How to display selected numeric values in a comboBox - validation

I have a numeric field in a Notes form connected to a combobox in the xpage. the values from the combobox is a list of decimal values, 1,02, 1,03 etc but they are stored as text in the keyword documents
The combobox is of type "string" (no converters) but it doesn't seem to matter if I change it to a "decimal" using converters.
comma is a decimal separator in Sweden
I fetch the keyword values using a #dbLookup
something like this.
When I save the document the values from the keyword document is saved as a numric value as it should. but the combobox is no longer showing the correct selected value (in edit mode) and displayes a validation error when I change it because the value is now numeric and not text as in the combobox keyword values.
or because the field was initially a text field, but when saved it is a numeric field.
<xp:comboBox id="comboBox7" value="#{doc.bonus}">
<xp:convertNumber type="number"></xp:convertNumber>
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="tbl"></xp:eventHandler>
<xp:selectItem itemLabel="Välj Bonus" itemValue="0"></xp:selectItem>
Note that I am not using any validators on the combobox
I can't change the keyword field type to numeric as this is used on many other places
if doesn't help to use #Text (#Text(#DbLookup(db,"vwLookupCat","BONUS","KeyWord")))
How should I tackle this problem?
thanks in advance
Seem to be a similar question here without solution

I can think of 2 ways you can go about it, both of which require you to make use of beans, hopefully you should already be familiar with the concept.
The conceptually righteous
The converter stays where it is. After all you want to deal with a number, you are saving a number. The converter instructs the framework to convert the returning string value from the POST into a number, and that is what you want, since also the destination field bound with the component is saved as a number.
The problem is matching such value with the list of values used to populated the options. Why? Those values are not numbers.
The solution is custom building the options rather than letting the framework doing the autoboxing from the array of string values returned from dblookup.
It pains me to write ssjs+formula but the call should be something like this:
The bean method:
public List<SelectItem> getSelectItems(String[] values) {
List<SelectItem> options = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
for (String value : values) {
options.add(new SelectItem(Double.valueOf(value), value));
return options;
By doing this you are creating options with comparable values.
The only problem remaining is the utterly counterintuitive converter provided by IBM. Because you don't know what choosing 'number' does internally, whether it will be a Integer, a Double, a BigDecimal etc... you're stuck with more uncertainties than certainties. I have my own number converter but since I know how the IBM one works I think you can get away with the problem by specifying an additional param to the converter.
<xp:convertNumber type="number" integerOnly="true" />
I know, I know, integerOnly makes you think it will convert the value to Integer. It doesn't, it converts to Double. Lucky you! Imagine you needed an Integer!
The conceptually crappy
The other approach is to bind the combobox to a view scoped variable.
You would initialize the variable with the string converted doc value at page load and then work with that. At save time you would read the view scoped variable, convert it back to number and push the number to the doc field before saving it.


Sorting an Acumatica data view on a string field, but using binary collation

I have overridden the APPrintChecks data view to sort by Vendor Code. But since the client's VendorCodes are all numeric, they would like to see the checks sorted so that, for example, VendorCode '357' is printed before VendorCode '10021'.
Any ideas on how I can accomplish that?
public class APPrintChecks_Extension : PXGraphExtension<APPrintChecks>
//change sort from Vendor Name to Vendor Code
public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<APPayment, PrintChecksFilter,
InnerJoin<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>>,
Where<boolTrue, Equal<boolTrue>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Vendor.acctCD, Asc<APPayment.refNbr>>>> APPaymentList;
As per suggestion in the comments, I would first check if there is another numeric/date field you can sort on such as BAccountId or CreatedDate. If this will not do, you will need to find a more creative way to fix it such as:
Changing Vendor Code Numbering Sequence to include leading zeros,
example: 0000357, 001021
Adding a custom field (which is stored in the database) and setting this custom field in the graph to include the leading zeros. Example
add field UsrVendorCode of type string where you add the leading
zeros in an event (of the Vendor Graph) such as RowPersisting.
Adding a calculated database field to add leading zeros and adding this as a custom field (extension of Vendor) in Acumatica (not sure
whether this is fully supported by Acumatica since it requires
modifications in DB)

Is it possible to instruct a `Gtk::TreeView` to display a custom type?

There is something I don't understand how to do with Gtkmm 3.
I have a custom business type that I have declared like this:
enum class Eurocents : int {};
I would like to render this type into a Gtk::TreeView which has a Gtk::ListStore as model. So I declare a Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Eurocents>, and add it to the model. I then append_column this model column to the Gtk::TreeView with an appropriate title.
I then append_row to the model and set the value corresponding to the column to (Eurocents)100.
The result I get is that the cell is displayed empty. Understandably so, because I would not expect Gtkmm to know how to render my arbitrary type.
I would like to instruct Gtkmm on how to render my type.
I already know how to display Glib types like Glib::ustring and formatting to Glib::ustring for display is possible, but it is not the subject of the question.
Is it possible to code columns that can display arbitrary types like this? And if so, how? What is required for sorting to work?
The most common, and easiest way, is to use a cell_data_func callback. For instance, you can create your own instance of a Gtk::TreeView::Column (the view column), pack a cell renderer (or more) into your Gtk::TreeView::Column, append your Gtk::TreeView::Column to the TreeView with Gtk::TreeView::append_column(), and call set_cell_data_func() on your Gtk::TreeView::Column():
You callback would then get the value(s) from the model and set the appropriate values of the properties of the renderer(s).
Here is an example that shows the use of set_cell_data_func(), as well as showing other stuff:
This link should also be useful:
If you like, Gtk::TreeView::insert_column_with_data_func() makes this a little more concise:
As for the sorting, you should be able to just call set_sort_func() to specify how the column is sorted:
Then this regular sorting advice should apply:

