Adding a context menu item in Windows for a specific file extension - windows

I am trying to add a context menu item to a DLL file. The reason is that I have written an application which retracts and deployed a managed DLL file to the GAC. The application is all good, but now I want the ability to right-click a DLL and just click "copy to GAC".
I've tried to follow instructions as per this question: How add context menu item to Windows Explorer for folders but to no avail. When I right click a DLL, nothing new is appearing.
I've also tried the following: - ran the reg file but no result as well.
Maybe there's a hardcoded restriction on DLL files for such actions?
Here's my current registry setup:
Any guidance would be appreciated.

The general steps to achieve this are as follows:
Fire up regedit
Identify the ProgID for your extension - go to HKCR\.yourextension and take note of the default value (in your case, dllfile)
Navigate to HKCU\Software\Classes (for user) or HKLM\Software\Classes (for all users)
Look for a matching key (in your case dllfile) - if it's not there, create it
Ensure it has a sub-key called shell
Add a sub-key to shell named as the command you want (refer to image below)
Add a sub-key to your new key called command
Modify the (Default) value to be the command you want to execute. %1 will give you the path of the file in context (remember to wrap it in " due to potential white-space in the path)
You seem to have done all the above, so you may be doing something wrong, as this is my result after a quick sanity test:
So, here are a few things I can think of that would make it behave non-intuitively:
You're adding this to HKLM rather than HKCU - due to how inheritance works, I do believe adding it to HKLM would require a restart, or at best, a shell restart
You've added this to HKCU but your dll requires elevated permissions to access
You have some silly syntax error somewhere ;)
The sample command I used to test this was a good old boring "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" "%1"

This is based on andromeda947's answer here:
If you have admin rights you can use HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.yourextension, which is simpler as it doesn't require an intermediate ProgID.
Option 1: edit the registry manually
add a new key at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.yourextension\shell\your menu entry text\command creating any keys you need to in that path (if there's not one for .yourextension add it; if there's not one for shell add it; etc)
set the default value for command (the last key you created) to C:\path\to\yourapp.exe "%1"
Option 2: I made a tool to do this
you can download it here. This is an example of how to register notepad.exe as a context menu item for dll files.
regwincontext.exe dll "notepad it" C:\Windows\notepad.exe


MSI installer creates unattended shell open key

I created an MSI installer project in VS2015, set up everything, then added a file extension associtation with the "File Types Editor", assigned my extension to my application, as an Open command.
The COMMAND was the application from the "application folder", the EXTENSION was set, then the &OPEN was set as NAME=&Open, Arguments="%1" VERB=open. Nothing else.
I generated the .msi file, then started. At the end of the installation, I found out that in the registry Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\shell\open\command key there were two item, one is (Default) REG_SZ with value "myexe" "%1" as I expected
Unfortunately there was another item: "command", "REG_MULTI_SZ" and the Data was something weird, for example "LZ*a!t4(v=++Tt$)tOk_>[1jfrS!,nB`L6ciHLW!, "%1"" which I don't know what it is. When I delete the .msi file, and double click on a file with my registered extension, a popup dialog appears as "network resource cannot be found" and Windows wants my .msi installer back (browse dialog comes in)! I don't know how to prevent this unwanted situation. :( Any help would be highly appreciate!
Windows Installer uses so-called Darwin Descriptors to implement resiliency, wherein a corrupted installation can be repaired automatically. Your attempt to delete the .msi rather than to uninstall it acts like a corrupted installation, so the system attempts to fix it. However, since the .msi itself has been removed, it has to ask for help.
The short answer here is to suggest that you not worry about the exact values in the registry key. Since you're using an Extension table instead of a Registry table entry, the registry is an implementation detail; you should prefer to ignore such detail. Instead, if after a successful installation your program launches as expected upon double clicking the associated file, and it stops doing so after properly uninstalling your application, all is well.

