Xamarin XAML variable scope not working like expected - xamarin

I have a really odd problem with variable scopes. A Listview named "TodoListView" is defined via xaml, and it's ItemSource populated from a SQListe database. Works. Inside the ListView I have a ViewCell to display the data row-wise.
<ContentPage ... x:Class="JanitorPro.MainPage" ...>
<ListView x:Name="TodoListView" Margin="20" ItemSelected="OnListItemSelected">
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Label Text="{Binding name}" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" HorizontalOptions="StartAndExpand" />
<Switch HorizontalOptions="End" IsToggled="{Binding done}" Toggled="DoneSwitchToggled"/>
The codebehind looks like this (some irrelevant portions removed):
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
protected override async void OnAppearing()
// load Database
TodoListView.ItemsSource = await App.TodoDatabase.GetItemsAsync("SELECT * FROM [TodoItem]");
async void OnReloadButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Reload Button Click");
TodoListView.ItemsSource = await App.TodoDatabase.GetItemsAsync("SELECT * FROM [TodoItem]");
Debug.WriteLine("Reload done.");
async void OnListItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.SelectedItem != null)
await Navigation.PushAsync(new TodoItemPage
BindingContext = e.SelectedItem as TodoItem
private void DoneSwitchToggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e)
// TodoItem i = null;
TodoItem i = TodoListView.SelectedItem;
if (i != null)
Debug.WriteLine("Toggle: {0}", i.id);
The oddity has two stages. Before I inserted the DoneSwitchToggled event handler, every occurrance of TodoListView.ItemsSource got a red underline under TodoListView and a hint that "The name TodoListView does not exist in the current context". OK, I thought that VS was not smart enough to find a definition in the xaml file, because, despite of the warning, the program compiled and ran fine. TodoListView gets initialized and does correctly display the rows of the underlying database, so it does clearly exist at runtime.
Things went wild when I added the DoneSwitchToggled event handler to both XAML and the codebehind. All the sudden the program won't compile any longer but bail out with a CS0103 error "The name "TodoListView" does not exist in the current context". The error appears three times, with the line numbers pointing to the other occurrances of TodoListView in onAppearing() and OnReloadButtonClicked(). Huh? How the heck can the addition of a variable reference in an event handler render that variable invalid in completely different methods? OK, there was something fishy with the variable before (still don't know what ...), but it worked. Now it doesn't any more, whch doesn't make any sense for me. Furthermore, if I comment out the offending line in the DoneSwitchToggled event handler, and insert a dummy definition for i, like so:
TodoItem i = null;
// TodoItem i = TodoListView.SelectedItem;
everything is like before, VS still underlines the other appearances of TodoListView, but now the program builds and runs ok again.
Anyone who can explain this effect, and show me how correct my code? I think the objective is clear: DoneSwitchToggled is supposed to write back the switch value into the database (and do some other processing not shown in my stripped down sample), and though the "sender" object is correctly set to reference my button, I found no way to access the underlying data binding, since ToggledEventArgs unfortunately does seem to only pass the switch position "true" or "false", but - unlike the OnListItemSelected event handler - not pass any reference to the bound row through the second argument. So my idea was to use ListView.SelectedItem for this purpose.

Finally I figured it out myself. This seems to be a glitch in VS 2017. There is nothing wrong with TodoListView, so error CS0103 is misleading nonsense.
What VS really means is an error CS0266. TodoListView is defined by a generic list
to access SelectedItem i need to typecast it:
TodoItem i = (TodoItem)TodoListView.SelectedItem;
This added, all errors are gone, app code builds OK.
Btw, unfortunately this approach to get at the item where the Switch has been flipped has proven not working, TodoListView does always return null for SelectedItem, seems that the ListView control doesn't see the button press. Need to find a different way to find the list item beneath the switch to get at the bound row id.


Why does the "static" keyword makes the difference in CollectionView?

