How to compare two arrays in Ruby - ruby

I'm trying to compare two arrays:
compareFrom = []
compareTo = ["John Doe", "Eric Schulz", "Tom Jerry"]
I tried the following:
arrayField1 = []
for r in empData
compareFrom << r.employeeName
if compareFrom.include?(compareTo)
#yes got it
I cannot figure out why I get false even though compareFrom has the same values as compareTo.
Is there anything that I need to change in the code?

Array#include? only tests membership of one element in an array. Your compare_from.include?(compare_to) tests whether compare_to is an element of compare_from, and would e.g. return true in case compare_from is [1, 2, 3, ["John Doe", "Eric Schulz", "Tom Jerry"], 5].
If you want to see if all elements of compare_to are in compare_from, compare_to.all? { |element| compare_from.include?(element) } is idiomatic and legible but slow; tadman's (compare_from & compare_to).size == compare_to.size is much more performant. A third option, when speaking of subsets, and the one I'd likely prefer, is to use sets:
require 'set'

This code boils down to:
compare_from =
Where that's calling the employee_name method on each of the items in the emp_data array and returning a new array with the result. You can easily test overlap on two arrays using & to find the intersection:
compare_to = ["John Doe", "Eric Schulz", "Tom Jerry"]
common = compare_from & compare_to
If that array common has any entries then you have matches.


Merge duplicate values in json using ruby

I have the following item.json file
"items": [
"brand": "LEGO",
"stock": 55,
"full-price": "22.99",
"brand": "Nano Blocks",
"stock": 12,
"full-price": "49.99",
"brand": "LEGO",
"stock": 5,
"full-price": "199.99",
There are two items named LEGO and I want to get output for the total number of stock for the individual brand.
In ruby file item.rb i have code like:
require 'json'
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../data/products.json')
file =
products_hash = JSON.parse(file)
products_hash["items"].each do |brand|
puts "Stock no: #{brand["stock"]}"
I got output for stock no individually for each brand wherein I need the stock to be summed for two brand name "LEGO" displayed as one.
Anyone has solution for this?
json =,'r:utf-8',&:read) # in case the JSON uses UTF-8
items = JSON.parse(json)['items']
stock_by_brand = items
.group_by{ |h| h['brand'] }
.map do |brand,array|
[ brand,
.map{ |item| item['stock'] }
.inject(:+) ]
#=> {"LEGO"=>60, "Nano Blocks"=>12}
It works like this:
Enumerable#group_by takes the array of items and creates a hash mapping the brand name to an array of all item hashes with that brand
Enumerable#map turns each brand/array pair in that hash into an array of the brand (unchanged) followed by:
Enumerable#map on the array of items picks out just the "stock" counts, and then
Enumerable#inject sums them all together
Array#to_h then turns that array of two-value arrays into a hash, mapping the brand to the sum of stock values.
If you want simpler code that's less functional and possibly easier to understand:
stock_by_brand = {} # an empty hash
items.each do |item|
stock_by_brand[ item['brand'] ] ||= 0 # initialize to zero if unset
stock_by_brand[ item['brand'] ] += item['stock']
p stock_by_brand #=> {"LEGO"=>60, "Nano Blocks"=>12}
To see what your JSON string looks like, let's create it from your hash, which I've denoted h:
require 'json'
j = JSON.generate(h)
#=> "{\"items\":[{\"brand\":\"LEGO\",\"stock\":55,\"full-price\":\"22.99\"},{\"brand\":\"Nano Blocks\",\"stock\":12,\"full-price\":\"49.99\"},{\"brand\":\"LEGO\",\"stock\":5,\"full-price\":\"199.99\"}]}"
After reading that from a file, into the variable j, we can now parse it to obtain the value of "items":
arr = JSON.parse(j)["items"]
#=> [{"brand"=>"LEGO", "stock"=>55, "full-price"=>"22.99"},
# {"brand"=>"Nano Blocks", "stock"=>12, "full-price"=>"49.99"},
# {"brand"=>"LEGO", "stock"=>5, "full-price"=>"199.99"}]
One way to obtain the desired tallies is to use a counting hash:
arr.each_with_object( {|g,h| h.update(g["brand"]=>h[g["brand"]]+g["stock"])}
#=> {"LEGO"=>60, "Nano Blocks"=>12} creates an empty hash (represented by the block variable h) with with a default value of zero1. That means that h[k] returns zero if the hash does not have a key k.
For the first element of arr (represented by the block variable g) we have:
g["brand"] #=> "LEGO"
g["stock"] #=> 55
Within the block, therefore, the calculation is:
g["brand"] => h[g["brand"]]+g["stock"]
#=> "LEGO" => h["LEGO"] + 55
Initially h has no keys, so h["LEGO"] returns the default value of zero, resulting in { "LEGO"=>55 } being merged into the hash h. As h now has a key "LEGO", h["LEGO"], will not return the default value in subsequent calculations.
Another approach is to use the form of Hash#update (aka merge!) that employs a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged:
arr.each_with_object({}) {|g,h| h.update(g["brand"]=>g["stock"]) {|_,o,n| o+n}}
#=> {"LEGO"=>60, "Nano Blocks"=>12}
1 k=>v is shorthand for { k=>v } when it appears as a method's argument.

