How to update a row by id in jpa hibernate? - spring

I was trying to update a row in db by fetching the idByName, but instead it's adding a new row? Please help me out.
This is my controller code:
public ModelAndView updateRetailer(#ModelAttribute("retailer") Retailer retailerDetails)
System.out.println("method called");
UUID id=repository.findIdByName(retailerDetails.getBusinessName());
String name=retailerDetails.getBusinessName();
//Retailer retailer=repository.findOne(rid);
if(id == null)
return null;
return new ModelAndView("welcome");
This is my Repository code:
public interface RetailerRepository extends JpaRepository<Retailer, UUID>{
#Query("SELECT FROM Retailer r where r.businessName=:name")
UUID findIdByName(#Param("name") String name);

You should forget to set the "id" to the retailerDetails entity. Spring JPA will only execute the update action when the primary key is set.
Added the following line in your code.

You should simply fetch by BusinessName.
Repository method be:
Retailer findByBusinessName(#Param("name") String name);
updateRetailer method be like:
Retailer retailer = findByBusinessName(retailerDetails.getBusinessName());

Your controller looks great and so is your repository. There is something that you should know when it comes to updating an entity with hibernate. Hibernate will save(create new object) if the id for the given item is null during the transaction and hibernate will save(update the current instance in the database) if the id exist.
The flow for this update I presume is when the request to update is requested, you retrieve the object based on the specified entity then return to the view. One thing to take note of is to carry your id with your even in the view.
Make sure you include the id in a hidden input like
from there the id will be submitted in addition to the updated data to the post method.
Most update issues similar to this can be fixed by versioning entity with the #Version
Use the format of the Spring Data JPA to successfully query without writing any query.
public interface RetailerRepository extends JpaRepository{
// Assuming there is an attribute businessName in the Retailer entity.
UUID findByBusinessName(String businessName);


Spring #Transactional is not commited. Neo4J

I have an entity User that has relationship WORKS_FOR with an entity Organization. Organization has relationship HAS_EMPLOYEE with all users that are in and a relationship HAS_ANCHOR, with one anchor for the whole organization to manage it. I am trying to update organization entity with another user from "HAS_EMPLOYEE" list to become a new anchor. But there are no changes in db after the method and no runtime exceptions are thrown.
public OrganizationDTO changeAnchorForOrganization(UUID prevAnchorId, UUID newAnchorId) {
User newAnchor = userService.getAnyUserById(newAnchorId);
if (!newAnchor.isActive()) {
throw new BadRequestException(ExceptionType.REQUEST_BODY_INVALID);
User prevAnchor = userService.getAnyUserById(prevAnchorId);
Organization organization = getOrganizationByAnchorId(prevAnchorId);
Set<String> prevAnchorPermissions = prevAnchor.getPermissions();
Set<String> newAnchorPermissions = newAnchor.getPermissions();
return organizationMapper.entityToDTO(organization);
organization.setAnchor(newAnchor); this line is not working?
The result DTO has the changes made to org anchor but db is not. And if i'll try to get the ogranization after this method i'll get the old version of organization(with previous anchor)
Stuck with that for a long time. Maybe somebody can help me?
I was missing think it's because of neo4j because by default #Transactional annotation commit any changes made to entities at the end of the service call. Or it's just a bug.

Find by id=1 spring data jpa

I have a table component and entity Component. I want to select id = 1 record from jpa query. Can I write 'findByIdOne' or 'findByIdEqualtoOne'? will that give me id = 1 record? Please let me know, Thanks.
No, you cannot. Refer to the Spring Data JPA documentation which documents the exact keywords that you can use.
You are free to specify the query that you want a method to execute though. Something like
#Query("select c from Component c where")
Component findByIdOne();
I do have to put a disclaimer: by providing this solution I assume that you are really sure that ID 1 is always going to exist and will always point to exactly the same Component record in any environment that you may be running the application against. Hardcoded database IDs in your application code is not something I would ever recommend.
Direct writing the query dsl you cant, but there is a 'way' with Java 8 using default methods:
Let's say you have the query:
public interface ComponentRespository extends CrudRepository<Component, Long> {
#Query("select c from Component c where")
Component findById(#Param("id") Long id);
default Component findByIdOne() {
return findById(1L);
default Component findByIdTwo() {
return findById(2L);
This way you can use:
private ComponentRespository componentRepository;
Component componentOne = componentRepository.findByIdOne();
Component componentTwo = componentRepository.findByIdTwo();
You can use Optional<EntityName> findById(long id) or List<EntityName> findById(long id) if it's not unique.
You can use Optional<EntityName> findById(long id) or List<EntityName> findAllById if it's not unique.
We have several options:
findByIdIs(long id) or findByIdEquals(long id)