I've built a CollectionView with Maui, this is the code:
//if I do remove this "static" keyword the code doesn't work anymore.
public static ObservableCollection<Test> _testing = new
public ObservableCollection<Test> Testing
get => _testing;
set { _testing = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Test)); }
and here I add new data:
public IndexTest()
Testing.Add(new Test{ name = "hello" });
This is the xaml:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Test}">
<LabelText="{Binding name}"></Label>
If I run this code, everything works without problem, but, if I remove the "static" keyword on the ObservableCollection it doesn't log anything anymore.
Through the debugging it seems that every time I load the page the List counts 1 item, then after it loaded the List counts is 0.
I've wasted few days looking for a reason why it wasn't working at the beginning, adding "static" did the trick.
Can anyone explain to me why does the "static" keyword make this change?
Thank you all.
The meaning of static is fundamental to understanding c# code. It means that all the instances of that class share a single member (variable) with that name. Therefore, each time you navigate, that variable still contains whatever it had before.

How to automatically call Event in Windows Phone 8

How to automatically raise event in windows phone? For example, I have an element <Image name = "image" .... />. I want when a MainPage is loaded, it will automatically raise tap event on that element
If you want to declare tap event dynamically (loads tap event on page load), You can declare it in following way. Here is your xaml.
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<Image Name="image1"/>
And in constructor,
public MainPage()
image1.Tap += image1_Tap;
void image1_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
//Perform your action here
//This method invokes only when you tap on image
Else, try the other way.
Loaded += (s, e) =>
//Actions that are performed when image is tapped
Add above lines in your constructor.
This probably is not a good solution to whatever you are trying to accomplish. It can be done with reflection - How to manually invoke an event? However I'd just extract your Tap event code to method and then call this method in your Loaded event and also Tap even.

using TabControl in windows phone

I read the article about using a TabControl on Windows Phone application. I can avoid it to fire when it is first load. However, the selectionChanged fired twice when user click the tab. Would someone can help me how to fix it. Thanks in advance.
There is my TabControl:
<cc:TabControl Grid.Row="1" SelectionChanged="tabList_SelectionChanged" x:Name="tabList">
<cc:TabItem Height="80" Header="Events" Foreground="Black"/>
<cc:TabItem Height="80" Header="Details" Foreground="Black"/>
<cc:TabItem Height="80" Header="Notes" Foreground="Black" />
There is cobe behind:
public partial class Tab : PhoneApplicationPage
private bool blnFristLoad=true;
public Tab()
tabList.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(tabList_SelectionChanged);
private void tabList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (blnFristLoad == false)
TabItem t = (sender as TabControl).SelectedItem as TabItem;
t.Content = "202020";
else blnFristLoad = false;
It's very obvious in your code. You are adding SelectionChanged event handler twice. One from your XAML code and the other from the code behind. As you are using += symbol, the eventhandler is added as a seperate instance.
Remove one of those statements.
Please use the Pivot control instead of a TabControl for the WindowsPhone. the Pivot control follows the design guidelines for the phone and looks and feels much better.

How are databound views rendered?

