How to see that someone made public channel private in Slack? - slack

I have no idea how to do it using EventsAPI from Slack.
So, our bot does this:
Creates public channel #test
Invites the bot to the channel using user token
From now on, we are using bot token to post messages on the channel
The problem happens when someone converts public channel to private. The ID of the channel changes and the bot gets error channel_not_found.
Do you have an idea how to track this change and update ID on our system automatically? Bot is still the member of the channel!

I found a way and it was also confirmed by Slack Help team.
Basically when channel is converted to private, you get these events:
channel_deleted with id of your public channel
member_joined_channel with id of new private channel and bot_id
When you get member_joined_channel, retrieve from Slack the name of new channel and if it matches your previous public channel then you know it is the same one but private now.
Slack does not allow to create channels with the same name so this is the indicator.
I just tested it with production app and it works! :)

I don't think that is currently possible.
Naturally, you would expect a specific Slack event for that case to fire, when a channel is converted, but there does not appear to be one. If you need this I would suggest to write a request they add an event for it.
One thing you can do is restricted who can create private channels in your Slack workplace to limit the risk of unintended use.
However, you can prevent this error from occurring by checking which public and private channels exist with conversations.list, and which channels you bot is a member with conversations.member.


Slack Event to use whenever a user who installed the app leaves the private channel

We need to track the members of a slack channel whenever a member join/leave the public/private channel where installed user is member.
member_joined_channel and member_left_channel working fine for public channels.
But if user who installed the app leaves the private channel we are not getting member_left_channel event.
How to track that?
I see there is event like
But need to understand the difference between member_left_channel and group_leave.
Looks like group_leave is the subset event of member_left_channel

Retrieve Slack private channels without adding bot to them

I want to retrieve all channels in my workspace using Slack API but my private channels are not listed unless I add my bot to them using Slack desktop/mobile app
Is this even possible to accomplish? Since the scope for reading private channels states:
View basic information about private channels that your slack app has been added to
which implies I should add my bot to the channel before reading it.
Bot users behave similarly to regular Slack users in that they only have visibility into conversations they are members of. Unfortunately, there is no way to gather private channel data without the bot being in the channel.

Slack channel not found. Private slack channel from a docker container

I have set up a slack app to allow me to send notifications from my code to a private slack channel.
I have invited the bot to the channel, and when I run the app from the command line, all is good.
However, when I try and run it from a docker container, I get channel not found. If I try and use exactly the same code, and send a message to a bot in a public channel, no issues all is good.
Both bots have permissions, chat:write and chat:write.public
Why would this only be working on some machines and not others?
I know this probably doesn't have enough detail, but I'm not sure what is needed to help diagnose this.
More information:
Thanks to #Suyash Gaur I didn't know about the groups scope. I've now added groups:write and groups:history to the app, but am still getting the same error from the docker version of the app.
The membership of the channel I'm trying to write too shows
cwpr_notifications on Aug 3, 2021
Can post messages to specific channels in slack, send messages as #cwprnotifications, send messages to channels #cwprnotifications isn't a member of, manage private channels that cwpr_notifications has been added to and create new ones, and view messages and other content in private channels that cwpr_notifications has been added to.
I am using a bottoken and channel ID to send the message. Do I need something else for a private channel.
When I first used the bot from the command line run, I had to invite the app to the channel to get it to work, but surely I only need to do that once?
I've confirmed that the environment variables are getting passed in correctly.
With limited set of information provided, I can only say that:
If the public channel is accessible and private channel is not,
It seems like an issue of scopes.
For public channels, scopes start with channels:*
For private channels, scopes start with groups:*
Can you look into the app's configuration and confirm the permissions are configured correctly?

Getting Private Channel Info when Linking Public Slack Channel

I am trying to create a link to a public channel in a post message to slack programmatically.
Following the documentation, I am posting a slack message containing <#C...> with a valid public channel within my slack workspace. However, the display shows only Private channel info, instead of the actual channel.
Are there additional permissions or setup required?
Got it to work with using <#{normalized_channel_name}>

How to get the name of the slack channel from conversation menu?

I have added a slack conversation dropdown and in the response I want to save/show channel name (or conversation name). I'm able to get the public channels information through API but for the private channels, I am not able to fetch any details. Can someone help me how I can get the names along with channel id (or conversation id).
This is the response from the slack on selecting a channel
{'values': {'channel_block': {'selected_action_id': {'type': 'conversations_select', 'selected_conversation': 'G0*****JM'}}}}
The token you're using to call must have access to the channel in question before you can access it. I'm assuming it doesn't, but without seeing the response from the API I can't be sure.
