SpringBoot app. accessing 2 DataSources using JdbcTemplate - spring

I have a SpringBoot app. that has to access to different datasources to export data from 1 to another (1 local datasource and another remote datasource)
This is how my persistenceConfig looks like
public class PersistenceConfig {
public JdbcTemplate localJdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(localDataSource());
public JdbcTemplate remoteJdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(remoteDataSource());
public DataSource localDataSource(){
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.addDataSourceProperty("user", getLocalDbUser());
config.addDataSourceProperty("password", getLocalDbPwd());
return new HikariDataSource(config);
public DataSource remoteDataSource(){
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.addDataSourceProperty("user", getRemoteDbUser());
config.addDataSourceProperty("password", getRemoteDbPwd());
return new HikariDataSource(config);
But when I init my app I got this error:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' available: expected single matching bean but found 2: localDataSource,remoteDataSource
I also tried to user qualified beans, as follows:
#Bean(name = "localJdbcTemplate")
public JdbcTemplate localJdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(localDataSource());
#Bean(name = "remoteJdbcTemplate")
public JdbcTemplate remoteJdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(remoteDataSource());
#Bean(name = "localDataSource")
public DataSource localDataSource(){
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.addDataSourceProperty("user", getLocalDbUser());
config.addDataSourceProperty("password", getLocalDbPwd());
return new HikariDataSource(config);
#Bean(name = "remoteDataSource")
public DataSource remoteDataSource(){
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.addDataSourceProperty("user", getRemoteDbUser());
config.addDataSourceProperty("password", getRemoteDbPwd());
return new HikariDataSource(config);
but then I got this other error:
A component required a bean of type 'org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager' that could not be found.
- Bean method 'transactionManager' not loaded because #ConditionalOnSingleCandidate (types: javax.sql.DataSource; SearchStrategy: all) did not find a primary bean from beans 'remoteDataSource', 'localDataSource'
I also tried
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {
but then I got
A component required a bean of type 'org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager' that could not be found.

You can use bean names to qualify them:
#Bean(name = "localDataSource")
public DataSource localDataSource() {
#Bean(name = "remoteDataSource")
public DataSource remoteDataSource() {
Please note: You have to do the same for your JdbcTemplate beans - just give them a name and it will work.
See the Spring JavaDoc for more Information: Bean
#Bean(name = "localJdbcTemplate")
public JdbcTemplate localJdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(localDataSource());
When you use your JdbcTemplate beans within your export service implementation via autowiring (#Autowired), you need to use #Qualifier to qualify them:
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

Bean gets its name from the method name, providing name attribute just makes it explicit (keeping the name the same as the method name). Overall suggestion about #Bean(name="...") and #Qualifier didn't fix the error for me.
I set up sample project with two embedded databases and got the same error as the aothor. Spring suggestion was to annotate one of the DataSource beans as #Primary and, in fact, this fixes the error. Usually it happens, when some other application parts want to see only one or one primary DataSource, if several present.
What seems to be a better solution is to disable not needed autoconfiguration beans keeping rest of the code as it is:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {
depending on which annotations are in use.
If author doesn't use any JPA provider and operates directly with JdbcTemplate it may be a suitable solution.


Spring Data JPA - NoSuchBeanDefinitionException

I am using CURDRepository, when calling save menthod below exception got:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No
bean named 'transactionManager' available: No matching
TransactionManager bean found for qualifier 'transactionManager' -
neither qualifier match nor bean name match!
whereas, when calling other function from repo like findALL and findByID they are working fine, below is code for config, repo and calling fucntion.
// config
#Bean(name = "emfRequest")
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
#Qualifier("dsRequest") DataSource dataSource) {
return builder.dataSource(dataSource).packages("com.Digit4G.domain").build();
#Bean(name = "tmRequest")
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(
#Qualifier("emfRequest") EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
return new JpaTransactionManager(entityManagerFactory);
// Repository
public interface Digit4GRepo<P> extends CrudRepository<Digit4GRequest, Long> {
public List<Digit4GRequest> findBySUBNOAndIMEI(String subno, String IMEI);
public Digit4GRequest save(Digit4GRequest request);
// calling function
Digit4GRequest obj = new Digit4GRequest();