Creating a hash where the keys are strings, values are numbers

I have an array:
["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
I want to create a hash:
{"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216] "Sarah"=>nil}
How would I accomplish this when the keys and values are in the same array?
All values would be integers (although they are in string form in the array.) All keys start and end with a letter.
Your expected hash is invalid. Therefore, it is impossible to get what you wrote that you want.
From your issue, it looks reasonable to expect the values to be array. In that case, you can do it like this:
["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
.slice_before(/[a-z]/i).map{|k, *v| [k,]}.to_h
# => {"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216], "Sarah"=>[]}
With little modification, you can let the value be a number instead of an array when the array length is one, but that is not a good design; it would introduce exceptions.
Try this
def numeric?(x)
x.chars.all? { |y| ('0'..'9').include?(y) }
array = ["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
keys = { |x| not numeric?(x) }
map = {}
keys.each do |k|
from = array.index(k) + 1
to = array.index( keys[keys.index(k) + 1] )
map[k] = to ? array[] : array[from..from]
p map
{"Melanie"=>["149"], "Joe"=>["2", "16", "216"], "Sarah"=>[]}
[Finished in 0.1s]
Here's another way:
arr = ["Melanie", "149", "Joe", "2", "16", "216", "Sarah"]
class String
def integer?
!!(self =~ /^-?\d+$/)
Hash[*arr.each_with_object([]) { |s,a| s.integer? ? a[-1] << s.to_i : a<<s<<[] }].
tap { |h| h.each_key { |k| h[k] = nil if h[k].empty? } }
#=> {"Melanie"=>[149], "Joe"=>[2, 16, 216], "Sarah"=>nil}
There are three components to your question, and I will try to answer them separately.
Regarding storing a multi-valued mapping, while there are specialized solutions available, the most common recommendation is just to store a hash whose values are arrays. That is, for your use case, your primary data structure is a hash whose keys are strings and whose values are arrays of integers. Depending on your desired behavior for duplicates etc., etc, you may wish to substitute a different data structure for the value structure, possibly a set.
Regarding identifying strings containing numbers and strings not containing numbers, well, that depends on exactly what your non-number-containing strings could instead contain, but a good starting point would be to perform a regular expression match for digits. You didn't specify whether your allowable numeric strings represented integers, floating points, etc. The particular answer to that may affect your overall strategy. Unfortunately, input parsing and validation is a complex and messy topic in the general case.
Regarding the actual conversion process, I would recommend the following strategy. Iterate through your input array. Check each string for whether it is numeric or non-numeric. If it is non-numeric, store that as the current key in a local. Also, in your hash, create a mapping from that key to a new empty array. If, instead, the string is numeric, convert it into a number, and add it to the array under the appropriate key.
I don't know if there's a pretty way to do it. I'd do something like this:
def numeric?(string)
# `!!` converts parsed number to `true`
rescue TypeError, ArgumentError
def my_method(input_array)
# associate values with proper key and stores result in output
curr_key = nil
output = {}
input_array.each do |e|
if !numeric?(e)
output[e] = []
curr_key = e
# use Float if values may be floating-point
output[curr_key] << Integer(e, 10)
output.each do |k, v|
output[k] = v.empty? ? nil : v
Source for numeric method.

