handy in the future.
If you're using Joomla 1.5 then you could always use DAvatar which is simply a plugin.
Hope this helps
You can user Community Builder as well but its very large & powerful extension & i think your interested to show only users image. If you have Joomla 2.5 then Profile Picture plugin will be most suitable for your case. Here is the link check it out. . Hope it helps you.
Community builder is overkill just to get an image.
Here are a few options, depending on how often these are updated and whether you want to allow users to update these themselves.
Of course you can always make a category and an article for each team member, then use the links and urls to load the image in a standard location (override +use css in your template to do this). Use ACL to manage who can change this and to decide if you will allow users to manage.
Use the image field in the contact component, put all of the team members in the same category in contact. Put bio etc in miscellanous information. Only admins can manage this since it is edited back end only.
Use a profile plugin for com_user if you want users to be able to manage for themselves.

Displaying correct joomla website information when posting website link

I was hoping someone can help me fix an issue. When someone posts a link to my joomla created website, they get the heading "Whats New?", which is my default article page for the site. It is the current blog articles written.
For example, if someone posted my link on facebook, it would look like this:
Whats New?
Description of website goes here...
Everything looks great except for the "Whats New?". Is there a way to put My webpage name instead of the name of the default page? How about showing an image? When posted on facebook, there is just text and no image used.
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated
Facebook uses Opengraph data to build those posts. If facebook isn't offered OpenGraph data, then it will use its own methods to try and find the information it needs. Sometimes with useless results. There are a lot of options to fix this. Joomla extensions has a few opengraph extensions for you to install, some of those should work fine. You can always write something yourself or add the data in your template. But don't expect results right away, because facebook caches those media objects for some time.
Open graph:
Joomla Extensions:
There are more ways to fix this, but this is probably the easiest for you. Hope it helps.
Good Luck.
In the Joomla backend, do the following:
Open the menu item the the article is assigned to.
On the right hand side, open the Page Display Options panel
Add whatever you like to the Browser Page Title parameter.
Hope this helps

how to allow user to format his aricales when user doesnot know html

In my website i want to allow users to post aritcals.Users post articles in a textarea as used by users of stackoverflow to post their question. Now i want to allow them to format articles, without having them to know html.User should be allowed to mark text as bold, put a image, mark some part as code, etc (other things as used by stackoverflow and
How can i provide shuch option in UI.
How do i support it DB?
Why not use an editor like TinyMCE ?
Try this one :)
