Visual Studio 2015 no longer generates executable - visual-studio

I had a Windows Forms application that needed some UI and code changes changes made to it. I made the proper changes (mainly deleting a few controls and moving some code). Oddly after the changes were made, I would rebuild run, and despite the changes, the changes being saved, and builds being made multiple times,the application would always run as if the changes were never made.
I tried to Build -> Clean Solution a few times, with no avail. I decided to try manually deleting the bin and obj folders and rebuild. However, after closing the solution, deleting those folders, I tried to build again and get the following error:
OutputPath and AssemblyName are set correctly as far as I'm aware. This only affects Debug, Release runs fine (sort of) and even in debug XML and *.vshost files are created, but not the executable. I've tried restarting VS a few times to no avail. What in the world did I do and how do I fix it?
EDIT After right clicking on the solution and doing a batch-build on all projects in the solution, things started working. I still have no idea what happened, so if anyone has any theories feel free to comment.

Does the Output window provide any details about where the .exe was created?
You may need to increase the verbosity of the logging. To do so, go to the Options dialog (Tools > Options) and open "Projects and Solutions" > "Build and Run." Change the "MSBuild project build output verbosity" and recompile.


Visual Studio builds are reverting code to pre-correction states

So, new to .NET Core and going slow. Followed a standard tutorial for ASP.NET Core MVC app using Entity Framework to connect to MSSQLLocalDB - this went well.
Converted the application to connect to MySql, and went equally well,
Changed the name of a table on MySql to Interests from Interest, and after a bit of fiddling around this to was put to bed, that is it was working as expected.
Went to run the application today and I get:
There were Build Errors Would you like to continue and run the last successfull build.
Code has reverted to Interest, from Interests in several places in Obj files,
for instance "Create.cshtml.g.cs"
Corrected the code and went to run, the same build error pops up, and all corrections are undone.
I make the changes again, save the files, exit VS, reload, the changes are as they should be, run and it reverts all changes, failing again.
I thought this might be some sort of cache issue so deleted the obj folder, again corrected the entries, but again run the build and the corrections reverted!
I solved this issue on my machine by changing the cshtml file properties. Right click the chstml file in the Solution Explorer window, click on Properties in the context menu.Then in the Properties window, change the "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy if newer". Then make sure "Build Action" is set to "Content".

Blue question mark on files in solution explorer

I often get blue question marks on files in my VS2012 Solution Explorer when opening a solution bound to Perforce through P4VS.
Looks like something is having trouble to "synchronize" with the depot/workspace/whatnot. Hitting "Refresh View" always solves the issue but I'm growing tired on doing this everyday:
This is my VS version:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
And P4VS:
This is persistent across P4VS versions for a few months now, and seems to be affecting sometimes individual files, sometimes entire projects, with no apparent pattern.
How can I diagnose what's going wrong, be it a server issue, a VS issue, a workspace issue?... The Perforce Source Control output shows nothing special.
Actually it's not entire folders, it's entire projects. It appears that even if refreshing a project "fixes" the issue for one run, re-opening the solution brings it back. Whereas I think that for individual files, refreshing them solves the issue once and for all. I'll play with it a bit more to confirm that.
To help diagnose what is going wrong you should probably turn on logging, and check the preferences that will show everything in the output window. For the P4VS log, go to:
Tools- > Options -> Source Control -> Perforce - Logging
(This is not the same thing as the Visual Studio Activity log.)
There could be a possibility that you are getting disconnected and refresh reconnects you. I am not sure if you have your connection set to use solution-specific settings, since you did not mention the connection dialog coming up.
This "solved" the issue for me, at least for the entire projects that went blue-question-marked:
1) Tools > Options
2) Source Control
3) Perforce - General
4) Tick the option "Treat Solution/Project as directory when
Not sure why but that's one less annoyance for me every day. Thanks to Perforce support for suggesting that.
The file is probably not marked for version control. I noticed this icon in one file and opened Perforce to check. For whatever reason, this file was not marked for add in Perforce. After marking the file for add and submitting, the blue question mark went away.

