Modify SonarQube UI Page - sonarqube

I am getting started with SonarQube and using 6.7.1 version. I need to modify SonarQube page, adding one more column to background task. Is it possible?

Nope it's not possible.
Which column do you need in this page ?


Jmeter Aggregate Graph not showing up as bar chart

I have been trying to use Apache Jmeter for load testing. In the summary report, not able to see the bar chart. Attached the screenshots below:
It is showing up as numbers as you can see. Am I missing anything?
Check your jdk version.
You should use JDK8, not JDK11 or 17,

Changing a custom rule type in sonarqube doesn't work

I created a custome rule using a template however I can not change the bug category. I select it and press Save but it isn't applied. Any ideas?
There is a similar question however we use sonarqube 6.7 and the tag solution doesn't work anymore.
Update: I found a workaround: When deleting the issue and selecting the type at creation time it seem to work. So it is probably a bug in sonar...

PDF print on a edit form - APEX

I've followed this tutorial but when I tested it doesn't work.
I've created a "Form on a Table with Report", and tried to put a button on the edit page and set its action as "Download printable Report Query" and linked it to my own Report Query.
That's the info. about the branch:
I've being struggling all week, but couldn't find anything, thanks in advance.
General Information:
Oracle 11g
Application Express 4.2.5
Apex Listener 2.0.5
Glassfish 4.0
I would start by first confirming that you can output a default format pdf report from a classic report. This is the easiest case and will help to show where you might have a set up problem.
Follow these two guides:
Custom PDF Reports -- especially the sections on Configuring APEX Listener as a Print Server and Printing a Simple Classic Report as PDF
PDF Printing Tutorial
Once you get this working, you can expand out to making your own custom xsl-fo template file and making your own print button and you will have a better idea of where problems are arising in the process.

How to Show SonarQube's Comment Widget

I'm using SonarQube4.2, and I'm trying to confirm comment line number in my source codes. I could inspect these source codes using SonarQube, but SonarQube only shows dupulication without comments on dashboard.
How can I confirm comments line number using SonarQube. Could anybody help me?
Kind regards
You can add a Custom Measures widget and select the comment-related metrics.

Can TeamCity 6.0.3 Emails Be Set to Show a List of Changes?

In TeamCity 6.0.3, I would like emails to show a list of individual file changes with the user that changed them, like Cruise Control does. Out of the box, it only shows a summary such as "User A (2 files)". Is there a way to change the email format to display the individual changes?
Try using var.buildChanges in your notification template. Please see more documentation here.
Not sure if you ever got it to work. I also was facing this issue and stumbled upon the following on Stackoverflow -
Show Changes with Files in TeamCity 5.1 Notification
The second answer by #bret worked for me. The answer is for Teamcity 6. I'm using Teamcity 8.0
