Syntaxhighlight has no color - ckeditor4.x

I added the plugin to ckeditor but did not display the color in the code. Help me where is my problem?
Picture error


How to set the width of text editor when Source is chosen in CKEditor

I am using CKeditor as an editor on my website. The documentation describes how to set the width and height of the editor which works for me. What I can't figure out is how to set the width of the textbox area when the Source is being viewed.
Here is what the CKeditor looks like under when not viewing the Source:
CKEditor when not viewing Source
Here is what the CKeditor looks like when viewing the Source. The area highlighted in yellow shows the editor window when viewing the Source. Notice it doesn't take up the whole CKeditor window like it does when not viewing the Source:
CKeditor when viewing Source
I am trying to figure out how to make the editor window the same size whether viewing Source or not. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Webdatarocks content disappear after clicked apply in field toolbar, then apply button in Fields disable

enter image description here
enter image description here
webdatarocks content disappear after clicked apply in Fields toolbar. Appreciate someone could help. Thanks
error can reproduce same as link below.
It seems that they released new 1.4.2 version a day ago - Have you tried it?

CkEditor - Image Link URL issue

I'm using CkEditor to design the page, I am using image properties, the link used in image is not getting saved when "OK" button is clicked.
image Link :
Not Working
here the %Addresse%, value will be filled on form open dynamically, but while designing the ckeditor , this URL in Image link is not getting saved.
Please can anyone help me !!!
I was not able to reproduce the issue. On my system (ckeditor 4.4.3) it worked.

text color in ckeditor 4.5 beta is not showing

I downloaded ckeditor 4.5 beta and adding font or find plugin in config.js is working well.
But even if I added colorbutton using extraPlugins function and ‘textcolor’ in colors group, text colors is not showing in my Ckeditor toolbar.
How to solve this problem?
I encountered the same problem recently, not matter change toolbar groups configs to what forms, the colorButton is just not showing on the toolbar.
Finally and occasionally I found a ckeditor plugin named colorbutton and when
download it, the download pages show the way to activate it like below image
and it's effect.
Caution: You need download the dependent plugins too showing on the image, and after changing configs please clear your browser's caches

how to display color palette in ckeditor

Pardon if this is very basic thing but since I am new to it and could not find any thing about it, so I am asking.
I have integrated ckeditor in my textarea but ckeditor is not showing palette to change font color. How can I display it in ckeditor options?
Did you download a full build of CKEditor?
What you're looking for is the colorbutton plugin. Basic/standard builds of CKE don't have this plugin.
