Laravel, how to convert a collection object into a builder object - laravel

I need to use paginate and simplepaginate on a collection, so i'm trying to convert the collection into a builder object.
To do so I am thinking of creating a function that gets the id of every item in the collection and then builds a query with it, but that seemed to me like a lot of resources waisted,
Is there a simpler way ?

A better way to do this is to build paginator object manually using the existing collection.
From the docs:
Sometimes you may wish to create a pagination instance manually, passing it an array of items. You may do so by creating either an Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator or Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator instance, depending on your needs.
The Paginator class does not need to know the total number of items in the result set; however, because of this, the class does not have methods for retrieving the index of the last page. The LengthAwarePaginator accepts almost the same arguments as the Paginator; however, it does require a count of the total number of items in the result set.
In other words, the Paginator corresponds to the simplePaginate method on the query builder and Eloquent, while the LengthAwarePaginator corresponds to the paginate method.

Building on what Alexey said, as alternative, you can build a Paginator from a collection manually. This is a simpler way without the waste of an additional query. e.g.
// Collection $collection
$perPage = 10;
$currentPage = Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator::resolveCurrentPage() ?? 1;
$itemsOnPage = $collection->skip(10 * ($currentPage-1))->take($perPage);
$paginatorPath = Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator::resolveCurrentPath();
$paginator = new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator(
['path' => $paginatorPath]
Then in your view,
{!! $paginator->render() !!}


Error Call to a member function where() on array Laravel

I want to do filtering from the data that I display, but there is a problem when I add where to my data.
the plan in the future I want to add if isset $request name, date and others. but was constrained at this one point.
Thank you for helping to answer in advance
$matchs =Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')->where('status','Pending')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get()->toArray();
foreach ($matchs as $key) {
$lawan = Matchs::where('id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$pertandingan = Sparring::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$dua_arah = MatchTwoTeam::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$tim = Team::where('id', $dua_arah['home_team'])->first()->ToArray();
$data->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')->get()->toArray();
$data = array_search('football', array_column($data, 'name'));
return view('mode.sparring',[
'tittle' => $tittle,
'data' => $data,
You are trying to call where in an array which is not possible.
As you can see in the first line of your code you are calling where method in your model class. Like Matchs::where('type', 'sparring'), this is possible because Matchs is a Model class.
Now you can run where even if you are using array. You can convert that day in collection and then use array on that collection.
As below:
collect($data)->where('name', 'football')->toArray();
Here collect() will convert the $data array to collectio and then run the where() method in collectio then toArray() will change it back to array. But unfortunately there is no like operator possible in collection class. See the list of available method in Laravel collection here:
There is a way to do what you are trying to do. As far as I understand you want to filter the Matches where the Team name has footbal in it. You can do it like this:
Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')
->whereHas('team', function($team) {
return $team->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')
So, here we can get the only those Mathes that has the Team that has the name contains football.
Few suggestion for you as seems you are new in Laravel:
Model name should be singular instead of plural, so the model class Matchs should be Match. Your name for team's model is Team is correct.
Avoid using toArray() because you won't need it. When you call get() it will return object of collection which more readable and powerful then array in most cases.
The code I suggested to use the like using whereHas will only work if you have propery defined your team relation in your Matchs class. So, defining your relationships in model is also important. If you do so, you don't even need the for loop and all those where in other model in that loop. You can do it in one query with all the relationships.

