Restart server on node failure with Consul - microservices

Newbie to Microservices here.
I have been looking into develop a microservice with spring actuator while having Consul for service discovery and fail recovery.
I have configured a cluster as explained in Consul documentation.
Now what I'm trying to do is configure a Consul Watch to trigger when any of my service is down and execute a shell script to restart my service. Following is my configuration file.
"bind_addr": "",
"datacenter": "dc1",
"encrypt": "EXz7LsrhpQ4idwqffiFoQ==",
"data_dir": "/data",
"log_level": "INFO",
"enable_syslog": true,
"enable_debug": true,
"enable_script_checks": true,
"node_name": "SpringConsulClient",
"server": false,
"service": { "name": "Apache", "tags": ["HTTP"], "port": 8080,
"check": {"script": "curl localhost >/dev/null 2>&1", "interval": "10s"}},
"rejoin_after_leave": true,
"watches": [
"type": "service",
"handler": "/"
Any help/tip would be greatly appreciate.

Take a closer look at the description of the service watch type in the official documentation. It has an example, how you can specify it:
"type": "service",
"service": "redis",
"args": ["/usr/bin/", "-redis"]
Note that it has no property handler and but takes a path to the script as an argument. And one more:
It requires the "service" parameter
It seems, in you case you need to specify it as follows:
"watches": [
"type": "service",
"service": "Apache",
"args": ["/fully/qualified/path/to/"]


consul deregister_critical_service_after is not woring

Hello everyone I have a healthcheck on my consul service, my goal is whenever the service is unhealthy then the consul should remove them from the service catalog.
Bellow is my config
"service": {
"name": "api",
"tags": [ "api-tag" ],
"port": 80
"check": {
"id": "api_up",
"name": "Fetch health check from local nginx",
"http": "http://localhost/HealthCheck",
"interval": "5s",
"timeout": "1s",
"deregister_critical_service_after": "15s"
"data_dir": "/consul/data",
"retry_join": [
Thanks for all the helps
The reason the service is not being de-registered is that the check is being specified outside of the service {} block in your JSON. This makes the check a node-level check, not a service-level check.
Here's a pretty-printed version of the config you provided.
"service": {
"name": "api",
"tags": [
"port": 80
"check": {
"id": "api_up",
"name": "Fetch health check from local nginx",
"http": "http://localhost/HealthCheck",
"interval": "5s",
"timeout": "1s",
"deregister_critical_service_after": "15s"
"data_dir": "/consul/data",
"retry_join": [
Below is the configuration you should be using in order to correctly associate the check with the configured service, and de-register the service after the check has been marked as critical for more than 15 seconds.
"service": {
"name": "api",
"tags": [
"port": 80,
"check": {
"id": "api_up",
"name": "Fetch health check from local nginx",
"http": "http://localhost/HealthCheck",
"interval": "5s",
"timeout": "1s",
"deregister_critical_service_after": "15s"
"data_dir": "/consul/data",
"retry_join": [
Note this statement from the docs for DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
If a check is in the critical state for more than this configured value, then its associated service (and all of its associated checks) will automatically be deregistered. The minimum timeout is 1 minute, and the process that reaps critical services runs every 30 seconds, so it may take slightly longer than the configured timeout to trigger the deregistration. This should generally be configured with a timeout that's much, much longer than any expected recoverable outage for the given service.

