Godaddy seal showing multiple times when clicked on browser back button? - image

At the footer i have this code to display the godaddy seal
<footer class='text-center'>
<span id='siteseal'>
<script async src=''></script>
Copyright © 2018
The footer seal displays correctly. I click on few links and it again displays the seal once. But now when i click on back button of browser which takes to the origin page where i clicked on the link it will now show duplicate logo as shown below
If i am deeply nested and click on back more than once then it will keep duplicating the logo. If i click on back button three times then it displays three logos.
How can i fix this issue? I appreciate any help! Thanks!

You can temporarily add this CSS to hide the duplicated image:
#siteseal img + img {
display: none;
This won't resolve the issue, which is most likely a result of the JS getting loaded twice. Double check that the JS isn't included elsewhere on the page. A URL to site would also help.


Safari extension <a> link tag not working

I'm trying to convert my chrome extension to safari. In my chrome extension popup, I've an <a> tag that links to my website under a certain condition. Even though, the mouse changes to click mode once hovered, as it detects an <a> tag, clicking on it doesn't result in any redirection. Is there a reason why a tag doesn't work in safari? Is there special permission I shall request for that I couldn't find?
The solution was to add a blank to the element:
<a href="" target="_blank" ></a>

Article loads in same position the link is and not the whole page

I'm using Joomla 3.7
I have a link in the home page that redirects to an article. But when i click it, it redirects to same home page and the article loads in the position where the link is. I noticed that this is happening when the article doesn't have a menu item.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance
Edit: Same thing is happening again using DJ-Image Slider. Now using the solution below doesn't work.
I got the solution to my answer.
It was a problem of href property on a tag.
In order to redirect to an article, i'm using the Article Button located at the TinyMCE Joomla Editor.
I just entered into code editor, and changed this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
And it worked.

Override css for specific pinterest buttons

I have added a pinterest button to my site so that if any image is hovered, the pinterest button will show up and you will be able to pin the image to your board:
<script type="text/javascript" async defer src="//" data-pin-hover="true" data-pin-do="buttonBookmark" data-pin-color="white"></script>
However, on a couple of images, the button sits on top of the site header (which is fixed position to the top of the page) and disappear once the cursor enters the header. I have been searching but could not find any way to overwrite the inline styles that are applied to the button for specific images.
Any solution I have found is for the older version of the pinterest button where you can easily override the styles in your css file.
Does anyone know how to do this for the new button?
Here is a fiddle demonstrating my problem - you cannot click the button for the top two images
In the end I made my own plugin to loop through all images on the page and create a link which I then had complete control over.
As long as the link href was formatted in the following way, it seemed to work:[full url of web page]&media=[full url of image]&description=[image title]

Code that allows a keyboard to navigate internal page links with OSX?

I have the following code on my Mac:
Skip navigation
<div id="content">Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
In OSX Chrome and Safari, I can tab to the top link, press enter, and the screen scrolls down to the <div id="content">. However, when I press the tab button again, it turns out the first link is still active, and I end up tabbing through the navigation.
In Windows, this code works as expected (i.e. I use the link to successfully avoid having to tab through the navigation at the top of the page).
Can anyone tell me what code I need to make the page's internal links properly navigable with a keyboard on OSX?
Okay, here is the answer, after a flash of inspiration.
You need to have an href="#" on the target <a id="content">. This will make it correctly navigable-to using a Mac's keyboard.
Skip navigation
<a id="content" href="#"></a>
<div>Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
Obviously, this is not ideal, as it introduces extra mark-up, but it is the only way I could find to get it working.

Issues with popup window in IE8

We have a catalog browser for products were the user can click and it opens a window to show the product details, this works fine in Chrome, but when tried on IE8 the popup window close button is not showing, i still can click on it, but it is not visible.
Here is my code:
<div class="k-window-titlebar k-header" style="margin-top: -32px;"> <span class="k-window-title" id="productView_wnd_title" style="right: 30px;"></span><div class="k-window-actions"><a role="button" href="#" class="k-window-action k-link"><span role="presentation" class="k-icon k-i-close">Close</span></a></div></div>
We are using .net asp mvc and kendoui.
Any ideas on what to do for fixing it?
Edit: found a reference to similar issue on kendo forums: window-widget-problems-on-ie8
Already found the issue, the bundle for css had missing the kendo version on path.
