Transaction propagation between services in spring - spring

I have two services both are transactional with propagation REQUIRED. Service 2 is injected in service 1.Now method A in service 1 calls method B of service 2. Now I am invoking method A from client.My question is whether this invocation will
Create 1 transaction in which is created by Method A and method B will run in same transaction
Create 2 transactions one for method A and other when A is calling B.
In my project services are transactional and for performing compound operations we have injected services inside other services.

From REQUIRED java-doc:
Support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists.
In your case - your variant is 1.
Note: You can control the creation of your transactions by enabling debug logging for org.springframework.orm.jpa.
More info from official doc.


Spring Transaction - Do not rollback for error under specific method

I have a Spring Boot application in which a service is responsible to create a Business Entity. For simplicity, let's consider:
create(Object toCreate) {
Object created =;
Business has changed and now I would like the creation to not fail if notification fails.
I therefore wrapped the notify() method in a try-catch block that only logs the error (which is a RuntimeException).
However when tested, a transaction rollback error was thrown, saying the connection was closed. I do not want any rollback, especially since the NotificationService does not modify the database.
How can I tell Spring that any exception happening in the NotificationService is fine and does not require a rollback? I tried annotating the class/method with #Transactional(propagation=NEVER) but got existing transaction found for transaction marked with propagation 'never'
Perhaps refactoring your code would help better than the introduction of more complex transaction handling.
Assuming your #Transactional is on the create() method, we can see that you have:
Pre-persistence business logic
Persistence logic
Post-persistence business logic
It depends on your use-case, but I would not expect pts. 1 & 3 to contain persistence logic. If that is the case, you could extract your persistence logic in its own service that would itself be a transaction, not the parent.
If you have the need for a transaction in those steps, you could also extract them in their own transaction.
Other leads might be:
The default rollback behavior is for runtime unchecked exceptions. You could use checked exceptions to avoid the rollback.
If your notification is separate from persistence and you do not care about the transaction, you could make it an asynchronous call (e.g. with #Async). It would be scheduled outside of the transaction in its own context.
You can use the option norollbackfor of #Transactional so you have to specify an exception class not the service and when an error occurs in notifications try to throw a specifc error which would not cause a rollback.

TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER vs TransactionManagementType.BEAN

what is the difference between TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER and TransactionManagementType.BEAN
as Im using TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER in all of my EJBs and when ever the multiple instances of database is used, It throws an error which gets resolved if i change it to TransactionManagementType.BEAN
I want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages and how it gets effected if I change it to TransactionManagementType.BEAN
Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: javax.resource.ResourceException:
IJ000457: Unchecked throwable in managedConnectionReconnected() cl=org.jboss.jca.core.
connectionmanager.listener.TxConnectionListener#680f2be0[state=NORMAL managed
connection=org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.local.LocalManagedConnection#7ba33a94 connection
handles=0 lastReturned=1495691675021 lastValidated=1495690817487
lastCheckedOut=1495691675018 trackByTx=false pool=org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.
pool.strategy.OnePool#efd42c4 mcp=SemaphoreConcurrentLinkedQueueManagedConnectionPool
#71656eec[pool=FAQuery] xaResource=LocalXAResourceImpl#4c786e85
[connectionListener=680f2be0 connectionManager=5c3b98bc warned=false
currentXid=null productName=Oracle productVersion=Oracle Database 12c
Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
jndiName=java:/FAQuery] txSync=null]
You let the container itself manage transactions(container will commit and rollback). You can control behavior of your transactions (more precisely transaction propagation) by annotating methods with #TransactionManagementAttribute and specifying one of the attributes from TransactionAttribute Types.
You have to do transaction demarcation (start, commit, rollback) explicitly yourself, by obtaining UserTransaction interface.
UserTransaction ut;
public void method(){
... // your business logic here
ut.commit(); // or ut.rollback();
Note that you have to either commit and rollback before you exit the same method which stated the transaction for Stateless and Message Driven Beans, but it is not required for Stateful bean.
Regarding your question, advantage of BMT is that scope of the transaction can be less than scope of the method itself, i.e explicit control of the transaction.
You would most probably use CMT, BMT is required only in some narrow corner cases to support specific business logic.
Another advantage or use case of BMT is if you need to use Extended Persistence Context Type, which can be supported in BMT with Stateful Session Beans.
Regarding your specific problem, without seeing any bean code or error messages, this is probably what is happening: if you have more databases then each database and its corresponding driver must be able to join an existing transaction, otherwise you will get a specific detailed error.
If you use TransactionManagementType.BEAN the bean is required to start a brand new transaction. Which means you are not joining an existing transaction, and each database operations begin and commit independently from each others.
You can achieve the same effect by leaving TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER and annotating your method with REQUIRES_NEW, provide of course you are calling each EJB trough the corresponding proxy/interface.
So it is not correct to put it like BEAN vs CONTAINER, but rather you have to made some design choice and annotate your methods accordingly.
As requested for a method marked with one of the following:
REQUIRES_NEW existing transactions gets suspended, and the method runs under a brand new transaction
REQUIRED is the default behavior, if a transaction exists it is reused by the method, otherwise gets created and the method runs in it