How to solve Intellisense not working in VS 2010

I am opening files from a server and the VB codebehind files, and my visual studio is not working correctly, Intellisense is dead and if i right click the "Go to defenition" option is disabled. These files are not part of a solution.
This is strange though because it was working properly yesterday. If I create a new project the intellisense works great, yet opening this single file it fails.
I have tried to re enable intellisense by resetting visual studio, I tried editing the text editor settings so that Auto list members and Parameter information are both checked. I even tried installing ReSharper and nothing worked. I have rebooted twice and even tried copying the file to a local drive to work on yet nothing.
Does anyone know why this is happening and what I could do to solve the problem? Im working on a rather complex problem and intellisense would make it a lot easier.
I managed to fix this problem which manifested itself after my ReSharper trial expired.
Steps to fix are:
Tools/Import and Export Settings
Reset all settings
Back up your config
Select your environment settings and finish
Intellisense started working again straight away.
For me simply hitting Ctrl+Alt+Space to re-enable Autocompletion fixed it.
I had the same problem. It only affected one of my solutions. Others seemed fine.
To correct it I deleted the solution's user options file (.suo).
When I opened the solution again, intellisense was working.
For the benefit of searchers, Nicks suggestion is good, but if you don't want to reset all your settings, you could follow the recommendation in this post.
It states - "go to "Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | General and check the "Auto list members" and "Parameter information" checkboxes"
I should first note that upgrading my RAM from 4 to 16GB seems to have made this issue go away.
Here's the steps I go through:
If only one file/window appears to be affected, close/reopen that file. If that doesn't work, try below.
In Visual Studio:
Click Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->General
Uncheck "Auto list members"
Uncheck "Parameter information"
Check "Auto list members" (yes, the one you just unchecked)
Check "Parameter information" (again, the one you just unchecked)
Click OK
If this doesn't work, here's a few more steps to try:
Close all VS documents and reopen
If still not working, close/reopen solution
If still not working, restart VS.
For C++ projects:
MSDN has a few things to try: MSDN suggestions
The corrupt .ncb file seems a likely culprit.
From MSDN:
Close the solution.
Delete the .ncb file.
Reopen the solution. (This creates a new .ncb file.)
Sometimes, it could be because of different extension style that you are using for the files.
In my case Intellisense is working in all the files except for a file in a different project of the same solution.
When I have changed the extension of the file to cxx from cpp,it started working.
The includes and other files in the solution are of extension .cxx or .txx.
Thank you
Save your solution. Closing the VS2010 instance for this solution and re-oprning worked for me.
Here I assume that Intellisense was working OK but stopped for some unknown reason without changing any default settings.
After uninstalling ReSharper, the squigglies that show up underneath a syntax error stopped showing up in the code editor.
This blog post helped me fix the issue.
Try this:
Close any open instances of visual studio, delete the folder 10.0 inside `C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\' and restart the visual studio. Issue will be fixed.
In my case, none of the above worked (although I discovered that sometimes the *.suo file is the trouble maker - in those cases deleting it helps).
I fixed it successfully the following way: Let's assume your solution has the name MySolution. Do the following:
Reset the settings (as described here). Close Visual Studio 2012.
Locate the file MySolution.sln.DotSettings (it is in the same folder as your MySolution.sln file)
Rename or delete it (for example rename it to XMySolution.sln.DotSettingsX so VS won't read it)
Open your solution by double-clicking on the MySolution.sln file
And afterwards Intellisense was working again just fine. I assume the file MySolution.sln.DotSettings got corrupted.
Note: The file MySolution.sln.DotSettings was created and checked in to TFS by a team colleague who had installed ReSharper. The issue occurred on a different PC without ReSharper where the same project was opened.
For me, this was related to an incorrect xaml file build action in an Azure WorkerRole project (bizarre, though it may seem!). Please see my entry in this post if you want to know more:
C# VS2010 Entering break mode failed
The fix for the error in the above thread also resulted in the intellisense starting to work again.
I fixed this problem by removing Sybase Power Designer VS extension.
You can try to disable other extensions.
Exactly the same issue, though would appear only on certain projects (even within a single solution).
Removing the *.*proj.user file (e.g. *.csproj.user) for the projects in question properly reset the missing features ("Go To Definition", "Organize Usings", Intellisense on certain types, etc).
In our case, I suspect this happens sometimes when we switch branches with an SCM that uses a single working directory (like git). If setup properly, it wouldn't track *.user* files but that means that if there are incompatible changes in it across different branches, you need to regenerate it.
So of course the "sometimes" would depend on the current branch and the next branch.
Unfortunately I don't see a very good solution if that's the case. Sometimes you really want to keep the user settings across branches if they're compatible, sometimes you want to regenerate them unconditionally. Ideally, you might even want to only change parts of them when switching, while keeping other parts.
If you never need to keep them and are fine with regenerating them every time, then you can configure your SCM to always remove these files while switching branches (e.g. using hooks for git). This is a pretty naive solution however, doing it more universally correctly would require a smarter system (aware of the semantics behind the .user files and capable of capturing/prompting user intent when needed).
save, close and reopen the source file you are working on. This works every time for me.
Try to add the statement:
<%# Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="IP_Updater.Default" %> beginning of your page. The above example is applied for page Default.aspx written in VB.NET.
This is the problem related to Microsoft MSDN , your MSDN might be getting some problem. The solutions to this is uninstall MSDN and then re-install . before going for this make sure that you system is free from virus attack.
Hope that after doing , the Microsoft Intellisense will start running

This Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit, The Source Code is Different from the Original (even after cleaning/rebuilding)

.NET 4, console application. The project is set to 'Debug' mode. The breakpoint being set is in the primary/startup project. I have right-clicked -> Clean, and right-clicked -> rebuild, both on the Solution and project levels.
Following the instructions in this SO question, I have confirmed that my "Build and Run" options are set to 'prompt' for both 'When projects are out of date' and 'when build or deployment errors occur', and I am NOT getting a prompt when I F5 to build/run.
Also, the 'save all changes' under 'before building' is also selected (plus I manually saved them myself).
I monitored the output window of the application, see this line:
'MyApplication.exe': (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\exepath' Symbols Loaded.
I restarted the VS2010 instance. I restarted all open VS2010 instances (of other projects). I've even gone through a reboot.
However, the breakpoint I am setting in the startup project is a hollow-red circle, with the notice that 'This breakpoint will not currently be hit, The source code is different from the original', and, in fact, is never hit.
So, this is really 2 questions:
1) How do I fix this problem so I can properly breakpoint
2) When I see this, does that mean my code is executing from an older build?
I've had this problem once myself but that was on a vsto addin. In that case there were left over intermediate files under the users/appdata directories that were actually loaded instead of my app.
There is this blog article that has a whole load of possible reasons for this error and then a whole bunch more in the comments from other users
This can also happen if you have a solution with multiple projects, and have the wrong project selected as your startup project in VS2010 and VS2012.
Now, obviously, I wouldn't expect debugging to work if I have the wrong startup project selected -- the debugger is attaching itself to the wrong process!
But this error message (in my case) was terribly misleading. It made me think something else was wrong. I tried a bunch of solutions in this thread (nuking various /bin and output directories) when really it was something very simple (wrong startup process).
If you are using vb, check that you are building the project for the active solution configuration (Build, Configuration Manager..., Column under Build is checked. Also check the project properties, Compile tab, Advanced Compile Options, and Generate debug info is set to Full. Sorry I can't tell you where this may be in C#.
The only other time I've seen this is when two projects in the solution are referencing the same dll but they are referencing from different sources. One from a project reference and another from a file reference for example. If the "copy local" option is true, there would be the potential of overwriting the dll with an older version of the same dll.
My solution might help people who have signed the assembly.
After lot of head scratching for the past two days, I was able to resolve the same issue by doing the following simple steps:
Go to your Visual Studio project properties.
Go to the "Signing" tab.
Uncheck "Delay sign only" option if it is checked.
Now run your project and it should work.For me it did work.
In my case was this same problem (“The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version.”) caused by fact, that I tried add breakpoint to declaration:
DateTime dt;
bool b = DateTime.TryParse(null, out dt);
(first line of code)
So I assume that message is "universal" and may have many different causes.
This can happen if your system clock was changed since the last compile. Your PDB file will be different date than the one your are trying to debug. Delete the PDB files in the project and recompile.
I experienced the problem when Project > Properties > Web did not have "Enable Edit and Continue" selected. After enabling this feature the issue was corrected.
It is important to note that under Tools > Options > Debugging > Edit and Continue "Enable Edit and Continue" was selected, but it was not enabled for this project.
Just go to Tools / Import and Export Settings
Choose reset all settings then click Next
No, just resetl settings, ovewriting my current settings then click next
Choose your current language, por example C#. then click Finish
If you have multiple solutions open, try simply closing all Visual Studio instances and restarting only the instance you need.
In my experience this has happened when two branches of nearly identical code are open in different instances.
doing a "clean solution" from VS Build Menu might help you.
I had to go over all those steps to fix the issue on my computer.
Make sure that debug = "true" on your web.config
Clean and rebuild all projects
Delete every file inside the bin folder of all projects
Close and open Visual Studio, rebuild, and run the project again.
Go to your solution folder -> obj -> Debug - > delete the .dll file and build the solution again.

