Springboot+Freemarker: cannot properly send "select - option" value to controller from freemarker page - spring

I have a freemarker page with form wich contains several single select options, which are taken from DB.
Here I send the list of options to the page:
public String getDownloadMethod(ModelMap modelMap, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){
modelMap.addAttribute("filesList", dao.listAllFiles());
modelMap.addAttribute("getFile", new Model());
return "download-form";
Then there is the form:
<form method="POST" action="/download-post">
<#if filesList??>
<#if filesList?size != 0>
<select name="files" value="getFile">
<#list filesList as file>
<option value="${file.id}">${file.id} - ${file.name}</option>
<input type="submit" value="Get File"/>
We select one of the options and the id of the selected option should be sent to the post method in controller:
public String postDownload(#ModelAttribute("getFile") Model model, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){
"You successfully downloaded '" + model.getId() + " " + model.getName()+ "'");
return "redirect:/downloadStatus";
Yet when I execute the code, I'm always getting "0" value of model.id and null of model.name
How should I properly bind the values in form so they would be sent to controller properly?
The difference from this question is that my list of option is not static but is selected from DB and there could be hundreds of options, which you cannot pre-define.


How to use spring mvc with thymeleaf to iterate over a list?

My goal is to cycle through a list of objects, some to be displayed on the screen, others to be passed into a form as an object of which I can define certain aspects and then return to the controller the object and attribute to be modified.
The problem with the following approach is that the object in the list is not passed correctly to the form and thus gives an error because it is trying to make changes to a non-existent object.
If, on the other hand, I try to pass it as an object via ModelAndView it obviously works but does not have all the characteristics of the object I passed via the list.
public ModelAndView home() throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
public ModelAndView update(Comics com, #RequestParam("attr") String attr) throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<tr th:each="comic : ${comics}">
<td th:text="${comic.title}"></td>
<td th:text="${comic.lastChapter}"></td>
<a th:href="${comic.lastChapterLink}" target="_blank"
role="button" class="btn btn-md btn-block btn-info"> Link
<form th:action="#{/update}" th:object="${comic}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="attr" id="attr"/>
<button type="submit">Sub</button>
PS: I cut out the head of the html page because it was full of non-relevant CDNs
How can I integrate Spring MVC with Thymeleaf to achieve the result whereby passing a list of objects can be displayed on the screen and used for other purposes within the html page without throwing errors?
Obviously if you know of more efficient methods to achieve the result I'm listening; I only used this method because I didn't know of any others.
Thank you
Answer to #RafaeldaSilva:
I agree, but that does not solve the problem.
Let me explain: the attribute I am going to modify through the form already has its name to allow what you wrote.
But the object iterated through:
tr th:each="comic : ${comics}">
cannot be passed directly as input, as it is a value that is taken from a list and exists individually only in the html page.
One might think of passing it as hidden input, but in this case the result would be the same (I have tried):
<form th:action="#{/update}" th:object="${comic}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
<input type="text" name="attr" id="attr"/>
<button type="submit">Sub</button>
public ModelAndView update(#RequestParam("com") Comics com, #RequestParam("attr") String attr) throws IOException {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
System.out.println("Comic: " + com);
List<Comics> allComics = cs.getAll();
mv.addObject("comics", allComics);
return mv;
[org.springframework.web.bind.MissingServletRequestParameterException: Required request parameter 'com' for method parameter type Comics is present but converted to null]
try removing the type="hidden" to see what is present in this input, as I understand you are inserting an object by doing value="${comic}", this way the input should not send the value wanted..
change this: <input type="hidden" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
for this: <input type="text" value="${comic}" name="com"/>
so you can see what the form is sending to the controller, I believe it's the object's memory path, and not the data that exists in it.
in the input you must inform the attributes of the object, not the complete object..

