Prevent closing tab in p:tabView using Javascript - ajax

I need to prevent tab close in tabView primefaces and i know i can use
onTabClose="return false;"
The problem is I don't want to close tab but i want to make action when close is clicked. When i use onTabClose="return false;" then <p:ajax event="tabClose" listener="#{bean.onTabClose}" update=":growls:mainGrowls"/> is not called.
How can I prevent tab from closing on cross click and call function from bean?
Can i somehow prevent closing in this method?
public void onTabClose(TabCloseEvent event) {
FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Tab Closed", "Closed tab: " + event.getTab().getId());
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
<p:tabView id="tabView" activeIndex="0" style="height: 100%;" onTabClose="return false;">
<p:ajax event="tabClose" listener="#{bean.onTabClose}" update=":growls:mainGrowls"/>
<p:tab title="#{tabTitle}" closable="false" >
<div style="height: 100%; background: #efefef !important">
<ui:insert name="tab" />
<p:tab title="" closable="true" id="">

If you want to invoke a method in a managed bean, you could create a p:remoteCommand:
<p:remoteCommand name="yourRemoteCommand"
actionListener="#{yourBean.yourMethod}" />
This allows you to use yourRemoteCommand() in Javascript, so you could use:
onTabClose="yourRemoteCommand(); return false;"
If you need to send parameters to the remote command, see:
Pass parameter to p:remoteCommand from JavaScript


ajax stop working on close event primefaces

I got panel with closeable property and rendered property. At first, the panel rendered is false, so it's not shown.
After I clicked command Button, the panel rendered is set to true (in my bean it named isShowChat) and the panel appeared.
When I close that panel, every ajax run in that window closed.
Here's my xhtml code :
<h:form id="live-chat">
<p:panelGrid class="panel-content" columns="2" columnClasses="form-right,form-left" id="live-chat-panelgrid">
<p:panel style="min-width: 500px; height: 500px;" >
<p:panel header="#{}" closable="true" rendered="#{liveChatMBean.isShowChat}">
<p:ajax event="close" listener="#{liveChatMBean.onClose}" />
Here's my onClose method on backing bean :
public void onClose(CloseEvent event) {
isShowChat = false;
I don't know why when I triggered onClose listener, every ajax run in there is stop.
Have you guys face this problem? Thanks for your help.
Update :
Sorry I forgot to tell there's error in firebug.

jsf f:ajax tag corrupts request

Am using Spring with JSF
I have a view scoped bean which contains a function, the xhtml file contains a dropdown menu which on value change updates some message to the user and a button which calls the function. When I change the dropdown and click the button, the function is not called
Upon removing the tag
<f:ajax event="blur" render="type_message" />, the function is called and it worked fine
it same problem as in Primefaces Commandbutton not working after an update made by select box
public class PropertyBean implements Serializable {
public String update() {
<h:selectOneMenu id="type" required="true"
styleClass="btn btn-white dropdown-toggle" style="width:100%"
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{null}" itemLabel="choose item"
noSelectionOption="true" />
<f:selectItems value="#{dataBean.availableTypes}"
var="typeObj" itemValue="#{typeObj}"
<f:ajax event="blur" render="type_message" />
<h:message id="type_message" for="type"
infoClass="help-block" errorClass="help-block error" />
<h:commandButton id="update" value="save"
onclick="if( validate('submitForm')==true){ updateProperty();} else{ return false;}"
class="btn btn-green btn-lg arabic"
rendered="#{propertyBean.isNew == false}">
<f:param name="propertyId" value="#{}">
on changing <f:ajax> to <p:ajax> it worked, any explanations

