Block vertical scroll while using SlidingListTile - gluon

I would like to use the SlidingListTile, but I am having some issues.
I think that when we use the horizontal sliding the vertical scroll should be locked, because is getting hard to complete de slide on the phone.
Did someone get a situation like that?
Thanks in advance,
Here is part of my code:
slidingTile.swipedLeftProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (nv && edit != null) {
slidingTile.swipedRightProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (nv && edit != null) {

Indeed, there is an error in the Comments 2.0 sample.
The CommentsPresenter defines a custom ListCell for the ListView, and creates a binding from a single BooleanProperty to each of the cells in the list view:
commentsList.setCellFactory(cell -> {
final CommentListCell commentListCell = new CommentListCell(
// notify view that cell is sliding
return commentListCell;
Obviously, the sliding property of each cell may vary in time, but only the last one set will prevail, so it won't reflect the change of this property for any of the rest of the cells.
The fix is easy: don't use bindings, but a listener for each cell that will set the value when that cell is sliding:
commentsList.setCellFactory(cell -> {
final CommentListCell commentListCell = new CommentListCell(
// notify view that cell is sliding
commentListCell.slidingProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) ->
return commentListCell;
I've filed an issue.


How to get specific RadCalendar Day Cell on a cellTap Event and add custom style to it

I'm using RadCalendar in my NativeScript Project, the problem is I want to add custom styling on specific day cell from a cellTap Event.
So I started with listening to the Event
<RadCalendar (cellTap)="onCellTap($event)"></RadCalendar>
in my component.ts file:
onCellTap(args: CalendarCellTapEventData) {
// here, it return the whole RadCalendar Object
// and in the line below it returns the native cell Element
I tried to change directly the CSS properties like this: = new Color('#ff0000')
but it doesn't work.
Is there a way to perform the required behaviour ?
I don't think adjusting cell style upon tap is supported but it should be possible. To adjust background color of cell,
import { CalendarCellTapEventData } from "nativescript-ui-calendar";
import { Color } from "tns-core-modules/color";
onCellTap(event: CalendarCellTapEventData) {
const color = new Color('#ff0000');
if ( {
} else {
// = color.ios;

Custom Cell Format ListView TornadoFx on delete item

I'm new to TornadoFx but am trying it out (also new to JavaFX by extension).
I have a listview defined as so:
private var colorList = mutableListOf<Color>
//other things in init block
colorpicker(mode = ColorPickerMode.MenuButton) {
valueProperty().onChange {
if (it != null) {
listview(colorList) {
cellFormat {
text = it.toString()
style {
baseColor = it
contextmenu {
item("Delete").action {
if (selectedItem != null) {
//continue init block
Adding and taking away colors from the listview works just fine but the color inside the cell does not disapear if it is no longer occupied
Example of what is happening
The cellFormat function allows you to configure the list cell for each item in your list.
However, when there is no list item for a certain row, the callback is not run, so that you have no way of applying a style to an empty row using the cellFormat approach. One solution would be to implement your own ListCell and always clearing the style property of the cell, but I believe this might actually be fixed within the framework by always clearing the style property before a cell is reused. I just tried to make this change in the framework, and it fixes the issue with your code sample.
I will commit the change now, please try it out with tornadofx-1.7.17-SNAPSHOT :)

Prevent TAB from landing on a CheckBoxTableCell<> in JavaFX 8

I have a TableView in JavaFX 8, which is editable. One of the fields is a CheckBoxTableCell.
I have noticed that the TAB key lands on the first CheckBoxTableCell in the grid and gets stuck there. I don't want this behavior. I like to navigate to the cell with the keyboard and activate with the SPACE. However I need tab to ignore this field - since it gets stuck.
I tried the following:
booleanColumn.setCellFactory (to -> {
CheckBoxTableCell<DTO, Boolean> cell = CheckBoxTableCell<>();
return cell;
This however has no affect on the focus of the field, since it's editable, it lands on that control and gets stuck.
If I change to:
Then TAB will skip the field, but I can land on the column with the arrow keys. However I can't select the checkbox with the mouse.
I am at a loss as what to do.
The workaround to get the TAB key working first implies consuming the event so the default TableView traversal engine doesn't process it, and selecting the next or previous cell instead.
This will move the selection from cell to cell:
table.setOnKeyPressed(keyEvent -> {
switch (keyEvent.getCode()){
case TAB: {
if (keyEvent.isShiftDown()) {
} else {
But it won't be enough to get the CheckBox focused, and the space key can't be used to select it. So a second step is required to move the focus from the selected cell to the inner checkbox.
When the cell gets the focus, its node will request it.
booleanColumn.setCellFactory (param -> {
CheckBoxTableCell<DTO, Boolean> cell = new CheckBoxTableCell<>();
cell.focusedProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (nv && cell.getGraphic() != null) {
return cell;
Notice you can't have both the cell and it's checkbox focused at the same time, so the cell will appear grey (selected but not focused), unless you modify its css.

Adding functionality to wicket palette button

I want to add some functionality to the right arrow button, the one that puts the user selection into the selected elements panel. Specifically, when the user selects an element from the avaliable choices, I don't want the element to be taken to the selected elements panel if there are elements at the right panel of another palette. So basically, what I need is to execute custom java code when the button is pressed, and alter the default behavior of the palette when a condition occurs.
I found the solution somewhere else. Just in case someone needs it, here is what you have to do.
myPalette = new Palette<MyClass>(...) {
protected Recorder newRecorderComponent() {
Recorder<MyClass> recorder = super.newRecorderComponent();
recorder.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// Custom code
if (target != null)
// Update another component
return recorder;

SWT: paint on parts of a given composite control like Table-headers or the button of a Combo

The title is pretty self-explanatory, i'm currently adding PaintListeners to all the children, grand-children and so on, of the control i'd like to paint on. I have graphical errors with Tables and Combos at the moment, the PaintListener apparently doesn't apply to the header or the button in the combo.
How can i do this?
This is the code i use to add the listeners:
List<Control> controls = Lists.newArrayList();
while (! controls.isEmpty()) {
Control c = controls.remove(0);
if (c instanceof Composite) {
controls.addAll(Arrays.asList(((Composite) c).getChildren()));
c.addPaintListener(new ControlPaintListener());
