How to escape special chars powershell - windows

I am using the code below to send some keys to automate some process in my company.
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.SendKeys("here comes my string");
The problem is that the string that gets sent must be sanitazed to escape some special chars as described here.
For example: {, [, +, ~ all those symbols must be escaped like {{}, {[}, {+}, {~}
So I am wondering: is there any easy/clean way to do a replace in the string? I dont want to use tons of string.replace("{","{{}"); string.replace("[","{[}")
What is the right way to do this?

You can use a Regular Expression (RegEx for short) to do this. RegEx is used for pattern matching, and works great for what you need. Ironicly you will need to escape the characters for RegEx before defining the RegEx pattern, so we'll make an array of the special characters, escape them, join them all with | (which indicates OR), and then replace on that with the -replace operator.
$SendKeysSpecialChars = '{','}','[',']','~','+','^','%'
$ToEscape = ($SendKeysSpecialChars|%{[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'
"I need to escape [ and } but not # or !, but I do need to for %" -replace "($ToEscape)",'{$1}'
That produces:
I need to escape {[} and {}} but not # or !, but I do need to for {%}
Just put the first two near the beginning of the script, then use the replace as needed. Or make a function that you can call that'll take care of the replace and the SendKeys call for you.

You can use Here Strings.
Note: Here Strings were designed for multi-line strings, but you can still use them to escape expression characters.
As stated on this website.
A here string is a single-quoted or double-quoted string which can
span multiple lines. Expressions in single-quoted strings are not
All the lines in a here-string are interpreted as strings,
even though they are not enclosed in quotation marks.
To declare a here string you have to use a new-line for the text
itself, Powershell syntax.
$string = #'
{ [ + ~ ! £ $ % ^ & ( ) _ - # ~ # '' ""
Output: { [ + ~ ! £ $ % ^ & ( ) _ - # ~ # '' ""


Ruby: How to insert three backslashes into a string?

I want to use backticks in ruby for a programm call.
The parameter is a String variable containing one or more backticks, i.e.
"&E?##A`?". The following command yields a new label as its return value:
echo "&E?##A\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null
From a ruby program I can call it as follows and get the correct result:
new_label = `echo "&E?##A\\\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
I want to achieve the same using a variable for the label.
So I have to insert three slashes into my variable label = "&E?##A`?" in order to escape the backtick. The following seems to work, though it is not very elegant:
escaped_label = label.gsub(/`/, '\\\`').gsub(/`/, '\\\`').gsub(/`/, '\\\`')
But the new variable cannot be used in the program call:
new_label = `echo "#{escaped_label}" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
In this case I do not get an answer from nauty-labelg.
So I have to insert three slashes into my variable label = "&E?##A`?" in order to escape the backtick.
No, you only need to add one backslash for the output. To escape the ` special bash character. The other other two are only for representation proposes, otherwise it isn't valid Ruby code.
new_label = `echo "&E?##A\\\`?" | nauty-labelg 2>/dev/null`
The first backslash will escape the second one (outputting one single backslash). The third backslash escapes the ` character (outputting one single `).
You should only add backslashes before characters that have a special meaning within double quoted bash context. These special characters are: $, `, \ and \n. Those can be escaped with the following code:
def escape_bash_string(string)
string.gsub(/([$`"\\\n])/, '\\\\\1')
For label = "&E?##A`?" only the ` should be escaped.
escaped_string = escape_bash_string("&E?##A\`?")
puts escaped_string
# &E?##A\`?

Replacing ' by \' in Ruby [duplicate]

