How do you animate static mesh in Unity? - animation

Can Unity animate static meshes like animating UV?
If this is not integrated, is there an Asset you have enjoyed using for this?

Animating UV as in animated textures in the material yes you can do, no its not 'out of the box' but is simple to implament. There are various options available best to look at a few and see what suits e.g. you can create a shader that does this, you could also update the UV offset from script, etc.
The link above is from the Unity Community on a similar subject.
Animating in the litteral since e.g. moving, yes and no ... yes you can, no you should not.
Static ... first off this applies to several aspects of Unity, I am assuming you just ticked the 'Static' tick box in which case its static in all of them including lighting and physics in which case moving the mesh will cause you problems.


CreateJS Performance issue when rendering in a canvas that is displayed on mobile

I have a very specific issue. I am doing a demo in VR with three.js where I want to display 2D data. The data that will be displayed is dynamic (Text info) and needs to be animated.
Animate CC providing a nice suite of tools is an easy choice for this. With three.js, the way I found to add some 2D animation in the world, was to create a plane, add a texture from a canvas I created, which I update on RAF. No problem as of now.
The canvas I'm rendering is also the one that I create my stage from. Here the issue : Whatever the animation is (even an empty stage) I see a drop in framerate of about 15, as soon as I add the eventlistener on tick for the stage update. I tried many things (like not even adding the mesh, onto which I draw the canvas, to my scene) And If the eventlistener is added, I see my fps take a hit.
Whether the animation is "heavy" or not, I see this drop in framerate. And that drop is a big issue in VR since staying on 60 FPS is pretty much a must have at this point.
Any lead on what I could do to make this better ? Thank you !

Artificial intelligence functionality in three.js

Does Three.JS have a function or capability of AI( Artificial intelligence )? Specifically let's say a FPS game. I want enemies to look for me and try to kill me, is it possible in three.js? Do they have a functionality or a system of such?
create buffer
bind buffer
allocate data
set up state
issue draw call
run GLSL shaders
create a 3d context using WebGL
create 3 dimensional objects
create a scene graph
create primitives like spheres, cubes, toruses
move objects around, rotate them scale them
test for intersections between rays, triangles, planes, spheres, etc.
create 'materials' (rather than shaders)
write algorithms
I want enemies to look for me and try to kill me
Yes, three.js is capable of doing this, you just have to write an algorithm using three's classes. Your enemies would be 3d objects, casting rays, intersecting with other objects, etc.
You would be building a game engine, and you could use three.js as your rendering framework within that engine. Rendering is just one part of it. Think of a 2d shooter, you could make it using a 2d context, but you could also enhance it and make it 2.5d, by working with a 3d context. Everything else can stay the same.
any webgl engine that might have it ? or is it just not a webgl thing
Unity probably has everything you can possibly think of. Unity is capable of outputting WebGL, so it could be considered a 'webgl engine'.
Bablyon.js is more engine like.
Three Js is the best and most powerfull WebGL 3d engine that has no equal on the market , and its missing out on such an ability
Three.js isn't exactly a 3d engine. Wikipedia says:
Three.js is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library/API used to
create and display animated 3D computer graphics on a Web browser.
Three.js uses WebGL.
so if i need to just draw a car, or a spinning logo, i don't need them to come looking for me, or try to shoot me. I just need them to stay in one place, and rotate.
For a graphics demo you don't even need this - with a few draw instructions, you could render a full screen quad with a very elaborate pixel shader. Three gives you a ton of options, especially if you consider all the featured examples.
It works both ways, while you can expand three.js anyway you want, you can strip it down for just a very specific purpose.
If you need to build an app that needs to do image processing, and feature no '3d' graphics, you could still leverage webgl with three.js.
You don't need any vector, matrix, ray , geometry classes.
If you don't have vector3, you probably cant keep planeGeometry, but you would use bufferGeometry, and manually construct a plane. No transformations need to happen, so no need for matrix classes. You'd use shaders, and textures, and perhaps something like the EffectsComposer.
I’m afraid not. Three.js is just a engine for displaying 3d content.
Using it to create games only is one possibility. However few websites raise with pre-coded stuff like AI (among other things) to attract game creators, but using them is more restrictive than writing the exact code you need
Three.js itself doesn't however is a great AI engine that can work in collaboration with three to create AI.
They do a line if sight and a shooting game logic, as well as car logic which I've been playing around with recently, a React Three Fiber example here:

