Crm cluster cannot mount drbd after switching - cluster-computing

Here my freepbx active/passive cluster. it works on proxmox hypervisor.
After turn off master, res_filesystem_1 on the second node does not start. drbd does not mount. and services that uses drbd didnt start.
i have many errors then i show status
/usr/sbin/crm_mon -1 -r -f
Last updated: Sun Feb 4 19:50:21 2018
Last change: Sun Feb 4 19:45:35 2018
Stack: cman
Current DC: - partition WITHOUT quorum
Version: 1.1.11-97629de
2 Nodes configured
8 Resources configured
Node OFFLINE (standby)
Online: [ ]
Full list of resources:
Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_1 [res_drbd_1]
Masters: [ ]
Stopped: [ ]
res_Filesystem_1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
res_IPaddr2_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started
res_asterisk_asterisk (service:asterisk): FAILED
res_apache_apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Stopped
res_mysql_mysql_fpbx (ocf::heartbeat:mysql): Stopped
res_IPsrcaddr_src_addr (ocf::heartbeat:IPsrcaddr): Started
Migration summary:
* Node
res_apache_apache: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1000000 last-failure='Sun Feb 4 19:47:57 2018'
res_Filesystem_1: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1000000 last-failure='Sun Feb 4 19:47:57 2018'
res_mysql_mysql_fpbx: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1000000 last-failure='Sun Feb 4 19:48:00 2018'
res_asterisk_asterisk: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=18 last-failure='Sun Feb 4 19:50:21 2018'
Failed actions:
res_apache_apache_start_0 on 'not configured' (6): call=41, status=complete, last-rc-change='Sun Feb 4 19:47:57 2018', queued=0ms, exec=15ms
res_Filesystem_1_start_0 on 'unknown error' (1): call=34, status=complete, last-rc-change='Sun Feb 4 19:47:56 2018', queued=0ms, exec=78ms
res_mysql_mysql_fpbx_start_0 on 'not installed' (5): call=45, status=complete, last-rc-change='Sun Feb 4 19:47:59 2018', queued=0ms, exec=47ms
res_asterisk_asterisk_monitor_15000 on 'not running' (7): call=83, status=complete, last-rc-change='Sun Feb 4 19:50:21 2018', queued=15001ms, exec=11ms
If i try to reset all resources
crm_resource --resource res_filesystem_1 -P
crm_resource --resource res_mysql_mysql_fpbx -P
crm_resource --resource res_asterisk_asterisk -P
crm_resource --resource res_apache_apache -P
all services start and works correctly before the next node switching.
After turned off, node cannot shutdown and say: waiting for cluster services to unload.
I try to turn it off by button on vm, and it still not mount on the second node.
Then i swith nodes cat /proc/drbd show correctly Primory/secondary
Here is the crm conf
crm configure show
node \
attributes standby=off
node \
attributes standby=off
primitive res_Filesystem_1 Filesystem \
params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/fpbx" directory="/mnt/drbd0" fstype=ext4 \
operations $id=res_Filesystem_1-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=60 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=60 \
op monitor interval=20 timeout=40 start-delay=0 \
op notify interval=0 timeout=60 \
meta target-role=started
primitive res_IPaddr2_1 IPaddr2 \
params ip= \
operations $id=res_IPaddr2_1-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=21 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=20 \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=0 \
meta target-role=started
primitive res_IPsrcaddr_src_addr IPsrcaddr \
params ipaddress= \
operations $id=res_IPsrcaddr_src_addr-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=20 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=20 \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=0 \
primitive res_apache_apache apache \
params port=80 \
operations $id=res_apache_apache-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=40 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=60 \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=0 \
meta target-role=Started
primitive res_asterisk_asterisk service:asterisk \
operations $id=res_asterisk_asterisk-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=15 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=15 \
op monitor interval=15 timeout=15 start-delay=15 \
meta target-role=started
primitive res_drbd_1 ocf:linbit:drbd \
params drbd_resource=fpbx \
operations $id=res_drbd_1-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=240 \
op promote interval=0 timeout=90 \
op demote interval=0 timeout=90 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=100 \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=0 \
op notify interval=0 timeout=90 \
meta target-role=master
primitive res_mysql_mysql_fpbx mysql \
params enable_creation=false \
operations $id=res_mysql_mysql_fpbx-operations \
op start interval=0 timeout=120 \
op stop interval=0 timeout=120 \
op monitor interval=30 timeout=30 start-delay=0 \
op notify interval=0 timeout=90 \
meta target-role=started
ms ms_drbd_1 res_drbd_1 \
meta clone-max=2 notify=true interleave=true
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
stonith-enabled=false \
dc-version=1.1.11-97629de \
no-quorum-policy=ignore \
cluster-infrastructure=cman \
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \

What I really seem to be missing here (according to the logs you provided) is an order and a matching colocation primitive. Both help your cluster starting services in the correct order AND on the same node. For example: res_drbd_1 first, then res_Filesystem_1.
It could look like this:
order o_drbd_1_before_Filesystem_1 +inf: ms_drbd_1:promote res_Filesystem_1:start
colocation co_Filesystem_1_with_drbd_1 +inf: res_Filesystem_1 ms_drbd_1:Master
(elaborate for all the other configured services)


How to test "DiskSpaceUtilization" alarm for my ec2 instance?

