Directory for Subdomain on Route53 - amazon-ec2

I've successfully created a subdomain on Route53 that is connected with EC2 Instances. When I access my subdomain there appears Amazon Linux AMI Test page.
How to upload my website to
If usually add files to /var/www/html/ on primary domain, what about subdomain?
I also have checked the root server using WinSCP and there is no subdomain directory.
In this case my subdomain is "blog".
Hope to get the best answer.

"" is a logical name (called hostname) for the IP of your EC2 instance. You should not expect any subdomain directory on your EC2 instance.
It looks like the directory /var/www/html/ does not have any landing page (index.html). Upload your website under the directory /var/www/html/ such that your index.html is placed directly under the directory /var/www/html/.


verdaccio & aws ec2

I am trying to setup Private NPM registry using Verdaccio on ec2 instance (Linux). For this I have configured a CloudFront as well.
I am able to access the Registry using the Public EC2 IP but,
On visiting the CloudFront host, I keep getting
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I have tried this config but doesn't seem to work
VERDACCIO_PUBLIC_URL=''; <- environment variable (bash_profile)
url_prefix: '/' <- in config.yaml file

How to set up /etc/hosts to access a subfolder like it's a root folder (on a Mac)

I am setting up a new machine. I have it configured to use a Sites folder and localhost to access it. Using Apache, everything installed via Homebrew.
Sites folder
In the browser
That part works fine.
The problem is that site1 and site2 think localhost is the root folder (which it is) but I want them to think localhost/site1 and localhost/site2 are the root folders for those sites.
Is this something I can do with /etc/hosts or some other trickery?
It turns out this is a combination of /etc/hosts and Apache VirtualHosts. Here are the steps I took:
Establish the directories where you want to serve them from (this will become your DocumentRoot). In my case /Users/myusername/Sites/site1
Edit your /etc/hosts file to include your new "domain name" (this will become your ServerName). In my case
Create an Apache Virtual Host ... there are different ways to go about this, but I used Homebrew to install Apache, so for me, there is a file here: /opt/homebrew/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf. I copied the examples provided using DocumentRoot and ServerName as noted above.
Update this file /opt/homebrew/etc/httpd/httpd.conf to uncomment this line
Include /opt/homebrew/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Restart Apache

ec2 aws only index page is routing, further is error as - URL NOT FOUND

Only index page of aws ec2 instance is routing fine. further pages are not routing at all. I get an error as - URL NOT FOUND
It happened after i upgraded from php56 to php70.
I did restart httpd service
I got this fixed.
I needed to edit and modify below in httpd.conf inside etc/conf
AllowOverride All
for Directory /var/www and Directory /var/www/html

Laradock - Localhost refused to connect on Windows 10 using Nginx

I have setup a laradock app on my local machine. I have followed the instructions as provided:
In addition to that as I am on Windows 10, and using Docker toolbox, I have shared my folder with the laradock's workspace. That's working fine as I can see my app's folders inside the workspace when I run the following command
docker-compose exec workspace bash
I have also added a host entry inside my hosts file on windows. localhost
But nothing works. I get a response 'localhost refused to connect'. Even css files inside public folder are not accessible
You should checkout the nginx/sites folder inside your laradock folder. Check the root path inside default.conf - root /var/www/public; should correspond to where your project /public folder actually is inside workspace.
I personally use laradock for many projects and create multiple .conf files that correspond to my sites name like myproject1.test - myproject1.conf and my file structure is like that:
hosts file: myproject1.test myproject2.test
myproject1.conf inside nginx/sites:
server_name myproject1.test;
root /var/www/myproject1/public;
Hope that helps

ssh login in ec2 to change file permission

I need to login in the ec2 aws server to change the file permission. I've .pem and .ppk file on my server and gitbash installed.
Please guide me how can I login to the server and change the file permission.
Here the official documentation from Amazon with SSH/Putty tutorials to connect to your instance:
(But assuming you are using Unix/Linux OS)
You could log in to the ec2 instance with the command:
ssh -i /route/to/your/file.pem
(if you have public Url or in your /etc/hosts file or with your IP)
Then, you are logged in the EC2, you could cd to the desired folder and change the permisions with a chmod.
In the /etc/hosts file, you could change the IP of your instance for the like:
Hope this helps!
