Laravel How to download all files in a directory - laravel

Using Laravel, I am trying to make a function which would download all files in a directory from S3.
I have used to retrieve all keys of the files using $file = Storage::disk('s3')->allFiles('path');, but I do not know what to do next.
It seems like I have to download all files into local, then zip those files, then download that zip file. I would like to know if there is a better way.
Any suggestion or advice would be appreciated.

I was able to do what I wanted with this:

It is not possible to send more than one file simultaneously over the same request with the HTTP protocol. Laravel also does not support this. You have to pack the files in, for example, a zip file.
Install Chumper/Zipper package and return a zip containing all your files:
$files = Storage::disk('s3')->allFiles('path');
return response()->download(public_path(''));


How do I use my tsconfig file with ng-packagr?

I'm packaging an Angular 5 library with ng-packagr and I need to use my existing tsconfig.json. I've read the docs here and it says I need to write a script (I was expecting an option in the config) and pass through the filepath to my tsconfig file.
I don't understand where I write this code? I guess this needs to be an NPM script? The documentation and example seems to be very minimal.
Help with this would be appreciated.
I did this by creating a build-package.ts file with the contents (but require not import) then did:
node build-package.ts.

How can I avoid "Zip end of central directory signature not found (Zip::Error)" with rubyzip?

I'm reading a lot of zip file with rubyzip.
However this error message is always showing in only specific file even it is zip file.
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/rubyzip-1.2.1/lib/zip/central_directory.rb:143:in `get_e_o_c_d': Zip end of central directory signature not found (Zip::Error)
I guess this error occures in rubyzip.
How can I manage this error?
Here is my code.
url = ''
zipfilename = open(url), :allow_redirections => :all) do |zip_file|
entry = zip_file.glob("*ixbrl.htm").first
stream =
puts stream
Thank you!
I faced this error when I try to extract data from a uploaded .xlsx file in my application. On my context, the .xlsx file was corrupted, so my solution was save the content (I usually handle the buffer file after the upload) as a csv file (in my application I dont need to worry about the file extension), fixing the content by force it to encode as utf-8, and extract it's data after it. here is a example of the code, I'm using roo-xls gem to handle .xls files and roo gem to handle .csv and .xlsx files.
I ran into the same error. Also only reproducible on Heroku. The error was fixed after I added an unzip buildpack (second, after Ruby).
If you're using a google docs xlsx file try checking if the access of the sheet link is public.

Go: embed JS files with bindata

This question is a follow up to an earlier question of mine. I've closed the question so I hope its okay that I ask a fresh but related question here. Go: embed static files in binary
How do I serve JS files with go-bindata? Do I pass it into html like this
Doesn't seem to work even though I have no compile or JS errors.
Assuming you have the following structure:
Where ui is the directory structure you'd like to wrap up and pack into your app...
Generate a source file
The go-bindata-assetfs tool is pretty simple. It will look at the directories you pass to it and generate a source file with variables that can contain the binary data in those files. So make sure your static files are there, and then run the following command from myprojectdirectory:
go-bindata-assetfs ./ui/...
Now, by default, this will create a source file in the package main. Sometimes, this is ok. In my case, it isn't. You can generate a file with a different package name if you'd like:
go-bindata-assetfs.exe -pkg cmd ./ui/...
Put the source file in the correct location
In this case, the generated file bindata_assetfs.go is created in the myprojectdirectory directory (which is incorrect). In my case, I just manually move the file to the cmd directory.
Update your application code
In my app, I already had some code that served files from a directory:
import (
// Create a router and setup routes
var Router = mux.NewRouter()
Router.PathPrefix("/ui").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/ui", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./ui"))))
// Start listening
http.ListenAndServe("", Router)
Make sure something like this works properly, first. Then it's trivial to change the FileServer line to:
Router.PathPrefix("/ui").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/ui", http.FileServer(assetFS())))
Compile the app
Now you have a generated source file with your static assets in them. You can now safely remove the 'ui' subdirectory structure. Compile with
go install ./...
And you should have a binary that serves your static assets properly.
From the readme:
go-bindata-assetfs data/...
In your code setup a route with a file server
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(assetFS()))
Got my answer here: Unescape css input in HTML
var safeCss = template.CSS(`body {background-image: url("paper.gif");}`)

Rails 3.1+ and GeoIP database file location/access

This question is related to Rails - Where I have to store data file (.dat) in my rails project - GeoIp City database . I have a rails 3.2 app. I am trying to run:
#geoip ='GeoLiteCity.dat')
In one of my app's controllers. I unzipped the 'GeoLiteCity.dat' file into the /public folder. I am getting the error "No such file or directory - GeoLiteCity.dat".
I've experimented with putting it in the images assets pipeline folder and some random other places. I continue to get the same error. Not sure how to access this file. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or how to access it best with the assets pipeline?
Try referencing it via the full path:
#geoip ="#{Rails.root}/public/GeoLiteCity.dat")
On a side note, it's probably not a big deal, but I wouldn't put the file in your public directory.

Unzip files with node.js on Windows

What options are there to handle unzipping .zip files from within a Node.js script on Windows (XP)?
I'm working with the latest (at present) node.js v0.5.8 Windows node.exe.
Suggestions welcome.
I've found this zip library. It's very easy to install and use:
npm install zip
/* Only js dependencies, no local building needed */
from test.js
var z = require("zip");
var FS = require("fs");
var data = FS.readFileSync("")
var reader = z.Reader(data);
Provides also ways to iterate through the zip entries and getting data through Buffers.
ADM-ZIP is a pure JavaScript implementation for zip data compression for NodeJS.
Node provides support for the ZLIB library which should allow you to decompress a zip file using gzip:
