Grails 3.3.1 and reloading beans with properties defined in resources.groovy - spring

I have a class in src/main/groovy (ApiService.groovy). I am defining this as a spring bean in resources.groovy as I have multiple implementations.
There is a single property for this bean:
apiService(ApiService) {
server = '${server.address}'
Properties are defined in an external properties file.
All is fine when the application is first started.
However, if I change the file ApiService.groovy, the server property is null after ApiService gets reloaded.
I am using the following when starting the app with run-app:
I have also tried running Application.groovy, running the Gradle task bootRun and numerous other options for reloading but to no avail.
I have also tried using constructor based args instead, using resources.xml instead of resources.groovy but the same outcome.
Also, just for testing, I used the #Value annotation for the server property in the class itself and all was fine after a reload.
I'm running within Intellij but get the same behaviour running from the command line.
Maybe this shouldn't actually work but any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated to save me spending any more time on it.


spring-integration: SplitterFactoryBean may only be referenced once

I have a Spring project (not using Spring Boot, if that's relevant) that I'm trying to connect to a local database using the Postgres JDBC driver. (The local database is actually Yugabyte, but that should be fully compatible with the Postgres driver.)
When starting the application, I get this error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An AbstractMessageProducingMessageHandler may only be referenced once (org.springframework.integration.config.SplitterFactoryBean#0) - use scope="prototype"
at org.springframework.util.Assert.isTrue(
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.checkReuse(
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractStandardMessageHandlerFactoryBean.createHandler(
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.createHandlerInternal(
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.getObject(
at org.springframework.integration.config.AbstractSimpleMessageHandlerFactoryBean.getObject(
... 52 more
I can't place this error at all. There is one similar question on Stack Overflow, but there the asker seems to actually know what they're doing and how this is related to spring integration. I, however, am not aware at all that I'm trying to 'reuse' anything. The referenced question also doesn't seem to be related to database configuration.
My setup/configuration is a bit involved, so I'll try to quote the parts that seem relevant.
I have a dao layer project that has the following gradle dependencies (among others):
In the same project, I have some configuration (in Kotlin):
open class Config {
open fun jdbcTemplate(dataSource: DataSource): JdbcTemplate = JdbcTemplate(dataSource)
open fun dslContext(): DSLContext = DefaultDSLContext(SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
open inner class NonTestConfig {
open fun dataSource(): DataSource {
return DriverManagerDataSource().apply {
// Hardcoded properties to be replaced by values from property file
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/demo"
username = "yugabyte"
password = "yugabyte"
(Notes: the DSLContext bean is used for JOOQL, included for completeness' sake. The inner class config is there because there is also a separate unit testing config for an embedded database - that one works fine!)
Now, the above project is used in my top-level project that contains the actual application. It's a maven runtime dependency there. I import the config class in this project's XML configuration, using this method:
<context:annotation-config />
<bean class="my.package.Config" />
Then trying to start the application produces the error message.
I figured out what the problem was, but I still don't know how it relates to a <splitter>.
The problem was that the Config class, apart from the database stuff, also included a bean to encrypt data. It turned out that this bean was also defined in another library used by the top-level project. Fixing this duplicate bean problem made the error go away.
I discovered this in a roundabout way: I included the dao project and its configuration in a different top-level project that uses Spring Boot. This led to a clear error message about the encryptor bean having two definitions.
If anyone can explain why the error message is so cryptic in the non-Boot case, that would be a nice complementary answer.

In Spring Boot how do you register custom converters that are available when parsing application configuration?

In a Spring Boot application how do you register custom converts to be used when processing application configuration?
I have made a custom convert (org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter) so it can be used by the ApplicationConversionService/Binder to parse #ConfiguraitonProperties defined in and application.yaml configuration files but do not know how to register it.
I have tried the solution here but it creates an instance of my converter after the application configuration parameters have been processed.
I ran into this issue myself recently. From what I can tell, the key issue is that binding to configuration properties occurs very early in the Spring startup process, before the Application Context is fully initialized. Therefore the usual methods for registering a converter are not reliable. In fact the ConversionService used for configuration binding appear to be a one-off and not really connected to the ConversionService that is stored in the Application Context.
I was able to get something working but it feels like a hack, as it relies on internal implementation details that may work today but not tomorrow. In any case, this is the code I used:
((ApplicationConversionService) ApplicationConversionService.getSharedInstance()).addConverter(myCustomConverter);
The trick I found was to make sure this gets called as soon as possible at application startup so that it gets called before the configuration binding where it's needed. I put it in a #PostConstruct block inside my main #SpringBootApplication class as this seemed to get invoked early on, at least in my case.