FTYPE/ASSOC priority and adding to OpenWithList from the command line

(Not sure if this belongs on superusers, but it seems there is a cmd.exe tag here, so here goes...)
As background, I'm working on a Firefox add-on (This question does not require knowledge of Firefox, btw, as Firefox add-ons can call the command line.) The add-on aims to build different kinds of shortcuts to cmd.exe (especially for the sake of my project which allows files to be opened directly from the desktop into web apps).
Anyways, I'd like to give users the option to associate these shortcuts:
As the default handler for specific file extensions or file types.
To show up within the Open With list of applications (even if the user opts not to make the apps as default handlers)
As far as the default handling, I have found the ftype and assoc (and associate) commands, but I have read that user selections will override their behavior. Is there some way to ensure that I can get priority from the command line in associating file extensions to types and specific executables (until the user changes it again), or if it is not possible, then at least through C++ or the like?
As far as the Open With list:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\<file extension>\OpenWithList my testing (with an exe), this command:
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.svg\OpenWithList /v d /d D:\wamp\www\webappfind\cplusplus\WebAppFinder-view-mode-Firefox.exe
...did cause the exe file to show up in:
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.svg\OpenWithList
...but it did not show up when I subsequently right-clicked a file with the ".svg" extension.
I would really appreciate any help with these two points.
#="\"C:\\MYFOO.exe\" \"%1\""
So I got to an investigation what makes those file associations. It appears that you have to create a mapping from the bare EXE name to the full path as shown in the first two long-ish lines. Then you must only use the EXE name in the .extension branch. Setting the .extension's Application value will give you your default app instantly. Remember, only use APP.EXE, its full path must be defined as above. This was your main error. The "%1" part allows you to customize the parameters of your program so that it doesn't have to be just the opened document in quotes, as shown here. The backslashes are just escape characters for Regedit, you may discard them as you see fit.
The OpenWithList is tricky in the sense that there are letters for entries and just a blind write may overwrite some of the user's favorite apps. One approach would be to call your item "z" to lower the probability of overwriting. The right way would be enumerating the key and giving your app the first free letter. The MRUList is not essential, although it should have each used letter once and yours bumped to the start.
Note about user friendliness: Explorer will cache these values until next reboot. Make sure you update the registry and place exe first and create your file later. Although the caching only fully influences the display of the file and when it is run, the registry is read again and it will execute as you want.
TIP: If you decide to use Regedit instead of reg, the /s parameter skips the confirmation message and applies the values right away. Make sure you use double backslashes in the full path as shown. When preparing your temporary .reg file, make sure you append two CRLF's to the end or a glitch may cause your last line of code to be ignored. This sample starts with REGEDIT4 which signifies an ANSI file. If you need support for Unicode in your app path, you'll have to start the file with Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and store it in UTF16. This is already a superior solution to calling reg because there's no way you could get CMD.EXE to process special UTF stuff through the command line without mangling.

How to change the path for "run command" "notepad"?

Where is in the registry the path executed when I run the "notepad" command in windows "Start->run command" interface? I want to change it for notepad++ (it is required so, although could look not really good)
If you are like me you use windows run command all the time. I hate using the mouse to point and click a shortcut on the start menu. WIN-R are probably the two most over used keys on my keyboard. After thinking about if awhile I hunted down how the run command works. It turns out that it makes a call to ShellExecute, which I guess is not too surprising. The next thing I wanted to find out was exactly how the commands are resolved. The following is an ordered list of how they are resolved ([1]):
The current working directory
The Windows directory (no subdirectories are searched)
The Windows\System32 directory
Directories listed in the PATH environment variable
The App Paths registry key
Naturally the next thing I wanted to do was customize existing commands or add new commands so I do not have to type as much (standard lazy approach). After examining my options which were to put the executable in one of those paths (since it only locates executables and not shortcuts), modify the path environment variable or add a key to App Paths. The App Paths option seems to be the easiest and most flexible to me. Here is a layout of what you need to do to add an App Paths entry ([1]):
App Paths-->
(Default) = The fully-qualified path and file name
Path = A semicolon-separated list of directories
DropTarget = {CLSID}
Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. I cannot guarantee that problems resulting from modifications to the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.
The minimum needed to add a new entry is to add the key file.exe where file is the string you want to type into the run command and to add the Default entry which is the fully-qualified path to the file you want to execute. Note that even it the file you are going to reference isn't an exe file you still need to put the .exe on the key. Here is a sample registry file that I created to add a shorter keyword for Internet Explorer:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Paths\ie.exe] #="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
After entering that entry into the registry I can simply type “ie” at
the run command to open internet explorer.
Here is a list of some common commands I use at the run command:
cmd – Command prompt winword – Microsoft Word excel – Microsoft Excel
outlook – Microsoft Outlook iexplore – Internet Explorer firefox –
Mozilla Firefox notepad – Notepad compmgmt.msc – Computer Management
Console control appwiz.cpl – Add/Remove programs dialog mstsc –
Microsoft Terminal Service Client regedit – Registry Editor
If there is some program that I find myself using all the time I figure out what the run command is for it and if there is not a short easy one I add one to my App Paths as described above. Does anyone else have some other common run commands they use?

