Business owned in MS Dynamics CRM - dynamics-crm

Recently I been studying the entity ownership in MS Dynamics CRM where I came across "business owned" which doesn't give any detail further. upon the other two ownership like "organization owned" & "user/team owned" these two options are available during entity creation.
I am assuming that when "user/team" or "organization" uses security roles which is configured based on the business unit, as user/team are part of the Business Unit they are consider as "Business owned"
I referred the below link,
so what is business owned?
when can a record be business owned?

Your assumption is right.
Think that OwnershipType dropdown as a global optionset but only Organization & User/Team choices available for us. But the other 2 choices Business & None used by product internally & hidden for us.
Also owningbusinessunit populate based on owning user/team, decides if that record has to be shown to user based on the security role privilege (BU level) viz filteredview, record list, Retrieve, etc
After you have chosen Entity ownership type of user/team, CRM will create some additional fields to enable the records to be owned by users/teams.
It creates fields for OwningUser, OwningTeam, owningbusinessunit and ownerid.
You have to record the business unit of the user/team so the security role can work out what other users can view the record.
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There is Business Unit in CRM which is under Organization so if any role has privilege Business Unit owned it means that Roles can work only on the data of that Business Unit where as any Roles having Organization Owned can work on any data on that Tenant.


Dynamics CRM security role privileges on Email entity

I have noticed that a CRM user can see all emails of people belonging to his same business unit. Where does this behavior come from? I didn't find the Email entity in the Security roles privileges definition, that looks very strange to me.
Email is an activity, so this share the same privilege set as other activities like Task, Appointment, Fax, etc.

Lookup Field Displays All Records

I'm building an employee self service portal via Dynamics 365, and when I use the lookup field to display my name in a form other employee names are displayed too:
I've been fiddling with the security roles for a while now and still cant seem to get it to display a single employee name.
I'm also planning to do it a different way by filling up the employee name based on the username on the upper right.
How do you guys suggest I go about this?
First things first. Portals won't use any CRM Security role concepts as it's for CRM users. Portal is built on top of Contact entity. Contact is Portal user & Web role will control his/her access.
You have to Entity Form Metadata to populate the fields per your need. The contact lookup can be filled in by current login Portal user this way. Even you can implement something like manage/restrict the Contacts only from your parent Account in that lookup easily.

Restrict Service Calendar to team

I am setting up CRM to enable the support team to be able to schedule service appointments. However the problem is that all users in the organisation are displayed as rows. How do I restrict this to just a single CRM Team rather than the whole organisation?
Using Dynamics Online 2016 Update 1.
First create view that shows all users you want and next in calendar view change type to user and pick view that you created. You can't pick teams in there.
I would suggest that you use the Business Unit + Team + Security Role tandem to do this. How do you do this?
Create Child Business Units from the Parent Business Unit.
Create Teams with the same name
Create a Security Role (e.g Service Calendar BU Role) that restricts Service Calendar CRUD, Assign, Share, etc to Business Unit (Note: This entity can be found under Service Management)
Assign that Security Role (e.g Service Calendar BU Role) to the Team

Design CRM for using with a company and its partners

I need to design a model for CRM by which all cases be centralized for the company as well as its partners. It's a particular need that the company prepare service for its partners, also for the customers of each partner. Therefore, individuals in partners can be contact (because its account and entitlement is needed) and user (because they should have access to CRM similar to the company's supporters) at the same time.
Have you ever faced this need, and do you know a design model which cover it?
The most general case would be to design your CRM-system around Contacts. You could then create a lookup from User to Contact, and create a workflow or plugin to ensure that a User always has a corresponding Contact created.
This way everyone is a Contact in the system, while some people also have User records.

Dynamics CRM 2011 Connections

The company I work for has clients which have various businesses but which are owned by the same person. The different businesses have separate contracts and we have linked the two accounts by a connection.
Now, when a case regarding one of the businesses is created, we want all the contracts of both businesses to show up under 'Contracts'. Is this possible?
Ex: Business A - Contract A
Business B - Contract B
Case for Business A : Available contracts: Contract A , Contract B ( since the owner is the same we want both of them to show)
It is, but it would probably take some development. You would need some sort of html/silverlight xap web resource or an iframed web application to retrieve and dynamically load the contracts of all the account connections on the account form. The web application would need to take into account the relationship of the parent account to the child accounts and it may be easier instead of using connections, just to make them child accounts to the parent account. That's how its done pre-2011.
I think I can suggest something here.
Have that 'person' as master Customer (record of type account), and have all the businesses (A, B) as child Customers (records of type account).
Now create an advanced find view to list all the contracts for 'master' customer
Expose it in a grid. (read more here How to create master/detail view in Microsoft dynamic CRM 4.0?)