Finding enum type in a protobuffer

Good evening all,
Writing an application in IronPython that will act as a message spoofer for a system that has not been developed far enough to test for our system. Part of the application is a set of tables that show values for messages and commands. In the case of commands there are some fields of our commands that have enum values. The command table is to have a drop-down box with those enum options in it.
My approach is to create a DataSet for each of our messages. The DataSet has a DataTable that had the message fields in it and the message values. It also has a table for each enum type in the message. So, the following code is what I use to figure out if the field is a normal field or an enum field.
msg = mpas.M120()
msg_fields = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields
for field in msg_fields:
fieldEnumType = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[].enum_type
print("{} --> EnumType: {}".format(, if fieldEnumType != None else 'None'))
I have also found that this works for me as well:
msg = mpas.M120()
msg_fields = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields
for k,v in msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.items():
print ("{} --> {}".format(k, ((v.enum_type).name if v.enum_type != None else 'None')))
What I will get from this is the name of the enum for each of the enum fields. I now want to be able to get a list of all of the values for each of the enum fields found. Here is the trick, enums that are used by a certain message and only that message are defined at the message level (i.e. mpas.M120().. Enums that are used by other messages are defined at the top level (i.e. mpas..
So, how would I go about finding the values for these enums so I can populate my drop-down boxes? I have been working on this for the better part of a day now and I cannot figure it out.
Thanks in advance...
You've already found v.enum_type, which is the EnumDescriptor corresponding to the field's enum type. You are getting name from here, but this object also contains a list of values. See the documentation here:

How to internationalize a collection's conversion error message in Struts2?

A related problem that is specific to single field has been solved here. But how to customize a collection field's conversion error message?
Here is an example:
On a jsp page, I have a field in Collection type:
<s:iterator value="items" status="m">
<s:hidden name="selitmems[%{#m.index}].id" value="%{id}"/>
<s:textfield name="selitmems[%{#m.index}].quant" size="10"/>
The items' type is: List<Item>; the selitems' type is List<SelItem>.
I want selitmems[].quant property to be an integer type. If a string like "abc" is filled in for the first item by an end user, the default error message is:
Invalid field value for field "selitmems[0].quant".
The above message is not what i want. In my case, I would prefer to generalize the error message as follows regardless of the specific selected item:
Please input integers for the items.
Of course it would be great if the error message can vary according to the specific item:
Please input an integer for the first item.
I have tried to add some keys like "selitmems[0].quant" or "selitmems" in the properties file, but can't get the result. Is there way to customize the error message for a collection field in struts2 when I can still reuse the built-in type conversion functions?
Try using the "label" attribute. You can play some... interesting games with this, such as (untested, but close):
label="%{getText('selitem.quantity', { #m.index })}"
The property file would contain:
selitem.quantity=Item #{0}
You can change the conversion error message as described here, although this may not be precisely what you want to do.
(I've been known to remove the conversion interceptor altogether and let either the default converters or custom converters handle conversion errors when a bad conversion also fails the field's "real" validation.)
Mm hmm... you can play some crazy games with OGNL and substituion.
Put something like this in your properties file.
invalid.fieldvalue.selitmems.quant = Please input integers for the items.
Then selitmems[0].quant, selitmems[1].quant, selitmems[2].quant conversion errors all return the same message.

Core Data KVC example

Sorry to impose, but I would really appreciate it if someone would take a look at this and show me how to get this done:
Core Data works as expected with data associations between the Source list entry(s) and the upper right textField.
So does textField2 (lower right) if you manually type in a string.
I want to append a string in the lower textField, in this case a generic "Hello!" (implemented in the setText method) and have it also maintain it's association with the source list entry.
To summarize: textField2 - manually type in a string, it works as expected. Append the coded string, and it does not maintain it's association with the source list entry.
Here's the sample project.
Thanks again for the help.
Here's how I updated setText: method in MyDocument class:
NSString *newValue = [[output stringValue] stringByAppendingString:#"Hello!"];
[[setText selection] setValue:newValue forKey:#"textField2"];
I think your assumptions on value setting direction was wrong. Object does not take a value from the text field. It's the text field that takes value from the object. Hence I create newValue by taking current value of output text field and appending something to it. Then I take [setText selection] object (the one currently selected) and set it's textField2 property to new value. This setValue:forKey method automatically updates the output test field with new value of textField2 property.
