MS access code gives different results each execution against same data - ms-access-2013

i'm in the process of roughing out a proof of concept for desktop software i'd like to develop. I'm using Access 2013.
The following code is supposed to analyse records in one table ('tblRestructures') and depending on the analysis it should then populate records in another table ('tblInScopeRestructures'). The sample data in tblRestructures is set up such that the code should cause there to be records with field(Gen) with values 1 to 6 inclusive. Sometimes the code does succeed in populating tblInScopeRestructures as expected but other times the code ends early (ie conditions for ending various loops are met). Despite a lot of time spent trying to identify the cause of the variability and looking for similar questions here, I am still none the wiser.
Any help here is gratefully received. And I apologise up front for my ugly code - I am not experienced and at this stage I am just trying to speed through a proof of concept.
Here is the code:
Public Function NbrOfShares3(strCode As String, dteDate As Date) As Single
Dim i As Integer
Dim strPrevCode1 As String
Dim adConn As ADODB.Connection
Set adConn = New ADODB.Connection
adConn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
Dim adrsa As ADODB.Recordset
Set adrsa = New ADODB.Recordset
adConn.Execute "DELETE * from tblInScopeRestructures"
adrsa.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
adrsa.CursorType = adOpenStatic
' Identify all gen 1 (Code1 = CODE) restructures up to dteDate and put in a temp table
adrsa.Open "SELECT tblRestructure.Code1, tblRestructure.Code2, tblRestructure.RecDate " & _
"FROM tblRestructure " & _
"WHERE (((tblRestructure.Code1)='" & strCode & "')) AND (((tblRestructure.RecDate)<=#" & Format(dteDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#));"
If adrsa.RecordCount <> 0 Then
Do While Not adrsa.EOF
adConn.Execute ("INSERT INTO tblInScopeRestructures(Code1,Code2,RecDate,Gen) VALUES ('" & adrsa.Fields("Code1") & "','" & adrsa.Fields("Code2") & _
"',#" & Format(adrsa.Fields("RecDate"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#," & 1 & ")")
End If
i = 0
'Identify all code1 in
Dim adrsb As ADODB.Recordset
Set adrsb = New ADODB.Recordset
adrsb.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
i = i + 1
If adrsb.State = 1 Then
End If
adrsb.CursorType = adOpenStatic
adrsb.Open "SELECT tblInScopeRestructures.Code1, tblInScopeRestructures.Gen " & _
"FROM tblInScopeRestructures " & _
"GROUP BY tblInScopeRestructures.Code1, tblInScopeRestructures.Gen " & _
"HAVING (((tblInScopeRestructures.Gen)=" & i & "));"
Dim adrsc As ADODB.Recordset
Set adrsc = New ADODB.Recordset
adrsc.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
adrsc.CursorType = adOpenStatic
If Not adrsb.EOF Then
End If
If adrsb.RecordCount <> 0 Then
strPrevCode1 = adrsb.Fields("Code1")
Do While Not adrsb.EOF
If adrsc.State = 1 Then
End If
adrsc.CursorType = adOpenStatic
adrsc.Open "SELECT tblRestructure.Code1, tblRestructure.Code2, tblRestructure.RecDate " & _
"FROM tblRestructure " & _
"WHERE (((tblRestructure.Code2)='" & strPrevCode1 & "'));"
If adrsc.RecordCount <> 0 Then
Do While Not adrsc.EOF
adConn.Execute ("INSERT INTO tblInScopeRestructures(Code1,Code2,RecDate,Gen) VALUES ('" & adrsc.Fields("Code1") & "','" & adrsc.Fields("Code2") & _
"',#" & Format(adrsc.Fields("RecDate"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#," & i + 1 & ")")
End If
End If
Loop While adrsb.RecordCount <> 0
Debug.Print "finished"
End Function


