Convert from Simple Ray Casting to X-Ray Rendering - three.js

I am referring to the code by Lebarba for Volume Rendering. What I am trying to do is the X-Ray Rendering rather than Ray casting.
Here is the result for the Ray casting with the code
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS; i++)
//Get the voxel intensity value from the 3D texture.
colorSample = sampleAs3DTexture( currentPosition );
//Allow the alpha correction customization.
alphaSample = colorSample.a * alphaCorrection;
//Applying this effect to both the color and alpha accumulation results in more realistic transparency.
alphaSample *= (1.0 - accumulatedAlpha);
//Scaling alpha by the number of steps makes the final color invariant to the step size.
alphaSample *= alphaScaleFactor;
//Perform the composition.
accumulatedColor += colorSample * alphaSample;
//Store the alpha accumulated so far.
accumulatedAlpha += alphaSample;
//Advance the ray.
currentPosition += deltaDirection;
accumulatedLength += deltaDirectionLength;
//If the length traversed is more than the ray length, or if the alpha accumulated reaches 1.0 then exit.
if(accumulatedLength >= rayLength || accumulatedAlpha >= 1.0 )
gl_FragColor = accumulatedColor;
And here is the code where I have made changes for X-ray mode rendering along with the image generated.
X-Ray Mode
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS; i++)
//Get the voxel intensity value from the 3D texture.
colorSample = sampleAs3DTexture( currentPosition );
//Allow the alpha correction customization.
alphaSample = colorSample.a * alphaCorrection;
//Applying this effect to both the color and alpha accumulation results in more realistic transparency.
alphaSample *= (1.0 - accumulatedAlpha);
//Scaling alpha by the number of steps makes the final color invariant to the step size.
alphaSample *= alphaScaleFactor;
//Perform the composition.
//accumulatedColor += colorSample/float(887);
accumulatedColor = accumulatedColor + colorSample/float(MAX_STEPS);
//Store the alpha accumulated so far.
accumulatedAlpha += alphaSample;
//Advance the ray.
currentPosition += deltaDirection;
accumulatedLength += deltaDirectionLength;
//If the length traversed is more than the ray length, or if the alpha accumulated reaches 1.0 then exit.
if(accumulatedLength >= rayLength || accumulatedAlpha >= 1.0 )
gl_FragColor = accumulatedColor;
I am not sure what I am doing is right or wrong as I am new to this field.
It would be of great help if someone can point out the error if there is any.


Creating gyroid pattern in 2D image algorithm

I'm trying to fill an image with gyroid lines with certain thickness at certain spacing, but math is not my area. I was able to create a sine wave and shift a bit in the X direction to make it looks like a gyroid but it's not the same.
The idea behind is to stack some images with the same resolution and replicate gyroid into 2D images, so we still have XYZ, where Z can be 0.01mm to 0.1mm per layer
What i've tried:
int sineHeight = 100;
int sineWidth = 100;
int spacing = 100;
int radius = 10;
for (int y1 = 0; y1 < mat.Height; y1 += sineHeight+spacing)
for (int x = 0; x < mat.Width; x++)
// Simulating first image
int y2 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)x / sineWidth) * sineHeight / 2.0 + sineHeight / 2.0 + radius);
Circle(mat, new System.Drawing.Point(x, y1+y2), radius, EmguExtensions.WhiteColor, -1, LineType.AntiAlias);
// Simulating second image, shift by x to make it look a bit more with gyroid
y2 = (int)(Math.Sin((double)x / sineWidth + sineWidth) * sineHeight / 2.0 + sineHeight / 2.0 + radius);
Circle(mat, new System.Drawing.Point(x, y1 + y2), radius, EmguExtensions.GreyColor, -1, LineType.AntiAlias);
Resulting in: (White represents layer 1 while grey layer 2)
Still, this looks nothing like real gyroid, how can I replicate the formula to work in this space?
You have just single ugly slice because I do not see any z in your code (its correct the surface has horizontal and vertical sin waves like this every 0.5*pi in z).
To see the 3D surface you have to raycast z ...
I would expect some conditional testing of actually iterated x,y,z result of gyroid equation against some small non zero number like if (result<= 1e-6) and draw the stuff only then or compute color from the result instead. This is ideal to do in GLSL.
In case you are not familiar with GLSL and shaders the Fragment shader is executed for each pixel (called fragment) of the rendered QUAD so you just put the code inside your nested x,y for loops and use your x,y instead of pos (you can ignore the Vertex shader its not important).
