As part of my perfomance test i need to upload and submit excel/.csv files.
My flow is below.
1. Login
2. Create new account
3. Click on the upload button
4. Select excel or .csv file
5. Click on the submit button
I need to cover this using single jmeter script.
Please any one can help me.
Just record your test scenario using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, the key points are:
Make sure to copy your csv/excel file(s) to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation - this way JMeter will be able to capture the upload request
Make sure to perform correlation of all dynamic parameters
Make sure to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your test plan
See Apache JMeter proxy Step-by-step guide for comprehensive information on configuring JMeter for recording.
I am trying to record some user actions performed on UI, using JMeter. As I try to upload a file, I choose file and click upload. But the upload doesn't take place. This problem appears only during the recording and not when I perform the same action without JMeter.
Could you please suggest what could be possible reasons and possible solutions?
I am using firefox and JMeter 5.4.1
You need to copy the file(s) you're uploading to the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation, only this way JMeter will be able to properly build the relevant HTTP Request sampler and HTTP Header Manager.
More information: Recording File Uploads with JMeter
After recording a script in j-meter which uploads an image in website, if i again execute a script than user is able to upload a image which was recorded in script. Now a problem is that how can i upload a new image while executing a script?
Locate the relevant HTTP Request sampler which performs the image upload. Normally the criteria are:
Use multupart-form/data box is checked
There is something in Files upload tab
Once done you should be able to change File path to point to the new file and MIME Type if it is different. Remember either to use full path to the new file or copy the new file to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation so JMeter could find it.
Check out Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more information regarding simulating file uploads and downloads in JMeter test scripts.
I am going to write the first JMeter application to test the new mobile apps and desktop web application.
I see the tutorials on I want the more advanced examples, e.g. user go to the website and then click some buttons and save to db and refresh the page.
Capture all these events and I believe I need to write some scripts.
Is there any examples that I can reference??
The only good "examples" I can think of you should already have given you obtained JMeter by downloading and unpacking the bundle.
The examples are available via File -> Templates entry of the JMeter Main Menu:
Also you can find the corresponding .jmx scripts under bin/templates folder of your JMeter installation. Check out How to Save ‘Loads’ of Time Using JMeter's Template Feature article for more information on how to use existing and create new templates.
You can also try looking for examples i.e. on Github like this or this one, but they are not guaranteed to work.
I have successfully uploaded images and text separately or one by one, but I have trouble to experiment upload images and text simultaneously, is there a solution ??
If you are uncertain regarding how to mimic this or that request you can just record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. JMeter should be smart enough to capture the request and populate the relevant HTTP Request sampler configuration.
Just keep in mind one hint: put the file(s) you will be uploading using browser in JMeter's "bin" folder, this way JMeter will be able to intercept the requests. See Recording File Uploads with JMeter article for more details.
I have to record and run Jmeter test using WorkBench so that I have recorded using Proxy[See the image].
Lists all the URLs
I know I can sort/get the urls by using 'URL Patterns to Include' option in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. When recording it lists out all the URLs including .gif, .png, .ico etc.
URL Patterns to Include
I have two doubts to clear.
When recording what is the criteria to give in 'URL Patterns to Include' - to record desired URLs only. (Desired URLs I meant is for example, if I am recording a website developed in PhP, I need all PhP links only. ie,,, Now it records all the URLs where I cannot see the desired links. How to get .php or main link URLs(we see in browser URL)?
Regarding running a test in Test Plan contains the URLs that I have cut-paste from WorkBench(recorded using Proxy), do we need to add all the recorded URLs including .gif, .png, .ico etc or just add the specific URLs(say only? If I run using only the specific URLs, whether the result will be correct as we excluded other URLs like .gif, .png, .css etc ?
You don't need to record these .gif, .ico, etc. files separately as this is not how real browsers work.
Real browsers do main request to the HTTP endpoint followed by concurrent download of so called embedded resources: images, scripts, styles, etc. In order to make your JMeter test to behave more like a real browser you need to:
Exclude these requests from recording. Click "Add suggested excludes" button in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (or even better re-record your test scenario using JMeter Recording Template feature)
You can create a recording test plan by selecting File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create from JMeter's main menu.
When it comes to test execution add HTTP Request Defaults to your Test Plan, switch to the "Advanced" tab and tick Retrieve All Embedded Resources and Parallel Downloads boxes
If there are images, banners, whatever coming from external servers you can filter them as well via URL(s) must match box in form of Perl-5 compatible regular expression.
See Web Testing with JMeter: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses article for more information on dealing with embedded resources in JMeter tests.