Laravel append overall total value on pagination result

I have a Laravel query using pagination.
I want to be able to return the result based on the pagination but also get the overall total of the query and append this to the return. So for example the pagination is set to 5 but the overall total might be 20.
$query = Model::paginate(5);
$queryTotal = $query->total();
return $query;
The Laravel Paginator does this already.
You can see that when serializing results to JSON there is a total key which represents all rows matching that query.
You can also see there is a total method available from the paginator:
Along side other methods that can be found in the Pagination Docs
$query = Model::paginate(5);
return $query;
You can access overall total using
{{ $query->total() }}
For more Info read Paginator instance
The paginate function returns a LengthAwarePaginator object. It simply not possible to add another field to this object.
Your best option is to manually create a new collection in which you merge the LengthAwarePaginator with your newly added data.
An example would be:
$query = Model::paginate(5);
$addition = collect(['totalResult' => $query->total()]);
$queryData = $addition->merge($query);
return $queryData;
Naturally, if you just return the LengthAwarePaginator object, you can simply call the total() function, if you use it in your blade files for example.
Hope this helps!

Laravel retrieve only specific fields from each item of collection

I may be missing something extremely trivial, but is it possible to retrieve specific columns/fields from models when grabbing a collection rather then returning the entire item's fields?
Here is my query:
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
This obviously returns each item in there entirety, including unique id's, and other fields i dont want to be fetched... how can i refine this query to just select specific fields from the models?
Laravel Query Builder get() function receives array of columns which you need to fetch.
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get(['column_1', 'column_2']);
Use select() method to do this:
$items = Items::select(['column_1', 'column_2']'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Source: Latavel Database Query Builder
Laravel Query Builder gives a huge flexibility to write this types of query.
You can use select(), get(), all() methods.
Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get('col_1', 'col_2');
Items::select('col_1', 'col_2')->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Items::select(['col_1', 'col_2'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();

select certain columns from eloquent collection after the query has executed

Using Laravel 5.3, I have a model with the following function
public function myData() {
return $this->hasMany(MyData::class);
and in my collection I have the following
$my_data = MyModel->myData()->get();
All good so far. If I return $my_data I get an eloquent collection with three items.
What I need now though is to create a duplicate of that collection but containing only three of the fields.
I have tried several different things, each of which return an error. The following is the closest I have got, but this returns an empty array - I assume because the fields are located one level deeper than the collection object.
$new_collection = $my_data->only(['field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3']);
What would be the correct way to create a new collection containing all three items, each with only the three selected fields?
Thanks for your help
You could use map:
$slimmed_down = $collection->map(function ($item, $key) {
return [
'field_1' => $item->field_1,
'field_2' => $item->field_2,
'field_3' => $item->field_3
This will return a new Collection with just the values you want. As far as I know there isn't any other method that does what you want, so iterating over every item and selecting the fields this way is one of the few solutions.
The advantage of using map instead of a standard foreach loop is that when you use map it returns a new instance of Collection.
After some thoughts and research about this, the problem you'll have created is that the all the values in the Collection aren't instances of anything anymore. If you don't mind this effect, an even prettier and faster way would be to do this:
$slimmed_down = $collection->toArray()->only(['field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3']);
This basically has the same result.
Using Laravel 9, I just had the same issue :
$my_data->only(['field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3']);
returning an empty array.
I solved it with :
$my_data->map->only(['field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3']);

Laravel Paginator getTotal returns null - Need total record count for all pages

I have implemented simple pagination using laravel. It works fine. However, I want to add total number of records and trying to use the method getTotal() but it returns null value.
$records = DB::table('tablename')
In the view, adding links works fine.
When I use,
it returns null.
If I use,
it returns the count of records for a given page.
Any insights please?
That's how simplePaginate works. From the docs:
If you are only showing "Next" and "Previous" links in your pagination view, you have the option of using the simplePaginate method to perform a more efficient query. This is useful for larger datasets when you do not require the display of exact page numbers on your view.
The simple method is simple because it doesn't need to do the extra, inefficient-on-large-tables count query to obtain the total.
There is method total() in that pagination object. Just call that object. You will get total count.
ex: $records->total();
I had the same problem, what I did was
$records = DB::table('tablename')
->paginate(1); //set as 1
$total = $records->getTotal(); //get total
Then returning it like this(I am using ajax that is why I return it as array):
return Response::JSON(array(
'pagination' => (string) $records->links('pagination::simple'),
'total_records' => $total