You got 2 basic options to render this:
Blending the ray casted surface pixels together creating X-Ray like image. It can be combined with SSS techniques to get the impression of glass or semitransparent material. Here simple GLSL example for the blending:
#version 400 core
in vec2 position;
out vec2 pos;
void main(void)
gl_Position = vec4(position.xy,0.0,1.0);
#version 400 core
in vec2 pos;
out vec3 out_col;
void main(void)
float n,x,y,z,dz,d,i,di;
const float scale=2.0*3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
n=100.0; // layers
x=pos.x*scale; // x postion of pixel
y=pos.y*scale; // y postion of pixel
dz=2.0*scale/n; // z step
di=1.0/n; // color increment
i=0.0; // color intensity
for (z=-scale;z<=scale;z+=dz) // do all layers
d =sin(x)*cos(y); // compute gyroid equation
if (d<=1e-6) i+=di; // if near surface add to color
Usage is simple just render 2D quad covering screen without any matrices with corner pos points in range <-1,+1>. Here result:
Another technique is to render first hit to surface creating mesh like image. In order to see the details we need to add basic (double sided) directional lighting for which surface normal is needed. The normal can be computed by simply partialy derivate the equation by x,y,z. As now the surface is opaque then we can stop on first hit and also ray cast just single period in z as anything after that is hidden anyway. Here simple example:
#version 400 core
in vec2 pos; // input fragmen (pixel) position <-1,+1>
out vec3 col; // output fragment (pixel) RGB color <0,1>
void main(void)
bool _discard=true;
float N,x,y,z,dz,d,i;
vec3 n,l;
const float pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
const float scale =3.0*pi; // 3.0 periods in x,y
const float scalez=2.0*pi; // 1.0 period in z
N=200.0; // layers per z (quality)
x=pos.x*scale; // <-1,+1> -> [rad]
y=pos.y*scale; // <-1,+1> -> [rad]
dz=2.0*scalez/N; // z step
l=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); // light unit direction
i=0.0; // starting color intensity
n=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0); // starting normal only to get rid o warning
for (z=0.0;z>=-scalez;z-=dz) // raycast z through all layers in view direction
// gyroid equation
d =sin(x)*cos(y); // compute gyroid equation
// surface hit test
if (d>1e-6) continue; // skip if too far from surface
_discard=false; // remember that surface was hit
// compute normal
n.x =+cos(x)*cos(y); // partial derivate by x
n.y =-sin(x)*sin(y); // partial derivate by y
n.z =+sin(x)*cos(y); // partial derivate by z
break; // stop raycasting
// skip rendering if no hit with surface (hole)
if (_discard) discard;
// directional lighting
// ambient + directional lighting
// output fragment (render pixel)
gl_FragDepth=z; // depth (optional)
col=vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0)*i; // color
I hope I did not make error in partial derivates. Here result:
Based on your code I see it like this (X-Ray like Blending)
var mat = EmguExtensions.InitMat(new System.Drawing.Size(2000, 1080));
double zz, dz, d, i, di = 0;
const double scalex = 2.0 * Math.PI / mat.Width;
const double scaley = 2.0 * Math.PI / mat.Height;
const double scalez = 2.0 * Math.PI;
uint layerCount = 100; // layers
for (int y = 0; y < mat.Height; y++)
double yy = y * scaley; // y position of pixel
for (int x = 0; x < mat.Width; x++)
double xx = x * scalex; // x position of pixel
dz = 2.0 * scalez / layerCount; // z step
di = 1.0 / layerCount; // color increment
i = 0.0; // color intensity
for (zz = -scalez; zz <= scalez; zz += dz) // do all layers
d = Math.Sin(xx) * Math.Cos(yy); // compute gyroid equation
d += Math.Sin(yy) * Math.Cos(zz);
d += Math.Sin(zz) * Math.Cos(xx);
if (d > 1e-6) continue;
i += di; // if near surface add to color
mat.SetByte(x, y, (byte)(i));

animating sine waves in processing

how do I animate the sin lines in the following code to move along the y-axis, to somehow look more like moving water waves?