Spring Cloud Task - specify database config

I have Spring Cloud Task that loads data from SQL Server to Cassandra DB which will be run on Spring Cloud Data Flow.
One of the requirement of Spring Task is to provide relational database to persist metadata like task execution state. But I don't want use either of the above databases for that. Instead, I have to specify third database for persistence. But it seems like Spring Cloud Task flow automatically picks up data source properties of SQL Server from application.properties. How can I specify another db for task state persistence?
My Current properties:
Update: 1
I added below code to point to 3rd database as suggested by Michael Minella. Now Spring Task is able to connect to this DB and persist state. But now my batch job source queries are also connecting to this database. Only thing I changed was to add datasource for task.
public class DataSourceConfigs {
#Bean(name = "taskDataSource")
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
public class DDTaskConfigurer extends DefaultTaskConfigurer{
public DDTaskConfigurer(#Qualifier("taskDataSource") DataSource dataSource) {
Update #2:
public class MyItemReader extends RepositoryItemReader<Scan> implements InitializingBean{
private ScanRepository repository;
private Integer lastScanIdPulled = null;
public MyItemReader(Integer _lastIdPulled) {
if(_lastIdPulled == null || _lastIdPulled <=0 ){
lastScanIdPulled = 0;
} else {
lastScanIdPulled = _lastIdPulled;
protected void setUpRepo() {
final Map<String, Sort.Direction> sorts = new HashMap<>();
sorts.put("id", Direction.ASC);
List<Object> methodArgs = new ArrayList<Object>();
System.out.println("lastScanIdpulled >>> " + lastScanIdPulled);
if(lastScanIdPulled == null || lastScanIdPulled <=0 ){
lastScanIdPulled = 0;
public interface ScanRepository extends JpaRepository<Scan, Integer> {
Page<Scan> findAllScan(final Pageable pageable);
Page<Scan> findByScanGreaterThanId(int id, final Pageable pageable);
Update #3:
If I add config datasource for Repository, I now get below exception. Before you mention that one of the datasource needs to be declared Primary. I already tried that.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected one datasource and found 2
at org.springframework.cloud.task.batch.configuration.TaskBatchAutoConfiguration$TaskBatchExecutionListenerAutoconfiguration.taskBatchExecutionListener(TaskBatchAutoConfiguration.java:65) ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-1.0.3.RELEASE.jar:1.0.3.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.cloud.task.batch.configuration.TaskBatchAutoConfiguration$TaskBatchExecutionListenerAutoconfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$baeae6b9.CGLIB$taskBatchExecutionListener$0(<generated>) ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-1.0.3.RELEASE.jar:1.0.3.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.cloud.task.batch.configuration.TaskBatchAutoConfiguration$TaskBatchExecutionListenerAutoconfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$baeae6b9$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$5a898c9.invoke(<generated>) ~[spring-cloud-task-batch-1.0.3.RELEASE.jar:1.0.3.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invokeSuper(MethodProxy.java:228) ~[spring-core-4.3.14.RELEASE.jar:4.3.14.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassEnhancer$BeanMethodInterceptor.intercept(ConfigurationClassEnhancer.java:358) ~[spring-context-4.3.14.RELEASE.jar:4.3.14.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.cloud.task.batch.configuration.TaskBatchAutoConfigu
entityManagerFactoryRef = "myEntityManagerFactory",
basePackages = { "com.company.dd.collector.tool" },
transactionManagerRef = "TransactionManager"
public class ToolDbConfig {
#Bean(name = "myEntityManagerFactory")
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
#Qualifier("ToolDataSource") DataSource dataSource
) {
return builder
#Bean(name = "myTransactionManager")
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(
#Qualifier("myEntityManagerFactory") EntityManagerFactory
) {
return new JpaTransactionManager(entityManagerFactory);
public class DataSourceConfigs {
#Bean(name = "taskDataSource")
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
#Bean(name = "ToolDataSource")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "tool.datasource")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
You need to create a TaskConfigurer to specify the DataSource to be used. You can read about this interface in the documentation here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-task/1.1.1.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#features-task-configurer
The javadoc can be found here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-task/docs/current/apidocs/org/springframework/cloud/task/configuration/TaskConfigurer.html
When using more than one DataSource, both Spring Batch and Spring Cloud Task follow the same paradigm in that they both have *Configurer interfaces that need to be used to specify what DataSource to use. For Spring Batch, you use the BatchConfigurer (typically by just extending the DefaultBatchConfigurer) and as noted above, the TaskConfigurer is used in Spring Cloud Task. This is because when there is more than one DataSource, the framework has no way of knowing which one to use.

