How does the Spring Boot Actuator work together with the Netflix Servo? - spring-boot

There are Spring Boot project that uses a Netflix Servo to collect metrics and send to Graphite.
I want to send metrics with the Spring Boot Actuator on Graphite, such as number request per every endpoint and time of response for every request, instead of creating custom metric.
But I ran into the problem. When I use the library only spring-boot-starter-actuator, then the desired parameters displays:
but when I apply library spring-cloud-starter-eureka, displayed only time of response from servo:
If someone faced with this problem, can you explain why it happens and how to solve it?
I use such version Spring Boot - 1.5.9.RELEASE and Spring Cloud - Edgware.SR1.
I will be glad to any response)
Link to test project:


Micrometer Rest API

I have a non boot spring application with micrometer integrated. Right now we are pushing these metrics to the logging file using LoggingRegistry.
We want to enhance this project to expose these metrics in the Rest API(we cannot use actuator as turning ON auto configuration is causing issues in our non boot application).Is there any way to expose these metrics which are automatically provided by the micrometer in the Rest API?
Any example will be appreciated?
You can add PrometheusMeterRegistry, it is for this use case, see the docs:

Forttify dynamic-code-evaluation-unsafe-deserialization on Spring Boot Actuator 2.1.6

I have the same problem as in the question, the only answer is to upgrade the spring-boot version to 2.0.6. However, I currently have version 2.1.6.RELEASE and I still have the same vulnerability in the report.
Your scan report should have an abstract, explanation, and recommendation for the issue. (Here are a few links to help you generate the report - Fortify file (.fpr file) to PDF convertion, How do I generate a report that has all the issues?)
In short, this issue is because SpringBoot Actuator exposes JMX management endpoints by default. JMX uses Java serialization to send/receive messages, an attacker that is able to connect and authenticate to the Actuator JMX endpoints will be able to send a malicious Java serialization payload which may run arbitrary code upon deserialization by the JMX endpoint.
SpringBoot Actuator JMX endpoints may be disabled by adding the following properties
to the file:
Note: endpoints.jmx.enabled=false is deprecated
There's also a nice answer on MicroFocus

Metrics of redis and solr in spring boot

I have services built in spring boot 2.0.2. I`m using redis and solrj.
Now if i want to get metrics of redis and solr. It don`t show in
Is there any way e.g making custom endpoint to get redis and solr metrics?
Any help would be appreciated..
Yes, it should be possible.
Spring boot 2's default metrics framework is Micrometer
When this framework is integrated into spring boot application (via starter as usual), any metrics reported to micrometer will immediately appear in spring boot actuator.
So the question is whether the redis/solrj integration expose Metrics or not.
If they are not, you'll have to understand what exactly you want to measure and plug in the integration.
Here is the example:
import io.micrometer.core.annotation;
public void doSomethingInMyCode() {
//call redis here
Of course, there is also a programmatic interface, using annotations in not mandatory
The code shown in Mark Bramnik's answer doesn't specifically give you timing for Redis client calls, it gives you timing for doSomethingInMyCode method, which can be different.
Micrometer support seems to be available in the Lettuce 6.1 release.
MeterRegistry meterRegistry = …;
MicrometerOptions options = MicrometerOptions.create();
ClientResources resources = ClientResources.builder().commandLatencyRecorder(new MicrometerCommandLatencyRecorder(meterRegistry, options)).build();
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(resources);

How to produce metrics of URI correctly in spring boot 2 + webflux

I have a problem using spring boot 2.0.3 + spring webflux (functional endpoints) + metrics. According to the official doc:
The generated metrics of uri should be the request’s URI template prior to variable substitution
Which means instead of /api/person/123, the generated metrics of URI should be something like /api/person/{id}. However, when I query those metrics on my spring boot app with this link http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics/http.server.requests, I got these URIs:
To reproduce this issue, I put a sample code here:
Can someone please shed some light on this issue? Thanks in advance!
There's an open issue for that in Spring Boot.
Currently, Spring WebFlux fn doesn't provide the information about the URI pattern that matched for the current request, so there's no way to achieve that currently.
Your assessment is correct, currently the full request URIs are collected.

Using Gateway to consume Spring Boot application from Spring Integration application

I am just starting with Spring Integration with Spring Boot 2.
I am working on a application which uses Spring Integration's HTTP outbound gateway to consume a Spring boot Service.
I am consuming the spring boot service from Spring Integration application using Gateway.
When I call the Gateway method which in turn will use the outbound gateway to call the spring boot service, the request does not seem to be completed. It is just going on when I make the HTTP GET request via the browser.
The request is also not received by the Spring Boot service.
I am not able to identify what is wrong in my Integration application when using gateway to consume a Spring Boot 2 service.
I have shared my Spring Boot 2 Application and also the Integration application which I am using to consume it in the below github folder. it contains 2 folders, one for the spring Integration application and the other for the spring boot application.
I have exposed a REST interface for the Integration application using RestController.
I access the boot application from integration application via the url, http://localhost:8763/callExternalServiceViaGateway
I am able to access the spring boot application directly from its port.
If anyone can help me identify the cause it would be great.
Your problem that the gateway method is without any args:
#Gateway(requestChannel = "", replyChannel = "")
String getCustomMessage();
In this case the gateway works as receiving. No any requests is send because nothing to wrap to the payload. See more info on the matter in the Reference Manual.
Right now I see several bugs with the payloadExpression and no arg, so I suggest you to add some String payload arg to the getCustomMessage() gateway method and perform it with an empty string.
Will take a look into the bugs and will fix them soon.
Thank you for a good sample how to catch and reproduce!