Form with a select (drop-down) doesn't show error code

I have a form that contains a select to list all teachers by id in the system but it is not working properly.
Here is the code part of the form
and the corresponding path controller requests
I'm Using Thymeleaf and Spring Boot, so 'pr' corresponds a name for a variable of a repository of teachers.
<form th:action="#{/professor/updateProfessor/}" method="post" th:object="${professor}">
<div class= "form-group">
<label th:for = "id">Id</label>
<select th:field="*{id}">
th:value = "${id}"
th:text = "${professor.id}">
<input type = "submit" value = "Add Professor">Save</button>
#GetMapping(value = {"/selecionaProfessor"})
public ModelAndView professorSelecao(){
ModelAndView atualizaProfessor = new ModelAndView("/atualizaProfessor");
atualizaProfessor.addObject("Add Professor");
return atualizaProfessor;
#PostMapping(value = {"/selecionaProfessor"})
public ModelAndView selecaoProfessor(){
ModelAndView pagSucesso = new ModelAndView("/pagSucesso");
return pagSucesso;
From your controller, send a list of professors as per following to your view. Here you are associating the list of professors to the "professorList" :
model.addAttribute("professorList", pr.findAll());
And then to access above "professorList" in your thymeleaf do (similar to) this :
<option th:each="professor: ${professorList}" th:value="${professor}"> </option>
Not a full code but i hope you got the idea to get started.
For a full example, take a look here and here.
First of all what is not working? because I see a lot of things that may not work maybe because I don't see the all code or I am guessing some things, let's see
When you enter to your controller using
are you expecting to use the form you put right? (the next code)
<form th:action="#{/professor/updateProfessor/}" method="post" th:object="${professor}">
<div class= "form-group">
<label th:for = "id">Id</label>
<select th:field="*{id}">
th:value = "${id}"
th:text = "${professor.id}">
<input type = "submit" value = "Add Professor">Save</button>
because if that's correct you have a problem in your method:
#GetMapping(value = {"/selecionaProfessor"})
public ModelAndView professorSelecao(){
ModelAndView atualizaProfessor = new ModelAndView("/atualizaProfessor");
atualizaProfessor.addObject("Add Professor");
return atualizaProfessor;
you will get an error saying:
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'professor' available as request attribute
So you're missing to add the Key professor and a List so change:
atualizaProfessor.addObject("Add Professor");
with something like:
atualizaProfessor.addObject("professor", someListOfProfessorHereFromTheService (List<Professor>));
and it should work if your profesor object have the attributes you have on your form.
Now let's suppose that that worked before and the error wasn't that.
When you enter to your form if you see here:
form th:action="#{/professor/updateProfessor/}"
you're using updateProfessor I don't see that on your controller you have
#PostMapping(value = {"/selecionaProfessor"})
So I think that you should change the url mapping inside the html page or the controller and use the same as error 1, map the object using a key and value and iterate the list into the html as I showed in the 1st error
Hope it helps

Submit button is not working in spring

File jsp
<form:form action="saveProduct" method="POST" modelAttribute="product">
<input type = "submit" name = "action1" value="Save"/>
File Controller
#RequestMapping(value = "/saveProduct", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "action1")
public ModelAndView saveProduct(HttpServletRequest request,#ModelAttribute("product") Products product){
if(product.getIdPro() == 0){
} else {
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/pro");
This is my jsp file and my controller. I use to extra <table/> tag, some another <input/> tag in <form/> tag. I tried to use <form:input> tag but not positive. I cannot execute submit button.
Everything looks ok, except of spaces after tag attributes (that is not valid).
Try to remove thoose:
<input type="submit" name="action1" value="Save"/>

How do I iterate over all my model attributes on my JSP page?