Out of Memory error when trying to connect to oracle database (VB6)

when I m trying to set Recordset using oracle connection string, I m getting OUt of memory error.
on line "rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly"
However some time it works like once in 5-6 attempts
but when it works it gives error on some other line
on line "If rsLink.Fields(2).value = rsLIS.Fields(1).value Then"
here are the things which I tried :
instead of directly using recordset, I tried to create array (GetRows) method.
Even though recordset count is 26 but UBound of array is showing 1
I have trying changing 3rd argument value from static to forward only
in line ""rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly""
it also didn't work, it was showing recordset.count as 0
Did try after restarting the client system still same
I m getting this error on client side and since at my place I don't have development environment to debug
Error is "OUT OF MEMORY"
Public Function GetResults_New(MachName As String, patid As String, bCheckDate As Boolean, SendAssay As Boolean) As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo errdesc
Call ShowTempMsg("Line 1")
Dim bXVar As Boolean
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim tmplis, tmporder
Dim tmpresult
bXVar = False
Dim rec_result As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsLink As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsLIS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim xSampleIdType As String
gAppPath = AddEditINIfile("VAHSIF.INI", "IF", "sLinkPath", "")
xSampleIdType = AddEditINIfile(gAppPath & "\sLinkConfig.ini", MachName, "SampleIdType", "SampleId1", False)
Call Open_Connection
Call Open_Connection_LIS
rec_result.CursorLocation = adUseClient
If SendAssay = True Then
rec_result.Fields.Append "machineparamid", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Assayno", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "SType", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Dilution", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "machineparamid", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "SType", adBSTR, 50
rec_result.Fields.Append "Dilution", adBSTR, 50
End If
'Link Query For Mapped Params.
sql = "SELECT EquipParamMapping.EquipId, EquipParamMapping.EquipParamCode, EquipParamMapping.LISParamCode, EquipParamMapping.EquipAssayNo from EquipParam, EquipParamMapping where equipParam.equipid = equipparammapping.equipid and equipparam.equipparamcode = equipparammapping.equipparamcode and EquipParam.EquipID = '" & MachName & "' and EquipParam.isProgram = 'Y'"
**rsLink.Open sql, gConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly**
If enumConnTo = connOracle Then
sql = "select " & xSampleIdType & " , LIS_Param_Code From SL_21CI_View_sampleid_Orders where " & xSampleIdType & " || SuffixCode = '" & patid & "' and isApplicable <> 'N' "
sql = "select " & xSampleIdType & " , LIS_Param_Code From SL_21CI_View_sampleid_Orders where " & xSampleIdType & " + cast(SuffixCode as varchar(20)) = '" & patid & "' and isApplicable <> 'N' "
End If
rsLIS.Open sql, gConnLIS, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
While Not rsLIS.EOF
If bXVar = True Then
bXVar = False
End If
While Not rsLink.EOF
bXVar = True
**If rsLink.Fields(2).value = rsLIS.Fields(1).value Then**
If SendAssay = True Then
rec_result("machineparamid") = rsLink.Fields("EquipParamCode")
rec_result("Assayno") = rsLink.Fields("EquipAssayNo")
rec_result("SType") = " "
rec_result("Dilution") = "0"
rec_result("machineparamid") = rsLink.Fields("EquipParamCode")
rec_result("SType") = " "
rec_result("Dilution") = "0"
End If
GoTo NextParam
End If
Set GetResults_New = rec_result
Exit Function
Call InsertIntoLogWithFileName("Transaction.GetResults_New" & vbNewLine & sql & vbNewLine & err.Description & "ErrLine : " & ErrLine)
End Function
That still leaves the question on which line the error occurs. Also: "it also didn't work, it was showing recordset.count as 0". The RecordSet.Count property depends on the provider. Use a function similar to this instead:
Public Function RecordCount(ByVal cn As ADODB.Connection, ByVal sTable As String) As Long
Dim sSQL As String, lRetVal as Long
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS RecCount FROM " & sTable & ";"
Call rs.Open(sSQL, cn)
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
lRetVal = rs.Fields("RecCount").Value
lRetVal = -1
End If
Call rs.Close
Set rs = Nothing
RecordCount = lRetVal
End Function
The .Count property might also very well be the cause of the Out of memory error, as I seem to remember that for determing the number of records, it loads all records (from the server) to count them. But I might be wrong there.

