Debugging Protractor tests using Gulp tasks with WebStorm - debugging

I run my Protractor tests using a gulp task and I pass all the parameters in the gulp task like:
gulp protractor-integration --useProxy=true --baseUrl= --apiUrl= --suite=tests
I have tried to set up a configuration in WebStorm for Gulp and pass all the parameters there. When I hit run the correct tests are executed.
When I put a break point and hit debug the tests are executed and WebStorm does not stop at the break points.
Gulp Configuration in WebStorm for Debugging is not working. Sample Picture

Gulp run configuration is not supposed to be used for protractor tests debugging - it was designed to run/debug Gulp tasks.
To debug certain Node.js application, like Protractor tests, you need to make sure that debug arguments (--debug-brk/inspect-brk) are passed to Node process that starts the application. In your case, the application is spawned as a child process by Gulp. The IDE can only pass debug args to the main process (Gulp), that's why only Gulp tasks themselves will be debugged and not the child processes started by these tasks.
If you still prefer using Gulp to start your tests instead of using the dedicated Protractor run configuration, make sure that protractor process is started with --debug-brk/inspect-brk .
Do do this, you need changing node_modules/gulp-protractor/index.js accordingly. For example, modifying childProcess.fork call as follows will start Protractor with --inspect-brk=5860:
child = childProcess.fork(getProtractorCli(), args, {
stdio: 'inherit',
env: process.env,
execArgv: ['--inspect-brk=5860'] //added line
}).on('exit', function(code) {


After enabling the "experimentalInteractiveRunEvents" flag to run the after:spec event in Cypress IDE : after:spec event is not calling

I have enabled the "experimentalInteractiveRunEvents": true in cypress.json to run the after:spec event of cypress-testRail-simple plugin through cypress IDE.
link for plugin :
I am using this event in cypress-testRail-simple's plugin.js file.
I have defined plugin in plugins -> index.js
enabled the flag in cypress.json file:
I have multiple spec files.
When running through command line :
npx cypress run
after:spec - getting called after all the spec run finish.
When running through cypress IDE :
npx cypress open
after:spec - called zero time
reference : how to run the cypress in interactive mode with flag enabled
There's a fundamental difference between npx cypress open (interactive mode) and npx cypress run (command line mode).
Interactive mode
All the specs are run as in a single continuous run, as if they had been written as one spec. Because of this, before:spec is called only one.
Command line mode
All specs are run as separate runs, hence two calls to before:spec.
From After Spec API
When running cypress via cypress open, the event will fire when the browser closes.

Does Cypress support pre-execution checks?

I run Cypress from the terminal using an npm script. I would like to run a series of checks before any tests in any spec are executed (e.g. to ensure env variables are set as expected).
If any check fails, I'd like to log some debug info and Cypress to mark each spec as failed.
Is something like this possible without having to have a custom script that executes before Cypress is started?
I've played around with the support file, but logging to the terminal and failing all test specs seems problematic.
Yes you can use Before Run API
on('before:run', (details) => {
/* ... */

Using intellij to debug a project with Grunt

I use intellij with a mean stack and i want to debug the js file of my server.
Until now, i launch "grunt serve" in a line command from the directory where my project is and i have no problem.
In intellij there is two way to debug a project with nodejs. You can use the remote debug configuration. This way is working but not very confortable. you have to stop the debugguer each time you made a change in your js files and you have to restart the debugguer....
Or you can configure a GruntJs configuration.
I try to use this way but i don't have the same behavior that i have when i launch "grunt serve" in a terminal from the project directory. The process stuck at the "concurrent:server".
this is my configuration from intellij :
And this is the line command generated by intellij
/usr/bin/node --debug-brk=36118 --expose_debug_as=v8debug /home/bryan/Documents/projects/subscriptions/node_modules/grunt/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt --gruntfile /home/bryan/Documents/projects/subscriptions/subscriptions/Gruntfile.js -v -d serve
So my question is : What's the difference between using "grunt serve" in a terminal or using a grunt debug configuration from intelliJ ?
Well i found theses links from intelliJ Support
Solution :
Explanation :
The problem is likely caused by the way Grunt spawns child tasks. By >default, the spawned child process uses the same debug port as a parent >process - as a result the forked process is suspended and the >application 'stalls'. See >>that-listens-on-a-different-debug-port-than-the-pare, for example.
Please try adding process.execArgv = []; at the top of the gruntfile.js
at the top of your Gruntfile.js - does it help?
And yes adding process.execArgv = [] at the top of GruntFile.js remove the stuck of "concurrent:serve" but my breakpoints don't work on port:5858
before overwritting process.execArgv here is content :
[ '--debug-brk=40305', '--expose_debug_as=v8debug' ]
At the start of the "grunt serve" i have this :
/usr/bin/node --debug-brk=40305 --expose_debug_as=v8debug /home/bryan/Documents/projects/subscriptions/node_modules/grunt/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt --gruntfile /home/bryan/Documents/projects/subscriptions/subscriptions/Gruntfile.js serve
debugger listening on port 40305
Running "serve" task
And at the end :
Running "express:dev" (express) task
Stopping Express server
Starting background Express server
debugger listening on port 5858
Express server listening on 9000, in development mode
In the intellij debugger variables panel its show "Connected to localhost:40305"
When i use a second debug configuration with nodejs debug remote on port :5858 breakpoints are working but this is ugly as i have described in my first question.
i tried this solution but nothings changes :
my gruntfiles already own theses properties :
express: { dev: { options: { script: 'app/server.js', debug: true } } },
and theses modifications at line 71 in this file node_modules\grunt-express-server\tasks\lib\server.js, changing '--debug' to '--debug-brk='don't affect debugging.

Elixir TDD tests only execute when a test file is saved

I have a fresh installation of Laravel 5.1, and am trying to run automated tests using Elixir. According to documentation, I can run gulp tdd and have my tests execute automatically each time a file is saved. I have the initial ExampleTest.php which has this test:
public function testBasicExample()
->see('Laravel 5');
This test asserts if the default welcome.blade.php file shows Laravel 5. Each time when I save the ExampleTest.php file, the automated tests do execute, and that's great. But when I change and save the welcome.blade.php file, the tests do not execute automatically.
Is this the desired behaviour or not? If not, what could be causing it?
By default elixir comes with two tasks for your test suites. One for phpunit and the other for phpspec, in your gulpfile phpUnit method is called on the mix object for phpunit test suite.
And then you need to type Gulp watchfrom terminal.

CLI testing with Jasmine / PhantomJS

Running yeoman server:test opens Jasmine in my browser and says that my test has passed. Now I want to try the same, but without a browser - using PhantomJS on the CLI. Unfortunately, running yeoman test only throws a:
Running "jasmine:all" (jasmine) task
Running specs for index.html
>> 0 assertions passed in 0 specs (0ms)
Why doesn't it find any tests, even though everything is included in my test/index.html and works pretty well using yeoman server:test?
I used yeoman init jasmine:app --force over my project and adjusted the Gruntfile.js as described here. It looks like that:
// headless testing through PhantomJS
jasmine: {
all: ["test/**/*.html"]
// Alias the `test` task to run the `jasmine` task instead
grunt.registerTask("test", "jasmine");
Note: My tests are written in CoffeeScript.
After some research I found out that PhantomJS is not able to find the files at the same location as ´yeoman server´ or yeoman server:test does.
I precised my question in another thread: Running tests in both headless and browser
