error: No usable messages given the current slot and sessionAttribute set - aws-lambda

I made a chatbot in lex and for one particular intent, Lex is throwing the error,
An error has occurred: Invalid Bot Configuration: No usable messages
given the current slot and sessionAttribute set.
This error comes regardless of the input in case of that intent.
I am not using any lambda functions at this point for this intent.
Can someone guide me what this means? I am new to lex and I did not find references to what this error is about.

Recently I got the same error with the test of my bot after saving some changes. After a while, finally, I found out that it was because my confirmation message was using some slots not defined at that point.
Let's assume we have:
one required slot {name}
one optional slot {age}
and the confirmation message is "Your name is {name} and your age is {age}, is that right?"
If Lex reaches the point to ask for the user confirmation and {age} was never assigned whether in any utterance or a lambda function, then Lex will return this error.
You must ensure that all slots used in messages are defined.

I believe this error occurs because you have not configured Lex to have a response message set for that particular intent's CodeHook or Fulfillment.
If you are not using a Lambda Function for Fulfillment, be sure to select 'Return Parameters to Client' in the 'Fulfillment' section, then also supply a response message below that in 'Response' section.
Here's where to find that in the Lex Console:

when I had the error it was because my response was attempting to use a slot that I had deleted {reward}, check your response to make sure you are not attempting to add an inactive slot. Also, Make sure your intent is set to the Latest version.


How is it that the documented intent states in Lex are different from the actual available values?What is the difference between each of these states?

I am currently working on integrating aws Lex with lambda function written in TypeScript and I am facing a situation in which I need help .
Upon reading the aws documentation for LexV2 the following values are available for an intent state:
However when I used the 'Waiting' value, The following error message showed up :
Invalid Lambda Response: Received invalid response from Lambda: Can not deserialize value of type Intent$IntentState from String "Waiting": value not one of declared Enum instance names: [ReadyForFulfillment, InProgress, Failed, Fulfilled]
Upon this I need help to:
Understand how is it possible to have values that are not recognized.
Understand the difference between each of these values (Note: not all of the accepted values are explained in the documentation)
After reaching out to aws support here is the answer:
LexV2 doesn't accept "FulfillmentInProgress" or "Waiting" as valid intent state.
Difference between each of the valid value:
ReadyForFulfillment - The bot is ready to fulfillment. Passing this state via lambda output will make the bot jump to fulfillment state
InProgress - The default state
Fulfilled - The bot will jump to closed state and will play back both the fulfillment success message and closing response
Failed - Mark the intent as failed; will result in bot playing the
fulfillment failure message

Put a user on hold with Amazon Lex

We are using Amazon Connect, Lex and Lambda to create a phone bot. One use case we have is that we need to put the user on hold while we find information in other systems. So the conversation will be something like this:
- bot: hi, what can I do for you?
- user: i want to make a reservation
- bot: wait a minute while I fetch information about available rooms
... after 5 seconds ...
- bot: I found a free room blah blah
I don't see a way to send the wait a minute... message and keep control of the conversation. How can we achieve that?
You can accomplish this inside a single Lex bot by setting the intent to be fulfilled by a lambda function, the response of the function would play a message saying “please wait” and then chain another internet to perform the search using the data from the original intent.
See this link for information about sharing data between intents.
You can chain or switch to the next intent by passing the confirmIntent dialog action back in the lambda response. See this link for more information on the lambda input and response format.
You can use wait block in aws connect
By using this block you can set time to 5 secs . after time expired you can play prompt.
This is a very common problem typically when we want to do backend lookups in an IVR. The problem is lex does not provide any means to just play prompts.
One way to do it is:
Create a dummy slot in your intent (the reservation intent from your example above) with any type (e.g. AMAZON.NUMBER), we don't really care what the value is in this slot
From the lex code-hook for the intent, return ElicitSlot for this dummy slot with prompt as "Wait a minute while I fetch available rooms... "
If you do only this much, the problem you will face is that Lex will expect input from caller and will wait for around 4 seconds before passing control back to the Init and Validation Lambda, so there will be unnecessary delay. To overcome this, you need to set timeout properties as session attribute in "Get Customer Input" block from connect.
Lex V2 Property name: x-amz-lex:audio:start-timeout-ms:[intentName]:[slotToElicit]
Lex Classic Property name x-amz-lex:start-silence-threshold-ms:[intentName]:[slotToElicit]
value: 10 (or any small number, this is in millseconds)
Only available in Lex Classic, to disable barge-in on Lex V2, you can do it for required slot from lex console
Property name: x-amz-lex:barge-in-enabled:[intentName]:[slotToElicit]
Value: false
If barge-in is not disabled, there is a chance user may speak in middle of your "Please wait..." prompt and it will not be played completely.
Official documentation for these properties:
Another way:
Whenever such a prompt needs to be played, store the lex context temporarily either as a contact attribute after serialization, or if too big in size to be stored as contact attribute in a store like dynamodb.
Return control back to connect, play the prompt using 'Play prompt' module in connect. To give control back to bot, you will need invoke a lambda to re-initialize Lex with the full lex context again- using PostText API and then again passing control to same bot using 'Get Customer Input'
I have implemented option1 and it works well. You can even create cover-prompt which gets played if the backend lookup takes longer than expected. The actual lookup could be delegated to another lambda so that the code-hook lambda can continue doing customer interaction ever x (say 5) seconds to keep them informed that you are still looking up information.

