Query builder - pivot table laravel - laravel

How do I get only users from database where they have no role assigned?
User belongs to many roles, the exact relation is:
public function roles() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class, 'user_has_roles', 'user_id', 'role_id');
My problem is, that I do only work with Query builder, not with the model so I do not want to use relation.
I am working with migrations, so please no solutions when using model.

You can use doesntHave, I believe this uses QueryBuilder only.
Reference: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/eloquent-relationships
Using raw SQL query, you can do this.
Basically what this tries to do is to get all users where its id is not found in the user_has_roles table (meaning it doesn't have any relations)
FROM users
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM user_has_roles)
I think you can convert this into a JOIN or something. I'm not that expert in raw SQL though.
UPDATE Trying Query Builder
$usersWithoutRoles = DB::table('users')
->whereNotIn(function ($query) {
->whereRaw('user_has_roles.user_id = users.id');
Reference: SQL - find records from one table which don't exist in another
You can try other alternatives there.


how to retrieve users based on the selected categories and sub categories from database in laravel

I would like to begin with the messy things I have done with the database architecture.
I have put the fields title, description, donation_amount, in the users table which should have been in a different table. But now if I change this, I would have to change a lot of things.
The ManyToMany relation is already setup between these tables in laravel. I tried to join tables that query builder as well.
There are different roles in the application. We will talk specifically about Donor When a Donor registers in the Application. It selects multiple categories and sub_categories which stores in selections table.
Now when a donor logs in to the application. It should only get the records based on the categories selected.
Now I am confused how can I retrieve the users based on the logged in users selected categories and sub_categories.
I have tried joining the tables which works well but it is getting all the results against the joined tables.
->join('selections','categories.id', '=', 'selections.category_id')
->join('users', 'users.id','=', 'selections.user_id')
->join('sub_categories','sub_categories.id', '=', 'selections.sub_category_id')
Relations in the model Category
public function users() {
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class,'selections');
Relations in the model User
public function categories() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class,'selections');
If there is a way of doing this calling eloquent relationships. I would love the help else It would be evenly nicer to get the job done with the joins I have already implemented.
Use has-many-through relationship.
In other way you can query like this :
->whereIn('users.id',function($query) use ($specific_category_id){

How to express Larvel subqueries to use within a whereIn

I'm sorry for asking somthing so simple, but I can't get the docs (https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/queries#subquery-where-clauses)
I'm writting something like a social network functionality, so I have my messages table and my users table, there's another pivot table where I store the users the user follows, and they work pretty well.
I want to represent the following SQL in Laravel's ORM
SELECT * FROM mensajes
WHERE user_id=1
OR user_id IN (SELECT seguido_id FROM seguidos WHERE user_id=1)
The idea is I'll get the user's posts, and also the posts from the users that the user follows.
My following solution works, but I feel it's quite dirty, and should be solved with a Subquery
// this relation returns the users the user is following, ans works correctly
$seguidos = auth()->user()->seguidos;
// I store in an array the ids of the followed users
$seg = [];
foreach ($seguidos as $s) {
array_push($seg, $s->id);
array_push($seg, auth()->user()->id);
// Then I retrieve all the messages from the users ids (including self user)
$this->mensajes = Mensaje::whereIn('user_id', $seg)
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
I'd like to change everything to use subqueries, but I don't get it
$this->mensajes = Mensaje::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)
->orWhereIn('user_id', function($query) {
// ... what goes here?
// $query = auth()->user()->seguidos->select('id');
// ???? This doesn't work, of course
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
You can simply construct the raw query as you have done with the SQL.
->orWhereIn('user_id', function($query) {
->where('seguidos.user_id', auth()->user()->id);
But normally sub queries have a relationship between the primary SQL query with the sub query, you don't have this here and instead of doing one query with a sub query, you can quite simply write it as two queries. If you are not calling this multiple times in a single request, one vs two queries is insignificant performance optimization in my opinion.
Mensaje::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)
Seguidos::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->pluck('seguido_id'),

