Why while using Spring Boot I need entities to be serializable? - spring

Simple Spring Boot entity CRUD operations work and do not implement the serializable interface. Almost every example and tutorial is not doing this and still these examples work well. But the official simple code samples use it.
Why is this interface needed and what is the simplest exemplary use case when implementing serializable interface is required?

You don't have to. But looking at the JPA JSR-220 spec there are cases you need to. From the spec:
If an entity instance is to be passed by value as a detached object (e.g., through a remote interface), the entity class must implement the Serializable interface.
So if you are passing your object via RMI then you will need to implement Serializable. I can also imagine that Serializable might be needed if you are putting your Entities inside the Session which might be serialized to disk on shutdown of the server.


Spring Boot Repository [duplicate]

I have been working with Spring Data JPA repository in my project for some time and I know the below points:
In the repository interfaces, we can add the methods like findByCustomerNameAndPhone() (assuming customerName and phone are fields in the domain object).
Then, Spring provides the implementation by implementing the above repository interface methods at runtime (during the application run).
I am interested on how this has been coded and I have looked at the Spring JPA source code & APIs, but I could not find answers to the questions below:
How is the repository implementation class generated at runtime & methods being implemented and injected?
Does Spring Data JPA use CGlib or any bytecode manipulation libraries to implement the methods and inject dynamically?
Could you please help with the above queries and also provide any supported documentation ?
First of all, there's no code generation going on, which means: no CGLib, no byte-code generation at all. The fundamental approach is that a JDK proxy instance is created programmatically using Spring's ProxyFactory API to back the interface and a MethodInterceptor intercepts all calls to the instance and routes the method into the appropriate places:
If the repository has been initialized with a custom implementation part (see that part of the reference documentation for details), and the method invoked is implemented in that class, the call is routed there.
If the method is a query method (see DefaultRepositoryInformation for how that is determined), the store specific query execution mechanism kicks in and executes the query determined to be executed for that method at startup. For that a resolution mechanism is in place that tries to identify explicitly declared queries in various places (using #Query on the method, JPA named queries) eventually falling back to query derivation from the method name. For the query mechanism detection, see JpaQueryLookupStrategy. The parsing logic for the query derivation can be found in PartTree. The store specific translation into an actual query can be seen e.g. in JpaQueryCreator.
If none of the above apply the method executed has to be one implemented by a store-specific repository base class (SimpleJpaRepository in case of JPA) and the call is routed into an instance of that.
The method interceptor implementing that routing logic is QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor, the high level routing logic can be found here.
The creation of those proxies is encapsulated into a standard Java based Factory pattern implementation. The high-level proxy creation can be found in RepositoryFactorySupport. The store-specific implementations then add the necessary infrastructure components so that for JPA you can go ahead and just write code like this:
EntityManager em = … // obtain an EntityManager
JpaRepositoryFactory factory = new JpaRepositoryFactory(em);
UserRepository repository = factory.getRepository(UserRepository.class);
The reason I mention that explicitly is that it should become clear that, in its core, nothing of that code requires a Spring container to run in the first place. It needs Spring as a library on the classpath (because we prefer to not reinvent the wheel), but is container agnostic in general.
To ease the integration with DI containers we've of course then built integration with Spring Java configuration, an XML namespace, but also a CDI extension, so that Spring Data can be used in plain CDI scenarios.

how to use spring 3.0 without service?

I am using spring 3.0 with annotation which i am creating dao interface , then dao implementation class,
then creating service interface and then creating service implementation class.
and using object of service implementation into controller. this process is too lengthy.
can i use only dao class and directly use it in controller?
public class MyController { ... }
You can but you really really really shouldn't. If you have any plans of putting this code into production, then you need to keep your layers well defined. This is because each layer has a different responsibility.
Your DAO layer is responsible for all database access. It doesn't care what object you want, what you want to do with it, and when you want it done. It only cares about how it's done.
Your Service layer is responsible for what you want to do to your objects. It contains all of your business logic, convenience methods and may use multiple DAO's inside a single service. Your service layer is where you handle your database transactions as well.
Your controller layer is responsible for how you want to show your data to the user. It only contains services and minimal logic concerned with how to display the data returned by your service layer.
I think there are 2 distinct questions being asked here :
Is it really necessary to have all three layers : web layer, service layer, and DAO ?
and :
Do Spring beans necessarily need to implement and interface and to bve (auto)wired by interface rather thant concrete class ?
The answer to both is the same : it is not a necessity, but it is strongly recommended for anything other thant trivial projects.
For the first question, yes it is better so separate concerns in different layers. However I must admint that my controllers sometimes access the DAOs directly for simple read-only tasks in some projects. Sometimes the service layer seems like too much when all it does is to map the DAO methods. However I always use a service layer for transactional business logic that actually modifies the data.
For the second question : Spring can, without problem, instantiate and inject beans that don't implement any interface. However you will start to have problems if you use more advanced stuff linked to aspect-oriented programming, the most common being the #Transactional annotation. In this case Spring has to create proxies to your objects, and it is all simpler to create proxies of interfaces. Ohterwise it has to manipulate bytecode and it introduces limitations.
Perhaps more importantly, "programming to an interface" is a good practice regardless if you are using Spring or not, or even Java or anothrer language. A simple google search will bring up many good articles on this, or SO questions such as this one.
So again, while you can live well without both things in the short term, both will make your life much better in the long term.