I have set "root-disk-space-utilization" and "data-disk-space-utilization" for my ec2 instance. The code to set "root-disk-space-utilization":
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \
--alarm-name root-disk-space-utilization \
--alarm-description "Alarm when root disk space exceeds $ROOT_DISK_THRESHOLD percent" \
--metric-name DiskSpaceUtilization \
--namespace System/Linux \
--statistic Average \
--period $period \
--threshold $ROOT_DISK_THRESHOLD \
--treat-missing-data notBreaching \
--comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold \
--dimensions Name=Filesystem,Value=$ROOT_DEVICE Name=InstanceId,Value=$val Name=MountPath,Value=$ROOT_PATH \
--evaluation-periods 1 \
--alarm-actions $arn \
--ok-actions $arn \
--unit Percent
Here, ROOT_DEVICE=/dev/sda1 ; DATA_DEVICE=/dev/sdf ; ROOT_PATH=/ ; DATA_PATH=/data .
To set "data-disk-space-utilization":
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \
--alarm-name data-disk-space-utilization \
--alarm-description "Alarm when data disk space exceeds $DATA_DISK_THRESHOLD percent" \
--metric-name DiskSpaceUtilization \
--namespace System/Linux \
--statistic Average \
--period $period \
--threshold $DATA_DISK_THRESHOLD \
--treat-missing-data notBreaching \
--comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold \
--dimensions Name=Filesystem,Value=$DATA_DEVICE Name=InstanceId,Value=$val Name=MountPath,Value=$DATA_PATH \
--evaluation-periods 1 \
--alarm-actions $arn \
--ok-actions $arn \
--unit Percent
With the help of above code, I am able to set the cloudwatch metrics but none is getting in "Alarm State". I have also tried and changed the threshold to 1, just to check if it goes in the "Alarm State" but still it did not changed.
I am a bit unsure if my above code is correct or not and how will it trigger Alarm?

couldn't find local name "" in the initial cluster configuration when start etcd service

I am start etcd(v3.3.15) service using this command:
systemctl start etcd
this is my etcd systemd config:
Description=Etcd Server
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/etcd \
--name ${ETCD_NAME} \
--cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubernetes.pem \
--key-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubernetes-key.pem \
--peer-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubernetes.pem \
--peer-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/kubernetes-key.pem \
--trusted-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.pem \
--peer-trusted-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.pem \
--initial-advertise-peer-urls ${ETCD_INITIAL_ADVERTISE_PEER_URLS} \
--listen-peer-urls ${ETCD_LISTEN_PEER_URLS} \
--listen-client-urls ${ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS}, \
--advertise-client-urls ${ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS} \
--initial-cluster-token ${ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN} \
--initial-cluster infra1=,infra2=,infra3= \
--initial-cluster-state new \
and this is my etcd config:
# [member]
Your IPs or names mismatch.

Have troubles while adding new etcd members

I'm planning to add new members to a single instance of etcd, but am faced with problems.
I started the first etcd member with the following command:
nohup etcd \
--advertise-client-urls= \
--cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \
--client-cert-auth=true \
--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd \
--initial-advertise-peer-urls= \
--initial-cluster=test-master-01= \
--key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
--listen-client-urls= \
--listen-peer-urls= \
--name=test-master-01 \
--peer-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt \
--peer-client-cert-auth=true \
--peer-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key \
--peer-trusted-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--snapshot-count=10000 \
--trusted-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt &
Then I checked the health of the cluster and it seems to be healthy:
member f13d668ae0cba84 is healthy: got healthy result from
cluster is healthy
I also checked the members:
f13d668ae0cba84: name=test-master-01 peerURLs= clientURLs= isLeader=true
Then I tried to add second member:
etcdctl \
--endpoints= \
--ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt \
--key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key \
member add test-master-02
Added member named test-master-02 with ID 65bec874cca265d8 to cluster ETCD_NAME="test-master-02"
Then started the second etcd member with the following command:
etcd \
--name test-master-02 \
--listen-client-urls \
--advertise-client-urls \
--listen-peer-urls \
--cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \
--client-cert-auth=true \
--trusted-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--peer-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt \
--peer-client-cert-auth=true \
--peer-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key \
--key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
--initial-cluster-state=existing \
But I got an error:
etcdmain: error validating peerURLs {ClusterID:bc8c76911939f2de Members:[&{ID:f13d668ae0cba84 RaftAttributes:{PeerURLs:[]} Attributes:{Name:test-master-01 ClientURLs:[]}} &{ID:65bec874cca265d8 RaftAttributes:{PeerURLs:[]} Attributes:{Name: ClientURLs:[]}}] RemovedMemberIDs:[]}: unmatched member while checking PeerURLs
Looks like I don't have such problem while starting cluster from scratch without restoring from snapshot.
Figured out that before adding new members I needed to update my main etcd member, because instead of etcd config, member list command returned on peerurl