-if you take out the velocity and acceleration codes you will see what I was trying to work with
float scaleVal = 6.0;
float angleInc = 0.19;
float velocity=0.0;
float acceleration=0.01;
void setup(){
void draw(){
background (0);
float angle=0.0;
for (int offset = -10; offset < width+10; offset += 10) {
for (int y = 1; y <= height; y += 3) {
float x = offset + (sin(angle) * scaleVal);
line(x, y, x, y+2);
angle += angleInc;
velocity += acceleration;
y += velocity;
angle += PI;
Try using sin() to change the y position instead of x.
The x position can simply increment.
The math may be daunting, but it gets fun once you get the hang of it.
Imagine going around a circle with the radius of 1.0 in a cartesian coordinate system (0 is centre , x and y increase to the right and down and decrease towards left and top):
Let's say you start at the top, the highest value, the length radius of your circle (1.0).
As you decrease the angle, the x move to the left, but the y will go towards the centre( 0.0 )
then x will increase as it gets close to the centre and y will drop to bottom of the circle (-1.0)
then x will keep increasing until it reaches the right edge of the circle and the y value will increase and reach the vertical centre (0.0)
finally the x will decrease until it reaches the horizontal centre and y will increase and reach back to the top of the circle (1.0)
This image explains it pretty well:
Essentially it's like a converter: you plug in an angle from 0 to 360 degrees or TWO_PI radians (as sin works with angles in radians) and you get back a value between -1.0 and 1.0.
If you want to draw a sine wave, you have to draw multiple points:
the x position will increase value directly
the y position will increase the angle, but use the result of the sin() function to obtain a value that goes up and down.
The last thing to do is multiple the result of the sin() function by a larger number to essentially scale the sine wave (from -1.0 to 1.0) to a size more appropate for the screen.
Here's a quick commented demo you can use the mouse position to play with:
function setup(){
function draw(){
var numberOfPoints = 1+(mouseX/2);
//how often apart will the points be
var widthPerPoint = width / numberOfPoints;
//how much will the angle change from one point to another
var anglePerPoint = TWO_PI/numberOfPoints;
var waveHeight = 25;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++){
var x = i * widthPerPoint;
var y = sin(anglePerPoint * i) * waveHeight;
ellipse(x,50 + y,5,5);
<script src=""></script>
The gist of it is this line:
var y = sin(anglePerPoint * i) * waveHeight;
which can be broken down to:
//increment the angle
var incrementedAngle = anglePerPoint * i;
//compute sine (-1.0,1.0)
var sine = sin(incrementedAngle);
//scale sine result
var waveY = sine * waveHeight;
Once you can draw a static sine wave, it's pretty easy to animate: to the angle increment at each point you add an increasing value. This increases the angle and essentially goes around the circle (TWO_PI) for you.
You can create your own variable to increase at your own rate or you
can easily use an increasing value based on time(millis()) or frame(frameCount) which you can scale down (divide by a large number...or better yet multiple by a small fractional number):
function setup(){
function draw(){
var numberOfPoints = 1+(mouseX/2);
//how often apart will the points be
var widthPerPoint = width / numberOfPoints;
//how much will the angle change from one point to another
var anglePerPoint = TWO_PI/numberOfPoints;
var waveHeight = 25;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++){
var x = i * widthPerPoint;
var y = sin(anglePerPoint * i + frameCount * 0.01) * waveHeight;
ellipse(x,50 + y,5,5);
<script src=""></script>
Hopefully the animation and simple demos above help illustrate the point.
In even simpler terms, it's a bit of an illustion: you draw points that only move up and down, but each point use an increasing angle along the circle.
Have a look at Reuben Margolin's kinectic sculpture system demo:
(I recommend checking out the whole PopTech talk: it's inspiring)
You should have a look at the Processing SineWave example as well.