ClassBridge called by MassIndexer and access to spring service

I wonder whether it is possible to use any spring services from within hibernate search ClassBridge.
My entity does not have all information i'd like to put into indexed document. I can not get it by #IndexedEmbeded too. This data comes from external data source, and I have service to provide this. This is only needed when reindexing. When indexing single object save service provide this information in transient entity field.
For reindex I use MassIndexer.
My application is working in Spring MVC environment. I use annotation driven configuration. So to access my service I need only use #Autowired annotation and service is ready to be used.
When using Hibernate Search life is not so easy (or I have no idea how it could be).
To get additional information I decided to use ClassBridge. I also implement simple MassIndexer procedure called from within my spring service.
In my ClassBridge spring does not autowire service. When I try do quick workaround and use static field in ClassBridge and pass service reference from MassIndexer caller the other problem occurred. Service reports exception "no session" (sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() throws exception)... I have no idea where to go further.
What is recommended way to access Spring service from within ClassBridge code?
How can I get active hibernate Session (or SessionFactory) from within ClassBridge?
Thanx for you time & hope your help.
The recommended way is through compile time weaving and #Configurable
A comment on this page (http://guylabs.ch/2014/02/22/autowiring-pring-beans-in-hibernate-jpa-entity-listeners/) provides a much simpler way of handling this that might be useful. You can have Spring autowire an object for you, more explicitly by calling:
Doc: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/context/support/SpringBeanAutowiringSupport.html

in Spring, what is the best way to dynamically create different objects of a certain class, each object being able to access a Spring bean?

Say I have a file with each line depicting a different command (but of the same kind), which I want to read out and check and run and maybe do other operations such as merging, comparing and most importantly, store the commands into database.
To do that, I create the Command Class, and new a new Command object while reading each line of the file. Now the problem is, a Command object need to make use of, say a Spring bean which provides database access. As a result, I have to pass in that bean as a constructor argument of the Command class, which is very ugly, which doesn't seem to be the "Spring way"...
and I don't want to use ApplicationContextAware to make my class coupled to the Spring context.
Is there a best practice for this situation?
I very new to Spring and I know it might be a dumb question ...
I would create a CommandFactory that is coupled with spring and use that in your consumer instead. If the factory implements an interface you are not coupling yourself in the consumer and you don't close your possibilities of using a different -non spring coupled- one at a later point (e.g. testing).
In this case I think it is the best way to make the classes created by new Spring Beans.
Therefor annotate them with #Configurable, enable AspectJ, and read the Spring Reference Chapter 7.8.1 Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring

Is there a better way of detecting if a Spring DB transaction is active than using TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive()?

I have some legacy code that I am now trying to re-use under Spring. This code is deeply nested in other code so it's not practical to redesign and is called in many situations, only some of which are through Spring. What I'd like to do is to use the Spring transaction if one has been started; otherwise, continue to use the existing (legacy) db connection mechanism. Our first thought was to make our legacy class a bean and use an injected TransactionPlatformManager, but that does not seem to have any methods germane to our situation. Some research showed that Spring has a class called TransactionSynchronizationManager which has a static method isActualTransactionActive(). My testing indicates this method is a reliable way of detecting if a Spring transaction is active:
When called via Spring service without the #Transactional annotation, it returns false
When called via Spring service with #Transactional, it returns true
In my legacy method called the existing way, it returns false
My question: Is there a better way of detecting if a transaction is active?
No better way than the TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive(). It is the utility method used by spring to handle the transactions. Although it is not advisable to use it within your code, for some specific cases you should - that's why it's public.
Another way might be to use the entity manager / session / connection and check there if there's an existing transaction, but I'd prefer the synchronization manager.
