Validation Failed exception Liquibase - spring-boot

I am newbie in using liquibase for database management. I am getting the following error while doing mvn install. I am not able to know where exactly i went wrong. Could someone please help me with the solution
Caused by: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
1 changes have validation failures
'sql' is required, db/changelog/changes/v0001.sql::raw::includeAll
- includeAll:
path: db/changelog/changes/
liquibase folder structure

In liquibase whenever a migration is run it creates a hash value for each of the change log written in migration file. When the application is run for the first time entry is created for each change log with its hash values in the DatabaseChangelog Table.If a change is made to the existing change log which has been run once the hash value changes and a validation error is generated.
To fix this issue
you can revert the changes made to the change log after it was run for
the first time and create a new change log to accommodate the change
delete the entries in the DatabaseChangeLog table for the particular
change log giving error along with the change associated with the
change log and rerun your migration.

I forgot to add query altogether. Just added the changeset!

The error you mentioned appears if you define changeset with empty SQL tag like this:
<changeSet id="test_users" author="test" dbms="h2">
To fix it just remove this incomplete changeset or finish it by adding some SQL script you originally intended.


Update database after creating entitys

I'm having a problem. Every time I update the JDL file by adding some entity or relationship, the database is not updated. And I think this is what causes that when I go to make a GET request, I get an "Internal Server Error". What I want is that every time I import the JDL file and run the gradlew command, the database is updated. How can I do it?

Sulu, strange hash related error when trying to save page / post?

Until recently everything was working well. Now, when I try to save (create or update) any page or post I get error message at top of the form "Error - There was an error when trying to save the form".
In error log I see this error:
“Uncaught PHP Exception Sulu\Component\Rest\Exception\InvalidHashException: “The given hash for the entity of type “Sulu\Bundle\ArticleBundle\Document\ArticleDocument” with the id “9e0720a7-5565-4a6f-a735-8a186b8fef9b” does not match the current hash. The entity has probably been edited in the mean time.” at /var/www/html/vendor/sulu/sulu/src/Sulu/Component/Hash/RequestHashChecker.php line 53"
Tried clearing symfony cache, website cache from admin, restarting docker containers.
I'm totally unaware that I did something to cause this error. Please help.
Update: strange thing I just noticed. When I try to save some article and I get that error and go back to overview page (where i.e. all articles of that type are listed) then I see unchanged article title. But when I click to edit it I see changed title?!? Like title on overview page and title on edit page are not used from the same place? How is that possible?
Now even I setup once more project from scratch saving articles causes that error. Some more info:
In stack trace last command executed is:
in vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/ConnectionPool/StaticNoPingConnectionPool.php (line 64)
an it shoots out “No alive nodes found in your cluster”.
And while I'm setting up the project when executing:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:create
I get error:
":"index [su_articles/sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw] already exists","index_uuid":
xists_exception","reason":"index [su_articles/sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw] alrea
dy exists","index_uuid":"sWs5F1uzSFO8bFiZqF1Egw","index":"su_articles"},"st
And when I run:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:create --manager=live
I get similar:
In Connection.php line 675:
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"resource_already_exists_exception","reason":"index [su_articles_live/Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrD
AA] already exists","index_uuid":"Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA","index":"su_articles_live"}],"type":"resource_already_exists_exc
eption","reason":"index [su_articles_live/Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA] already exists","index_uuid":"Pissm9ycRj-o79K4wrrDAA","i
Also to mention that now saving pages works, but saving articles doesn't.
This solved the issue on ElasticSearch index creation for me:
php bin/console ongr:es:index:drop --force
The error can happen in the following cases.
Expected Case somebody else did edit the same article like you and did save it
Unexpected Case your phpcr cache is not in sync
Unexpected Case you have a multi server setup but your is not configured to use a central cache
So if its one of the unexpected cases first you should clear your cache.pools with:
bin/console cache:pool:prune
If you have a multi server setup make sure you configure a central cache. Most use in this case a redis-server which you configure in your cache.yaml e.g.:
# config/packages/prod/cache.yaml
default_redis_provider: "%env(resolve:REDIS_DSN)%"
app: cache.adapter.redis
Also make sure that you use the latest version and maybe update your phpcr cache configuration based on the sulu/skeleton:, there you could when performance doesn't matter in your case disable the phpcr cache, I would not recommend that.