Hibernate and Spring Data, reattach entity

I am validating and uploading data in my webapp. In this process, I need to get user input, so the validating and uploading is split between 2 requests. In the 1st request I setup/fetch all the information and then save it in the session. This includes a Entity object that I later access in the 2nd request.
My question is how do I reattach the entity in the 2nd request so I don't get a LazyInitializationException? I have tried the following:
// we need to reattach the entities to the jpa session to avoid lazy-initialization exceptions
EntityManager manager = jpaContext.getEntityManagerByManagedType(myEntity.class);
I am getting the error: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread - cannot reliably process 'merge' call, even though I have the annotated the method with Spring's #Transactional.
These request method are Jersey REST service calls if that makes a difference. The jpa code lives in a commons jar file and this service is in the project that uses the commons jar.

Activiti + spring + transaction + rollback

I want to test the integration of Spring and Activiti, then I stuck with confusing problem. I have a workflow with 2 service task (using jpa repository saveAndFlush method to update database) A and B
In the service A, I actively throw a new Exception , then the transaction rollbacks, and the flow stops. Well, it's okay.
However, how can I rollback the service A only and the flow continue to service B?
Because if service A throws Exception, the flow will be stopped, and if Exception is caught ( then the flow continues), service A will not rollback.
I use JPA Repository to automatically handle transaction, so change to manual mode will take a lot of efforts now.
Probably you need a new transaction for every service in the flow and catch all exception.
Put a layer between your service tasks A,B and your process, let's make its name TransactionService. This service should trigger your service methods. Also those service methods should use new transactions for their operations(you can use #Transactional annotation). In TransactionService don't do anything, just trigger them and wrap them in try catch blocks.
As a result of them you can catch the exception and make it flow to the next task and doesn't care about rollback because after an exception it will be rolled back automatically.

Why am I getting a SpringFramework UnexpectedRollbackException?

I am getting the following Spring Framework error message:
Invocation of getLogoForGlobalConext() in class $Proxy44 threw exception
Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only
at template/includes/macros.vm line 1651, column 43
I opened macros.vm and looked up line 1651 and it looks like this:
#set ($globalLogo = $spaceManager.getLogoForGlobalContext());
From my research it looks like $Proxy44 is actually the $spaceManager variable (or an instance of
This message appears randomly and when the web app tries to download an image/attachment sitting somewhere on the web server / database.
The attachmentmanager is governed by Spring's Transaction Management and the following transaction attributes are used when an image/attachment is downloaded:
propagation - for all methods in the attachment manager
propagation and read-only - for all methods in attachment manager starting with "get".
The attributes are defined in Spring Framework - Chapter 9. Transaction management.
What I am thinking is I need to set a timeout on the transactions (like set it to infinity).
It turns out one of the getter methods was performing a write to database. Specifically, it was updating the cache with some information every few minutes. When this update occurred, the UnexpectedRollbackException was thrown. Since this transaction is supposed to be "read only" as defined by the transaction attributes mentioned above, we are not allowed to perform updates during a getter operation.
I changed the getter method to not perform any updates to cache and to simply use the cache even if it expired, and the error goes away.
Hope this helps someone else.