Unclear errorreport from RRDTool graphing script

When one version of a set of scripts runs, which apply RRDTool, you try more of the same .....
Made a version of the lua-script, which now collects power/energy-info, and the related file is a direct derivative of the errorfree running sh-file described in RRDTool, How to get png-files by means of os-execute-call from lua-script?
The derivative sh-file should produce a graph with the output of 3 inverters and the parallel consumption.
That sh-file for graphic output is below.
rrdtool graph /home/pi/pipower1.png \
DEF:Pwr_MAC=/home/pi/pipower1.rrd:Power0430:AVERAGE \
DEF:Pwr_SAJ=/home/pi/pipower1.rrd:Power1530:AVERAGE \
DEF:Pwr_STECA=/home/pi/pipower1.rrd:Power2950:AVERAGE \
DEF:Pwr_Cons=/home/pi/pipower1.rrd:Power_Cons:AVERAGE \
LINE1:Pwr_MAC#ff0000:Output Involar \
LINE1:Pwr_SAJ#0000ff:Output SAJ1.5 \
LINE1:Pwr_STECA#5fd00b:Output STECA \
LINE1:Pwr_Cons#00ffff:Consumption \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
GPRINT:Pwr_MAC:LAST:"Output_Involar Latest\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_MAC:MAX:" Max.\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_MAC:MIN:" Min.\: %2.1lf" \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
GPRINT:Pwr_SAJ:LAST:"Output SAJ1.5k Latest\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_SAJ:MAX:" Max.\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_SAJ:MIN:" Min.\: %2.1lf" \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
GPRINT:Pwr_STECA:LAST:"Output STECA Latest\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_STECA:MAX:" Max.\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_STECA:MIN:" Min.\: %2.1lf" \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
GPRINT:Pwr_Cons:LAST:"Consumption Latest\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_Cons:MAX:" Max.\: %2.1lf" \
GPRINT:Pwr_Cons:MIN:" Min.\: %2.1lf" \
COMMENT:"\t\t\t\t\t\t\l" \
--width 700 --height 400 \
--title="Graph B: Power Production & Consumption for last 24 hour" \
--vertical-label="Power(W)" \
--watermark "`date`"
The lua-script again runs without errors and as result the rrd-file is periodically updated, the graphic output is generated,but no graph appears! Tested on 2 different Raspberries, but no difference in reactions.
Running the sh-file create_pipower1A_graph from the commandline produces the following errors.
pi#raspberrypi:~$ sudo /home/pi/
ERROR: 'I' is not a valid function name
pi#raspberrypi:~$ ./
ERROR: 'I' is not a valid function name
Question: Puzzled, because nowhere in the sh-file an I is applied as function command. Explanation? Hint for remedy of this error?
Your problem is here:
LINE1:Pwr_MAC#ff0000:Output Involar \
LINE1:Pwr_SAJ#0000ff:Output SAJ1.5 \
LINE1:Pwr_STECA#5fd00b:Output STECA \
LINE1:Pwr_Cons#00ffff:Consumption \
These lines need to be quoted as they contain spaces and hash symbols.
LINE1:"Pwr_MAC#ff0000:Output Involar" \
LINE1:"Pwr_SAJ#0000ff:Output SAJ1.5" \
LINE1:"Pwr_STECA#5fd00b:Output STECA" \
LINE1:"Pwr_Cons#00ffff:Consumption" \

How can I avoid getting blank spaces in my RRDTool graphs?