Sorting an array of hashes by a date field

I have an object with many arrays of hashes, one of which I want to sort by a value in the 'date' key.
#array['info'][0] = {"name"=>"personA", "date"=>"23/09/1980"}
#array['info'][1] = {"name"=>"personB", "date"=>"01/04/1970"}
#array['info'][2] = {"name"=>"personC", "date"=>"03/04/1975"}
I have tried various methods using Date.parse and with collect but an unable to find a good solution.
To be clear I want to sort the original array in place
#array['info'].sort_by { |i| Date.parse i['date'] }.collect
How might one solve this elegantly the 'Ruby-ist' way. Thanks
Another way, which doesn't require converting the date strings to date objects, is the following.
def sort_by_date(arr)
arr.sort_by { |h| h["date"].split('/').reverse }
If arr is to be sorted in place, use Array#sort_by! rather than Enumerable#sort_by.
arr = [{ "name"=>"personA", "date"=>"23/09/1980" },
{ "name"=>"personB", "date"=>"01/04/1970" },
{ "name"=>"personC", "date"=>"03/04/1975" }]
#=> [{ "name"=>"personB", "date"=>"01/04/1970" },
# { "name"=>"personC", "date"=>"03/04/1975" },
# { "name"=>"personA", "date"=>"23/09/1980" }]
For arr in the example, sort_by passes the first element of arr into its block and assigns it to the block variable:
h = { "name"=>"personA", "date"=>"23/09/1980" }
then computes:
a = h["date"].split('/')
#=> ["23", "09", "1980"]
and then:
b = a.reverse
#=> ["1980", "09", "23"]
Similarly, we obtain b equal to:
["1970", "04", "01"]
["1975", "04", "03"]
for each of the other two elements of arr.
If you look at the docs for Array#<=> you will see that these three arrays are ordered as follows:
["1970", "04", "01"] < ["1975", "04", "03"] < ["1980", "09", "23"]
There is no need to convert the string elements to integers.
Looks fine overall. Although you can drop the collect call since it's not needed and use sort_by! to modify the array in-place (instead of reassigning):
#array['info'].sort_by! { |x| Date.parse x['date'] }

Rails: Grouping Model records, then manipulating values

I am grouping Model instances, by attribute, then manipulating the hash values.
Product.create(id: 1, name: "alpha", value: "apple")
Product.create(id: 2, name: "beta", value: "bongo")
We want the form: [["alpha"],[["apple"],[1]]],[[beta],[["bongo"],[2]]]...]
array = []
array1 = []
Product.all.group_by(&:name).each do |a|
a[1].each do |b|
array1 << [b.value,]
array << [a[0],array1]
array1 = []
Where a and b are iterator variables, array1 contains the ith a[1] values, and array contains the desired output structure.
This works, but is ugly. Can you accomplish this more cleanly?
array = Product.all.group_by(&:name).map { |name, products|
[name, { |product| [product.value,] }]
I believe this is what you want, but not 100% sure. Please try to use descriptive names, it takes a lot of effort to figure what array1, b and similar non-identifying identifiers are. It is also nice if you post an example of the output structure.

Strange ruby for loop behavior (why does this work)

def reverse(ary)
result = []
for result[0,0] in ary
assert_equal ["baz", "bar", "foo"], reverse(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
This works and I want to understand why. Any explanations?
If I were to rewrite this using each instead of for/in, it would look like this:
def reverse(ary)
result = []
# for result[0,0] in ary
ary.each do |item|
result[0, 0] = item
for a in b basically says, take each item in the array b and assign it to expression a. So some magic happens when its not a simple variable.
The array[index, length] = something syntax allows replacement of multiple items, even 0 items. So ary[0,0] = item says to insert item at index zero, replacing zero items. It's basically an unshift operation.
But really, just use the each method with a block instead. A for loop with no body that changes state has to be one of the most obtuse and hard to read thing that doesn't do what you expect at first glance. each provides far fewer crazy surprises.
You are putting the value in ary at the first location of result. So lets say we had the array:
a = ["baz", "bar", "foo"]
So a[0,0] = 5 will make a equal to [5, "baz", "bar", "foo"]
Since you iterate over the entire array, you are inserting each element into the beginning of the result array while shifting the existing elements, thus reversing the original one.
