Is Spring Boot SSO based on JWT? - spring-boot

I was wondering if Spring Boot SSO implementation is based on JWT or keeps the session open in the server memory?
Thanks in advance.

The answer would depend on which Spring implementation you are referring to
Spring Security SAML
Spring Security OAuth
I would discuss more on the latter i.e. OAuth and in that you have multiple options. You can use the in-memory token store to debug and test it out, but for production implementations, you can use different token stores. JWT and JDBC are pretty popular in my experience.


Spring Boot Oauth2 mapping google users to mine

I'm just wrapping my head on Oauth2. I have a Spring boot app with its own users and roles system handled by Spring Security 5. Internally I use email to identify users, I want people who registered with their gmail addresses to be able to log in through Oauth2. Or, more generally, how do I make one of my users log in to my app using Oauth2? If you need code or more information just ask. Thanks in advance.
As far as I understood your question, you are looking for a general approach to authenticate users for using your Spring Boot application with the help of OAuth2 protocol.
In your case you will probably use Google as an authentication provider and your application as resource server, according to the OAuth2 standard wording. First at all to answer your general question, there are different ways of using OAuth2 to authenticate users. A good starting points are these links:
To find the proper way of implementing OAuth2 for your usecase I recommend using this decision tree:
For starting to implement OAuth2 in Spring Boot you can use several Spring Security projects with further documentation:

Spring boot stateless security with redis cache data

While doing some practice examples to learn spring security, I come up with some following use case. But I did not find best possible approach using spring security. Could some one please help me on this
I have angularJs application, Spring boot application running on different servers . In redis cache I have user info(role, and some other info) with gsid as key. In each rest call I am passing gsid as cookie. Now I want to validate each request in the Spring security Filter by fetching user info from the redis cache before sending to #Restcontroller.
what could be best approach to authenticate and authorize the request using spring boot security.
Use spring-session with redis, it also provides integration with spring-security.

Spring Security OAuth - Can it consume JWT tokens from Keycloak

In Spring Security OAuth, can it consume/work with JWT tokens that were generated from a user authenticating with Keycloak? Keycloak's open-id far as that goes, but it all seems to be really similar. I'm still trying to understand the dividing line and also what's similar or same with this.
Basically I'd like to authenticate separately in a REST client then use the token in the Authorization header for REST calls to some web services. There seems to be some JWT stuff in in the Spring Security OAuth, so I'm wondering I can actually use that instead of the Keycloak Spring stuff? Are there any examples of this out there? (I'd love to use the Spring security checks on different methods in my controller)
You can use the Keycloak Spring adapter and still rely on Spring Security annotations for controller security. The main purpose of the Keycloak Spring adapter is simplify the integration with Keycloak for interactive login and also to correctly map JWT access token claims into the Spring Security authentication context.
Reading through the Spring Security OAuth2 documentation, I get the impression that it's not quite ready out of the box to handle OpenID Connect JWT access tokens. However, it's customizable so it could most likely be made to work.
My advice for now is to stick with the Keycloak Spring adapter if you're using Keycloak as your OIDC server. It will save you time and it's well tested with Keycloak.

how to add spring security oauth2 with web security

I can build REST services with spring-security-oauth2
I can build website security with spring-security
And as you know, oauth2 has oauth-server, resource and client side. But I cannot put them together. I want to know how to build oauth2 website that I can login(session) with browser and I can use it as secure REST services(with access token). Any help? Thanks very much.
I'm not expert in Spring, but Spring security examples link has some examples how to implement OAuth2.0 servers and resource servers.

Real Time examples for Oauth2 Grant Types and Good document, example for Oauth2 with Spring MVC

I've read about Oauth2 few days before, it has entities like Client, Resource Owner, Resource Server, Authorization Server and i understood the explanations too. but i don't understand the grant type's completely still i got confusion on following types. Oauth2 has 4 different grant types like,
Authorization code
Resource Owner Password Credentials
Client Credentials
please, give me some real time examples for the above types to differentiate the implementation. I need to know that what are the types of grant implementation spring security oauth2 has and full flow for spring oauth2 with security.
I have gone through some example implemented with oauth2 with spring mvc, spring security. but it's confusing me i don't get clear picture of the api implementation.
I'm looking for good Oauth2 flow and document with Spring mvc and Spring security. please help me.
In terms of understanding the flows and the differences between them, this presentation is the best resource I found online. After this, if you read the OAuth2 spec description, it'll be much easier to follow.
Unfortunately, in terms of code samples, there isn't good Spring Security OAuth2 sample code out there (the Sparklr and Tonr examples are okay but not super clear). Best resource there is to look at unit tests in Spring Security OAuth2 code on github.
One question I want to ask is - are you looking to create your own OAuth2 Provider or do you just want to connect to Facebook, Google, etc as OAuth2 client. If it's the second part, I would suggest skipping Spring Security OAuth2 and instead look at Spring Social project.
For creating an OAuth2 Provider, check out this code by Dave Syer (he is the lead of Spring Security OAuth project) . It shows how you can create an OAuth2 Provider and Resource Server in 20 lines of code. This is the easiest way to create Spring Security OAuth code.
It uses Spring Boot and Spring Security OAuth projects. Of course, you'll have to understand Spring Security, JavaConfig configuration and the OAuth2 protocol properly to understand how all of this works.
Authorization Code is redirection based flow, in most application when we login via Facebook or google we use this grant type.
Implicit is used mostly in mobile or single page application, Client confidentiality is not guaranteed here. This also has a redirect flow similar to Authorization Code. This does not support refresh token.
Password Grant Type is used when client application and resource owner belong to same application, this is goin to be case when your application is end to end working. Here we are sharing username and password. unlike the above two where we authenticate via Facebook or google.
Client Credentials: its a way to access it own service. like one microservice to access another microservice.
I also got into OAuth2 using spring last month.
I've read most of the OAuth2 spec and used the samples from the spring-security source, which are wonderful. That way I got a running application which I could use to play with and view it's sources next the the specs.