WScript.Echo output command in cmd

I need some assistance with outputting an error in CMD.
We have a timesheet system that is failing to add holidays into the users time sheets, it's done via a script. here is the portion of the script in question.
sql = "select h_user,h_date1,h_hrs,h_approved,hol_default from holidays,hol_type,logins_users where userid=h_user and h_type=hol_id and h_date1='" & today & "' order by h_type desc"
'WScript.Echo Sql
ar.Open Sql, cnn ', adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
If Not (ar.EOF And ar.BOF) Then 'found some holidays
While Not ar.EOF
count = count + 1
user = ar.Fields("h_user").Value
datestr = ar.Fields("h_date1").Value
hours = ar.Fields("h_hrs").Value
approved = ar.Fields("h_approved").Value
defaulthours = ar.Fields("hol_default").Value
If hours = 8 Then actualhours = defaulthours
If hours = 4 Then actualhours = defaulthours / 2
If hours = 0 Then actualhours = 0
sqlstr = "select * from timesheets where ts_user=" & user & " and ts_hrs in(" & hours & "," & defaulthours &") and ts_date='" & today & "' and ts_job=20"
ar1.Open sqlstr, cnn
If Not (ar1.EOF And ar1.BOF) Then
'record exists
sqlstr = "update timesheets set ts_eduser=0,ts_eddate=now() where ts_user=" & user & " and ts_hrs=" & actualhours & " and ts_date='" & today & "' and ts_job=20"
'no record
sqlstr = "insert into timesheets (ts_user,ts_date,ts_hrs,ts_approved,ts_job,ts_cruser,ts_crdate) values (" & user & ",'" & today & "'," & actualhours & "," & approved & ",20,0,Now())"
End If
cnn.Execute("insert into tracking (t_user,t_query) values (0,'" & addslashes(sqlstr) & "')")
End If
message = message & count & " holidays entries added" & vbCrLf
count = 0
Set ar1 = Nothing
Set ar2 = Nothing
Set ar1 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set ar2 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
For n = 0 To 28
daystr = DateAdd("d", n, Now())
today = Mid(daystr, 7, 4) & "-" & Mid(daystr, 4, 2) & "-" & Left(daystr, 2)
What I need to do is specifically output the results of defaulthours in a cmd window to allow me to inspect the error in the data it's retrieving.
I realise it's a WScript.Echo command but I've tried several variations and it stops the script from running.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Run the script with cscript.exe instead of the default interpreter (wscript.exe).
cscript //NoLogo C:\path\to\your.vbs
cscript.exe prints WScript.Echo messages to the console instead of displaying message popups.
Alternatively you could replace WScript.Echo with WScript.StdOut.WriteLine, which will require cscript and raise an error otherwise (because WScript.StdOut is not available in wscript).

multiple-step operation generated errors. check each status value

I have two recordset which want to update one of them by value of the other. I did like this
stSql = "SELECT dbo.tblCableProperty.CatalogCode FROM dbo.tblCable INNER JOIN " & _
" dbo.tblCableProperty ON dbo.tblCable.CablePcode = dbo.tblCableProperty.CablePcode" & _
" WHERE dbo.tblCable.prjsubcode=" & prjsubcode & " AND dbo.tblCable.Active=1 " & " And dbo.tblCable.Gtag='" & Gtag & "' And dbo.tblCable.TagNo=" & tagno & " And dbo.tblCable.NTag=" & NTag & " And dbo.tblCable.EndStr='" & EndStr & "'"
rs.Open stSql, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
catalogCode = rs!catalogCode
stSql = "SELECT *,'' as ShowNum FROM viwShowNum WHERE prjsubcode=" & prjsubcode & " AND Active=1 " & " And Gtag='" & Gtag & "' And TagNo=" & tagno & " And NTag=" & NTag & " And EndStr='" & EndStr & "' ORDER BY 8"
rs.Open stSql, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
stSql = "Select * from tblCoreCode where CatalogCode=" & catalogCode
Set rsCoreCode = New ADODB.Recordset
rsCoreCode.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsCoreCode.Open stSql, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
While Not rs.EOF
criteria = "RealNum='" & rs!CoreNo & "'"
rsCoreCode.Filter = criteria
rs!ShowNum = CStr(rsCoreCode!ShowNum)
rsCoreCode.Filter = adFilterNone
I get the following error on this part
rs!ShowNum = CStr(rsCoreCode!ShowNum)
multiple-step operation generated errors. check each status value
rsCoreCode!ShowNum is varchar(5). I tried to set the value
rs!ShowNum = "1"
but again I got the same error.
where is the problem?
Thank you
As asked in my comment, if rs.Updatable or rs!ShowNum.DataUpdatable are false, you can use this piece of code from Microsoft to retrieve an updatable RecordSet.
Same issue occurred to me the problem was that i violated an object property , in my case it was size the error came out as
"IntegrationException: Problem (Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.)"
Imports ADODB
Dim _RecordSet As Recordset
_rs.Fields.Append("Field_Name", DataTypeEnum.adVarChar, 50)
_Recordset("Field_Name").Value = _RecordDetails.Field_NameValue
_RecordDetails.Field_NameValue length was more than 50 chars , so this property was violated , hence the error occurred , so you should probably check if you didn't match one of the properties

