property file from jar spring boot - spring-boot

I have a following jar that I want to include in my spring boot app
how we can load these properties file in project where we are going to include this jar file ? and should not conflict with of current project? any update ?

You can't have multiple property files with the same name if you want to load them without any issues.
There are many ways to load property file as explained here. With PropertySource, you can do it as shown below
#PropertySource( value = { "",""})


How to specify Log4j2 configuration file in spring boot application

I am using log4j2 in my spring boot application. This works in all respects re: excluding slf4j, including log4j2, etc.
But when the application deploys I need to customize the file for each target host. I have created an ansible role that does this. Ultimately I end up with a log4j2.xml file deployed in another directory e.g. /prod/produsrX/data/log4j2.xml.
I am using the spring-boot-maven-plugin "repackage" goal to generate an executable jar file. It doesn't seem like that should matter but it is a data point in the problem.
This was supposed to be the easiest part of the project. Always before I have just been able to set -Dlog4j.configurationFile - advice which is echoed on about 3,000 web pages and DOES NOT WORK in Spring Boot 2.1.3.
The most useful info I've found is this question. It talks about using -Dlogging.config because logging must be initialized before other properties are read. Unfortunately that didn't help either.
I did find one example that suggested specifying the above directory in a -classpath parameter to java. But that didn't help either.
Does anyone know how to get a spring boot application to read the log4j2.xml file?
The property actually has to be put into the application context (e.g. application.yml). Using a -D property does not work!
config: /prod/produsrX/data/log4j2.xml #fully qualified name to your log4j.xml

Use External properties file

Am looking to pass variables at run time once war file is deployed on tomcat ..
How can i use whcih is in classplath along with another properties file ex. located at particular directory..Am basically looking to set additional classpath and read value from properties file in that path along with default classpath location for war deployment.
Am using Spring boot .One of the way is to pass all properties to database end , but am looking for a file based i.e properties based workout.
(Having multiple applications on same tomcat instance.)
Spring Boot App --> run as --> run configurations. Now here in VM arguments add Dproperties.location="Path of the properties".
Now, in your Spring Boot application use the annotation #PropertySource("file:${properties.location}/") just above the class declaration.
Autowire Environment in your class. use env.getProperty("propertyname").
You can access the values from as usual using #Value annotation. Hope this helps.

How to make Spring Boot skipping some configurations

I have a Spring-Boot project which works with DB-connections and a lot of other stuff.
Now I added another "main-class" to the project. The thing is: by starting this class, all configuration settings (which come from application.yml) are loaded. But thats not what I want.
I want the project to start without trying to bind to any datasource...
But how?
Why do you add several main classes? Try using different profiles instead. And you can start your application with the property.
Just add a and run your application with and the properties in the test property file will be loaded. And potentially overwrite properties with the same key in

Externalizing property file and Application Context file - Spring XD custom module

Is there a way we can externalize the application-context and property files while deploying spring-xd custom module ? When i deploy the module, i just see the jar inside in xd/custom-modules/processor. However, The out of the box spring-xd modules has a folder structure like http-client/Config/httpconfig.xml and http-client/Config/
At least for properties it is possible to place them in xd/config/modules/type-of-module/module-name/ I didn't try out application context files yet.
For more details see here: XD docs: module configuration

is it possible to create maven profile based on property file in classpath

I am new to maven profiles and am trying to create some different profiles in my pom file for my spring mvc webapp.
I have a property file in my classpath named It lives in ...
Project Root>src>main>resources
And the content looks like this....
Is it possible to create my maven profile based on this file?
i.e. if is uncommitted so then the active profile is server?
is it acceptable to work the other way around?
as in, you set the properties in the pom.xml then generate the configuration file using this maven plugin
I don't think it will work by loading the file around because the plugin would load the properties after the project profile is set
