Spring Framework 5 Reference Documentation epub - spring

For Spring versions 5.x I cannot find any epub or pdf version of the reference documentation. Former versions were available e.g. at https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.3.9.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/epub/. Are they available any more? epubs are perfect to be read with an ebook reader.

My guess is that it will get published in time.
Meanwhile - this is the 5.0.4.RELEASE docs in pdf:
which you can convert to epub if you wish to do so.
The only officially available and latest epub is the 5.0.0.M5: https://docs.spring.io/autorepo/docs/spring-framework/5.0.0.M5/spring-framework-reference/epub/

The epub for the latest version is not available.
but, I would recommend you to try to convert the html documentation directly to epub.
as converting pdf to epub does not result in very good result [as tools like calibre convert the pdf to html and then epub]
I tried a online converter to convert the https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/
and works pretty good.. [especially the code blocks seem better than the official epub]
hope you find this helpful.


How do you convert an OpenAPI Spec (Swagger 2.0) to proto3?

I've done extensive Google searching but couldn't find a good tool to do this. The closest I could find was https://github.com/googleapis/gnostic, which allows converting an OpenAPI description (swagger.yaml) into a .pb file or a .json file. I'm wondering if there are any tools to convert this .pb file into a .proto proto3 file?
I also tried https://github.com/NYTimes/openapi2proto but unfortunately there are a few cases that aren't handled correctly.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I know this question is old, but I was wandering the same and it seems that things have changed in meantime. So I will post an answer for others, lazy enough to search :)
Currently there are several options to convert OpenApi 2/3 to Protobuf:
OpenAPITools/openapi-generator supports this from version 4.1.2, find more here.
googleapis/gnostic can do this as well, find more here.
nytimes/openapi2proto a tool written in go for this, find more here.
maybe some more...? add if i missed any.

yard to generate markdown files instead of html?

I am trying to automate documentation using markdown compatible wiki without having a separate server.
I have ruby code with yard compatible documentation. If I run
yard doc, it generates html files in ./doc directory.
Would it be possible to generate .md files from the code using yard? So that I can simply add these files to GitLab or GitHub wiki or other markdown supported wiki?
Sorry if the question is repeated.
Stumbled on this question doing my initial research, but haven't found an answer here. It may sound strange, that some people want to convert documentation no to html, but to markdown instead.
But there are plenty of software that can't render HTML, but works with markdown.
I have developed rdoc plugin to do that.

com.lowagie.text.DocumentException: Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized

a maven project ,when i want to ctreate a pdf ,happened this:com.lowagie.text.DocumentException: Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized.
Please take a look at the following fragment of the free ebook The ABC of PDF with iText:
As you can see, I create a font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' as encoding, and I use it to write the Chinese title of the movie "House of The Flying Daggers". You can see that this works perfectly by looking at the screen shot of the PDF.
If it doesn't work for you, then this is what may have gone wrong:
You didn't read the documentation (or you wanted to wait until somebody copy/pasted a snapshot of the documentation) which explains why you didn't include the itext-asian.jar into your CLASSPATH. This jar can be found in the extrajars-2.3.zip
Or you did read the documentation, but you didn't include the correct itext-asian.jar into your CLASSPATH. I see that you are using my name in your code (I am the Lowagie from com.lowagie.text). This means that you are using a version of iText that has been removed from all official servers years ago. That version should no longer be used!
In short: you can solve your problem by upgrading to the latest iText version and making sure that you include the itext-asian.jar.

Itextsharp documentation for xml

I am looking for documentation on the XML parser in ItextSharp, I heard there was a dtd years ago but this seems to be defunt. Does anyone know where I can find out all the valid tags and references?
I am using ItextSharp with Spark
When in doubt, use the source. Poking around in my copy of the current iText source, I see that the only SimpleXMLDocHandler available is HTMLWorker.
And if you look at the source for HtmlTags.cs, you'll see all the tag and attribute constants HTMLWorker uses.
It's not exactly comprehensive, but is going to be getting some Enhancement in the immediate future.
I don't see a 4.1.2 tag, but there's one for 4.1.6 in the iTextSharp project on SF. It shows ITextHandler using a bunch of constants from ElementTag in HandleStartingTags(). It also uses ElementFactory to build the various supported tags. Looking at the source for each function will tell you which attributes it supports.

Is it possible to wikify Visual Studio XML comments?

Is it possible to generate a set of wiki pages from XML comment file generated by Visual Studio?
I'm talking about something like Sandcastle, but for wiki format instead of compiled CHM.
Edit: I'm using MediaWiki which can import/export articles in XML. So I hope that it is possible to write a transformation converting XML comments to MediaWiki XML.
I'd recommend a bit different solution:
Use Help Server to publish .CHM/.HxS on the web
Use special MediaWiki templates to link reference from Wiki like here.
Use <see href="..."> to link Wiki pages from XML comments
See also: FiXml
This is not exactly what you wanted, but I hope this will be helpful.
If the items mentioned above do not suffice, have you tried to simply build your own XSLT transform into the wiki markup of your choice?
You can write a simple application in .NET (or pick your platform of choice) to transform the doc XML format to wiki XML format. You'd still have to keep the wiki updated with the output files manually.