How to add an entry in the Windows context menu for files with a specific extension?

I know that many questions are asked about how customizing the shell context menu, but what I've tried yet doesn't work so I'm adding a new question.
I'd like to add an entry "Open with Log Viewer" in the context menu when right-clicking on files with ".log" extension, to not change the default application associated with .log files (notepad) but allow the user to choose a custom application to open them.
To do this, I opened the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.log, and added some keys shell\OpenWithLogViewer\command with the correct values, but the entry is not displayed when I right-click on a file with .log extension.
Would you know how to fix this?
The key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.log has for default value txtfile, and contains a subkey called PersistentHandler. Can this subkey be the origin of the problem?
Add another registry key (e.g. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\logfile), create the shell structure below that key and change the default value of the .log key to logfile. One way to do this is by saving the following lines to a .reg file and merging that file into the registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; make OpenWithLogViewer the default action
#="Open with &Log Viewer"
; set label and access key
#="\"C:\\path\\to\\logviewer.exe\" %1"
This separates the type (logfile) from the extension (.log). That way you can define the possible actions for a type in one place and associate arbitrary extensions with that type.
Note that you can also define this on a per-user basis by using HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes instead of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. User entries take precedence over system entries. This is useful when you want to change file associations or add custom actions for your own user, but don't have admin privileges on the system.
If you want to add a entry for a file extension you don't "own" and you never want to be the default action then you can use the SystemFileAssociations key:
#="My Command"
#="\"c:\\path\\myapp.exe\" \"%1\""
To deal proactively with the consequences of a change to default programs, you can use HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations to register verbs and other association information. Due to their location after the ProgID in the association array, these registrations are lower priority. These SystemFileAssociationsregistrations are stable even when users change the default programs, and provide a location to register secondary verbs that will always be available for a particular file type.
This key is available on Windows XP and higher...

Right Click in Windows Explorer

I have been trying to add context based right click in windows explorer for a file of extension L5X. I have tried HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\l5xfile\Shell\convert\command and set the (Default) key value to the program I want to have open the file. (I want it to say "Convert" on the context menu) My first issue seems to be that in .NET (even when running elevated) I cannot change the Default key's value. My other issue is changing that Default key value doesn't do anything to the context menu. I would really prefer a no reboot required solution.
Also, I really need this to work on WinXP all the way up to Win7 (including Server 2003, 2008 and 2008R2). If I need to detect OS and do things differently for different OSes, I will but I'm really stuck here.
PS, I tried the solution found here with no luck.
You need administrator rights to write to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a merged view of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes. If you want to install it for just the current user, write to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes
\l5xfile\Shell\convert\command might not be the correct path, when windows looks for context menu entries for a filetype, it first looks in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.EXT, then uses the default value it finds there: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%defaultvaluefrom.EXT%\Shell\*
XP added a new key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations designed for non-primary actions where you don't care about the ProgId/Class (The l5xfile part)
MSDN documents all these registry paths and settings, see: File Types and Verbs and File Associations