s = "#main= 'quotes'
s.gsub "'", "\\'" # => "#main= quotes'quotes"
This seems to be wrong, I expect to get "#main= \\'quotes\\'"
when I don't use escape char, then it works as expected.
s.gsub "'", "*" # => "#main= *quotes*"
So there must be something to do with escaping.
Using ruby 1.9.2p290
I need to replace single quotes with back-slash and a quote.
Even more inconsistencies:
"\\'".length # => 2
"\\*".length # => 2
# As expected
"'".gsub("'", "\\*").length # => 2
"'a'".gsub("'", "\\*") # => "\\*a\\*" (length==5)
# WTF next:
"'".gsub("'", "\\'").length # => 0
# Doubling the content?
"'a'".gsub("'", "\\'") # => "a'a" (length==3)
What is going on here?
You're getting tripped up by the specialness of \' inside a regular expression replacement string:
\0, \1, \2, ... \9, \&, \`, \', \+
Substitutes the value matched by the nth grouped subexpression, or by the entire match, pre- or postmatch, or the highest group.
So when you say "\\'", the double \\ becomes just a single backslash and the result is \' but that means "The string to the right of the last successful match." If you want to replace single quotes with escaped single quotes, you need to escape more to get past the specialness of \':
s.gsub("'", "\\\\'")
Or avoid the toothpicks and use the block form:
s.gsub("'") { |m| '\\' + m }
You would run into similar issues if you were trying to escape backticks, a plus sign, or even a single digit.
The overall lesson here is to prefer the block form of gsub for anything but the most trivial of substitutions.
s = "#main = 'quotes'
s.gsub "'", "\\\\'"
Since \it's \\equivalent if you want to get a double backslash you have to put four of ones.
You need to escape the \ as well:
s.gsub "'", "\\\\'"
"#main= \\'quotes\\'"
A good explanation found on an outside forum:
The key point to understand IMHO is that a backslash is special in
replacement strings. So, whenever one wants to have a literal
backslash in a replacement string one needs to escape it and hence
have [two] backslashes. Coincidentally a backslash is also special in a
string (even in a single quoted string). So you need two levels of
escaping, makes 2 * 2 = 4 backslashes on the screen for one literal
replacement backslash.

Unexpected behavior with ruby gsub and '\\' [duplicate]

s = "#main= 'quotes'
s.gsub "'", "\\'" # => "#main= quotes'quotes"
This seems to be wrong, I expect to get "#main= \\'quotes\\'"
when I don't use escape char, then it works as expected.
s.gsub "'", "*" # => "#main= *quotes*"
So there must be something to do with escaping.
Using ruby 1.9.2p290
I need to replace single quotes with back-slash and a quote.
Even more inconsistencies:
"\\'".length # => 2
"\\*".length # => 2
# As expected
"'".gsub("'", "\\*").length # => 2
"'a'".gsub("'", "\\*") # => "\\*a\\*" (length==5)
# WTF next:
"'".gsub("'", "\\'").length # => 0
# Doubling the content?
"'a'".gsub("'", "\\'") # => "a'a" (length==3)
What is going on here?
You're getting tripped up by the specialness of \' inside a regular expression replacement string:
\0, \1, \2, ... \9, \&, \`, \', \+
Substitutes the value matched by the nth grouped subexpression, or by the entire match, pre- or postmatch, or the highest group.
So when you say "\\'", the double \\ becomes just a single backslash and the result is \' but that means "The string to the right of the last successful match." If you want to replace single quotes with escaped single quotes, you need to escape more to get past the specialness of \':
s.gsub("'", "\\\\'")
Or avoid the toothpicks and use the block form:
s.gsub("'") { |m| '\\' + m }
You would run into similar issues if you were trying to escape backticks, a plus sign, or even a single digit.
The overall lesson here is to prefer the block form of gsub for anything but the most trivial of substitutions.
s = "#main = 'quotes'
s.gsub "'", "\\\\'"
Since \it's \\equivalent if you want to get a double backslash you have to put four of ones.
You need to escape the \ as well:
s.gsub "'", "\\\\'"
"#main= \\'quotes\\'"
A good explanation found on an outside forum:
The key point to understand IMHO is that a backslash is special in
replacement strings. So, whenever one wants to have a literal
backslash in a replacement string one needs to escape it and hence
have [two] backslashes. Coincidentally a backslash is also special in a
string (even in a single quoted string). So you need two levels of
escaping, makes 2 * 2 = 4 backslashes on the screen for one literal
replacement backslash.

