I have an interview soon where basic knowledge of Software Validation would be an advantage. I started researching it and I found something called Software Testing,- is this the same thing?
Does anyone know a good way to learn Software Validation by doing, not reading/watching?
Thanks for help
Software validation is a part of software testing. If you define validation it would be, "The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified business requirements."[1]
[1] http://softwaretestingfundamentals.com/verification-vs-validation/
This is similar to 'Software Testing'. You are validating/testing the developed software against functional requirements.
Eg : Say You need to validate/test gmail login page.
You start validating login page with various permutations and combinations of username and passwd.
This is one simple validation or testing example which you can try.
Can aws-lex be used to build a conversation flow bot?
For example:
Thank you very much!
Reason for all this: So we have our own "dialogue builder" and "bot-service".
Our own "Dialogue Builder": is maybe similar to Amazon Connect dialogue builder, and our own "Bot-service" is similar to Microsoft bot framework. Before we were using microsoft-luis to get "intention" of a sentence while using our own dialogue builder and our own bot-service to build a conversation/dialogues flow like if a user says "yes" then go to another flow and if a user says "no" then go to different flow (can this be done in slots?) === Binary tree :)
So now we are switching from luis to aws-lex and trying to think if it is possible to just use aws-lex UI and not our (dialogue builder/bot-service) anymore. But what I am understanding is that to use aws-lex without some kind of dialogue builder we would need to write alot of if/case statements if it contains large data, right? what is your suggestion? One way would be to just use "Amazon Connect" to utilize their dialogue builder so we don't have to write alot of if statements but then if we are using dialogue builder we can just use our own (old one) dialogue builder? what do you think?
1)Is there a way to do something like this in aws-lex or not? I tried using slots/prompts/lambda but I am not able to go to 2nd or 3rd level depth in diagram. can be done somehow?
2) Do I have to use lambda and use "switch/if conditions each time it has to change the flow (ex: if answer is yes then reply this, and if no then reply this)?
3) If #2 is true, then is it possible for it to be used by non-developer. Even if I write if/conditions ~1k - 2k if conditions, then if a person (non-developer) tries to edit a dialogue/or-something through UI won't able to do it, right? (So does this mean that we are't really using UI of aws-lex, we are just writing "if conditions" in programming + using aws-lex "intention" to get intention, right?
4) Would it be possible to give example and show how making a flow is possible? So far using slots replies/responses don't change based on user's input. It doesn't matter if users says "no" or says "yes" it is going to reply with same path/answer. Is there a way to change reply based on user's input.
5) If #3 is not possible (non-developer) can't use aws-lex UI to make something like this, should we use custom dialogue builder which does this?
Thank you very very much!
It sounds like you're switching from the Microsoft Bot Framework to find a simpler solution to structured flows without entity recognition.
You may want research Microsoft's QnAMaker multi-turn ability. It's supported in the QnA Maker online editor, but not in the bot framework SDK (yet). They do have an example bot that uses it through the Web API.
I realize this doesn't answer you Lex question, but might address your concern.
Does anybody know what email software is used by the following mailing?
It has optiext/optiextension.dll in the url. I've seen many companies are using it.
I think you'll find it is part of the software stack from Selligent (www.selligent.com)
I tried publish my app: http://pomidoro.codeplex.com/ on Windows Store and certification failed because:
'Your app doesn't meet requirement 1.1.
Comment from tester: This app didn't appear to provide value or didn't seem useful to the reviewer.'
Is that means that I do not have any chances to publish it anymore?
No, you can make some tweaks and publish again. Here are some thoughts:
It may be an issue of marketing, and modifying the description that you submit with your application will fix the issue. Your description at http://pomidoro.codeplex.com is pretty good, but maybe you could add some data around how it helps you work more efficiently in case the reviewers aren't familiar with Pomodoro. There are tips on writing a good description/app listing here.
Otherwise, you could add some extra features to the app so it's more than just a timer. Can the user record their whole To Do list in the app, and then choose what to focus on during the pomodoro from that? Or, allow them to rank each pomodoro as effective/not effective after the timer goes off and keep historical data so they can see what times of day they are most effective? And so on...
Here is the first post in a blog post series on common certification failures for the Windows Store and how to fix them which might also be useful.
Good luck!
As part of a summer project I am currently undertaking, I am interested in writing a script to automate the retrieval of the contact email address for a particular site's webmaster. Is there any information anyone can direct my way to start me off? Stuff like research papers, source code for similar applications etc. I am currently reading "Introduction to Information Retrieval" by Manning, Raghavan and Schutz, as this work is part of a larger information extraction project, in which I eventually hope to develop a people search system. Oh yes, and I intend to write these systems in Ruby, if that is any further help. Thanks.
Check out Simone Carletti's pure ruby whois client & parser GitHub project. Here's a usage example:
r = Whois.whois("google.com")
# => #<Whois::Record>
t = r.technical_contact
# => #<Whois::Record::Contact>
# => "dns-admin#google.com"
Is anyone now online able to perform receipt validation in a Mac application?
Have you used the ASN generated files in the application?
Are you able to produce a sample receipt by automatic popup of the iTunes authentication?
The best way I know to check receipts is by letting Receigen generate the code - different for each new version. It's probably more secure than what you can develop in a reasonable time.
I have it working, but i am using open source code to do it.
Using this code in your main , and changing your app bundleID/version, it validates the receipt.
In this question you can see the code i used.
Mac App Store Receipt Validation Code?
I've got an example receipt at my question here (Can Purely On-Device In-App Purchase Receipt Validation Be Done With iOS6?). I've generated the ASN files and am trying to use them now. I used the compiler here. I'm not sure if it all works though, just starting testing in earnest now.