Help! Getting an error copying the data from one column to the same column in a similar recordset

I have a routine which reads one recordset, and adds/updates rows in a similar recordset. The routine starts off by copying the columns to a new recordset:
Here's the code for creating the new recordset..
For X = 1 To aRS.Fields.Count
mRS.Fields.Append aRS.Fields(X - 1).Name, aRS.Fields(X - 1).Type, aRS.Fields(X - _
1).DefinedSize, aRS.Fields(X - 1).Attributes
Next X
Pretty straight forward. Notice the copying of the name, Type, DefinedSize & Attributes...
Further down in the code, (and there's nothing that modifies any of the columns between.. ) I'm copying the values of a row to a row in the new recordset as such:
For C = 1 To aRS.Fields.Count
mRS.Fields(C - 1) = aRS.Fields(C - 1)
Next C
When it gets to the last column which is a numeric, it craps with the "Mutliple-Step Operation Generated an error" message.
I know that MS says this is an error generated by the provider, which in this case is ADO 2.8. There is no open connect to the DB at this point in time either.
I'm pulling what little hair I have left over this one... (and I don't really care at this point that the column index is 'X' in one loop & 'C' in the other... I'll change it later when I get the real problem fixed...)
You have to set Precision and NumericScale for adDecimal and adNumeric fields before opening synthetic recordset like this
For X = 1 To aRS.Fields.Count
With aRS.Fields(X - 1)
Select Case .Type
Case adChar, adWChar, adBinary, _
adVarChar, adVarWChar, adVarBinary, _
adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar, adLongVarBinary
mRS.Fields.Append .Name, .Type, .DefinedSize, .Attributes
Case adDecimal, adNumeric
mRS.Fields.Append .Name, .Type, , .Attributes
mRS.Fields(mRS.Fields.Count - 1).Precision = .Precision
mRS.Fields(mRS.Fields.Count - 1).NumericScale = .NumericScale
Case Else
mRS.Fields.Append .Name, .Type, , .Attributes
End Select
End With
FYI: you might be get a recordset with a field that has no name from the database e.g.
SELECT 5, 'No name'
but ADO will not allow an empty name on Append method. You might also get a recordset with duplicate fields from the database e.g.
SELECT 5 AS Col, 'Second' AS Col
which in your case will bomb out on Append too.
Guess 2 : the correct line should be
mRS.Fields(C - 1).value = aRS.Fields(C - 1).value
My guess is you have have a null and you are not treating the dbnull type right.
Please see my comments about finding an alternative approach but the straight answer is the Field objects' Precision and NumericScale properties need to be set. Here's a repro of your error, uncomment the two lines to fix the error:
Sub bfgosdb()
On Error Resume Next
Kill Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
On Error GoTo 0
Dim cat
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
With cat
.Create _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & _
Environ$("temp") & "\DropMe.mdb"
With .ActiveConnection
Dim Sql As String
Sql = _
"CREATE TABLE Test1 " & vbCr & "(" & vbCr & " col1 VARCHAR(255)," & _
" " & vbCr & " col2 INTEGER, " & vbCr & " col3 DECIMAL(19,4)" & vbCr & ");"
.Execute Sql
Sql = _
"INSERT INTO Test1 (col1, col2, col3) " & vbCr & "VALUES" & _
" (" & vbCr & "'128000 and some change', " & vbCr & "128000, " & vbCr & "128000.1234" & vbCr & ");"
.Execute Sql
Sql = _
"INSERT INTO Test1 (col1, col2, col3) " & vbCr & "VALUES" & _
" (" & vbCr & "NULL, " & vbCr & "NULL, " & vbCr & "NULL " & vbCr & ");"
.Execute Sql
Sql = _
"SELECT T11.col1, T11.col2, T11.col3 " & vbCr & " FROM" & _
" Test1 AS T11;"
Dim aRS
Set aRS = .Execute(Sql)
Dim mRS
Set mRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim X As Long
For X = 1 To aRS.Fields.Count
mRS.Fields.Append aRS.Fields(X - 1).Name, aRS.Fields(X - 1).Type, aRS.Fields(X - _
1).DefinedSize, aRS.Fields(X - 1).Attributes
' mRS.Fields(mRS.Fields.Count - 1).NumericScale = aRS.Fields(X - 1).NumericScale '
' mRS.Fields(mRS.Fields.Count - 1).Precision = aRS.Fields(X - 1).Precision '
Next X
Do While Not aRS.EOF
Dim C As Long
For C = 1 To aRS.Fields.Count
mRS.Fields(C - 1) = aRS.Fields(C - 1)
Next C
End With
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With
End Sub

the connection cannt be used to perform this operation. It may closed or not valid in this context error in vb6