Spring Data JPA - Multiple EnableJpaRepositories

My application has multiple data sources , so i have created two data source configuration classes based on this URL .
But while running the spring boot application am getting error
Field userDataRepo in com.cavion.services.UserDataService required a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean named 'entityManagerFactory' in your configuration.
From this Question on StackOverflow helped me to figure out the issue.i need to specify the entityManagerFactoryRef on my JPA repositories .
But i have many repository classes some of them uses Entitymanager 'A' and some of them uses 'B' . my current spring boot application class is like this
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class,
DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class })
public class CavionApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(CavionApplication.class, args);
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(ApplicationContext ctx) {
return args -> {
System.out.println("Let's inspect the beans provided by Spring Boot:");
String[] beanNames = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
I have given the EnableJpaRepositories on the spring boot class , so how can i configure multiple EnableJpaRepositories so that i can configure multiple entityManagerFactory ?
Please suggest the best way to setup the multiple data sources .
In order to let spring knows what DataSource is related to what Repository you should define it at the #EnableJpaRepositories annotation. Let's assume that we have two entities, the Servers entity and the Domains entity and each one has its own Repo then each Repository has its own JpaDataSource configuration.
1. Group all the repositories based on the Data Source that they are related to. For example
Repository for Domains entities (package: org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.domains):
package org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.domains;
import org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.domain.domains.Domains;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
public interface DomainsRepository extends JpaRepository<Domains,Long> {
Repository for Servers entities (package: org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.servers)
package org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.servers;
import org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.domain.servers.Servers;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
public interface ServersRepository extends JpaRepository<Servers,Long> {
2. For each JPA Data Soruce you need to define a configuration, in this example I show how to configure two different DataSources
Domains Jpa Configuration: the relationship between the Data Source and the repository is defined in the basePackages value, that is the reason why is necessary to group the repositories in different packages depending on the entity manager that each repo will use.
entityManagerFactoryRef = "domainsEntityManager",
transactionManagerRef = "domainsTransactionManager",
basePackages = {"org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.domains"}
public class DomainsConfig {
Servers Data Source Configuration: as you can see the basePackages value has the package name of the Servers Repository , and also the values of entityManagerFactoryRef and transactionManagerRef are different in order to let spring separate each entityManager.
entityManagerFactoryRef = "serversEntityManager",
transactionManagerRef = "serversTransactionManager",
basePackages = {"org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.servers"}
public class ServersConfig {
3. Set one Datasource as primary
In order to avoid the error message: Parameter 0 of constructor in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration required a single bean, but 2 were found: just set one of the datasource as #Primary, in this example I select the Servers Datasource as primary:
public DataSourceProperties serversDataSourceProperties(){
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource serversDataSource(#Qualifier("serversDataSourceProperties") DataSourceProperties serversDataSourceProperties) {
return serversDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();
If you need more information please see the full example for each configuration:
Servers JPA Configuration
entityManagerFactoryRef = "serversEntityManager",
transactionManagerRef = "serversTransactionManager",
basePackages = {"org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.servers"}
public class ServersConfig {
#Bean(name = "serversEntityManager")
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean getServersEntityManager(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
#Qualifier("serversDataSource") DataSource serversDataSource){
return builder
Map<String,?> additionalJpaProperties(){
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
map.put("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect");
map.put("hibernate.show_sql", "true");
return map;
public DataSourceProperties serversDataSourceProperties(){
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource serversDataSource(#Qualifier("serversDataSourceProperties") DataSourceProperties serversDataSourceProperties) {
return serversDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();
#Bean(name = "serversTransactionManager")
public JpaTransactionManager transactionManager(#Qualifier("serversEntityManager") EntityManagerFactory serversEntityManager){
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
Domains JPA Configuration
entityManagerFactoryRef = "domainsEntityManager",
transactionManagerRef = "domainsTransactionManager",
basePackages = {"org.springdemo.multiple.datasources.repository.domains"}
public class DomainsConfig {
#Bean(name = "domainsEntityManager")
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean getdomainsEntityManager(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder
,#Qualifier("domainsDataSource") DataSource domainsDataSource){
return builder
Map<String,?> additionalJpaProperties(){
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");
map.put("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect");
map.put("hibernate.show_sql", "true");
return map;
public DataSourceProperties domainsDataSourceProperties(){
return new DataSourceProperties();
public DataSource domainsDataSource(#Qualifier("domainsDataSourceProperties") DataSourceProperties domainsDataSourceProperties) {
return domainsDataSourceProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();
#Bean(name = "domainsTransactionManager")
public JpaTransactionManager transactionManager(#Qualifier("domainsEntityManager") EntityManagerFactory domainsEntityManager){
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
In order to separate each datasource I put the configuration in the application.properties file, like this:
If you need more information please see the following documentation:
Spring Documentation: howto-two-datasources
A similar example of how configure two different databases: github example
The answered provided by #Daniel C. is correct. Small correction/observation from my side.
#Primary is not required if you don't want to mark any datasource as
default one, otherwise necessary.
If you are defining any of the EntityManagerFactoryBean with #Bean name as entityManagerFactory then it's better to mark it #Primary to avoid conflict.
can be marked at class level instead of defining at method level.
Better to return HikariDataSource as datasource if you using Spring
Boot 2.x or higher version as it has been changed.
Make sure you define exact property for jdbc-url which is being used by
HikariDataSource to refer JDBC Connection URL.
I just added a module aware multi database aware library for mysql in github.Some application properties need to be added and you are done .
Documentation and other details could be found at :-