web app works locally and on app engine, but not on cloud run

So I've run into this issue with a web app I've made:
it gets a file path as input
if the file exists on a bucket, it uses a python client api to create a compute engine instance
it passes the file path to the instance in the startup script
When I ran it locally, I created a python virtual environment and then ran the app. When I make the input on the web browser, the virtual machine is created by the api call. I assumed it used my personal account. I changed to the service account in the command line with this command 'gcloud config set account', it ran fine once more.
When I simply go to the source code directory deploy it as is, the application can create the virtual machine instances as well.
When I use Google cloud build and deploy to cloud run, it doesn't create the vm instance.
the web app itself is not throwing any errors, but when I check compute engine's logs, there is an error in the logs:
"protoPayload": {
"#type": "",
"status": {
"code": 3,
"authenticationInfo": {
"principalEmail": "####"
"requestMetadata": {
"callerIp": "#####",
"callerSuppliedUserAgent": "(gzip),gzip(gfe)"
"serviceName": "",
"methodName": "v1.compute.instances.insert",
"resourceName": "projects/someproject/zones/somezone/instances/nameofinstance",
"request": {
"#type": ""
"insertId": "######",
"resource": {
"type": "gce_instance",
"labels": {
"instance_id": "#####",
"project_id": "someproject",
"zone": "somezone"
"timestamp": "2021-06-16T12:18:21.253551Z",
"severity": "ERROR",
"logName": "projects/someproject/logs/",
"operation": {
"id": "operation-#####",
"producer": "",
"last": true
"receiveTimestamp": "2021-06-16T12:18:21.253551Z"
In theory, it is the same exact code that worked from my laptop and on app engine. I'm baffled why it only does this for cloud run.
App engines default service account was stripped of all its roles and given a custom role tailored to the web apps function.
The cloud run is using a different service account, but was given that exact same custom role.
Here is the method I use to call the api.
def create_instance(path):
compute ='compute', 'v1')
vmname = "piinnuclei" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
startup_script = "#! /bin/bash\napt update\npip3 install pg8000\nexport BUCKET_PATH=my-bucket/{}\ngsutil -m cp -r gs://$BUCKET_PATH /home/connor\ncd /home/connor\n./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=cloudsql -instances=sql-connection-name=unix:sql-connection-name &\npython3\nexport ZONE=$(curl -X GET -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google')\nexport NAME=$(curl -X GET -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google')\ngcloud --quiet compute instances delete $NAME --zone=$ZONE".format(path)
config = {
"kind": "compute#instance",
"name": vmname,
"zone": "projects/my-project/zones/northamerica-northeast1-a",
"machineType": "projects/my-project/zones/northamerica-northeast1-a/machineTypes/e2-standard-4",
"displayDevice": {
"enableDisplay": False
"metadata": {
"kind": "compute#metadata",
"items": [
"key": "startup-script",
"value": startup_script
"tags": {
"items": []
"disks": [
"kind": "compute#attachedDisk",
"type": "PERSISTENT",
"boot": True,
"mode": "READ_WRITE",
"autoDelete": True,
"deviceName": vmname,
"initializeParams": {
"sourceImage": "projects/my-project/global/images/my-image",
"diskType": "projects/my-project/zones/northamerica-northeast1-a/diskTypes/pd-balanced",
"diskSizeGb": "100"
"diskEncryptionKey": {}
"canIpForward": False,
"networkInterfaces": [
"kind": "compute#networkInterface",
"subnetwork": "projects/my-project/regions/northamerica-northeast1/subnetworks/default",
"accessConfigs": [
"kind": "compute#accessConfig",
"name": "External NAT",
"type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM"
"aliasIpRanges": []
"description": "",
"labels": {},
"scheduling": {
"preemptible": False,
"onHostMaintenance": "MIGRATE",
"automaticRestart": True,
"nodeAffinities": []
"deletionProtection": False,
"reservationAffinity": {
"consumeReservationType": "ANY_RESERVATION"
"serviceAccounts": [
"email": "",
"scopes": [
"shieldedInstanceConfig": {
"enableSecureBoot": False,
"enableVtpm": True,
"enableIntegrityMonitoring": True
"confidentialInstanceConfig": {
"enableConfidentialCompute": False
return compute.instances().insert(
The issue was with the zone. For some reason, when it was ran on cloud run, the code below was the culprit.
return compute.instances().insert(
"northamerica-northeast1" should have been "northamerica-northeast1-a"
I made a new virtual machine image and quickly ran into the same problem, it would work locally and break down in the cloud run environment. After letting it sit for some time, it began to work again. This is leading me to the conclusion that there is also some sort of delay before it can be called by cloud run.

