ngrok 404 error with - visual-studio

I'm working on ASP.NET Core application. I had to host online for testing few cases. I tried using ngrok. Everything perfectly done as show on:
C# Corner link
I could see the request being logged in ngrok
But browser stops with 502 bad Gateway.


Go gmail api quickstart results in localhost refused to connect ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I'm following the steps in go quickstart gmail api.
On the function getTokenFromWeb, pasting either the long url
results in
This site can't be reached. localhost refused to connect. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Following the same quickstart but for python works flawlessly.
If I get the token via python and use it in Go quickstart, it also works. So the issue is just on the token from web retrieval.
The issue you are having is related to the removal of oob. When that sample was originally created oob still worked. So it would display a nice web page for you where you could copy the authorization code.
That no longer works so we are forced to use or localhost. As your machine apparently does not have a web server running its displaying to you a 404 error.
However if you look in the URL bar you will find the authorization code you need in order to authorize your application.
The solution is to simply copy the code from the url bar. If you want to fix the 404 your going to have to figure out how to start a web server in order to host the from.
The python sample does this by running a local server
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
Php can do it using something like this
php -S localhost:8000 -t examples/
Im not sure how that can be done with Go though.

Browser not responding to www-authenticate challenge for bookmarked ssl (https url) to restricted resource

I have set up SSO using weblogic on windows and Kerberos, It is working fine for the http pages, however I observed a strange behavior on https pages which requires CONFIDENTIAL setting for the transport, It works fine if I first access a page on http which is not configured as secured in web.xml(Transport-Gurantee as None) and then the https page.
But If I try to hit the https url directly which is configured with Transport-Gurantee as CONFIDENTIAL then it shows the Basic Auth Dialog and a 401 Unauthorized response, Looking at the logs I see that the Server responded with the WWW-Authenticate but browser showed the Basic Auth Dialog in response instead of getting the Authorize token.
Does anyone has any idea on what might be issue here, If there is any problem with the browser settings then it would not have worked irrespective of accessing the http url first.
I can see the following error log in weblogic console
Malformed request "Can not parse URI from http request". Request parsing failed, Code: -1
Found one of the link here
SPNEGO on IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 with https
For my case it is weblogic 12c , I don't think reinstalling 12c is a valid solution for it
Ok I got it fixed , It turns out to be an issue with the browser configuration , the was not inside the intranet domain and the control to do that rests with the windows Admin team, once they added it , the https urls are also working fine.

Ngrok returns 405 error while tunneling my localhost

I have a web app bot that I would like to remote it so a few people can test it. I am using Bot Framework Emulator to test it locally and it works wonders, but I'm thoroughly failing to make ngrok host it.
(I actually managed doing it using the link my app has in Azure with another bot, but I couldn't with this one, so I'm trying with the link ngrok offers me - both bots, the one I managed and this one, are hosted in Azure, but I don't know how to make it available to remote access)
Steps I'm taking:
Deploy the app in Visual Studio so it runs on localhost:3979;
Open port externally in ngrok using ngrok
3979 http -host-header=rewrite localhost:3979;
Get one of the forwarding URLs ngrok provides me, like
Insert previous URL in Bot Framework Emulator;
Click Connect.
Both in ngrok and in Bot Framework Emulator returns me 405 Method Not Allowed.
I tried accessing the link I inserted in Bot Framework Emulator and I normally have the page I would see while hosting my bot locally:
Describe your bot here and your terms of use etc.
Visit Bot Framework to register your bot. When you register it,
remember to set your bot's endpoint to
But I can't send nor receive messages in Bot Framework Emulator.
Additionally, ngrok prints this under the HTTP request headline:
HTTP Requests
POST / 405 Method Not Allowed
GET /favicon.ico 200 OK
GET / 200 OK
My MSAppID and Password are configured properly in web.config, and compilation results in no error, so I doubt it's something on the code (unless there is some configuration in the code that prevents this bot being accessed remotely for a reason, but I have no idea).
I would very much appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks for your time.
Both in ngrok and in Bot Framework Emulator returns me 405 Method Not Allowed
I can reproduce the issue on my side if I just provide as message endpoint.
Please try to specify as message endpoint, which works for me.

ASP.NET Unauthorized in Postman using IIS Express, but works in Chrome

I am trying to test an ASP.NET Web Api locally using IIS Express. When I use Chrome and hit the url (localhost:5000/api/test, for example) the json displays fine, but when using Postman I keep getting unauthorized 401.2 when hitting the same url. The api controller has Anonymous access on the route.
On the error message, one of the likely causes is:
Integrated authentication is enabled and the request was sent through a proxy that changed the authentication headers before they reach the Web server.
Is Postman somehow changing the headers?
[2019 Update]
Got the same issue, I couldn't debug an ASP Core 2.1 API using Postman when running on the local machine using IIS Express. I kept on having "Could not get any response" despite it was working fine on a browser.
Following troubleshooting steps explained here PostmanLabs Github, I noticed into Postman console that this was coming from a certificate issue.
Disabling SSL Verification from Postman Settings > General allowed the request to pass through.
Looks like it's your proxy.
I haven't found the proxy setting in postman. So I deleted postman for Win and installed postman for Chrome. Possibly Postman gets the environment from Chrome.
Anyway the resolution is to use Postman for Chrome instead of Postman for Win.
I have a localhost WebAPI site up with IIS Express (HTTPS). Postman started to respond as expected to GETs and POSTs after I changed (in Postman)
File --> Settings --> Proxy
to: "Use the system proxy"
and turning on: "Respect HTTP_PROXY ...".
I had earlier set up a custom proxy that wasn't working with HTTPS.

Can't see Https traffic in fiddler - it only shows "tunnel" - https decryption enabled

I have a ASP.NET MVC based web site which runs on http.
From the above web site I'm making a https call to a web API
Configured fiddler as a proxy and trying to monitor the traffic using Fiddler Web Debugger (ver
I only see "tunnel to" requests to the https web api sent from the MVC web application. Why am I not able to see other https traffic including request/response headers/body?
I have enabled decrypting https setting in fiddler. I have followed this link:
Is there anything else I can check?
Let's step back a bit:
Is the HTTPS request to the web API being made from JavaScript on the client, or from ASP.NET code on the server?
Did the request actually succeed?
What, if anything, do you see in Fiddler's LOG tab?
