Spring Boot REST Design for Search API - spring-boot

I am designing a SpringBoot RESTful API for a Product searching with various attributes (search can be one or more). Few of the criteria are greater than a certain amount and few are less than. In the #RequestParam we can take String or similar values but not any criteria.
My question is what's the best way to get the user data for these criteria in a GET search API call
public ResponseEntity<List<OrderView>> searchOrders(...)
// call to service implementation

Hmm... https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/bookmarks/ has a good description about REST services with spring. It has also description about the different levels when it comes to RESTful principles (and you can do HATEOAS very simple and clever with spring-boot by HAL).
When you are doing a search you do not have the resource (level1) url but you want to obtain it... So it's okay (imho) to do a simple query parameter call. For example when looking at amazon.com and typing some search parameters there, you will see that they are using a simple approach:
They just add the keywords as a concatenated string.
There is also a interesting blog entry from apigee available:

In this article Spring Boot: How to design efficient REST API?, I explained how to develop a REST API for search. As an example, you found the code and screenshots of postman in this article.
As optimization with one endpoint, I can get several results: resources are sorted, filtered, and paginated.
You do not deal with a lot of code (check of query param and all the control in your controller): the library specification-arg-resolver makes that with no problem


Is there a policy definition language for GraphQL APIs?

Is there a way for us to define the policies of a GraphQL API, which is both machine-readable and human-readable, which contains a set of rules (in other words, a specification) to describe the format of the API? I'm not talking about the schema, but of a spec where we can add security-related details (for example, complexity value to be assigned per field and depth limitation values) or any other related details. Any thoughts or ideas? Or can we send all of this within the SDL itself?
For example, for REST APIs, we use Swagger to define information on how to define paths, parameters, responses, models, security and more. Is there a need for a similar approach for GraphQL APIs? Your response is highly appreciated
We are working in an approach to add policies to your GraphQL API and allow you to better manage it, especially as you expose the interface externally.
Part of the challenge is that as opposed to a REST call that can easily be differentiated from others, all GraphQL requests look the same, unless a deeper analysis is performed on the incoming query.
This blog post describes how we perform this analysis: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/research/2019/02/graphql-api-management/
if this is of interest let's connect!
As per my understanding you need a tool to make documentation for the APIs you have build for parameters and so on.
If that's what you are searching, there is like swagger for GraphQL - Swagger-to-GraphQL
Hope that helps.!!

Search methods in FHIR

I'm working on extracting patients info in FHIR server however, I've came across two types of searching methods that were somewhat different. What is the difference between the search method of
Bundle bundle = client.seach().forResource(DiagnosticReport.class)
GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?result.code-value-
It's very confusing as it seemed that there isn't much that is mentioned about these two search methods. Can i achieve the same level of filtering with the first method compared to the url method?
The first is how to perform a search using the Java reference implementation. The latter explains what the actual HTTP query looks like that hits the server (and also specifies some additional search criteria). Behind the scenes the Java code in the first example is actually making an HTTP call that looks similar to the second example. The primary documentation in the FHIR specification deals with the HTTP call. The reference implementations work differently based on which language they are and are documented outside the FHIR specification on a reference implementation by reference implementation basis.

Spring Boot REST API: Exposing (or not) associated entities in JSON

I am building a Spring Boot based application to expose a JSON REST API.
In this application I have a 1-to-many relationship: one Order has multiple Items (and one Item belongs to exactly one Order).
I would like to have the following 4 API endpoints:
GET all Orders: In this case I just want the Order itself - so excluding the associated Items
GET a single Order: get the Order itself including the associated Items
GET single Item: get a single Item including the Order it belongs to (here it does not matter whether just the ID (=primary key) of the order is included or the whole order itself
GET all Items: the all the items; the associated Order is not necessary - but it also would not hurt.
Unfortunately I am a bit lost on how to model my associations and/or controller methods that expose the API endpoints.
Do you have some hints for me?
Thanks a lot!
Your first choice should always be to resort to Software Design Patterns. When developing applications which may require remote connections (or not), there is one that should be implemented in your rest api: Data Transfer Object.
Having into account you are developing under Java/Spring Framework, you should take a look at modelmapper library and to this guide.
I have successfully done the same task in my rest api.
Not sure if there is a better method of doing that, but my approach would be to model and fetch the relations using Hibernate, but in a lazy manner (https://howtoprogramwithjava.com/hibernate-eager-vs-lazy-fetch-type/).
In your controller, you do not return the entity but a DTO class that might be pretty similar to your entity. That DTO is created by some mapper component that provides the logic of including or not including associated items, etc.