Lighting up object on mouse over

I'm trying to highlight meshes (animated characters etc) in my game on a mouse-over event.
They have multiple textures and sometimes skin.
I thought I would wrap them into a ShaderMaterial and on hit-test change uniforms to brighten it up with a fragment shader.
To do this, can I somehow just manipulate the regular shading?
Can I mix multiple materials, making my shader take color values from the standard shader and just tweak them?
Or do I need whole separate render pass and blend it with composer?
Or maybe just something else entirely, like ambient light applied to just one object/shader?
Thanks for any suggestions.
repost, see comments for details/discussion:
"you could change the whole material/shader on mouse over, although i guess this is somewhat performance intensive, depending on the number of switches the user usually does and what the rest of your app is doing. What i used once is the emissive color of the regular phong material with material.emissive.setRGB() for example. This will give you some nice effects, too".
There are some examples of this that you can probably learn a lot from. Take a look at their source:
Mouse over meshes
Interactive cubes
In addition to what GuyGood said, if you do indeed decide to use .setRGB() on your material you need to use the values of Red Green Blue ranging from 0 to 1 as documented in the Three.js Documentation
Or if you prefer, like I do, the .setHex() function also exists.


I create a THREE.PlaneGeometry with heights, in the highest point locate a THREE.PointLight, but this illuminates areas that are not seen from this point.
I want light from a point only the areas that are viewed from.
By default, the appearance of any given point on a surface is calculated using the lights, their properties and of course the material properties - it does not take the rest of the scene into account, as that would be very computationally expensive. Various ray tracing renderers do this, but they are really slow, and that's not how WebGL and Three.js work.
What you want is shadows. Three.js is capable of rendering shadows using Shadow Map method. There are various examples on using shadow maps both on the net and Three.js examples folder.
A word of warning though, getting shadows to work well can be hard if you don't have the basics down well - you may need to do some studying. Shadows can slow your application down (specially with many lighs) and look ugly if not properly configured and fine-tuned. Also I think shadow maps are only supported for SpotLight and DirectionalLight, PointLights are trickier.

Particles vs ParticleSystem in three.js

I'm struggling with a visualization I'm working on that involves a stream of repeated images. I have it working with a single sprite with a ParticleSystem, but I can only apply a single material to the system. Since I want to choose between textures I tried creating a pool of Particle objects so that I could choose the materials individually, but I can't get an individual Particle to show up with the WebGL renderer.
This is my first foray into WebGL/Three.js, so I'm probably doing something bone-headed, but I thought it would be worth asking what the proper way to go about this is. I'm seeing three possibilities:
I'm using Particle wrong (initializing with a mapped material, adding to the scene, setting position) and I need to fix what I'm doing.
I need a ParticleSystem for each sprite I want to display.
What I'm doing doesn't fit into particles at all and I really should be using another object type.
All the examples I see using the canvas renderer use Particle directly, but I can't find an example using the WebGL renderer that doesn't use ParticleSystem. Any hints?
Ok, I am going from what I have read elsewhere on this github issues page. You should start by reading it. It seems that the Particle is simply for the Canvas Renderer, and it will become Sprite in a further edition of Three.JS. ParticleSystem, however is not going to fulfill your needs either it seems. I don't think these classes are going to help you accomplish this in WebGL in 3D. Depending on what you are doing you might be better off with the CanvasRenderer anyway. ParticleSystem will only allow you to apply a single material which will serve as the material for each particle in the system as you suggested.
Short answer:
You can render THREE.Particle using THREE.CanvasRenderer only.