Open PrimeFaces Dialog located in another .xhtml file

I have a number of questions that are related to each other so the title of question may not be appropriate. Sorry for this.
I want to have a p:inputText and p:commandButton in a p:dialog such that when the user presses that button or presses enter key the value entered in the
p:inputText will be saved in the database. To do this I followed this example and it worked fine when I tried it in a seperate .xhtml file in which there were no other dialogs or command buttons.
<h:form id="form">
<p:commandButton id="showDialogButton" type="button" value="Show" onclick="PF('dlg').show()" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{subjectController.attributeValue}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" update=":form:display :form:firstname" action="#{subjectController.saveUpdateSubjectAttributeValue}" oncomplete="PF('dlg').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton"></p:defaultCommand>
<p:outputPanel id="display" style="display:block;margin-top:10px;">
<h:outputText id="name" value="Hello #{subjectController.attributeValue}" rendered="#{not empty subjectController.attributeValue}"/>
The .xhtml file that I originally have contains a number of other dialogs and command buttons. When i used the same code in that file it does not work properly. By not working properly I mean to say that when enter key or submit button is pressed the value entered by the user is not set in the corresponding setter of the inputText in the managed bean. To call the setter before pressing the enter key or button I need to use p:ajax inside p:inputText tag. I tried to use p:ajax events such as "mouseout", "blur", "change" etc. They work for the submit button but not for the enter key. Then I tried "keypress" and "keyup" etc. They worked for both but the setter for the value in the p:inputText was called on each key press which was not desired.
My first question:
If the sample code is working fine in a separate file why doesn't it work when I have other dialogs or commandbuttons in the same file. In both the cases I am using the same managed bean. What is the difference?
Assuming that the problem may be caused using more than one dialogs in the same file, I thought of declaring these dialogs in separate files such that I have
A.xhtml , B.xhtml, C.xhtml pages which contain the actual content and whenever I need to open a dialog the required dialog is located in file such as dialog.xhtml. Being a beginner in JSF, Primefaces and Ajax I was confused about how to do this. Searching on the internet I found this post relevant PrimeFaces dialog lazy loading (dynamic="true") does not work?. But in this case, p:dialog is located on the same page but the content contained in this dialog is located in another file which is included using ui:include. I tried this but it shows the same behavior.
My Second Question:
Is there any way to programmatically open a dialog from another file e.g. if I have a p:commandButton in A.xhtml and p:dialog in the same file I can do this using
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" update=":form:display :form:firstname" action="#{subjectController.saveUpdateSubjectAttributeValue}" oncomplete="PF('dlg').hide();"/>
and in the corresponding subjectController I have
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
// or
But what if the "openDialog" is located in B.xhtml?
What I understand, I can use enclose p:dialog in a ui:composition (in B.xhtml) and and use ui:include in A.xhtml. But I am confused in how and where to call or openDialog.hide()?
I've tried to replicate the behavior you posted here and I believe that the cause is probably somewhere else as mentioned by Yipitalp.
Anyway, here are the sample code I used that might do what you expect (Primefaces 4):
The Managed Bean
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;
public class DialogBean implements Serializable {
private String attribute1;
private String attribute2;
private String attribute3;
private String dlg;
public void openDialog() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.execute("PF('" + dlg + "').show()");
public String getAttribute1() {
return attribute1;
public void setAttribute1(String attribute1) {
this.attribute1 = attribute1;
public String getAttribute2() {
return attribute2;
public void setAttribute2(String attribute2) {
this.attribute2 = attribute2;
public String getAttribute3() {
return attribute3;
public void setAttribute3(String attribute3) {
this.attribute3 = attribute3;
public String getDlg() {
return dlg;
public void setDlg(String dlg) {
this.dlg = dlg;
The view
Note that I use a different form for every dialog in the view.