Here's a more complex encapsulating the notions in a resuable function to draw multiple waves to hint at an atmospheric perspective:
int numWaves = 5;
void setup(){
void draw(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numWaves; i++){
drawSineWave(HALF_PI,0.00025 * (i+1),50 + (10 * i),8,width,mouseY);
text("drag mouse x to change number of waves",10,height-10);
* radians - how often does the wave cycle (larges values = more peaks)
* speed - how fast is the wave moving
* amplitude - how high is the wave (from centre point)
* detail - how many points are used to draw the wave (small=angled, many = smooth)
* y - y centre of the wave
void drawSineWave(float radians,float speed,float amplitude,int detail,float size,float y){
vertex(0,height);//fix to bottom
//compute the distance between each point
float xoffset = size / detail;
//compute angle offset between each point
float angleIncrement = radians / detail;
//for each point
for(int i = 0 ; i <= detail; i++){
//compute x position
float px = xoffset * i;
//use sine function compute y
//millis() * speed is like an ever increasing angle
//to which we add the angle increment for each point (so the the angle changes as we traverse x
//the result of sine is a value between -1.0 and 1.0 which we multiply to the amplitude (height of the wave)
//finally add the y offset
float py = y + (sin((millis() * speed) + angleIncrement * i) * amplitude);
//add the point
vertex(size,height);//fix to bottom
void mouseDragged(){
numWaves = 1+(int)mouseX/40;
Which you can also run bellow:
var numWaves = 5;
function setup(){
function draw(){
for(var i = 0 ; i < numWaves; i++){
drawSineWave(HALF_PI,0.00025 * (i+1),50 + (10 * i),8,width,mouseY);
text("drag mouse x to change number of waves",10,height-10);
* radians - how often does the wave cycle (larges values = more peaks)
* speed - how fast is the wave moving
* amplitude - how high is the wave (from centre point)
* detail - how many points are used to draw the wave (small=angled, many = smooth)
* y - y centre of the wave
function drawSineWave(radians,speed,amplitude,detail,size,y){
vertex(0,height);//fix to bottom
//compute the distance between each point
var xoffset = size / detail;
var angleIncrement = radians / detail;
for(var i = 0 ; i <= detail; i++){
var px = xoffset * i;
var py = y + (sin((millis() * speed) + angleIncrement * i) * amplitude);
vertex(size,height);//fix to bottom
function mouseDragged(){
numWaves = ceil(mouseX/40);
<script src=""></script>
The only other suggestion I have, in terms of rendering, it to have play with beginShape(). Rather than having to worry about where to draw each line, simply pass a bunch of points(via vertex(x,y)) in between beginShape()/endShape() calls and let Processing connect the dots for you.
Stack Overflow isn't really designed for general "how do I do this" type questions. It's for more specific "I tried X, expected Y, but got Z instead" type questions. That being said, I'll try to help in a general sense.
If you want to animate something going up and down, you have to modify its Y position over time.
One approach is to use the sin() or cos() functions to come up with a value that alternates between -1 and 1, which you can then multiply by a height and add to a center:
void setup() {
size(100, 200);
void draw() {
background (0);
float centerY = height/2;
float waveHeight = 75;
float input = frameCount/10.0;
float ballY = centerY+sin(input)*waveHeight;
ellipse(width/2, ballY, 10, 10);
Another approach is to keep track of the position and speed yourself. When the position reaches a min or max, just reverse the speed. Something like this:
float ballY = 100;
float ySpeed = 1;
void setup() {
size(100, 200);
void draw() {
background (0);
ballY += ySpeed;
if(ballY < 0 || ballY > height){
ySpeed *= -1;
ellipse(width/2, ballY, 10, 10);
You could also use the lerp() function. The point is that there are a million different ways to do this. The best thing you can do is to try something and post an MCVE if you get stuck. Good luck.

Path Tracing Shadowing Error

I really dont know what else do to to fix this problem.I have written a path tracer using explicit light sampling in c++ and I keep getting this weird really black shadows which I know is wrong.I have done everything to fix it but I still keep getting it,even on higher samples.What am I doing wrong ? Below is a image of the scene.
