Find out if a ruby script is currently running - ruby

I have a ruby script that gets triggered every minute by a CRON job called 'process_files.rb'.
process_files.rb executes another ruby script called 'process_client.rb' with paramaters like so:
ruby process_client.rb -c ABC -s 123 -f /path/to/client/file/client_file
Since process_files.rb runs every minute I want to avoid running process_client.rb if a version of it is currently running with same -c parameter. So if process_client.rb is currently running for -c ABC, it will not
execute the ruby command above.
Both of the scripts are in the same directory called /cdir.
This is what I've got in process_files.rb but it is not working:
client = "ABC"
name = "process_client.rb -c #{client}"
needle = `find /cdir -maxdepth 1 -type f -name #{name}`.to_i
if needle > 0
puts "DONT RUN the ruby script for client abc"
puts "RUN the ruby script for client abc"
ruby process_client.rb -c ABC -s 123 -f /path/to/client/file/client_file
Then before I execute process.files.rb I execute process_client.rb for client ABC, which has some code to put it into sleep mode for 30 seconds, like so:
...some code
sleep 30
...some code
The problem is that process_files.rb never finds the current execution of process_client.rb for client ABC and executes another version when it should not.
Something is probably wrong with the find command but I don't know what it is.

I would use a Ruby script to run everything.
You can have your Ruby script launch your process_files.rb and process_client.rb using Process.spawn you can get the process PID to know if they are running or not.
Obivously you will need to modify the code below to suit your needs, but this should get you started.
def process_client(client)
client_pid = Process.spawn('/usr/bin/ruby', 'process_client.rb', '-c', client)
def process_files(some_arg)
# do some stuff
process_client_pid = process_client('ABC')
loop do
# This means the process_client.rb script is running
rescue Errno::ESRCH
# Code here for when the client is not being processed
process_client_pid = process_client('ABC')
sleep 30

I think your problem is that you are using the wrong strategy to detect a match from find. It will return a list of filespecs (possibly empty) separated by new lines. Calling to_i on that list doesn't make sense. You could instead pipe it to word count to get the number of lines, and convert that to an int:
`find ... | wc -l`.to_i
Also, in the line that assigns a value to name, did you mean to use backticks rather than double quotes?


How to check for command return codes inside a ruby shell script?

I have a simple shell script written in ruby that runs some predefined commands and saves the output strings.
The script works well, but I need a way branch conditionally if the command fails. I've tried using the $? object but the script exits before it gets there.
def run_command(cmd)
if $?.success?
# continue as normal
# ignore this command and move on
# Output:
# No such file or directory - not_a_command (Errno::ENOENT)...
I've tried $?.exitstatus or even just puts $? but it always exits before it gets there because the script is obviously running the command before hitting that line.
Is there a way to check if the command will run before actually running it in the script?
Hope that's clear, thanks for your time!
Use system (which returns true or false depending on exit code) instead of backticks (which return output string):
if system(cmd)
If you want it to run quietly without polluting your logs / output:
system(cmd, out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL)

Mix input/output with Ruby IO?

I am hoping to write a small method that can interact with a subprocess (bash in this case) and should be able to both write commands and have those commands print their outback back to my shell when running the Ruby file.
So far, I can do something similar with this code:
require 'io/console'
#shell = IO.popen('/bin/bash', 'w')
def run(command)
puts command
#shell.puts command
puts 'Done'
run 'var=3'
run 'echo $var'
run 'sleep 2'
run 'ls docs'
And then when I run this code all of the Ruby code is printed first, and only later does any of the shell code get printed:
echo $var
sleep 2
ls docs
<ls output>
I was trying to read some of the tests for io/console as I'm almost certain there exists a really straightforward way to interact with a subprocess like this and get the output inline with the commands being run:

Show every line of output of an external command in real time

I found that you can run an external command from ruby, like this:
command = "find /home/user/workspace -name *.java"
and it works nice for commands that don't take too much time to execute, but for commands like the one above, which takes more time and progressively outputs the result, there's no way I can see the results until the command completes.
What I would like is to have the same look and feel as when the command is run directly from shell, in this particular case, as soon as a file is found, to show it on console.
Is this possible?
Use IO.popen or Open3.
IO.popen("echo 1; sleep 1; echo 2; sleep 1; echo 3") do |io|
io.each_line do |line|
puts line