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="dlg" value="Dlg:" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="dlg" value="#{dialogBean.dlg}" >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg1" itemValue="dlg1" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg2" itemValue="dlg2" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="dlg3" itemValue="dlg3" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" action="#{dialogBean.openDialog}"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton1" value="Show 1" onclick="PF('dlg1').show();
return false;" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton2" value="Show 2" onclick="PF('dlg2').show();
return false;" />
<p:button id="showDialogButton3" value="Show 3" onclick="PF('dlg3').show();
return false;" />
<br />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg1" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute1}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg1').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg2" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute2}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg2').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:dialog header="Enter FirstName" widgetVar="dlg3" resizable="false">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel for="firstname" value="Firstname:" />
<p:inputText id="firstname" value="#{dialogBean.attribute3}" />
<p:commandButton id="submitButton" value="Submit" oncomplete="PF('dlg3').hide();"/>
<p:defaultCommand target="submitButton" />
<p:outputPanel autoUpdate="true" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-top:10px;">
Value 1:
<h:outputText id="v1" value="#{dialogBean.attribute1}" />
<br />
Value 2:
<h:outputText id="v2" value="#{dialogBean.attribute2}" />
<br />
Value 3:
<h:outputText id="v3" value="#{dialogBean.attribute3}" />
I hope that will give you some clue!
I was able to solve major part of my problems using DialogFramework. I have a Menu.xhtml page, it contains p:tieredMenu in p:layoutUnit with position="north" using which I select which page to open. Depending on the selection, the p:layoutUnit with position="center" includes that page using ui:include. The Menu.xhtml page contains a h:form with id="form" inside h:body and everything else is placed inside this h:form. There are a number of pages that can be included inside the <p:layoutUnit position="center"> depending upon the selection. One of them is Person.xhtml(containing everything enclosed inside a ui:composition ). It contains a p:fieldset. Inside p:fieldset there are 3 p:dataTable. Outside this p:fieldset I have placed 3 p:contextMenu one for each of those datatables. Inside one of those p:contextMenu I have placed
<p:menuitem value="Update" actionListener="#{controller.updateAttributeValue}" />
and the corresponding function contains
public void updateAttributeValue(){
System.out.println("update attribute value");
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
this.attributeValue = null;
selectCar2.xhtml contains the following code
<h:panelGrid id="updateAttributeValuePanel" columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<h:outputLabel value="Attribute Value " />
<p:inputText id="attributeValue" value="#{controller.attributeValue}" required="true" />
<p:commandButton id="saveUpdateAttributeValue" value="Submit" actionListener="#{controller.saveUpdateAttributeValue}"
<p:commandButton id="cancelUpdateAttributeValue" value="Cancel "
<p:defaultCommand target="saveUpdateAttributeValue" />
The corresponding save function is as follows
public void saveUpdateAttributeValue(){
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
System.out.println("this.attributevalue = " + this.attributeValue);
////save value in database
this.attributeValue = null;
//also tried context.update("resourceAttributeValueDataTable");
public void cancelUpdateAttributeValue(){
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
System.out.println("cancel update attribute value");
this.attributeValue = null;
System.out.println("this.attributevalue = " + this.attributeValue);
The dialog opens and the value is successfully saved in the database. The only problem now is that the corresponding datatable is not updated and I need to refresh the page to see the updated value. previously my dialog was also in the same page outside the p:fieldset and I was not using h:form inside dialog so I was updating the datatable as
<p:commandButton id="saveUpdateAttributeValue" value="Submit" actionListener="#{controller.saveUpdateAttributeValue}"
update = ":form:attributeValueDataTable "/>
But now they are in two different files and two different forms so I am not sure how to update in this case? I have tried to use
but the datatable is not updated. Any help will be highly appreciated.