And The Radiance Main Code
RGB Radiance(Ray PixRay,std::vector<Primitive*> sceneObjects,int depth,std::vector<AreaLight> AreaLights,unsigned short *XI,int E)
int MaxDepth = 10;
if(depth > MaxDepth) return RGB();
double nearest_t = INFINITY;
Primitive* nearestObject = NULL;
for(int i=0;i<sceneObjects.size();i++)
double root = sceneObjects[i]->intersect(PixRay);
if(root > 0)
if(root < nearest_t)
nearest_t = root;
nearestObject = sceneObjects[i];
RGB EstimatedRadiance;
EstimatedRadiance = nearestObject->getEmission() * E;
Point intersectPoint = nearestObject->intersectPoint(PixRay,nearest_t);
Vector intersectNormal = nearestObject->surfacePointNormal(intersectPoint).Normalize();
if(nearestObject->getBRDF().Type == 1)
for(int x=0;x<AreaLights.size();x++)
Point pointOnTriangle = RandomPointOnTriangle(AreaLights[x].shape,XI);
Vector pointOnTriangleNormal = AreaLights[x].shape.surfacePointNormal(pointOnTriangle).Normalize();
Vector LightDistance = (pointOnTriangle - intersectPoint).Normalize();
//Geometric Term
RGB Geometric_Term = GeometricTerm(intersectPoint,pointOnTriangle,sceneObjects);
//Lambertian BRDF
RGB LambertianBRDF = nearestObject->getColor() * (1. / M_PI);
//Emitted Light Power
RGB Emission = AreaLights[x].emission;
double MagnitudeOfXandY = (pointOnTriangle - intersectPoint).Magnitude() * (pointOnTriangle - intersectPoint).Magnitude();
RGB DirectLight = Emission * LambertianBRDF * Dot(intersectNormal,-LightDistance) *
Dot(pointOnTriangleNormal,LightDistance) * (1./MagnitudeOfXandY) * AreaLights[x].shape.Area() * Geometric_Term;
EstimatedRadiance = EstimatedRadiance + DirectLight;
Vector diffDir = CosWeightedRandHemiDirection(intersectNormal,XI);
Ray diffRay = Ray(intersectPoint,diffDir);
EstimatedRadiance = EstimatedRadiance + ( Radiance(diffRay,sceneObjects,depth+1,AreaLights,XI,0) * nearestObject->getColor() * (1. / M_PI) * M_PI );
else if(nearestObject->getBRDF().Type == 2)
Vector reflDir = PixRay.d-intersectNormal*2*Dot(intersectNormal,PixRay.d);
Ray reflRay = Ray(intersectPoint,reflDir);
return nearestObject->getColor() *Radiance(reflRay,sceneObjects,depth+1,AreaLights,XI,0);
return EstimatedRadiance;
I haven't debugged your code, so there may be any number of bugs of course, but I can give you some tips: First, go look at SmallPT, and see what it does that you don't. It's tiny but still quite easy to read.
From the look of it, it seems there are issues with either the sampling and/or gamma correction. The easiest one is gamma: when converting RGB intensity in the range 0..1 to RGB in the range 0..255, remember to always gamma correct. Use a gamma of 2.2
R = r^(1.0/gamma)
G = g^(1.0/gamma)
B = b^(1.0/gamma)
Having the wrong gamma will make any path traced image look bad.
Second: sampling. It's not obvious from the code how the sampling is weighted. I'm only familiar with Path Tracing using russian roulette sampling. With RR the radiance basically works like so:
if (depth > MaxDepth)
return RGB();
RGB color = mat.Emission;
// Russian roulette:
float survival = 1.0f;
float pContinue = material.Albedo();
survival = 1.0f / pContinue;
if (Rand.Next() > pContinue)
return color;
color += DirectIllumination(sceneIntersection);
color += Radiance(sceneIntersection, depth+1) * survival;
RR is basically a way of terminating rays at random, but still maintaining an unbiased estimate of the true radiance. Since it adds a weight to the indirect term, and the shadow and bottom of the speheres are only indirectly lit, I'd suspect that has something to do with it (if it isn't just the gamma).

What's the most efficient way in WebGL to find the min and max values of an RGBA float texture?

I'm storing floating-point gpgpu values in a webgl RGBA render texture, using only the r channel to store my data (I know I should be using a more efficient texture format but that's a separate concern).
Is there any efficient way / trick / hack to find the global min and max floating-point values without resorting to gl.readPixels? Note that just exporting the floating-point data is a hassle in webgl since readPixels doesn't yet support reading gl.FLOAT values.
This is the gist of how I'm currently doing things:
if (!gl) {
gl = renderer.getContext();
fb = gl.createFramebuffer();
pixels = new Uint8Array(SIZE * SIZE * 4);
if (!!gl) {
// TODO: there has to be a more efficient way of doing this than via readPixels...
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fb);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, data.rtTemp2.__webglTexture, 0);
if (gl.checkFramebufferStatus(gl.FRAMEBUFFER) == gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) {
// HACK: we're pickling a single float value in every 4 bytes
// because webgl currently doesn't support reading gl.FLOAT
// textures.
gl.readPixels(0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
var max = -100, min = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j) {
var o = 4 * (i * SIZE + j);
var x = pixels[o + 0];
var y = pixels[o + 1] / 255.0;
var z = pixels[o + 2] / 255.0;
var v = (x <= 1 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * y;
if (z > 0.0) { v /= z; }
max = Math.max(max, v);
min = Math.min(min, v);
// ...