Replace " " with "\ " in a file path string with variable expansion

I know there is a better way to do this.
What is the better way?
How do you do a string replace on a string variable in bash?
For Example: (using php because that's what I know)
$path = "path/to/directory/foo bar";
$path = str_replace(" ", "\ ", "$path");
echo $path;
path/to/directory/foo\ bar
To perform the specific replacement in bash:
path='path/to/directory/foo bar'
echo "${path// /\\ }"
Don't use prefix $ when assigning to variables in bash.
No spaces are allowed around the =.
Note that path is assigned with single quotes, whereas the string replacement occurs in double quotes - this distinction is important: bash does NOT interpret single-quoted strings, whereas you can refer to variables (and do other things) in double-quoted strings; (also, not quoting a variable reference at all has other ramifications, often undesired - in general, double-quote your variable references)
Explanation of string replacement "${path// /\\ }":
In order to perform value substitution on a variable, you start with enclosing the variable name in {...}
// specifies that ALL occurrences of the following search pattern are to be replaced (use / to replace the first occurrence only).
/ separates the search pattern, (a single space), from the replacement string, \\ .
The replacement string, \ , must be represented as \\ , because \ has special meaning as an escape char. and must therefore itself be escaped for literal use.
The above is an instance of what bash (somewhat cryptically) calls shell parameter expansion and also parameter expansion and [parameter and] variable expansion. There are many more flavors, such as for extracting a substring, providing a default value, stripping a prefix or suffix, ... - see the BashGuide page on the topic or the manual.
As for what types of expressions are supported in the search and replacement strings:
The search expression is a globbing pattern of the same type used in filename expansion (e.g, *.txt); for instance, v='dear me'; echo "${v/m*/you}" yields 'dear you'. Note that the longest match will be used.
Additionally, the first character of the pattern has special meaning in this context:
/, as we've seen above, causes all matching occurrences of the pattern to be replaced - by default, only the first one is replaced.
# causes the rest of the pattern to only match at the beginning of the input variable
% only matches at the end
The replacement expression is a string that is subject to shell expansions; while there is no support for backreferences, the fact that the string is expanded allows you to have the replacement string reference other variables, contain commands, with $(...), ...; e.g.:
v='sweet home'; echo "${v/home/$HOME}" yields, for instance, 'sweet /home/jdoe'.
v='It is now %T'; echo "${v/\%T/$(date +%T)}" yields, for instance, It is now 10:05:17.
o1=1 o2=3 v="$o1 + $o2 equals result"; echo "${v/result/$(( $o1 + $o2 ))}" yields '1 + 3 equals 4' (I think)
There are many more features and subtleties - refer to the link above.
How about sed? Is that what you're looking for?
path="path/to/directory/foo bar"
new_path=$(echo "$path" | sed 's/ /\\ /g')
echo "New Path: '$new_path"
But as #n0rd pointed out in his comment, is probably better just quoting the path when you want to use it; something like...
path="path/to/directory/foo bar"
echo "test" > "$path"

Escape status within a string literal as argument of `String#tr`

There is something mysterious to me about the escape status of a backslash within a single quoted string literal as argument of String#tr. Can you explain the contrast between the three examples below? I particularly do not understand the second one. To avoid complication, I am using 'd' here, which does not change the meaning when escaped in double quotation ("\d" = "d").
'\\'.tr('\\', 'x') #=> "x"
'\\'.tr('\\d', 'x') #=> "\\"
'\\'.tr('\\\d', 'x') #=> "x"
Escaping in tr
The first argument of tr works much like bracket character grouping in regular expressions. You can use ^ in the start of the expression to negate the matching (replace anything that doesn't match) and use e.g. a-f to match a range of characters. Since it has control characters, it also does escaping internally, so you can use - and ^ as literal characters.
print 'abcdef'.tr('b-e', 'x') # axxxxf
print 'abcdef'.tr('b\-e', 'x') # axcdxf
Escaping in Ruby single quote strings
Furthermore, when using single quotes, Ruby tries to include the backslash when possible, i.e. when it's not used to actually escape another backslash or a single quote.
# Single quotes
print '\\' # \
print '\d' # \d
print '\\d' # \d
print '\\\d' # \\d
# Double quotes
print "\\" # \
print "\d" # d
print "\\d" # \d
print "\\\d" # \d
The examples revisited
With all that in mind, let's look at the examples again.
'\\'.tr('\\', 'x') #=> "x"
The string defined as '\\' becomes the literal string \ because the first backslash escapes the second. No surprises there.
'\\'.tr('\\d', 'x') #=> "\\"
The string defined as '\\d' becomes the literal string \d. The tr engine, in turn uses the backslash in the literal string to escape the d. Result: tr replaces instances of d with x.
'\\'.tr('\\\d', 'x') #=> "x"
The string defined as '\\\d' becomes the literal \\d. First \\ becomes \. Then \d becomes \d, i.e. the backslash is preserved. (This particular behavior is different from double strings, where the backslash would be eaten alive, leaving only a lonesome d)
The literal string \\d then makes tr replace all characters that are either a backslash or a d with the replacement string.