I've created quite a few RRDTool graphs monitoring various aspects of a Raspberry Pi server.
I'm displaying 36 hours, 10 days, 45 days and 18 months for things like transferred data, CPU temperature, load averages etc.
However, the only "continuous" looking graphs are the 10-day graphs, all the others have gaps in them. I'm recording each data point at a minutely interval.
There are 28 (29) images, so I'm not going to put them all here, so I've put them on imgur for your perusal
But here's an example of what I'm talking about:
10-days works fine!
45-days, not so much.
Here's my .rrd creation script:
rrdtool create data.rrd \
--start N --step '60' \
'DS:rx:GAUGE:60:0:U' \
'DS:tx:GAUGE:60:0:U' \
'DS:rxc:COUNTER:60:0:U' \
'DS:txc:COUNTER:60:0:U' \
'DS:wrx:GAUGE:60:0:U' \
'DS:wtx:GAUGE:60:0:U' \
'DS:wrxc:COUNTER:60:0:U' \
'DS:wtxc:COUNTER:60:0:U' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:129600' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:64800' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:14400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:300:12960' \
rrdtool create load.rrd \
--start N \
--step '60' \
'DS:load:GAUGE:60:0:4' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:129600' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:64800' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:14400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:300:12960' \
rrdtool create mem.rrd \
--start N \
--step '60' \
'DS:mem:GAUGE:60:0:100' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:129600' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:64800' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:14400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:300:12960' \
rrdtool create pitemp.rrd \
--start N \
--step '60' \
'DS:pitemp:GAUGE:60:U:U' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:129600' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:64800' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:14400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:300:12960' \
My entire draw script is like over 900 lines long, so I'll just include the actual draw code here for one set of graphs ($RRDTOOL is a variable containing the path /usr/bin/rrdtool):
$RRDTOOL graph /var/www/html/images/graphs/data36h.png \
--title 'Odin Absolute Traffic (eth0)' \
--watermark "Graph Drawn `date`" \
--vertical-label 'Bytes' \
--lower-limit '0' \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale \
--units=si \
--width '640' \
--height '300' \
--full-size-mode \
--start end-36h \
'DEF:rx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:rx:AVERAGE' \
'CDEF:cleanrx=rx,UN,PREV,rx,IF' \
'DEF:tx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:tx:AVERAGE' \
'AREA:rx#00CC00FF:Download\:' \
'GPRINT:rx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]' \
'STACK:tx#0000FFFF:Upload\:' \
'GPRINT:tx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]\n'
$RRDTOOL graph /var/www/html/images/graphs/data10d.png \
--title 'Odin Absolute Traffic (eth0) 10 days' \
--watermark "Graph Drawn `date`" \
--vertical-label 'Bytes' \
--lower-limit '0' \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale \
--units=si \
--width '640' \
--height '300' \
--full-size-mode \
--start end-10d \
'DEF:rx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:rx:AVERAGE' \
'DEF:tx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:tx:AVERAGE' \
'AREA:rx#00CC00FF:Download\:' \
'GPRINT:rx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]' \
'STACK:tx#0000FFFF:Upload\:' \
'GPRINT:tx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]\n'
$RRDTOOL graph /var/www/html/images/graphs/data45d.png \
--title 'Odin Absolute Traffic (eth0) 45 days' \
--watermark "Graph Drawn `date`" \
--vertical-label 'Bytes' \
--lower-limit '0' \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale \
--units=si \
--width '640' \
--height '300' \
--full-size-mode \
--start end-45d \
'DEF:rx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:rx:AVERAGE' \
'DEF:tx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:tx:AVERAGE' \
'AREA:rx#00CC00FF:Download\:' \
'GPRINT:rx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]' \
'STACK:tx#0000FFFF:Upload\:' \
$RRDTOOL graph /var/www/html/images/graphs/data18m.png \
--title 'Odin Absolute Traffic (eth0) 18 month' \
--watermark "Graph Drawn `date`" \
--vertical-label 'Bytes' \
--lower-limit '0' \
--rigid \
--alt-autoscale \
--units=si \
--width '640' \
--height '300' \
--full-size-mode \
--start end-1y6m \
'DEF:rx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:rx:AVERAGE' \
'DEF:tx=/usr/local/bin/system/data.rrd:tx:AVERAGE' \
'AREA:rx#00CC00FF:Download\:' \
'GPRINT:rx:LAST:\:%8.2lf %s]' \
And yes, I know that the title on one of the graphs is wrong, I've fixed that, but only after saving all the images to imgur.
If you choose a --step of 60 seconds, I would choose a mrhb of 120s and not also of 60s because rrdtool will disregard any updates that are more than 60s apart.
rrdtool create data.rrd \
--start N --step '60' \
'DS:rx:GAUGE:120:0:U' \
'DS:tx:GAUGE:120:0:U' \
'DS:rxc:COUNTER:120:0:U' \
'DS:txc:COUNTER:120:0:U' \
'DS:wrx:GAUGE:120:0:U' \
'DS:wtx:GAUGE:120:0:U' \
'DS:wrxc:COUNTER:120:0:U' \
'DS:wtxc:COUNTER:120:0:U' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:129600' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:64800' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:14400' \
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:300:12960' \
