how to highlight only cell when click on jqgrid grid - jqgrid

I have jqgrid in which cells are created by java as a hyperlink, attached the image for the same.enter image description here
I want to highlight that particulate cell when i click on any count on that jqgrid.
Please refer image for the same.

jqGrid supports cell editing, which can be activated by adding the option cellEdit: true. It's important that it allows to edit content of not every columns, but the columns, which have editable: true property. If the column don't have editable: true property the the cell will be highlighted. Thus if you don'u use currently editing feature in the grid and you don't have editable: true property in any columns of colModel then adding cellEdit: true option of jqGrid should solve your problem.


How to show a column in the grid and hide it in the view dialog

I've used the information on this link to add a button to my grid and it works great. But I don't want that button to be displayed if the user opens that row in the view dialog. How can I hide this item in the view dialog?
I know that I can hide a column in the grid and then display it in the view dialog by using this syntax in the column definition:
, hidden: true, editrules: { edithidden: true },
But I see no way of reversing these options. I've played with different combinations of the above options, and the hidedlg option, but have had no luck.
To clarify, we are using the free version of jqGrid.
You wrote about "the view dialog" in the title of your question. Do you really mean View dialog or Edit dialog? View Dialog will be shown if you click on "View" button of navigator bar, but the button exists only if view: true option is used in navGrid. In the case you can use viewable: false property in the column.
If you want to hide the column in Edit dialog, then you can use editable: "hidden" property in the column (see the wiki article). The demo uses properties
viewable: false, editable: "hidden"
in the last note column. The column will be shown in the grid, but the column is not visible in either View or Edit dialog.
If you use Guriddo jqGrid you can use the option viewable in colModel. Set this option to false in order to show the field in grid, but not in view form.
See the documentation for this here

JQGRID autowidth of column header and column value based on size

I am new to JQGRID. I have a grid. I want the column width should be equal to the maximum value of the grid of the column heading whichever is bigger.
It's not full clear what you mean and which version/fork of jqGrid you use. Free jqGrid is the fork which I develop. It contains the feature for automatic resizing of columns on double-click between the column headers or direct by loading. See the wiki article for additional information.
If I correctly understand your problem then you should add cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true } option to set autoResizable: true property in every column and to add autoresizeOnLoad: true option jqGrid to automatically resize all columns after loading the data.

jqGrid edit modal AJAX?

I have a table with data, which is taken from the server. The table shows only two column. But to edit the data I will have other columns. In other words, I need to change colmodel on edit modal window? How can I do that?
I use free jqGrid last version. I found example navGrid.
How get from server (AJAX) other columns for edit?
You can specify
editrules: { edithidden: true }
additionally to hidden: true in the columns which you want to allow to edit.
For example the demo have hidden column tax which can be editing using form editing. You can start editing in the demo in three ways: double-click on the row, click on the edit button in the row and selection of the row and then click on the edit button in the navigator bar of the pager.

jqGrid hide a field

I am new to jqGrid, and having trouble with achieving a couple of tasks. Any guidance will be a huge help.
I have a field (CREATE_DATE) whose value needs to be passed in the edit form. To achieve this I have to make it editable, but at the same time I don't want it to display in the edit form. Something similar to this issue ( Something like this is what I want to achieve.
$('#CREATE_DATE_id]').attr('type', 'hidden');
Thanks a lot.
If you have some hidden column in the grid and you want to send the value only during the row editing you should include in the definition of the column the following properties:
editable: true, hidden: true, hidedlg: true, editrules: { edithidden: true }
If you want to display the column in the grid and need to send the data to the server, but you just don't want to display the data in the edit form you can mark the column as editable: true, but hide the field inside of beforeShowForm callback. You can even implement different behavior in Add and in Edit forms. See the answer for more details.

how to reorder columns in jqgrid by dragging column headers

jqgrid doc in here contains:
method allow to reorder the grid columns using the mouse. The only necessary setting in this case is to set the sortable option in jqGrid to true.
I have sortable: true but columns cannot reordered by dragging headers by mouse. How to re-order columns by dragging columns headers or other way without using column chooser ?
To implement sortable columns is really easy. You should just follow the documentation. You should just
include jquery-ui.min.js additionally to jquery-ui.css which are always required. The most people have the file already included because of usage jQuery UI Widgets like Datepicker, Autocomplete, Tabs and so on.
add sortable: true option to the grid.
Now you can already (see the demo) drag the column header and drop it on another position.