After upgrade from Dynamics CRM 2011 to CRm 2016 experiencing weird issue with forms and plugins

Client company just upgraded to 2016 from 2011. I've been testing the plugins to make sure they all still function and I've finally (after much frustration) figured out what is happening, but no idea why or how to resolve this.
I have several plugins and they all function exactly as expected - as long as the updates to the data are not run through the forms.
Let me explain:
I have plugins (Synchronous) that trigger on a change to a field. If the field is changed via a workflow, or some other coded process, everything runs just fine.
But when I update the field on the form it's self. It fails with a very generic error (below).
I support a couple of other clients already on 2016, and I'm not experiencing this same problem. So I'm not even sure where to begin. I've been going crazy here the last couple of days to check the code. But it only happens when updating the field on the form. Every other method of updating the data that I have tested works with no errors.
I also have another issue. When the field is updated (through a test workflow), it runs and updates a child record. The child record then has a workflow that runs to deactivate the record. The workflow says it ran and deactivated the record, but it never deactivates).
Anyway. if ANYONE has ANY idea at all about what could be causing this. I would love to hear it. I'm at my wits end on this.
Thank you in advance.
I've tested the code and had it run successfully, as long as I don't update the field through the form. To test this I created some test workflows that update the data, they successfully run and the plugins fire off with no problems.
EntityReference contact =
QueryExpression cn = new QueryExpression("ipmahr_recertification");
cn.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("ipmahr_contact", "statecode");
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("ipmahr_contact", ConditionOperator.Equal,
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0);
EntityCollection results1 = server.RetrieveMultiple(cn);
if (results1.Entities.Count > 0)
foreach (Entity a in results1.Entities)
a.Attributes["ipmahr_deactivaterecertificationrecord"] = true;
The code is pretty straightforward in most cases, and works fine as long as things aren't updated on the form.
Here is the error: Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException: #595EB751 (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault)., Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af Exiting Recertifications.Main.DeactivateUsedRecertificationsonEndDateChange.Execute(), Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af
New information. I have found that not all the plugins I've written have an issue on this server. This is good. But I also found that there is a commonality on those plugins that do fail.
Any plugin using a Query Expression fails with the generic error. Adding robust error checking didn't show anything (once error checking was added, it just didn't run anything, and didn't produce any errors in the logs). Trace logs didn't show anything significant either.
So now I'm wondering if there is something in the way the Query Expression is formatted, or if there is an issue with the SQL. I mention SQL because I found this morning that if I create fields too fast, I get a generic SQL error. Wait a minute and I can create new fields without a problem.
I think it likely that this plugin is not actually failing based on the error you are receiving and the fact that it happens conditionally. More likely, your server.Update(a); call is resulting in a failure within a secondary plugin or workflow action triggered by update of the Recertification record.
- Comment out that line and verify that the plugin works
- See if you can reproduce a failure by directly updating that field on the Recertification record
- Review plugin/workflows running against the Recertification entity
Most likely this has one of the following root causes:
- A security issue based on different executing users between the form update or workflow update
- Other tangential fields are being updated by one or the other of those two methods which subsequently cause different behavior in a secondary plugin/workflow

Laravel SQLite Default Value to a field

Okay, I've got this problem:
I'm setting a boolean property with a default value in my migrations:
It's working perfectly fine on my initial database, MySQL. I migrated the db and inserted manually, it gets inserted as true.
Problem is, though, when I run my tests that are configured with the sqlite in memory database, the default value doesn't get added. So this assert:
$this->assertEquals($league->is_public, 1);
...fails when it shouldn't.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing? Do I have to add something more so that the default value gets added to the database or this some kind of sqlite issue?
Change your migration to this.

Oracle WebCenter - can't edit assets

I get the following error message when I try to edit assets:
You can't modify this asset, as it has been scheduled for publishing. Please try again after the publish operation has completed. If this condition persists, please contact your system administrator.
Also, when I try to remove these assets from the Publishing Queue (Publishing>Select Destination>Assets ready to be published>Unapprove), I get the following error message:
Cannot unapprove deleted assets.
Has anyone encountered these issues and found a solution?
Many thanks.
It's not normally possible to see deleted assets in the UI, so it seems there may be some corruption. As a workaround you can use SitesExplorer or a db tool (squirrel, sqlplus, etc), to change the cs_status column on the affected asset(s) from 'VO' to 'ED'. Then you can try again to remove them from the publish queue.