(using a fragment shader that ouputs floating-point data in the following format suitable for UNSIGNED_BYTE parsing...
<script id="fragmentShaderCompX" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
uniform sampler2D source1;
uniform sampler2D source2;
uniform vec2 resolution;
void main() {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
float v = texture2D(source1, uv).r + texture2D(source2, uv).r;
vec4 oo = vec4(1.0, abs(v), 1.0, 1.0);
if (v < 0.0) {
oo.x = 0.0;
v = abs(v);
if (v > 1.0) {
oo.y = 1.0;
oo.z = 1.0 / v;
gl_FragColor = oo;
Without compute shaders, the only thing that comes to mind is using a fragment shader to do that. For a 100x100 texture you could try rendering to a 20x20 grid texture, have the fragment shader do 5x5 lookups (with GL_NEAREST) to determine min and max, then download the 20x20 texture and do the rest on the CPU. Or do another pass to reduce it again. I don't know for which grid sizes it's more efficient though, you'll have to experiment. Maybe this helps, or googling "reduction gpu".
Render 1 vertex on 1x1 framebuffer and within shader sample whole previously rendered texture. That way you are testing texture on GPU which should be fast enough for real-time (or not?), however it is definitely faster than doing it on CPU, and the output would be min/max value.
I also ran across solution to try mipmap-ing texture and going through different levels.
These links might be helpful:
Hope this helps.

Smooth spectrum for Mandelbrot Set rendering

I'm currently writing a program to generate really enormous (65536x65536 pixels and above) Mandelbrot images, and I'd like to devise a spectrum and coloring scheme that does them justice. The wikipedia featured mandelbrot image seems like an excellent example, especially how the palette remains varied at all zoom levels of the sequence. I'm not sure if it's rotating the palette or doing some other trick to achieve this, though.
I'm familiar with the smooth coloring algorithm for the mandelbrot set, so I can avoid banding, but I still need a way to assign colors to output values from this algorithm.
The images I'm generating are pyramidal (eg, a series of images, each of which has half the dimensions of the previous one), so I can use a rotating palette of some sort, as long as the change in the palette between subsequent zoom levels isn't too obvious.
This is the smooth color algorithm:
Lets say you start with the complex number z0 and iterate n times until it escapes. Let the end point be zn.
A smooth value would be
nsmooth := n + 1 - Math.log(Math.log(zn.abs()))/Math.log(2)
This only works for mandelbrot, if you want to compute a smooth function for julia sets, then use
Complex z = new Complex(x,y);
double smoothcolor = Math.exp(-z.abs());
for(i=0;i<max_iter && z.abs() < 30;i++) {
z = f(z);
smoothcolor += Math.exp(-z.abs());
Then smoothcolor is in the interval (0,max_iter).
Divide smoothcolor with max_iter to get a value between 0 and 1.
To get a smooth color from the value:
This can be called, for example (in Java):
Color.HSBtoRGB(0.95f + 10 * smoothcolor ,0.6f,1.0f);
since the first value in HSB color parameters is used to define the color from the color circle.
Use the smooth coloring algorithm to calculate all of the values within the viewport, then map your palette from the lowest to highest value. Thus, as you zoom in and the higher values are no longer visible, the palette will scale down as well. With the same constants for n and B you will end up with a range of 0.0 to 1.0 for a fully zoomed out set, but at deeper zooms the dynamic range will shrink, to say 0.0 to 0.1 at 200% zoom, 0.0 to 0.0001 at 20000% zoom, etc.
Here is a typical inner loop for a naive Mandelbrot generator. To get a smooth colour you want to pass in the real and complex "lengths" and the iteration you bailed out at. I've included the Mandelbrot code so you can see which vars to use to calculate the colour.