Prevent confirmation dialogue from opening when there's a validation error

I have a text area inside a tab of accordion panel which is a description. I am trying to edit a description and saving it. I am validating the text area so that max character shouldn't exceed 1000 character. I am using <p:message> to display validation message. Before the actual save, a confirmation dialogue will be shown to confirm the save.
<p:messages showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true" />
<p:accordionPanel dynamic="true">
<p:tab id="_0" title="description">
<p:inputTextarea styleClass="max" id="editDesc1" widgetVar="txtBox" value="#{testBean.description}"
rows="6" cols="150" validatorMessage="#{msg.AddSystem_validationMsg5}" autoResize="false">
<f:validateLength maximum="1000"></f:validateLength>
<p:commandButton value="save" oncomplete=""/>
<p:confirmDialog message="#{msg.EditSystem_confirmMsg1}" width="200"
showEffect="explode" hideEffect="explode"
header="Confirm" severity="alert" widgetVar="saveDialog">
<p:commandButton value="#{msg.EditSystem_confirmAnswer1}" action="#{testBean.saveEdit}" process="#this" />
<p:commandButton value="#{msg.EditSystem_confirmAnswer2}" onclick="saveDialog.hide()" type="button" />
If an user enters more than 1000 characters and tries to save it, then the validation message appears for a short time and then the confirmation dialogue pops up, causing the validation message to disappear. How do I prevent the confirmation dialogue from popping up when there is a validation error?
You need to check in oncomplete of the save button if validation hasn't failed. PrimeFaces puts a global args object in the JavaScript scope which in turn has a boolean validationFailed property. You could make use of it:
<p:commandButton value="save" oncomplete="if (args && !args.validationFailed)"/>
This way the confirm dialog will only be shown if the validation has not failed.
I think you can use javascript to validate:
<script type="text/javascript">
function test(){
// validation here
else alert('exceed ...');
<p:commandButton value="save" onclick="test()"/>

update content page from menubar primefaces 3 and jsf 2 ajax

well first ill explain what im tryng to do, i have a index.xhtml page where i include menu.xhtml with a menubar of primefaces, in menu.xhtml in have a panel id=contenido where i want to update depending of the menuitem clicked, i already get update that panel but the problem is when i update to another page for example in default is home.xhtml and i update to enviarsol.xhtml then the command button from enviarsol.xhtml is not working, im new at this and i already tried some different ways of updating the panel, im thinking that the problem is that the bean of enviarsol.xhtml is not managed or something like that,also im doing this way because i want to refresh only that panel and not all the page, someone help me please.
<img src="resources/homeheader.jpg" width="300" height="113" alt="homeheader"/>
<div style="background-color: white">
<img src="resources/Logos.jpg" width="1024" height="166" alt="homeheader"/>
<p:panel id="centerpage" >
<ui:include src="WEB-INF/menu.xhtml"/>
<p:menuitem value="Contactos" icon="ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w" actionListener="#{bnmenu.btnEditarContacto(e)}" update="contenido"/>
<p:panel id="contenido" >
<ui:include src="#{bnmenu.url}"/>
private String url;
public bnmenu() {
public void btnEditarContacto(ActionEvent e)
<p:panelGrid columns="2" style="border-width: 0px">
<p:commandButton value="Consultar" actionListener="#{bnhome.btnlogin(e)}" update="txt1"/>
<p:inputText id="txt1" value="#{bnhome.txtUsuario}"/>
<p:panelGrid columns="2" style="border-width: 0px">
<p:outputLabel for="txtcorreo" value="Correo: "/>
<p:inputText id="txtcorreo" value="#{bnSolicitud.correo}"/>
<p:outputLabel for="txtmensaje" value="Mensaje: "/>
<p:inputText id="txtmensaje" value="#{bnSolicitud.mensaje}"/>
<p:commandButton value="Enviar" actionListener="#{bnSolicitud.btnSolicitar(e)}" update="messages"/>
i included this:
and now it is working but i dont know what more effects will this cause
well now it works but only once when i click in commandbutton from enviarsol.xhtml
Finally it appears working fine, i changed #RequestScoped by #SessionScoped in bnmenu
Are you sure that you really want ajax navigation? It is very frustrating for a user not being able to use the browsers urlfield or navigation buttons, and it will be harder for you to code aswell. Consider transforming index.xhtml into a template file as described at and using normal navigation.