The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information

I cannot get rid of this in my VS 2008 web project when debugging. I've checked that it's in debug mode on the non-web project in question and it's in Active(Debug). Deleted all items in my .NET 2.0 temp folder in Windows. Not sure what else to do here.
Try disabling "Enable Just My Code" in Tools/Options/Debugging/Options.
I had the same problem and discovered that I wasn't outputting my debug info on my build. If you right click on the project and go to 'properties', then select the 'build' tab, on the bottom of the page there's an 'Advanced...' button that will display your setting for you output debug info. Set that to 'full' and the error should go away.
I just ran into this issue, and quickly decided that the other answers posted didn't apply to me.
I'm the owner of the project, and I know it was built with debug information, as well as without optimizations. Furthermore, I'm never happy choosing the disabling of a warning as my first choice. Hiding/ignoring this warning could become an issue in a future debugging session.
Since this only started occurring after I signed the assembly, this clued me in on my quick fix: temporarily remove the strong name of my DLL (and consuming EXE). Voila! Problem solved.
A better, long-term solution, could take the form of adding a post-build action to update the GAC so it has the latest version of the signed DLL.
But for now, I'm happy to move on from this diversion, and continue working on the issue that brought me to this debugging session.
resolved. Deleted all occurences (all projects) of the dll in question.
VS2012, clean and rebuild fixed the issue for me. "Properties" -> "Build" -> Optimize code is unchecked. "Properties" -> "Build" -> "Advanced" -> Debug Info: Full
Check out this link
try unchecking "Just My Code" in Tools->Options->Debugging->General.
it works for me
Guessing VS 2008 is not rebuilding the dll correctly.
1) Delete all occurrences of the dll
2) Rebuild solution
And that should fix it.
Check your build configuration options. Make sure optimizations are turned off and the DEBUG constant is defined.
If everything else fails, try renaming the Assembly name in the project's properties. This fixed the issue for me.
I get this issue as well, for some reason it's happened 3 or 4 times; I think it must be a Visual Studio 2005 bug/hick up (or at least my installation).
This has worked every time: to fix it I
Right click on my solution and click Properties.
Open Configuration Manager.
Select Debug in the drop down menu (if not already selected).
Uncheck BUILD. Then re-check it.
Rebuild the solution.
Tools > options > Debugging > Symbols > Specify excluded modules
look that if the dll or the exe in the excluded modules list
At least for non-web applications this works:
2 - Allow Debugging...
Due to the nature in which one of the assemblies has been built in your application, you will need to change a few settings to allow the code to be handled by the Visual Studio Debugger.
Right click on any project in question from the solution explorer and select 'Properties'. This will open up the project properties panel giving us access to a great many options for our projects. Navigate to the 'Complile' Tab (or 'Build' if your in a C# environment) and select 'Advanced Compile Options...' from the bottom of the screen. This presents us with a prompt that has two key areas of interest:
1) Optimizations - uncheck 'Enable Optimizations'
2) Generate debug info - Ensure that the option is set to 'Full'
I had this issue with a solution in a certain folder, but if I moved it to another folder or others built it, I didn't get the message. I did the clean, rebuild, and even rebooted and still couldn't get the original to debug without this message. I searched my system for copies of the file causing the error and I found that copies were kept in
This was on Win7-64 but will be similar on other Windows OSes. I deleted all of the copies I found there and I no longer get the message. I didn't need to uncheck the "Enable Just My Code".
Also, this was for a WPF app, but I came across this thread in my search so hopefully this will help someone else.
I was able to resolve this issue by following these steps:
Right-click on the Solution (not the Project), and select 'Properties'
In the left panel, select 'Configuration Properties'
In the right panel, select 'Debug' under the 'Configuration' column for your project
If you do not see the Solution listed in Solution Explorer, follow these steps:
In the menu bar, go to Tools -> Options
In the left panel, select 'Projects and Solutions' (you may need to check 'Show all settings' at the bottom-left area of the window
In the right panel, check 'Always show solution'
I hope this helps.
I too have all these. And I've done all this. It appears this happens to me every time I get a fresh copy of the entire solution out of source control. So if we've done all these, deleted dlls & .pdb files for all references (Assemblies) in the web project, used the clean option on the solution, deleted temp files, closed out VS and reopened, made sure debug mode is selected and set at full and optimations are off, what more is there?!?!?!