for (ix = 0; ix < panelMain.Width; ix++)
cx = cxMin + (double )ix * pixelWidth;
// init this go
zx = 0.0;
zy = 0.0;
zx2 = 0.0;
zy2 = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < iterationMax && ((zx2 + zy2) < er2); i++)
zy = zx * zy * 2.0 + cy;
zx = zx2 - zy2 + cx;
zx2 = zx * zx;
zy2 = zy * zy;
if (i == iterationMax)
// interior, part of set, black
// set colour to black
g.FillRectangle(sbBlack, ix, iy, 1, 1);
// outside, set colour proportional to time/distance it took to converge
// set colour not black
SolidBrush sbNeato = new SolidBrush(MapColor(i, zx2, zy2));
g.FillRectangle(sbNeato, ix, iy, 1, 1);
and MapColor below: (see this link to get the ColorFromHSV function)
private Color MapColor(int i, double r, double c)
double di=(double )i;
double zn;
double hue;
zn = Math.Sqrt(r + c);
hue = di + 1.0 - Math.Log(Math.Log(Math.Abs(zn))) / Math.Log(2.0); // 2 is escape radius
hue = 0.95 + 20.0 * hue; // adjust to make it prettier
// the hsv function expects values from 0 to 360
while (hue > 360.0)
hue -= 360.0;
while (hue < 0.0)
hue += 360.0;
return ColorFromHSV(hue, 0.8, 1.0);
MapColour is "smoothing" the bailout values from 0 to 1 which then can be used to map a colour without horrible banding. Playing with MapColour and/or the hsv function lets you alter what colours are used.
Seems simple to do by trial and error. Assume you can define HSV1 and HSV2 (hue, saturation, value) of the endpoint colors you wish to use (black and white; blue and yellow; dark red and light green; etc.), and assume you have an algorithm to assign a value P between 0.0 and 1.0 to each of your pixels. Then that pixel's color becomes
(H2 - H1) * P + H1 = HP
(S2 - S1) * P + S1 = SP
(V2 - V1) * P + V1 = VP
With that done, just observe the results and see how you like them. If the algorithm to assign P is continuous, then the gradient should be smooth as well.
My eventual solution was to create a nice looking (and fairly large) palette and store it as a constant array in the source, then interpolate between indexes in it using the smooth coloring algorithm. The palette wraps (and is designed to be continuous), but this doesn't appear to matter much.
What's going on with the color mapping in that image is that it's using a 'log transfer function' on the index (according to documentation). How exactly it's doing it I still haven't figured out yet. The program that produced it uses a palette of 400 colors, so index ranges [0,399), wrapping around if needed. I've managed to get pretty close to matching it's behavior. I use an index range of [0,1) and map it like so:
double value = Math.log(0.021 * (iteration + delta + 60)) + 0.72;
value = value - Math.floor(value);
It's kind of odd that I have to use these special constants in there to get my results to match, since I doubt they do any of that. But whatever works in the end, right?
here you can find a version with javascript
usage :
var rgbcol = [] ;
var rgbcol = MapColor ( Iteration , Zy2,Zx2 ) ;
point ( ctx , iX, iY ,rgbcol[0],rgbcol[1],rgbcol[2] );
* The Mandelbrot Set, in HTML5 canvas and javascript.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Christian Stigen Larsen
* Convert hue-saturation-value/luminosity to RGB.
* Input ranges:
* H = [0, 360] (integer degrees)
* S = [0.0, 1.0] (float)
* V = [0.0, 1.0] (float)
function hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
if ( v > 1.0 ) v = 1.0;
var hp = h/60.0;
var c = v * s;
var x = c*(1 - Math.abs((hp % 2) - 1));
var rgb = [0,0,0];
if ( 0<=hp && hp<1 ) rgb = [c, x, 0];
if ( 1<=hp && hp<2 ) rgb = [x, c, 0];
if ( 2<=hp && hp<3 ) rgb = [0, c, x];
if ( 3<=hp && hp<4 ) rgb = [0, x, c];
if ( 4<=hp && hp<5 ) rgb = [x, 0, c];
if ( 5<=hp && hp<6 ) rgb = [c, 0, x];
var m = v - c;
rgb[0] += m;
rgb[1] += m;
rgb[2] += m;
rgb[0] *= 255;
rgb[1] *= 255;
rgb[2] *= 255;
rgb[0] = parseInt ( rgb[0] );
rgb[1] = parseInt ( rgb[1] );
rgb[2] = parseInt ( rgb[2] );
return rgb;
// alex russel :
function MapColor(i,r,c)
var di= i;
var zn;
var hue;
zn = Math.sqrt(r + c);
hue = di + 1.0 - Math.log(Math.log(Math.abs(zn))) / Math.log(2.0); // 2 is escape radius
hue = 0.95 + 20.0 * hue; // adjust to make it prettier
// the hsv function expects values from 0 to 360
while (hue > 360.0)
hue -= 360.0;
while (hue < 0.0)
hue += 360.0;
return hsv_to_rgb(hue, 0.8, 1.0);