I'm using Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE with JBoss 7.1.3.Final and Java 6. I have this method in a controller
#RequestMapping(value = "/method", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String myMethod(final Model model,
final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response,
final Principal principal)
model.addAttribute("paramName", "paramValue");
Notice how I add attributes into my model. My question is, on the JSP page that this page serves, how do I iterate over all the attributes in my model and output them as HIDDEN input fields with the name of the INPUT being the attribute name and the value being what I inserted in the model using that attribute?
Edit: In response to the answer given, here was the output to the JSP solution. Note there are no model attributes in there.
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspRequest' value='org.springframework.web.context.support.ContextExposingHttpServletRequest#7a0a4c3f'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspPageContext' value='org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl#3939794a'>
<input type='hidden' name='appVersion' value='???application.version???'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspResponse' value='org.owasp.csrfguard.http.InterceptRedirectResponse#722033be'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspApplication' value='io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletContextImpl#14c1252c'>
<input type='hidden' name='org.apache.taglibs.standard.jsp.ImplicitObjects' value='javax.servlet.jsp.el.ImplicitObjectELResolver$ImplicitObjects#23c27a49'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspOut' value='org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl#b01a1ba'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspPage' value='org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.views.lti.launch_jsp#1dcc48bf'>
<input type='hidden' name='javax.servlet.jsp.jspConfig' value='io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletConfigImpl#3fd40806'>
Model attributes are "request scope" objects
you can do the following (I use JSTL):
<c:forEach items="${requestScope}" var="par">
<c:if test="${par.key.indexOf('attrName_') > -1}">
<li>${par.key} - ${par.value}</li>
Since with no filter you will have all the request scope objects, I filtered by the model attributes we wanted to check
I tested by using this code:
#RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.GET }, value = { "/*" })
public String renderPage(Model model) throws Exception
String requestedUrl = req.getRequestURI();
int indice = requestedUrl.lastIndexOf('/');
String pagina = requestedUrl.substring(indice + 1);
String usernameUtente = "default username utente";
if (StringUtils.hasText(getPrincipal()))
usernameUtente = getPrincipal();
model.addAttribute("usernameUtente", usernameUtente);
model.addAttribute("webDebug", webDebug);
for(int i = 0; i<10; i++)
model.addAttribute("attrName_"+i, "attrValue_"+i);
return pagina;
catch (Exception e)
String message = "Errore nell'erogazione della pagina " + pagina;
logger.error(message, e);
return "genericError";
And this is what I see as output (I omitted the not relevant prints but please note you'll print ALL the request scope objects:
attrName_0 - attrValue_0
attrName_1 - attrValue_1
attrName_2 - attrValue_2
attrName_3 - attrValue_3
attrName_4 - attrValue_4
attrName_5 - attrValue_5
attrName_6 - attrValue_6
attrName_7 - attrValue_7
attrName_8 - attrValue_8
attrName_9 - attrValue_9
I hope this can help
For avoid headache with parameters added by Spring and Servlet container, it is better to use separate map for pass values into the model. Just use #ModelAttribute and Spring will create and add it to the model automatically:
#RequestMapping(value = "/method", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String myMethod(final Model model, #ModelAttribute("map") HashMap<String, Object> map) {
map.put("paramName1", "value1");
map.put("paramName2", "value2");
//...and so on
Now you can iterate this map in JSP:
<c:forEach items="${map.keySet()}" var="key">
<input type="hidden" name="${key}" value="${map[key]}"/>
Also you can access to every item of map next way:
<c:out value="${map.paramName1}"/>
<c:out value="${map.paramName2}"/>
If you don't need some parameter to be iterable, add it into the original ModelMap istead of separate map.
In essence all you need is to itterate on all the page attributes. Depending on what you use on your jsp (scriptlets, jstl, or smthing like thymeleaf for html):
<% Session session = request.getSession();
Enumeration attributeNames = session.getAttributeNames();
while (attributeNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = attributeNames.nextElement();
String value = session.getAttribute(name);
<input type='hidden' name="<% name %>" value="<% value %>">
<%# taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%>
<h3>Page attributes:</h3>
<c:forEach items="${pageScope}" var="p">
<input type='hidden' name='${p.key}' value='${p.value}'>
<input th:each="var : ${#vars}" type='hidden' name="${var.key}" value="${var.value}">
Simply you can iterate using foreach tag of Jstl.
<c:forEach items="${requestScope}" var="var">
<c:if test="${ !var.key.startsWith('javax.') && !var.key.startsWith('org.springframework')}">
<input type="hidden" name="${var.key}" value="${var.value}" />
Request attributes from spring framework and from Servlet do have prefixes, you don't need to add prefix to your request attributes.
Rather you can ignore all those attributes which have prefix "org.springframework" or "javax.".
You can try this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/method", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String myMethod(final Model model,
final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response,
final Principal principal)
//Create list for param names and another list for param values
List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList();
List<String> paramValues = new ArrayList();
//paramValue1 is the value corresponding to paramName1 and so on...
//add as many param names and values as you need
//Then add both lists to the model
model.addAttribute("paramNames", paramNames);
model.addAttribute("paramValues", paramValues);
Then in the JSP, you can iterate over paramNames list, and use the varStatus.index to get the index of current round of iteration and use it to pull the value of corresponding param value from the paramValues list. Like this -
<form id='f' name='myform' method='POST' action='/path/to/servlet'>
<c:forEach items="${paramNames}" var="paramName" varStatus="status">
<input type='hidden' name='${paramName}' value='${paramValues[status.index]}'>
You can add other input elements to the form as needed but the above should generate all the hidden input elements for each of your parameter that you set in the Model.

how to retain dynamic dropdown values after page refresh using spring and jsp

I am having 3 dropdowns.customername and companyname and servername.like this..
Based on Customer drop down i am populating Company Names.and based on Company names dropdown i am population server names using Spring and javascript.
If i click go button my page is refreshing.That time my droddown values are not retaining..
Can you any one suggest me regarding to this.
This is my code:
on click of customer dropdown i am calling onchange method in jsp.
<td valign="bottom">
<form:select path="CustomerId" id="customerDetails">
<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Select Customer</option>
<form:options items="${map.customerList}"
itemLabel="customerName" itemValue="customerId" />
</form:select> <br>
with this i am getting my customer dropdown values.Onchange of the customer i am getting company names..
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#customerDetails").change(function() {
var value1 = $('#customerDetails :selected').text();
type : 'POST',
url : 'companynames',
data : {
selectedcustomername : value1
success : function(result) {
Controller's code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/companynames", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String getEnvironmentNames(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, #RequestParam String selectedcustomername) throws SQLException {
request.setAttribute("selectedcustomername", selectedcustomername);
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
modelAndView.addObject("environments", new Environments());
List<Environments> environmentnamesList= loginDelegate.getEnvironments(selectedcustomername);
Collections.sort(environmentnamesList, new CustomComparator());
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonString = gson.toJson(environmentnamesList);
return jsonString;
Processing response of controller:
<script language="JavaScript">
function getcompNames(result){
$('#environmentName').empty().append('<option selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Select An Environment</option>');
var data = JSON.parse(result);
$.each(data, function(key, value)
$("#environmentName").append("<option>" + value.environments_name +" - "+ value.environments_purpose + "</option>");
This is my company ui code.
<td width="20%" nowrap="nowrap" class="boldFontSize3">
<select class="body" name="environmentName" id="environmentName" class="body">
<option selected="selected">Select a comapany name</option>
Like this way only i am getting servername.
Go button code:
<input name="Submit" value="Go" type="submit" class="boldFontSize3" />
after clicking go button my dropdown values are null
..my problem is when user click on go button my page is refreshing.i am getting customer dropdown values from modelandview object.For that i am getting customer dropdown values.But after page refresh i am not getting companynames and server.Because restcall will happen only onchange of customer Dropdown only.