HAL clients or examples of accessing HAL API

Question: Any HAL clients or examples of accessing HAL API with admin-on-rest ?
I got started because HAL was mentioned in the first paragraph of the introduction, but now I'm having trouble finding any examples or anyone else using HAL rest client, so I am winding up for now just writing a bunch of simple findAll repositories on top of the already robust existing HAL API.
Adding a more concise answer here that isn't polluted with my thought process now that I've got it all figured out (for anyone's future reference)... Again assuming the HAL API was made with Spring Data Rest.
The four major keys to this integration are:
Exposing foreign key attributes in your JPA entities, which is required in several places by admin-on-rest #Column(name="parentEntity", updatable=false, insertable=false) private Integer parentEntityId;
Exposing all your entity IDs using RepositoryRestConfiguration.exposeIdsFor( MyEntity.class )
Annotate your repositories as #RepositoryRestResource and have them extend PagingAndSortingRepository<MyEntity, Integer>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<MyEntity> to expose extremely useful search filters by attribute name (e.g. /api/myEntitys?field1=foo&field2=bar).
When submitting create and save requests with foreign keys make sure to adjust your params.data to include the linked resource (e.g. 'http://myserver.com/api/myEntitys/19') on top of (or in place of, HAL has no use for it) the foreign key you exposed in 1. (e.g. myEntityId=19)
Other small items of note:
use PATCH instead of PUT when updating (you may be able to use PUT if you are more of a hibernate expert and can map your entities better than I can but I had trouble getting it mapped perfectly and HAL's PATCH will take partial entities)
When submitting GET_LIST and GET_MANY_REFERENCE you get the total number of items and pagination parameters from the 'page' section of the response, and you use 'size' and 'page' query params in your API requests. (so, no need for headers and stuff)
To change the default 'equals' filter for any string entries (from 3. above) to a 'contains' filter, you will have to also extend QuerydslBinderCustomizer<QMyEntity> and provide your own customize method in each of your repositories. For example:
default void customize( QuerydslBindings bindings, QChampion champion )
bindings.bind( String.class ).first( ( StringPath path, String value ) -> path.contains( value ) );
We don't have any examples for HAL specifically. However, the point of this introduction was that admin-on-rest is backend agnostic.
You can create your own custom rest client by following the documentation. Read the code of existing ones for inspiration.
For anyone referencing this in the future, if you happen to be in control of your API through Spring Data Rest you can consider the use of an excerptProjection on every one of your existing repositories that shows an inline version of your entity. This would work if there were absolutely nothing besides admin-on-rest accessing your API.
For my case I am planning on writing a custom projection for every rest resource that has entities and naming it the same thing: "inline". Then in the admin-on-rest restClient, just always asking for the inline projection on every GET_MANY or GET_MANY_REFERENCE request.
This is the best I have at the moment. It's not perfect but for the amount of entities I have it's still many weeks faster than building a CRUD interface from scratch so I highly recommend admin-on-rest.

Is there a way to retrieve a list of annotations from Apache UIMA rather than using the CAS GUI?

I'm currently using Apache UIMA to retrieve a list of occurrences of phenotype terms. However, the documentation (Why do so many bioinformatics software APIs lack good documentation!) seems to only point towards the CAS debugger GUI rather than being able to return the annotation index.
http://i.stack.imgur.com/giNoj.png - Picture of the CAS GUI, I want it to return the annotation index in the bottom left
Like I said, the docs don't really answer this (https://uima.apache.org/documentation.html), but generally I want to be able to call the process() method in the Annotator class, and for it to return the annotation index once it has found any and all occurrences.
Sorry if it's a silly question with an obvious answer, I've spent three hours going through the docs so far and haven't come any closer to finding the answer, if anyone's tried integrating it into a project in a similar way and can point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated!
The process methods change the state inside the CAS. After calling ae.process(cas) or ae.process(jcas), the annotations are stored in the CAS. Just get the annotation index from the (J)Cas.
Apache uimaFIT might also be convenient for you as it provides various "select" methods to access annotations in the (J)CAS, e.g.:
// CAS version
Type tokenType = CasUtil.getType(cas, "my.Token");
for (AnnotationFS token : CasUtil.select(cas, tokenType)) {
// JCas version
for (Token token : JCasUtil.select(jcas, Token.class)) {
More detailed information on this API can be found in the uimaFIT documentation, in particular in the sections on pipelines and on access methods.
Disclosure: I am working on Apache uimaFIT.
