Listing every one of the variables stored in JMeterVariables - jmeter

I'm making extensive use of JMeterVariables/vars in my current JMeter code- in particular I'm generating variable names dynamically, based on JSON input.
Is there any way of getting the program to kick out a list of every single variable that is stored in vars??

You can do one of the following:
Add Debug Sampler in your script, with JMeter Variables = true
Similarly, add Debug Post-Processor under the sampler which creates dynamic variables
Since vars is just a regular Map, you can iterate it using one of the scripting languages (BeanShll, Groovy, etc):
for(java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> var in vars.entrySet())
{ + "=" + var.getValue().toString());
Note that some variables are objects, so their representation will depend on how toString() function is implemented for them.

Add JSR223 Sampler to your Test Plan
Put the following code into "Script" area:
vars.entrySet().each { var -> + '=' + var.getValue())
All the variable names and values will be printed to jmeter.log file
More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It


JMeter update user defined variable at run time

I am trying to update the user defined variable set at a test plan level from a thread group. This is my scenario:
Test plan> user defined variable (variable name/value: fBurst=0)
Test plan> Threadgroup1 > Once only controller> JSR223 test plan (inside the test plan I have the following code)"fBurst user defined value : " + ${fBurst})
vars.put("fBurst", Integer.toString(111))"fBurst user defined value vars.put' : " + ${fBurst})
props.put("fBurst", 222)"fBurst user defined value props.put' : " + ${fBurst})
What I am trying to do here is to update the fBurst user defined value from inside the once only controller sampler and so far not been able to do it using the vars.put or props.put. Is there another way to do this?
Take a look at JSR223 Sampler documentation:
The JSR223 test elements have a feature (compilation) that can significantly increase performance. To benefit from this feature:
Use Script files instead of inlining them. This will make JMeter compile them if this feature is available on ScriptEngine and cache them.
Or Use Script Text and check Cache compiled script if available property.
When using this feature, ensure your script code does not use JMeter variables or JMeter function calls directly in script code as caching would only cache first replacement. Instead use script parameters.
So replace ${fBurst} with vars.get('fBurst") or props.get('fBurst') correspondingly and it should start working as expected
More information: Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy

Jmeter - Calling javascript using JSR223 Post processor

I capture 6 elements using a regular expression. say
Variable : UserDetails
Regular Expression : loadHeadWorkFlow\('(.+?)','(.+?)','(.+?)','(.+?)','(.+?)','(.+?)','/I
Template : $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$$6$
Now I could access these values via UserDetails_g1, UserDetails_g2.....UserDetails_g6
Next, these 6 values need to be encrypted using a javascript file. The file contains the logic.
How should my code be using JSR223 post processor?
The steps that I followed:
var result = encrypt("${UserDetails_g1}","password");"encrypted value is "+result);
var result1 = encrypt("${UserDetails_g2}","password1");
var result2 = encrypt("${UserDetails_g3}","password2");
First value is encrypted correctly. But the other values aren't correct. If I add individual post processors for every variable. All the encrypted values show correctly.
Is there a way where I could use a single post processor to perform all the 6 encryptions. Thanks in advance
Use vars instead of ${} syntax
var result = encrypt(vars.get("UserDetails_g1"),"password");"encrypted value is "+result);
var result1 = encrypt(vars.get("UserDetails_g2"),"password1");
var result2 = encrypt(vars.get("UserDetails_g3"),"password2");
From JMeter perspective there is no problems, just check that your UserDetails_g2 variable has anticipated value using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination., the you might want to check this encrypt() function implementation.
Another possible reason is this JavaScript language selection itself, the Nashorn engine performance is a big question mark when it comes to the load, according to JMeter Best Practices it's recommended to use Groovy language for scripting so you might want to consider re-writing the function in Groovy

Store extracted value in csv file using jsr223 postprocessor in jmeter

How can i store extracted value of a variable in a csv/text file using JSR223 post processor
If this is something you really need to do in the JSR223 PostProcessor the minimal code would be:
new File('/path/to/your/file.csv') << vars.get('YOUR_VARIABLE_NAME_HERE') << System.getProperty('line.separator')
However if there will be a minimal concurrency you will run into the race condition when 2 or more threads (virtual users) will be writing into the same file resulting in data corruption
The approach which I would recommend is using:
Declare the variable you want to store via Sample Variables JMeter Property by adding the next line to file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation):
Once done you will be able to write the values using Flexible File Writer configured like:
You basically need to write the code to write into file.
Something like:
attr1 = vars.get("attr1");
attr2 = vars.get("attr2");
f = new FileOutputStream(locationOfCSVOutputfile, true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
Like wise get the values you need and write into the file by comma separated.
Beware that in multiple threads scenario, Many threads will be accessing same file. therefore the file output may not be what you expected. To overcome this I used a critical section controller.
Hope this helps.
1/ Consider for example a node in your test plan with your request :
A regular expression extractor and a JR223 post processor component as child of your request.
2/ If you extract for example a multiple variable named "blabla" positioning the match number to "-1"
3/ Here's the piece of Groovy code that you can use in your post processor component to write your variable in a file :
import org.apache.jmeter.*;
File outputFile = new File("MY_FILE.csv")
int max = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("blabla_matchNr"));
for (i=1;i<max;i++) {
def word = vars.get("blabla_"+i);
outputFile << word << "\r\n"

Jmeter Debug Sampler | How to save all variable values to CSV

I am able to extract values for many variables and are showing in Debug Sampler.
Is there any way to save these all variable values to a CSV file?
I found a solution (using BeanShell script) to save multiple Jmeter variable to CSV but I want all variables values to a single CSV, so that I can use the CSV file for next thread run.
Here is the snapshot of one of the Debug Sampler:
EXCELPATH=X:\QualityAssurance\XLSX_3 columns_1000 rows.xlsx
Add JSR223 Sampler to your Test Plan (where you want variables to be saved)
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def csv = new File('vars.csv')
vars.entrySet().each {var ->
csv << var.key + '=' + var.value + System.getProperty('line.separator')
That's it, you will have vars.csv file created in JMeter's "bin" folder having all variables listed. You might also want to replace = with , for better CSV Data Set Config compatibility.
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance, it provides read/write access to all JMeter Variables.
Also be aware that starting from JMeter 3.1 users are encouraged to switch to JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language so consider migrating to Groovy as soon as it will be possible. See Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It for more details.

How to create simple counter using Beanshell?

I'm trying to create a simple counter that will print the iteration number to the log.
the problem is that I didn't find a way to initialize the int value of i to 0.
if I'll do it inside the Beanshell script it will keep initializing, I need it to run only once at the beginning of the test.
My code:
int i=0;;
Add Once Only Controller, under it JSR223 Sampler with the initialization
vars.putObject("i", 0);
Then you can increment it after it (not under the Controller) with other JSR223 Sampler:
myI = vars.getObject("i");
vars.putObject("i", ((Integer)myI+1));
It is recommended to avoid scripting where possible, and if you cannot live without scripting you should be using the most performing option which is JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language.
Particularly your case can be implemented without any scripting, you can use the following JMeter Functions:
__log() - which prints an arbitrary message to jmeter.log file
__iterationNum() - which returns the number of current iteration
So if you use the statement like: ${__log(Current iteration is: ${__iterationNum},,,)} JMeter will return it where the function is called and additionally print the corresponding message to the log file.
You can install __iterationNum() function as a part of Custom JMeter Functions bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager
