Time complexity of O(log n) in double nested loop function - algorithm

I don't know how to calculate time complexity of this algorithm, I know nested loops is O(n^2) but i don't know what to do with .insert(), I came to wrong conclusion about it being O(n^2 + n log n) but I know I can't sum in big O, any help would be appreciated.
for i in range(arr_len):
for j in range(arr_len):
if (i == arr[j]):
max_bin_heap.insert(//whatever) //O(log n)

At first glance, most people would say that this is O(n*n*logn) because of two nested loops and O(logn) operation max_bin_heap.insert call within the inner for loop. However, it is not! Pay attention to if (i == arr[j]) condition. For each j from the inner for loop, at most one value of i will be equal to arr[j], so two for loops will not induce n^2 invocations of max_bin_heap.insert call, but only n of them. Since there are n^2 comparisons and at most n*logn heap operations, the total complexity is O(n*logn + n*n) = O(n^2).


Asymptotic complexity of an algorithm (Big - O)

I've got the following example:
while i<=n {
while j<=n {
I'm a beginner at calculating asymptotic complexity. I think it is O((n-1)*(n/4)) but I'm not sure if this answer is correct or I'm missing something.
In the inner loop, j goes from 2i to n in steps i, so the inner loop runs (n-2i)/i+1 times, which is n/i-1 (integer division).
Then the outer loop runs with i from 2 to n, for a total of n/2-1+n/3-1+n/4-1+...n/(n/2)-1 inner iterations (for larger i, there are no iterations).
This quantity is difficult to estimate, but is bounded above by n (H(n/2)-1)-n/2 where H denotes an Harmonic Number.
We know that Hn~O(log n), hence, asymptotically, the running time is O(n log n).

Time complexity for a for loop with a multi-variable condition statement

A. What is the complexity (big-O) of the following code fragment?
for (i = 0; (i < n) || (i < m); i++) {
sequence of statements
The best i could come up with is the following..
if n is less then m O(n)
else O(m)
I have no clue how to write big-o in the case where there are two variables.
I know this is a very corner case and basic time complexity question so i do not mind removing it after I get some clarification.
The time complexity is O( max(m,n) ) assuming that the body of the loop is O(1).
You say in the question that it would be O(n) if n < m -- that would be the case if the condition on the for loop used an and clause not an or clause. The way it is written the loop will iterate as long as i is less than the bigger of m and n, e.g. if m is a million and n is 0, it is going to iterate a million times. The time complexity scales with the maximum of the two variables.

Why is the Big-O complexity of this algorithm O(n^2)?

I know the big-O complexity of this algorithm is O(n^2), but I cannot understand why.
int sum = 0;
int i = 1; j = n * n;
while (i++ < j--)
Even though we set j = n * n at the beginning, we increment i and decrement j during each iteration, so shouldn't the resulting number of iterations be a lot less than n*n?
During every iteration you increment i and decrement j which is equivalent to just incrementing i by 2. Therefore, total number of iterations is n^2 / 2 and that is still O(n^2).
big-O complexity ignores coefficients. For example: O(n), O(2n), and O(1000n) are all the same O(n) running time. Likewise, O(n^2) and O(0.5n^2) are both O(n^2) running time.
In your situation, you're essentially incrementing your loop counter by 2 each time through your loop (since j-- has the same effect as i++). So your running time is O(0.5n^2), but that's the same as O(n^2) when you remove the coefficient.
You will have exactly n*n/2 loop iterations (or (n*n-1)/2 if n is odd).
In the big O notation we have O((n*n-1)/2) = O(n*n/2) = O(n*n) because constant factors "don't count".
Your algorithm is equivalent to
while (i += 2 < n*n)
which is O(n^2/2) which is the same to O(n^2) because big O complexity does not care about constants.
Let m be the number of iterations taken. Then,
i+m = n^2 - m
which gives,
m = (n^2-i)/2
In Big-O notation, this implies a complexity of O(n^2).
Yes, this algorithm is O(n^2).
To calculate complexity, we have a table the complexities:
O(log n)
O(n log n)
Each row represent a set of algorithms. A set of algorithms that is in O(1), too it is in O(n), and O(n^2), etc. But not at reverse. So, your algorithm realize n*n/2 sentences.
O(n) < O(nlogn) < O(n*n/2) < O(n²)
So, the set of algorithms that include the complexity of your algorithm, is O(n²), because O(n) and O(nlogn) are smaller.
For example:
To n = 100, sum = 5000. => 100 O(n) < 200 O(n·logn) < 5000 (n*n/2) < 10000(n^2)
I'm sorry for my english.
Even though we set j = n * n at the beginning, we increment i and decrement j during each iteration, so shouldn't the resulting number of iterations be a lot less than n*n?
Yes! That's why it's O(n^2). By the same logic, it's a lot less than n * n * n, which makes it O(n^3). It's even O(6^n), by similar logic.
big-O gives you information about upper bounds.
I believe you are trying to ask why the complexity is theta(n) or omega(n), but if you're just trying to understand what big-O is, you really need to understand that it gives upper bounds on functions first and foremost.