Wrong ID returned from local Eloquent scope

In my Laravel project I've got a model (and an underlying table) for lessons. Now I'm trying to write a local scope for returning all lessons that have been finished by a particular user. The definition of "finished" is that there exists a row in a table named "lesson_results" with this lesson's ID and the users ID.
My scope currently looks like this:
public function scopeFinished($query, User $user)
return $query->join('lesson_results', function($join) use($user)
$join->on('lesson_results.lesson_id', '=', 'lessons.id')
->where("user_id", $user->id);
This kinda works. When I do a Lesson::finished($user)->get() I get out the correct lessons for that user. However the lessons in the collection returned all have the wrong ID's! The ID's I see are the ID's from the lesson_results table. So when I check $lesson->id from one of the returned items I don't get the ID from that lesson, but the ID from the corresponding row in the lesson_results table.
I've checked in mysql and the full query sent from Laravel is the following
select * from `lessons` inner join `lesson_results` on `lesson_results`.`lesson_id` = `lessons`.`id` and `user_id` = 53
This query DO return two columns named id (the one from the lessons table and the one from the lesson_results table) and it seems Laravel is using the wrong one for the result returned.
I don't know if I'm going about this the wrong way or if it's a bug somewhere?
This is on Laravel 7.6.1.
edit: Ok, I think I actually solved it now. Not really sure though if it's a real solution or just a workaround. I added a select() call so the return row now is
return $query->select('lessons.*')->join('lesson_results', function($join) use($user)
...which makes it only return the stuff from the lessons table. But should that really be needed?
One of the same column names will be covered by the other.
Solution 1:
Specify the table with the column, and alias the other table's column if it has same column name.
Lesson::finished($user)->select('lessons.*', 'lesson_results.id AS lesson_result_id', 'lesson_results.column1', 'lesson_results.column2',...)->get();
Solution 2:
Or you can use Eloquent-Builder eager-loading whereHas,(Assuming you have build the relationship between model Lesson and model LessonResult)
public function scopeFinished($query, User $user)
return $query->whereHas('lessonResults', function($query) use($user)
$query->where("user_id", $user->id);
So you can get lesson like this:

How to fetch two related objects in Laravel (Eloquent) with one SQL query

I am trying to get two related objects in Laravel using eager loading as per documentation.
My models are:
class Lead extends Model {
public function session() {
return $this->hasOne('App\LeadSession');
class LeadSession extends Model {
public function lead() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Lead');
I want to get both objects with one SQL query. Basically I want to execute:
select * from lead_sessions as s
inner join lead as l
on l.id = s.lead_id
where s.token = '$token';
and then be able to access both the LeadSession and Lead objects. Here is the php code I am trying:
$lead = Lead::with(['session' => function ($q) use ($token) {
I have also tried:
$lead = Lead::whereHas('session', function($q) use ($token) {
$session = LeadSession::with('lead')->where('token',$token)->firstOrFail();
In all three cases I get two queries executed, one for the leads table, and another for the lead_sessions table.
Is such a thing possible in Eloquent? In my view it should be a standard ORM operation, but for some reason I am struggling a whole day with it.
I don't want to use the Query Builder because I want to use the Eloquent objects and their functions afterwards.
I am coming from Python and Django and I want to replicate the behavior of select_related function in Django.
Try this and see if it makes more than one query
$session = LeadSession::join('leads', 'leads.id', '=', 'lead_sessions.lead_id')
I hope it only runs a single query. I didnt test this. Not sure if you have to add a select() to pick the columns. But yeah, try this first.
Just adding how to use both session and lead data. Try a select and specify the data you need. The reason being that if both tables have similar columns like 'id', one of them will be overwritten. So you have to alias your select like
$session = LeadSession::join('leads', 'leads.id', '=', 'lead_sessions.lead_id')
'leads.id as lead_id',
Now all this data belongs to $session variable. For testing you were doing
print($session->lead_id); //we aliased this in the query

eloquent filter result based on foreign table attribute

I'm using laravel and eloquent.
Actually I have problems filtering results from a table based on conditions on another table's attributes.
I have 3 tables:
here are the relationships:
a city has many locations and a location belongs to a city.
a location belongs to a venue and a venue has one location.
I have a city_id attribute on locations table, which you may figured out from relationships.
The question is simple:
how can I get those venues which belong to a specific city?
the eloquent query I expect looks like this:
Of course that's not gonna work, but seems like this is common task and there would be an eloquent command for it.
A couple of options:
$venues = Venue::whereIn('location_id', Location::whereCityId($city->id)->get->lists('id'))
Or possibly using whereHas:
$venues = Venue::whereHas('location', function($query) use ($city) {
It is important to remember that each eloquent query returns a collection, and hence you can use "collection methods" on the result. So as said in other answers, you need a Eager Loading which you ask for the attribute you want to sort on from another table based on your relationship and then on the result, which is a collection, you either use "sortBy" or "sortByDesc" methods.
You can look at an example below:
class Post extends Model {
// imagine timpestamp table: id, publish, delete,
// timestampable_id, timestampble_type
public function timestamp()
return $this->morphOne(Timestamp::class, 'timestampable');
and then in the view side of the stuff:
$posts = App\Post::with('timestamp')->get(); // we make Eager Loading
$posts = $posts->sortByDesc('timestamp.publish');
return view('blog.index', compact('posts'));