When a Windows Phone 7 application opens a view, a certain order of business is followed in order to create. As far as constructors and events go, I have found this order to be true:
However, I am in a position where I need to databind a List to a ListBox after the basic view (background, other elements etc) has loaded. So I need to know when and how to know that the view is loaded before I get on with the data binding.
I have tried to do this on the OnLoaded-event, but it seems like if I do the data binding here - and right after it traverse those elements - they don't seem to exist yet (the VisualTreeHelper-class can't seem to find the nodes). So as you see, I am stuck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: As requested, here is some more information about what's going on.
My List is populated by some custom (not too complicated) objects, including an asynchronously loaded image (courtesy of delay.LowProfileImageLoader) and a rectangle.
<ListBox x:Name="ChannelsListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding AllChannels}">
<Grid x:Name="ChannelTile" Margin="6,6,6,6" Tap="ChannelTile_Tap" Opacity="0.4">
<!-- context menu goes here -->
<Rectangle Width="136" Height="136" Fill="{StaticResource LightGrayColor}" />
<Image Width="136" Height="136" delay:LowProfileImageLoader.UriSource="{Binding ImageUri}" />
The code-behind:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
pickChannelsViewModel = new PickChannelsViewModel();
DataContext = pickChannelsViewModel;
if (hasUpdatedTiles)
pickChannelsViewModel.IsLoading = false; // Set by UpdateTiles()
private void PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// This is where I would data bind the list (instead of in XAML)
UpdateTiles(); // Traverses the list and changes opacity of "selected" items.
protected void UpdateTiles()
foreach (var item in ChannelsListBox.Items)
if (pickChannelsViewModel.SelectedChannels.Contains(item as Channel))
var index = ChannelsListBox.Items.IndexOf(item);
// This returns null when databinding in codebehind,
// but not in XAML
ListBoxItem currentItem = ChannelsListBox.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as ListBoxItem;
if (currentItem != null && VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(currentItem) == 1)
var OuterWrapper = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(currentItem, 0);
var MiddleWrapper = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(OuterWrapper, 0);
var InnerWrapper = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(MiddleWrapper, 0);
Grid currentItemGrid = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(InnerWrapper, 0) as Grid;
currentItemGrid.Opacity = 1.0;
pickChannelsViewModel.IsLoading = false;
hasUpdatedTiles = true;
The items themselves are in-memory (fetched from REST at an earlier stage in the application), so should be available instantaneously.
The issue I am trying to resolve is a fairly long load time on this particularly view (there is about 140 of these items being created, then filtered through and changing the opacity).
I believe you are doing something like:
Once you set the ItemSource of a ListBox the changes in your List should be reflected in the ListBox at all times. If the ListBox is empty the reason must be that the List is not being populated properly or invalid Bindings in the ItemTemplate. You should debug and find out if your List has any items by inserting a breakpoint in the Loaded() method. Also, you've not mentioned what items does your List contains or, where is it being populated in the application? Incomplete information doesn't help anyone.

Manipulating a Storyboard's target object

In the handler for the Completed event of a Storyboard, how do i get the element that the storyboard was being applied to?
My Storyboard is part of an ItemTemplate:
<ListBox x:Name="MyListBox" >
<Grid x:Name="Container" Height="30" >
<Storyboard x:Name="FadeOut" BeginTime="0:0:7" Completed="FadeOut_Completed">
<DoubleAnimation From="1.0" To="0.0" Duration="0:0:3" Storyboard.TargetName="Container" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" />
in the Completed event i want to grab the grid called Container so that i can do nasty things with its DataContext. Can this be done, or am i going about it the wrong way?
Thanks :)
The answer to this is that it is not possible - not in Silverlight 3 anyway.
Using a debugger i was able to find a private property of the Storyboard that when i walked it up the object tree i got to the containing template item - however i couldn't touch this from code using reflection due to the security restrictions placed upon silverlight apps (this may well be possible in WPF though).
My eventual solution involved using a Dictionary<Storyboard, Grid>, and a couple of event handlers. With the template i attached a Loaded handler, this means my handler gets called everytime an instance of the template is created and loaded (i.e. for every data item that is bound to the listbox). At this point, i have a reference to the physical instance of the template, so i can search its children for the storyboard:
private void ItemTemplate_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Storyboard s = getStoryBoard(sender);
if (s != null)
if (!_startedStoryboards.ContainsKey(s))
_startedStoryboards.Add(s, (Grid)sender);
private Storyboard getStoryBoard(object container)
Grid g = container as Grid;
if (g != null)
if (g.Resources.Contains("FadeOut"))
Storyboard s = g.Resources["FadeOut"] as Storyboard;
return s;
return null;
private Dictionary<Storyboard, Grid> _startedStoryboards = new Dictionary<Storyboard, Grid>();
Then when the storyboard's Completed event is fired, i can easily use this dictionary as a lookup to retrieve the item template it was hosted within, and from there i can get the DataContext of the item template and do the nasty things i planned:
private void FadeOut_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_startedStoryboards.ContainsKey((Storyboard)sender))
Grid g = _startedStoryboards[(Storyboard)sender];
if (g.DataContext != null)
MyDataItem z = g.DataContext as MyDataItem;
if (z != null)
... do my thing ...
[Note: this code has been sanitized for public viewing, excuse any small discrepancies or syntactical errors you may spot]