Spring Boot configuration behaviour with #ConfigurationProperties and Command Line arguments

I seem to be having some funny behaviour with Spring boot on yaml property files im trying to load.
I have a Settings bean that is setup as follows :
#ConfigurationProperties(location = 'config.yml', prefix='settings')
public class Settings {
private String path;
I've explicitly told spring to look in the config.yml file for property values to bind to the Settings bean. This looks like this:
path: /yaml_path
This works well, however, I don't seem to be able to override these values from the command line i.e.
java -jar my.jar --settings.path=test
The value that is bound to the settings bean is still /yaml_path but would've expected that the --settings.path=test would override the settings in the yaml.
Interestingly, I've noticed that if i take comment out the path setting from the yaml file, the commandline argument value of test comes through.
Additionally, I've also noticed that if i change my config file from config.yml to application.yml and remove the 'location' attribute from the configuration properties file this gives me the desired desired behaviour, but means that I can't have multiple application.yml files in the classpath as it breaks my multi module application which has configuration files throughout.
Ideal world I would like be able to have modules read configuration from yaml files that contain safe values for that module (i.e. module.yml) and be able to override these values from the commandline if needed. Has anyone figured out how to get commandline arguments passed into the beans this way?
I have created a project on git hub to show case the issue
Running the application displays logging information about what settings are applied. i.e.
java -jar spring-boot-yaml-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --config.path=/test
should override the settings, however, the default /var/tmp is displayed
additionally, when using the application.yml configuration
java -jar spring-boot-yaml-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --app.path=/test
seems to behave as expected where the command line argument overrides the value but only works because its value is defined in the application.yml file.
Looks like the locations attribute is working as designed, however, seems to be at odds with the standard configuration paradigm setup by spring boot ( It is meant to override the settings. It looks like this this feature may be removed in a future release of spring boot anyway (

Deploying BEAN in OSGi plugin

I am currently deploying my custom controls as OSGi plugins and I wanted to do the same thing with my beans. I have tried putting them into the OSGi plugin and it works fine but the only problem I have is the faces-config.
It seems it has to be called faces-config in the OSGi plugin to work but that means i can't use beans in the NSF anymore because it seems to ignore the local faces-config.
Is there a way to change the name of the faces-config in the OSGi plugin?
Something like FEATURE-faces-config.xml?
In the class in your plugin that extends AbstractXspLibrary, you can override "getFacesConfigFiles", which should return an array of strings representing paths within the plugin to additional files of any name to load as faces-config additions. For example:
public String[] getFacesConfigFiles() {
return new String[] {
Then you can put the config file in that path within your Java source folder (or another folder that is included in and it will be loaded in addition to your app's normal faces-config, beans and all.
The NSFs are running as separate, distinct Java applications. The OSGi plugin is running in the OSGi layer, above all those distinct Java applications, as a single code base. Consequently, the faces-config is only at that level.
It's possible to load them dynamically, by using an ImplicitObjectFactory, loaded from an XspContributor. That's what is done in OpenNTF Domino API for e.g. userScope (which is a bean stored in applicationScope of an NSF). See org.openntf.domino.xsp.helpers.OpenntfDominoImplicitObjectFactory, which is referenced in OpenntfDominoXspContributor, loaded via the extension point of type "".
A few caveats:
You have no control over what happens if you try to register your bean with a name the developer also uses for a different variable in that scope.
Unless you add code to check if the library is enabled, as we do, you'll be adding the bean to every database on the server.
You still need to add the library to the NSF. Unless you also provide a component that those databases will all use, there's no way you can programmatically add it, as far as I know.
It might be easier to skip the bean approach and just add an instance of the Java class in beforePageLoad, page controller class, or however you're managing the backing to the relevant XPage (if viewScope) or application (if sessionScope / applicationScope).

Inject constructor argument Spring Resource file with Grails/Groovy

From our Grails/Groovy app we need to use a service from a legacy Java service class, the constructor of which has a parameter of type, e.g.
public ServiceClass(Resource someResource)
We need to inject an instance of the service class into a Groovy class of our app using Spring DSL, with the Resource referring to an XML file within our /src/main/resources. I tried to create the Spring config for this purpose, but so far I couldn't find a working solution. The relevant part of the config file looks like this
beans = {
xmlns aop:"",
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass) {
//here we need to refer to the constructor arg XML file some way
I have tried multiple syntaxes found in various tutorials, e.g. closure for beanDefinition.constructorArgs, but unfortunately without success so far. Although neither the app compilation (grails:war) nor the startup (grails:run-app) indicates any problems with the bean wiring, when the app is actually loaded into the browser, we receive a NPE stating that our Groovy class into which the service class is injected, is a null object. So it seems that the bean wiring was not successful after all. Any help is appreciated
After fixing various issues with the project setup itself and multiple cleanups/recompiles, it seems that the following two approaches are both OK
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass, '/WEB-INF/constructor-arg-xml-file.xml') {}
serviceClass(com.somepackage.ServiceClass) { bean ->
bean.constructorArgs = [