CloudKit subscription internal server error

I am trying to subscribe to iCloud changes but I keep getting an internal sever error. Saving and fethcing data from iCloud works, but I can not fetch nor save subscribtions.
Anyone know what could be the problem?
I have found the problem. CloudKit is very poorly documented when it comes to errors. Looks like you receive an internal server error when trying to subscribe for record changes, using a record type which does not exist yet. Weird, hope it helps someone in the future!
I have also noticed that once you encounter an error subsequent calls to CloudKit seem to fail silently. Perhaps its normal iOS behaviour, and I need to reset the error code if it gets set. Maybe someone else can comment.
I had the subscriptions working correctly until I added the subscriptionID. I then started receiving the "Internal server error". I was using the function:
let subscription = CKQuerySubscription(recordType: kActionFigureSpecificsRecord,
predicate: predicate,
subscriptionID: subscriptionId,
options: [.firesOnRecordCreation, .firesOnRecordUpdate, .firesOnRecordDeletion])
The unique name of the subscription. This string must be unique in the specified database and must not be nil.
After reading the documentation, I realized that the subscriptionID needs to be unique, although the documentation wasn't particularly clear regarding unique relative to what. I believe the unique criteria is with respect to other database ID.names, such as other recordID.recordName. I had my subscriptionID string the same value as a recordID.recordName for the table on on which the subscription acted for the relevant record. When I appended _Subscription to the subscriptionID string (i.e., name), the subscription registered fine.

How Can I Use xmpp4r To Detect The Online/Offline Status Of A Given Jabber ID?

What is the proper xmpp4r way to know if a given contact is online before sending them a message?
Can you post sample xmpp4r code for doing this?
Here is my use case:
If contact online, send :normal message
Else, email contact
Here are things I have working code for:
Send messages of various types
Get a roster/contact list
Register a call back to detect changes in presence
However, I can't find a place that directly addresses a work flow like this:
Loop through each JID in your roster
If jid.is_online? == true, send IM
Else, send email
I've read that you should send a JID a message of type :headline and if that fails, you know the user is offline. In my tests, if the user is ONLINE, they'll receive a message of type headline. This is suboptimal, as users should only receive messages to read, not noise to determine online status.
I've read that on sign on, all of your contacts will bounce a presence status back at you, and that status is the sole indication that they are online - assuming that there isn't a disconnect or presence change you've yet to receive. So you should register a presence call back, record the initial users who ping you back, and then add or remove from the list based on your running roster presence callback.
If this is truly the way to do it:
Can I get some example code of how to collect all the "I'm here" presence confirmations on sign on via xmpp4r?
Why, oh why, was xmpp designed this way and why is this better than offering an "is_online_and_available" method?
So the answer here is adding a message call back and checking inside the block for the type:
m =, body)
cl.add_message_callback do |m|
if m.type == :error
puts "type: #{m.type}"
puts "not an error"
This requires threading as you have to be listening for the response.

Selecting an outgoing mail message programmatically

Here's what I'm attempting to do: Let's assume that you are in mail and create a New blank mail message, then enter some data into it, such as body copy, etc. (in my case, the message was created through scripting bridge using the "Mail Contents of this Page" from safari... the main purpose of this process for my application.)
From my application, I want to select that message and assign it to:
MailOutgoingMessage *myMessage;
so that I can programmatically add recipients. I've tried several ways of doing this which seemed logical, but so far I haven't found the right combination, and the header file doesn't seem to be very clear to me (I'm new to scripting bridge.)
My initial thought was to try this:
mailMessage = [[mail outgoingMessages] lastObject];
Which should grab the last outgoing message created. It seems to work in that I am able to add recipients to mailMessage (though there have been a few times that I received unexpected results when multiple outgoing messages exist, such as adding the recipients to the wrong message) but attempting to log the subject line of the message:
NSLog(#"Subject = %#",[mailMessage subject]);
always returns NULL even though there is a subject clearly viewable in the subject field of the message. NULL is returned for any other parameter as well.
I'm gathering it must be a problem with my assignment to mailMessage above, because the only time I receive a NULL for message properties (or receive unexpected results) is if I try to point mailMessage to an existing outgoing message. If I create the mail message with scripting bridge, then I can retrieve all of the properties correctly.
Does anyone understand the hierarchy of the Mail scripting enough to tell me why I am getting NULLs for the parameters using the above assignment for mailMessage? What would the simplest way be go grab my message so that I can add recipients and later call the:
[myMessage send];
method? Any insight would be helpful. I've spent a week going through the mail.h header file and am quite literally at a loss as to what else to try at this point.
There's no way to (send, get or set the properties of the outgoing message) that the user or Safari has created.
It's a bug (it stopped working since Mac OS X 10.4), or some privacy/security considerations.