theoretical analysis of comparisons

I'm first asked to develop a simple sorting algorithm that sorts an array of integers in ascending order and put it to code:
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
if(A[i] > A[i+1])
swap(A, i+1, i);
for (j = n - 2; j >0 ; j--)
if(A[j] < A[j-1])
swap(A, j-1, j);
Now that I have the sort function, I'm asked to do a theoretical analysis for the running time of the algorithm. It says that the answer is O(n^2) but I'm not quite sure how to prove that complexity.
What I know so far is that the 1st loop runs from 0 to n-1, (so n-1 times), and the 2nd loop from n-2 to 0, (so n-2 times).
Doing the recurrence relation:
let C(n) = the number of comparisons
for C(2) = C(n-1) + C(n-2)
= C(1) + C(0)
C(2) = 0 comparisons?
C(n) in general would then be: C(n-1) + C(n-2) comparisons?
If anyone could guide my step by step, that would be greatly appreciated.
When doing a "real" big O - time complexity analysis, you select one operation that you count, obviously the one that dominates the running time. In your case you could either choose the comparison or the swap, since worst case there will be a lot of swaps right?
Then you calculate how many times this will be evoked, scaling to input. So in your case you are quite right with your analysis, you simply do this:
C = O((n - 1)(n - 2)) = O(n^2 -3n + 2) = O(n^2)
I come up with these numbers through reasoning about the flow of data in your code. You have one outer for-loop iterating right? Inside that for-loop you have another for-loop iterating. The first for-loop iterates n - 1 times, and the second one n - 2 times. Since they are nested, the actual number of iterations are actually the multiplication of these two, because for every iteration in the outer loop, the whole inner loop runs, doing n - 2 iterations.
As you might know you always remove all but the dominating term when doing time complexity analysis.
There is a lot to add about worst-case complexity and average case, lower bounds, but this will hopefully make you grasp how to reason about big O time complexity analysis.
I've seen a lot of different techniques for actually analyzing the expression, such as your recurrence relation. However I personally prefer to just reason about the code instead. There are few algorithms which have hard upper bounds to compute, lower bounds on the other hand are in general very hard to compute.
Your analysis is correct: the outer loop makes n-1 iterations. The inner loop makes n-2.
So, for each iteration of the outer loop, you have n-2 iterations on the internal loop. Thus, the total number of steps is (n-1)(n-2) = n^2-3n+2.
The dominating term (which is what matters in big-O analysis) is n^2, so you get O(n^2) runtime.
I personally wouldn't use the recurrence method in this case. Writing the recurrence equation is usually helpful in recursive functions, but in simpler algorithms like this, sometimes it's just easier to look at the code and do some simple math.

Big O of this equation?

for (int j=0,k=0; j<n; j++)
for (double m=1; m<n; m*=2)
I think it's O(n^2) but I'm not certain. I'm working on a practice problem and I have the following choices:
O(n log(n))
Hmmm... well, break it down.
It seems obvious that the outer loop is O(n). It is increasing by 1 each iteration.
The inner loop however, increases by a power of 2. Exponentials are certainly related (in fact inversely) to logarithms.
Why have you come to the O(n^2) solution? Prove it.
Its O(nlog2n). The code block runs n*log2n times.
Suppose n=16; Then the first loop runs 16 (=n) times. And the second loops runs 4(=log2n) times (m=1,2,4,8). So the inner statement k++ runs 64 times = (n*log2n) times.
lets look at the worst-case behaviour. for second loop search continues from 1, 2, 4, 8.... lets say n is 2^k for some k >= 0. in the worst-case we might end up searching until 2^k and realise we overshot the target. Now we know that target can be in 2^(k - 1) and 2^k. The number of elements in that range are 2^(k - 1) (think a second.). The number of elements that we have examined so far is O(k) which is O(logn) and for first loop it's O(n).(too simple to find out). then order of whole code will O(n(logn)).
A generic way to approach these sorts of problems is to consider the order of each loop, and because they are nested, you can multiply the "O" notations.
Some simple rules for big "O":
O(n)O(m) = O(nm)
O(n) + O(m) = O(n + m)
O(kn) = O(n) where 'k' is some constant
The 'j' loop iterates across n elements, so clearly it is O(n).
The 'm' loop iterates across log(n) elements, so it is O(log(n)).
Since the loops are nested, our final result would O(n) * O(log(n)) = O(n*log(n)).