Execute bash commands from a Rakefile

I would like to execute a number of bash commands from a Rakefile.
I have tried the following in my Rakefile
task :hello do
%{echo "World!"}
but upon executing rake hello there is no output?
How do I execute bash commands from a Rakefile?
NOTE:This is not a duplicate as it's specifically asking how to execute bash commands from a Rakefile.
I think the way rake wants this to happen is with:
task :test do
sh "ls"
The built-in rake function sh takes care of the return value of the command (the task fails if the command has a return value other than 0) and in addition it also outputs the commands output.
There are several ways to execute shell commands in ruby. A simple one (and probably the most common) is to use backticks:
task :hello do
`echo "World!"`
Backticks have a nice effect where the standard output of the shell command becomes the return value. So, for example, you can get the output of ls by doing
shell_dir_listing = `ls`
But there are many other ways to call shell commands and they all have benefits/drawbacks and work differently. This article explains the choices in detail, but here's a quick summary possibilities:
stdout = %x{cmd} - Alternate syntax for backticks, behind the scenes
it's doing the same thing
exec(cmd) - Completely replace the running process with a new cmd process
success = system(cmd) - Run a subprocess and return true/false
on success/failure (based on cmd exit status)
IO#popen(cmd) { |io| } - Run a subprocess and connect stdout and
stderr to io
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3(cmd) - Run a subprocess and
connect to all pipes (in, out, err)
Given that the consensus seems to prefer rake's #sh method, but OP explicitly requests bash, this answer may have some use.
This is relevant since Rake#sh uses the Kernel#system call to run shell commands. Ruby hardcodes that to /bin/sh, ignoring the user's configured shell or $SHELL in the environment.
Here's a workaround which invokes bash from /bin/sh, allowing you to still use the sh method:
task :hello_world do
sh <<-EOS.strip_heredoc, {verbose: false}
/bin/bash -xeu <<'BASH'
echo "Hello, world!"
class String
def strip_heredoc
gsub(/^#{scan(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/).min}/, ''.freeze)
#strip_heredoc is borrowed from rails:
You could probably get it by requiring active_support, or maybe it's autoloaded when you're in a rails project, but I was using this outside rails and so had to def it myself.
There are two heredocs, an outer one with the markers EOS and an inner one with the markers BASH.
The way this works is by feeding the inside heredoc between the BASH markers to bash's stdin. Note that it is running within the context of /bin/sh, so it's a posix heredoc, not a ruby one. Normally that requires the end marker to be in column 1, which isn't the case here because of the indenting.
However, because it's wrapped within a ruby heredoc, the strip_heredoc method applied there de-indents it, placing the entirety of the left side of the inner heredoc in column 1 prior to /bin/sh seeing it.
/bin/sh also would normally expand variables within the heredoc, which could interfere with the script. The single quotes around the start marker, 'BASH', tell /bin/sh not to expand anything inside the heredoc before it is passed to bash.
However /bin/sh does still apply escapes to the string before passing it to bash. That means backslash escapes have to be doubled to make it through /bin/sh to bash, i.e. \ becomes \\.
The bash options -xeu are optional.
The -eu arguments tell bash to run in strict mode, which stops execution upon any failure or reference to an undefined variable. This will return an error to rake, which will stop the rake task. Usually, this is what you want. The arguments can be dropped if you want normal bash behavior.
The -x option to bash and {verbose: false} argument to #sh work in concert so that rake only prints the bash commands which are actually executed. This is useful if your bash script isn't meant to run in its entirety, for example, if it has a test which allows it to exit gracefully early in the script.
Be careful to not set an exit code other than 0 if you don't want the rake task to fail. Usually, that means you don't want to use any || exit constructs without setting the exit code explicitly, i.e. || exit 0.
%{echo "World!"} defines a String. I expect you wanted %x{echo "World!"}.
%x{echo "World!"} executes the command and returns the output (stdout). You will not see the result. But you may do:
puts %x{echo "World!"}
There are more ways to call a system command:
Backticks: `
system( cmd )
There are two ways:
sh " expr "
%x( expr )
Mind that ( expr ) can be { expr } , | expr | or ` expr `
The difference is, sh "expr" is a ruby method to execute something, and %x( expr ) is the ruby built-in method. The result and action are different. Here is an example
task :default do
value = sh "echo hello"
puts value
value = %x(echo world)
puts value
hello # from sh "echo hello"
true # from puts value
world # from puts value
You can see that %x( expr ) will only do the shell expr but the stdout will not show in the screen. So, you'd better use%x( expr ) when you need the command result.
But if you just want to do a shell command, I recommend you use sh "expr". Because sh "irb" will make you go into the irb shell, while %x(irb) will dead.

How to wait for system command to end

I'm converting an XLS 2 CSV file with a system command in Ruby.
After the conversion I'm processing the CSV files, but the conversion is still running when the program wants to process the files, so at that time they are non-existent.
Can someone tell me if it's possible to let Ruby wait the right amount of time for the system command to finish?
Right now I'm using:
sleep 20
but if it will take longer once, it isn't right of course.
What I do specifically is this:
#Call on the program to convert xls
command = "C:/Development/Tools/xls2csv/xls2csv.exe C:/TDLINK/file1.xls"
def do_stuff
#This is where i use file1.csv, however, it isn't here yet
Ruby's system("...") method is synchronous; i.e. it waits for the command it calls to return an exit code and system returns true if the command exited with a 0 status and false if it exited with a non-0 status. Ruby's backticks return the output of the commmand:
a = `ls`
will set a to a string with a listing of the current working directory.
So it appears that xls2csv.exe is returning an exit code before it finishes what it's supposed to do. Maybe this is a Windows issue. So it looks like you're going to have to loop until the file exists:
until File.exist?("file1.csv")
sleep 1
Try to use threads:
command = do
system('ruby programm.rb') # long-long programm
command.join # main programm waiting for thread
puts "command complete"