SpringBoot web services multiple data sources only one working

I have developed two webservices using Spring Boot framework and I have them in the same project. Each webservice use a different DB, say ws1 uses Oracle1 and ws2 uses Oracle2. I have defined a DataBaseConfig with the beans definition but when I run the app, always works one webservice ( and it's always the same ).
public class DataBaseConfig {
#Bean(name = "ora1")
public DataSource mysqlDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();}
#Bean(name = "ora2")
public DataSource sqliteDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();}
#Bean(name = "clients")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
public JdbcTemplate slaveJdbcTemplate(DataSource datasource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(datasource); }
#Bean(name = "places")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.secondDatasource")
public JdbcTemplate masterJdbcTemplate(DataSource secondDatasource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(secondDatasource);}
I have the services definition with the sql statements and the definition
public class ClientsService {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
and the other service
public class PlacesService {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
Then in each controller I have de mapping #RequestMapping. When I run the app I have no connection-related errors and if I separate the webservices in 2 projects, each works fine.
You have a few things going wrong here, including some unnecessary annotations. See below, note the location of #Qualifier and the qualifier name:
#Bean(name = "clients")
public JdbcTemplate slaveJdbcTemplate(#Qualifier("ora1") DataSource datasource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
#Bean(name = "places")
public JdbcTemplate masterJdbcTemplate(#Qualifier("ora2") DataSource secondDatasource) {
return new JdbcTemplate(secondDatasource);
Instead of resolving by bean name, which is a bad idea IMO because it's not typesafe, why don't you use constructor injection and create the services in the configuration class (ditch #Service annotation). Create the DataSource and JdbcTemplate beans as usual, don't give them any names (the default is the method name), and also create new PlacesService(placesJdbcTemplate()). The result is a lot simpler code.
This is assuming you want both databases active at runtime. If not, use #Profile.

spring-boot configure hibernate-ogm for cassandra [dataSource not found]

I am trying to configure hibernate-ogm for Cassandra on spring boot, but there are no dataSource are transparent provided to entityManager and below error with run:
Parameter 0 of constructor in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' that could not be found.
- Bean method 'dataSource' not loaded because #ConditionalOnProperty (spring.datasource.jndi-name) did not find property 'jndi-name'
- Bean method 'dataSource' not loaded because #ConditionalOnBean (types: org.springframework.boot.jta.XADataSourceWrapper; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans
Consider revisiting the conditions above or defining a bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' in your configuration.
Blow a workflow for case:
start with disable auto configuration for related jpa on spring:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {
public class GsDataApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(GsDataApplication.class, args);
and project dependencies are:
dependencies {
compile project(':shared')
Persistence configuration:
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {
class PersistenceContext {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory(Environment env) {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
entityManagerFactoryBean.setJpaVendorAdapter(new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter());
Properties jpaProperties = new Properties();
jpaProperties.put("javax.persistence.transactionType", "resource_local");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.provider", "cassandra_experimental");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.host", "");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.port", "9042");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.database", "db-name");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.username", "cassandra");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.password", "password");
jpaProperties.put("hibernate.ogm.datastore.create_database", "true");
return entityManagerFactoryBean;
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
Entity sample
#Table(name = "`User`")
public class User extends AbstractTiming{
#Id #GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private String firstName, lastName, description;
public User(){}
public interface UserDAO extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
User findByFirstName(String firstName);
List<User> findByLastName(String lastName);
So in the end, is there way to create DataSource to reference Hibernate OGM?
or any other actions to avoid direct dataSource provider. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hibernate OGM stores the connection in its own class: the org.hibernate.ogm.datastore.spi.DatastoreProvider.
So at start up it does not deal with DataSources, not sure if there is a way to create a DataSource from the cassandra connection and add it in the JNDI for springboot to find it.
The reason for this is that at the moment there is no standard among NoSQL datastores defining the connection details.