I am trying to execute the query which stores recordset vales in sql db. when I am trying to execute that i am getting error like
the connection cannt be used to perform this operation. It may closed or not valid in this context error in vb6. Please help me to solve this issue.
' Write records to Database
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Loading data into database......"
Call FindServerConnection_NoMsg
Dim lngRecCount As Long
lngRecCount = 0
Set rcdReclamation = New ADODB.Recordset
With rcdReclamation
.ActiveConnection = objConn
.Source = "insert into t_DATA_DneFrc (RTN, AccountNbr, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Amount) values ('" & rcdDNE("RTN") & "', '" & rcdDNE("AccountNbr") & "', '" & rcdDNE("FirstName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("MiddleName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("LastName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("Amount") & "')"
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.Open cmdCommand
End With
Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
lngRecCount = lngRecCount + 1
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Adding record " & lngRecCount & " of " & rcdDNE.RecordCount & " to database."
Call CommitNew
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "DNE Processing Complete."
End Function
Sub CommitNew()
' Add records to DneFrc table
With rcdReclamation
.Fields![RTN] = rcdDNE.Fields![RTN]
.Fields![AccountNbr] = rcdDNE.Fields![AccountNbr]
.Fields![FirstName] = rcdDNE.Fields![FirstName]
.Fields![MiddleName] = rcdDNE.Fields![MiddleName]
.Fields![LastName] = rcdDNE.Fields![LastName]
.Fields![Amount] = rcdDNE.Fields![Amount]
End With
End Sub
conection code
Sub InstantiateCommand_SQLText()
' Creates a command object to be used when executing SQL statements.
Set objCommSQLText = New ADODB.Command
objCommSQLText.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCommSQLText.CommandType = adCmdText
End Sub
Function FindServerConnection_NoMsg() As String
Dim rcdClientPaths As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strDBTemp As String
Const CLIENT_UPDATE_DIR = "\\PSGSPHX02\NORS\Rs\ClientUpdate\"
On Error Resume Next
' If persisted recordset is not there, try and copy one down from
' CLIENT_UPDATE_DIR. If that can't be found, create a blank one
' and ask the user for the server name.
Set rcdClientPaths = New ADODB.Recordset
' Does it already exist locally?
If FileExists_FullPath(App.Path & "\" & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml") = False Then
' Can it be retrieved from CLIENT_UPDATE_DIR
If Dir(CLIENT_UPDATE_DIR & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml") "" Then
FileCopy CLIENT_UPDATE_DIR & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml", App.Path & "\" & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml"
' Creat a blank one.
With rcdClientPaths
.Fields.Append "ServerConnection", adVarChar, 250
.Fields.Append "Description", adVarChar, 50
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Save App.Path & "\" & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml", adPersistXML
End With
End If
End If
' Open the recordset
With rcdClientPaths
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open App.Path & "\" & "t_PCD_ServerConnectionList.xml", , , , adCmdFile
End With
If rcdClientPaths.RecordCount 0 Then
' try each one listed
Do Until rcdClientPaths.EOF
strDBTemp = TryConnection_NoMsg(rcdClientPaths.Fields![serverconnection])
If strDBTemp "" Then
FindServerConnection_NoMsg = strDBTemp
Exit Function
End If
strDBTemp = ""
End If
Do While strDBTemp = ""
If strDBTemp "" Then
strDBTemp = TryConnection_NoMsg(strDBTemp)
If strDBTemp "" Then
With rcdClientPaths
.Fields![serverconnection] = strDBTemp
End With
FindServerConnection_NoMsg = strDBTemp
Exit Function
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function TryConnection_NoMsg(ByVal SvName As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandle
' If a server was provided, try to open a connection to it.
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
With objConn
.CommandTimeout = 30
.ConnectionTimeout = 30
.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Server=" & SvName & "; User ID=RS_Auth; Password=weLcomers_auth; Initial Catalog=NORS" ' Test
End With
Set objConn = