Spring RestController handle Get Request with Body values - spring

i currently develop an experimental prototype an wanted to ask if there is a way to accept a response body in a get request.
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, path="/stair/shippingorders", produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> getShippingOrder(#RequestBody JsonNode request) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException{
log.info("get body: " + request);
// do stuff
return ResponseEntity.ok(response);
the test should looks something like this
public void shouldAcceptRequestBodyinGetRequest() {
JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
body.appendField("stuff", "{}");
HttpEntity<JSONObject> entity = new HttpEntity<JSONObject>(body);
ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.exchange(GET_URL,HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class );

GET method doesn't support body, hence it won't be possible to send body as part of request. The common practice is to use POST instead


MockMvc Test does not get to the endpoint for a Multipart file in a RestController

I am calling a service in an orders controller which receives a multipart file and processes it and saving it into a database. I am trying to create a Spring Rest Doc for it but it is not even hitting the endpoint. I am creating a list of orders which is what the service expects. It receives the order as a stream as shown and converts into a stream of orders before saving it into a database. I have shown the main part of the controller and my code for generating the rest docs. When I run the code I get the following exception, it never even hits the endpoint when I set a breakpoint. I also used fileupload() but that did not work either.
Exception is:
Content type = application/json
Body = {"path":"/orders/order_reception","exceptionName":
"MissingServletRequestPartException","message":"Required request part 'uploadFile' is not
"rootMessage":"MissingServletRequestPartException: Required request part 'uploadFile' is not present"}
#RequestMapping(value = "/orders")
class OrderController{
#PostMapping(path = "/order_reception")
public ResponseEntity receiveData(#RequestPart MultipartFile uploadFile,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
if (!uploadFile.isEmpty()) {
try {
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
... save file
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.HttpStatus.CREATED);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
public void sendData() throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Order order = repository.getOrder("1233333");
List<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<>():
MockMultipartFile orderFile = new MockMultipartFile("order-data", "order.json", "application/json",
Thank you Marten Deinum, your suggestion that the file name was wrong fixed it.
I simply changed name in the MockMultipartFile( "uploadsFile", ...)

Sending request with headers to third parts api with WebClient

I really like the solution I have with RestTemplate but soon it will be depreciated with future spring releases. I am trying to send some text to a third party api using WebClient
String text = URLEncoder.encode(text,"UTF-8");
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
.defaultHeader("src", srcLang)
.defaultHeader("tgt", tgtLang)
.defaultHeader("text", text)
Then send a post here:
Mono<String> response = webClient.post().uri("/google/rtv/text")
Trying to parse based off of the legacy response:
private String parseJson( Mono<String> response) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode root = null;
JsonNode review = null;
//TODO: create an object and map it here. We need to save the original review too.
try {
root = mapper.readTree(response.toString());
review = root.path("message");
} catch (IOException e) {
return review.asText();
Later I need to parse the response but right now I am getting an error saying:
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'MonoFlatMap': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')
at [Source: (String)"MonoFlatMap"; line: 1, column: 23]
and later:
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
What I am trying to accomplish is something like I have done with RestTemplate.
Like so:
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder
.queryParam("src", src)
.queryParam("tgt", tgt)
.queryParam("text", text);
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(builder.toUriString(), HttpMethod.GET, request, String.class);
then set my header for the subscription globally.
private ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body,
ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
ClientHttpResponse response = execution.execute(request, body);
return response;
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
return restTemplate;
The problem happens here:
root = mapper.readTree(response.toString());
This code snippet is trying to serialize a Mono<String> as a String, when a Mono is a reactive type that can provide that String value eventually.
You could call response.block() and getting the resulting String, but this would be a blocking call and Reactor forbids that if in the middle of a reactive execution. This is done for good reasons, since this will block one of the few threads that your web application is using and can cause it to stop serving other requests.
You could instead have something like:
Mono<String> review = response.map(r -> parseJson(r);
And then reuse that new value down the line.
Note that WebClient natively supports JSON deserialization and you could deserialize the whole payload like so:
Mono<Review> review = webClient.post().uri("/google/rtv/text")

spring boot rest client connection Exception:: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 null

while i am executing below code i am getting error like
"org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 null".
but when i use postman to call this "http://localhost:2018/test" it is working.
static final String URL_EMPLOYEES = "http://localhost:2018/test";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setAccept(Arrays.asList(new MediaType[] {
// Request to return XML format
headers.set("replyMsg", "str");
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
// RestTemplate
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Send request with GET method, and Headers.
ResponseEntity<String> response =
HttpMethod.POST, entity,String.class);
HttpStatus statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
// Status Code: 200
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.OK) {
// Response Body Data
if (msg != null) {
//my clint controller class
public class TextController {
#RequestMapping(value="/test",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String myData2(#RequestBody String payload) {
return "done";
any suggetions?
If you're using Jackson as your JSON parser, you can simply declare your parameter with the type TextNode. This is the Jackson type representing JSON strings.
public String updateName(#PathVariable(MY_ID) String myId, #RequestBody TextNode name) {
You can then use its asText method to retrieve its text value.
Here you are setting headers Content-Type with type JSON and passing the body of type text/String.
headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); //setting your Content type as JSON.
So, First you need to change this to
headers.setContentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN); //setting your Content type as Pure Text String.
and add some code after this line
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
add this code
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
// RestTemplate
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Send request with GET method, and Headers.
String entity_Str = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(entity);
ResponseEntity<String> response =
HttpMethod.POST, entity_Str, String.class);
This might work for you.. Thanks :)

How test Post request with custom object in content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded?

I have controller:
#PostMapping(value = "/value/", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public String updateSettings(final Dto dto) {
System.out.println(">>> " + dto);
return "template";
Controller works if I send request across chrome window. But when I write test for this method I get problem. Not converted object, value not inserted.
#WithMockUser(username = FAKE_VALID_USER, password = FAKE_VALID_PASSWORD)
public void test_B_CreateDtoWithValidForm() throws Exception {
final Dto dto = new Dto();
Output is >>> Dto{id=null, enabled=false}
How test Post request with custom object in content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded?
In this case you don't need to use content, but instead you need to use param in this way:
.param("id", "value")
.param("enabled", "true"))

How to send GET request with headers by Spring

It will call another REST API with a GET request.
#RequestMapping(value = "xxxx/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody GetObjet GET( #PathVariable("id") String id,
#RequestHeader(value="X-Auth-Token") String Token) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("X-Auth-Token", Token);
HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headers);
ResponseEntity<GetObjet> response = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, entity, GetObjet.class);
return response.getBody();
Always 400 Error. It means that bad request or some errors in the request body. But this is GET so the resquest bodys is always empty. So this way to add header may be not right. Any ideas?
You can obtain the headers including the notation #RequestHeader in your method
public void displayHeaderInfo(#RequestHeader("Accept-Encoding") String encoding,
#RequestHeader("Keep-Alive") long keepAlive) {
You can read more about the request here
And the other way to abtain the URL is:
#RequestMapping(value = "/restURL")
public String serveRest(#RequestBody String body, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers){
//Use headers to get the information about all the request headers
long contentLength = headers.getContentLength();
StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(body));
YourObject obj = (YourObject) jaxb2Mashaller.unmarshal(source);
Try using:
RestTemplate.getForEntity(url, GetObject.class);
You have some methods to request data from a rest API, such as getForEntity and getForObject, use the one you needed.
