How to send http request without waiting for response from server - jmeter

We are planning to do load testing of our server and we need to generate heavy load from Jmeter tool. But as per i know, jmeter waits for the response to create another request thread. Is there a way to create http request without waiting for response from the server using jmeter? if not, what are the available work around to generate heavy load keeping number of threads fixed?

Define a very small timeout in the HTTP Request sampler (or even better in HTTP Request Defaults so the setting would be applied to all HTTP Request samplers) like 1 millisecond so JMeter will close the connection right after sending the request
(Optional) To avoid JMeter marking requests as failed add Response Assertion and tick Ignore Status box

You can set in HTTP Request in the Advanced tab Timeout of Connect and Response with 1 ms
Connect Timeout Connection Timeout. Number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to open.
Response Timeout Response Timeout. Number of milliseconds to wait for a response. Note that this applies to each wait for a response.
If you need to return always success you can add with JSR223 PostProcessor and use prev variable:


How to capture Multiple response for a same request in Jmeter

I am initiating the request from Jmeter using HTTP Request Sampler. In the body data i am sending the request and the application server sends back two different responses for the same request. After receiving the first response, Jmeter will close the request and in my scenario i need to capture the second response also. Kindy share your ideas on this.
Which protocol? In case of HTTP this is exactly how it supposed to work: one request -> one response, you can keep the underlying TCP connection alive so JMeter would re-use the connection for sending the next request, but HTTP Request sampler won't expect any additional responses.
In case of Server Side Events you will need to do some scripting in order to handle the situation like it's described in How to Load Test SSE Services with JMeter article
In case of WebSockets take a look at Read continuation frames.jmx example test plan

Apache JMeter not getting response

I'm testing several functions and in some I'm having problems increasing the number of requests. For example, I was testing the factors function with 32 requests in 30 seconds and I had no problem, but when increasing to 64 requests I had the following problem:
open requests
Requests open normally
completed requests
but after they finish their execution i don't get any response in jmeter. It seems that the connection was lost and it is waiting for the timeout .
I'm testing a weak VM, only 1 vCPU and 2Gb.
If you're using HTTP Request sampler by default it will wait for response "forever" (unless the TCP timeout is set somewhere in underlying JDK or OS)
So if your application gets overloaded and fails to respond JMeter will wait for the response infinitely, in order to avoid the situation with "hanging" test consider setting reasonable connect and response timeouts, the setting live under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or HTTP Request Defaults if you have more than one HTTP Request sampler in your Test Plan)

What does jmeter do if no response is received?

i send 10 requests to the server which was recorded by blazemeter chrome plugin.
some of them are signalr requests that have connection token values created runtime.
signalr requests are
if i dont use regular expression extractor for correlation, the signalr request has wrong responses and test will fail.
if i use correlation, some interesting results are present.
if i use it only in signalr/start it will pass, the other signalr's will fail.
if i add the connectionParameter to the signalr/connect... request. it will do nothing and test will not continue and not finished. So, i wonder if Jmeter dont send the request or any response is received. in view result tree listener, the request is not seen in this case.
What will Jmeter do if a response is not send by server?
or any other information that i dont know related to signalr/connect.. issue?
What will Jmeter do if a response is not send by server
When it comes to HTTP Request samplers JMeter will wait for response for the time defined in the "Timeouts" section of the aforementioned HTTP Request sampler
Blank values mean "no timeout" so JMeter will wait either forever or until the socket timeout defined in the underlying JVM or OS is exceeded.
With regards to SignalR most probably you need to use WebSocket Samplers plugin, I don't think there is a way to record these requests using whatever JMeter recording solution currently available in the market so consider inspecting the traffic from your browser to the backend using either browser developer tools or a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Wireshark.

JMeter - How to modify/increase response timeout

When we send a file and after processing if response time is more than 60 seconds the request is timing out. Is there any way to increase it?
We have tried following steps to resolve it.
For HTTP request under advanced tab we have tried setting connect and response timeout to 5 minutes.
Also updated http client timeout in as well.
Used Sample Timeout with value 5 minutes
For JMeter the relevant setting lives under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better use HTTP Request Defaults, this way the setting will apply to all HTTP Request sampler in the HTTP Request Defaults scope)
The setting is in milliseconds so for 5 minutes it will be 300000 milliseconds
However even by default leaving empty values means no timeout so it doesn't make sense to "increase" the value, normally people use these settings to decrease the time JMeter waits for response so it wouldn't wait too long or even forever.
If you're getting timeout after 60 seconds it means that:
your system under test has its own timeout and it breaks the connection from its end after 60 seconds. Check your application or application server or load balancer or reverse proxy or whatever configuration and see how you can increase the response timeout there. Here is the setting for Apache web server, look for the documentation specific for your backend for more details.
your operating system is "cutting" the connection due to its own timeout, here is an example for Linux
the connection is being broken by an interim router or switch or firewall

How to wait until I get a specific response in jmeter?

I'm doing load testing using JMeter for my gaming application.
First I log in my application by HTTP request and then enter into the game(it is a WebSocket connection).
I successfully hit Websocket and able to send the request and receive a response.
Iam using WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch.WebSocket request-response Sampler captures one response at a time.
But in my application for a single request five JSON response is returned by the server. I need to capture those five responses. so I used WebSocket read sampler.
If I hit that WebSocket by increasing thread count most of the test cases are failed because of timer issue.
Jmeter sends the next request without waiting for previous reponse.
In my application, if one game ends, then the response is sent by the server. After receiving that only next game request must hit.
But the next game request hit the server before the current game ends. can please help me to sort this issue????
Put your WebSocket read sampler under the While Controller and specify the condition for exiting the while loop (it might be something coming from the JSON Extractor)
Jmeter sends the next request without waiting for previous reponse.
this statement is not true, each thread (virtual user) waits for the current sampler to finish before starting the next sampler