passing more information to consul watch handler

I am wondering whether consul watch handler can be passed some dynamic information while it's called.
That means watch mechanism can pass the script more arguments instead of my given arguments like the below example.
"watches": [
"type": "service",
"args": ["/tmp/", "how can i get responses from /v1/health/service here"]
By the way, when I want to 'watch' a service, the most important info to me is the service's state(passing or critial), but I don't understand:
when watch type is 'service', why I cannot appoint the 'service'.
when watch type is 'checks', why I cannot appoint state and service concurrently.
consul watch passes the entire API response payload as an argument to the watch handler script. Your script needs to be able to consume and parse the JSON, and then act on the data provided.
When you watch a service, the data returned is from the /v1/health/service/:service endpoint. (See consul/api/watch/funcs.go.)
when watch type is 'service', why I cannot appoint the 'service'.
I assume you mean that you would like to watch a specific service. If so, this is supported. You can specify a specific service to watch using the -service flag. For example, consul watch -type=service -service=assets.
when watch type is 'checks', why I cannot appoint state and service concurrently.
If you're interested in monitoring checks for a particular service, you should just use the aforementioned watch command for a specific service. The service check information is included in the API response.
$ consul watch -type=service -service=assets
"Node": {
"ID": "f013522f-aaa2-8fc6-c8ac-c84cb8a56405",
"Node": "hashicorp-consul-server-2",
"Address": "",
"Datacenter": "dc2",
"TaggedAddresses": null,
"Meta": null,
"CreateIndex": 22898191,
"ModifyIndex": 22898191
"Service": {
"ID": "assets-v1",
"Service": "assets",
"Tags": [],
"Meta": null,
"Port": 9090,
"Address": "",
"Weights": {
"Passing": 1,
"Warning": 1
"EnableTagOverride": false,
"CreateIndex": 22898195,
"ModifyIndex": 22898195,
"Proxy": {
"MeshGateway": {},
"Expose": {}
"Connect": {}
"Checks": [
"Node": "hashicorp-consul-server-2",
"CheckID": "serfHealth",
"Name": "Serf Health Status",
"Status": "passing",
"Notes": "",
"Output": "Agent alive and reachable",
"ServiceID": "",
"ServiceName": "",
"ServiceTags": [],
"Type": "",
"Definition": {
"Interval": "0s",
"Timeout": "0s",
"DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter": "0s",
"HTTP": "",
"Header": null,
"Method": "",
"Body": "",
"TLSServerName": "",
"TLSSkipVerify": false,
"TCP": ""
"CreateIndex": 22898191,
"ModifyIndex": 22898191

Marathon: How to specify environment variables in args

I am trying to run a Consul container on each of my Mesos slave node.
With Marathon I have the following JSON script:
"id": "consul-agent",
"instances": 10,
"constraints": [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]],
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "consul",
"privileged": true,
"network": "HOST"
"args": ["agent","-bind","$MESOS_SLAVE_IP","-retry-join","$MESOS_MASTER_IP"]
However, it seems that marathon treats the args as plain text.
That's why I always got errors:
==> Starting Consul agent...
==> Error starting agent: Failed to start Consul client: Failed to start lan serf: Failed to create memberlist: Failed to parse advertise address!
So I just wonder if there are any workaround so that I can start a Consul container on each of my Mesos slave node.
Thanks #janisz for the link.
After taking a look at the following discussions:
#3416: args in marathon file does not resolve env variables
#2679: Ability to specify the value of the hostname an app task is running on
#1328: Specify environment variables in the config to be used on each host through REST API
#1828: Support for more variables and variable expansion in app definition
as well as the Marathon documentation on Task Environment Variables.
My understanding is that:
Currently it is not possible to pass environment variables in args
Some post indicates that one could pass environment variables in "cmd". But those environment variables are Task Environment Variables provided by Marathon, not the environment variables on your host machine.
Please correct if I was wrong.
You can try this.
"id": "consul-agent",
"instances": 10,
"constraints": [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]],
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "consul",
"privileged": true,
"network": "HOST",
"parameters": [
"key": "env",
"id": "consul-agent",
"instances": 10,
"constraints": [["hostname", "UNIQUE"]],
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "consul",
"privileged": true,
"network": "HOST"
"env": {

How to mount HDFS in a Docker container

I made an application Dockerized in a Docker container. I intended to make the application able to access files from our HDFS. The Docker image is to be deployed on the same cluster where we have HDFS installed via Marathon-Mesos.
Below is the json to be POST to Marathon. It seems that my app is able to read and write files in the HDFS. Can someone comment on the safety of this? Would files changed by my app correctly changed in the HDFS as well? I Googled around and didn't find any similar approaches...
"id": "/ipython-test",
"cmd": null,
"cpus": 1,
"mem": 1024,
"disk": 0,
"instances": 1,
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"volumes": [
"containerPath": "/home",
"hostPath": "/hadoop/hdfs-mount",
"mode": "RW"
"docker": {
"image": "my/image",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 8888,
"hostPort": 0,
"servicePort": 10061,
"protocol": "tcp",
"privileged": false,
"parameters": [],
"forcePullImage": true
"portDefinitions": [
"port": 10061,
"protocol": "tcp",
"labels": {}
You might have a look at the Docker volume docs.
Basically, the volumes definition in the app.json would trigger the start of the Docker image with the flag -v /hadoop/hdfs-mount:/home:RW, meaning that the host path gets mapped to the Docker container as /home in read-write mode.
You should be able to verify this if you SSH into the node which is running the app and do a docker inspect <containerId>.
See also