Spring REST ResponseEntity how to return response when we have two objects

1. For example UserProfile which has 3 properties name,dob, age
2. And 2nd class let's say UserProfileResponse which has only "id"
public ResponseEntity<UserProfileResponse> createUserProfile(#RequestBody UserProfile userProfile)
UserProfileResponse userProfileResponse = new UserProfileResponse();
userProfileResponse.setId(??) // How do I set ID?
**createUserProfileData(userProfile) /// This is used to create DB record**
return new ResponseEntity<UserProfileResponse>(userProfileResponse,HTTPStatus.OK);
So for this userProfileResponse.setId(??) how can I set the ID value?
can I directly do like this userProfileResponse.setId(userProfileResponse.getId());
Or I can Pass one more request body like this
ResponseEntity<UserProfileResponse> createUserProfile(#RequestBody UserProfile userProfile, #RequestBody ID)
Thanks in advance.
You can call createUserProfileData method and return the id of the newly inserted object from it.
In createUserProfileData method, you can call saveAndFlush method of the repository which will save the userProfile Object.
This will return the id of the newly inserted object.
Finally your code will look like below:
public ResponseEntity<UserProfileResponse> createUserProfile(#RequestBody UserProfile userProfile)
UserProfileResponse userProfileResponse = new UserProfileResponse();
int id = createUserProfileData(userProfile)
return new ResponseEntity<UserProfileResponse>(userProfileResponse,HTTPStatus.OK);
If you want to get a value from the RequestBody UserProfile which it didn't contain it actually.Sorry it's impossible.
And we only could receive one requestBody at one time,so we need to use some other ways to collect the info.There is some other solutions:
Use #PathVariable to get ID from url
Use #RequestParam to get Id from requestParam
Add a new field named Id into your UserProfile
Use other way that that could get your Id,this depend how you persistent or generate the Id.
In your case,I'm not sure what you are going to do with the id.
If the "createUserProfileData" method means you need to offer an id first for persistence.
Well,I dont know which database and what kind of framework you are using.As I know,most of framework and database has the ability to generate the id automatically.But if you insist to generate id by your self,I recommend you UUID.
If the "createUserProfileData" method is saving the UserProfile to the database literally and the id is generated by the database itself,then you just do it and put the Id represent the record you just saved to UserProfileResponse.
As to how to get the id represent the record you just saved?It's up to the framework you're using and precisely how the code is written.

Spring Data JPA and Spring Web Updating Entities Avoiding Associations

I have the following entities:
They are both many-to-many:
An area can have many listings
A listing can have many areas
Both Area and Listing have other fields like name, domain, etc.
I'm using Spring Web RestController as a way to update the entities.
For example:
public Area update(#PathVariable Long id, #RequestBody Area update) {
However, as an Area can have many thousands of Listings, it's not practical to pass them all in the update request when I just want to update the Area name and other basic fields in my web application.
For example, the update json in the http request would be:
"id" : 69,
"name" : "San Francisco",
"domain" : "foo",
When serialised, the area instance above will have a listings field equal to null (obviously) and then when saved, all association are remove from this Area.
I'm thinking that I could do a select-then-update set of operations and only update the values necessary but that is cumbersome - especially when there are many dozens of non-association fields.
The question would be: how can I try to keep to the above code and http request and not remove all of the existing Listing associations when saving the input area? Is this possible? I want to update the name and other basic fields but not the association fields.
You can use the BeanUtilBean(org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean).
Step 1: Create custom beanutilbean class.
public class CustomBeanUtilsBean extends BeanUtilsBean {
public void copyProperty(Object dest, String name, Object value)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
super.copyProperty(dest, name, value);
Step 2: In your controller while updating. first get the Area from database & use copyProperties method as shown in below.
public Area update(#PathVariable Long id, #RequestBody Area update) {
Area areaDB = areaRepository.findOne(update.getId());
customBeanUtilsBean.copyProperties(areaDB,update);//it will set not null field values of update to areaDB.
Hope this will helps you..:)
Since you are using spring-data-jpa repository you can write a new method that takes the changed values of Area object with #Modifying and #Query annotations on it.
In the #Query you specify the HQL query with update statement as in here

Hibernate = Criteria to query tables

I would like to query hibernate just by passing it an object and I thought this was supported but I guess it isnt as my query returns all the objects in my Product table.
I have a product and a product has a set of categories and I would like to return all products that have that category.
Category is just an id (which I am passing as null as I want to get by name) and a name which is a string which I am setting on the category object, and then passing to the Product object by adding it to a set attached to the product.
I pass an object to the spring rest client and convert this to a hibernate entity and then I thought I could just pass it to hibernate with the properties I want to filter by set:
public List<Product> getProductsByFilterCriteria(Product productToLocate) {
Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Product>();
//Just maps the values
ProductEntity criteria = mapProductCriteriaToEntity(productToLocate);
List<ProductEntity> productsMatchingCriteria = (List<ProductEntity>)session.createCriteria(ProductEntity.class).add(Example.create(criteria).excludeZeroes()).list();
for(ProductEntity productEntity : productsMatchingCriteria) {
return products;
I have set up the product entity with a list which contains a single category, and no other properties are set.
How do I just pass the Product and its set of Categories to hibernate and get out all products which have a Category of whatever the category name is?
From the documentation:
17.8. Example queries
The class org.hibernate.criterion.Example allows you to construct a query criterion from a given instance.
Version properties, identifiers and associations are ignored.
(emphasis mine)