I had the same issue on my web project in Visual Studio 2010, and finally I found the reason why I was getting this message. What I did was to change an existing debugging option on Visual studio:
Go to Tools->Options->Debugging->Symbols->All modules
Check the "unless excluded" radio button
Click on the link "Specify excluded modules", then remove the DLL that you want to debug.
In my case it was my web dll file...
I had this when trying to remote debug an application on a computer that belongs to a different subnet. I was able to debug and step through the code when running it across the network if the machines were on the same subnet. After changing the subnet though I was unable to step through when running from the network and was getting the "The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information".
The solution? Easy. Copy the built solution across to the machine hosting the remote debugging and run it locally.
Had this happen to me on a VS 2010 winForms project. Seeing that the majority of people here have web projects, i think that it has to do with access to the folder in which the project is stored. I say this because when this problem occurred to me Google Drive was synchronizing the folder in which i keep my projects. It seems that just disabling the synchronization does not fix the problem.
My solution is similar to one of the answers above:
Went to "Project Properties > Compile > Advanced Compile Options"
Checked "Enable optimization"
Set "General debug info:" to "None"
Unchecked "Define DEBUG constant"
And pressed OK
Then went back and returned the options to their initial state.
Hope this helps someone as it seems this still happens.
Follow this : (first STOP debuging)
1:right click on project solution name or project -> Properties
2:under Configuration Properties select configuration Manager
3:Change configuration to debug and click on close
4:Change configuration to debug and click on Apply -> OK
Now rebuild solution....!
For me, Checking the "Optimize code" box in the project properties, saving, unchecking it, then resaving did it for me.
Disabling "Enable Just My Code" also worked, but that was more of a work-around than a fix as I didn't want that setting.
I have had same problem, but with different cause and solution.
The window was the same as that shown by Gustavo (above) but the path was in:
"\users\zzz\AppSettings..." (where zzz is windows username)
I had an Excel addin - I was testing the install of the addin, so I had a copy installed through VS install function. VS was obviously trying to debug both the installed copy and the copy I had just launched, and could not find debug symbols on the installed copy.
None of the above solutions worked (without side affects),
uninstalling the addin, and manually deleting the files in App Settings worked.
You mentioned it's a web you have
<compilation debug="true />
in your web.config?
I had the same problem after building with a Release configuration.
It turned out that when I switched back to Debug, VS wasn't detecting any differences, so it was not updating the .dll and .pdb files in the bin folder.
Here's what worked for me:
Run iisreset (to clean up the temporary folders)
Save the web.config (to force VS to actually rebuild)
Rebuild on Debug
Start the project
Try a rebuild then debug.
My case is following: webservice referenced lib1.dll. Later I removed reference as it was no longer used. However lib1.dll remained in the bin folder.
Because library was not referenced then Rebuild and Clean actions were not helpful.
After manually deleting lib1.dll from bin folder I've get rid of this message.
If you are publishing to IIS and not using built in web server -or IIS express- make sure that your publish profile settings is in debug mode. In vs 11 by default it's in release mode.
Just to add, I was looking at this blog to find the solution to the same problem I was facing. Unfortunately the solutions mentioned above didn't help me. At last I figured out, I was installing my bits (along with .pdb) through installer and setting permission explicitly on the installation folder.
Because of which VS was not able to load the pdb even though the file browser was showing the correct file but it was giving the same error mentioned above.
Once I unchecked "Enable Just my code" and removed permission settings from the installer, VS started loading the module.
The one configuration that worked for me was the following
Project --> (Your Project) Properties --> Debug Tab
make sure Configuration is set to Active (Debug)
Under "Unable Debuggers", make sure "Enable unmanaged code debugging" is checked
I'm creating a Windows Service and here's what worked for me:
Uninstall the service.
Open a command prompt and go to c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
installutil C:\MyFantabulusWindowService\bin\Debug\MyFantabulusWindowService.exe
Greatness has been achieved!
Case : testing assembly with Console project in SharePoint development - if you're doing SharePoint development and seeing this alert in VS, make sure you deploy your SP assembly to the GAC before testing your console app IF your core SP project has methods you need to call in your console test app.
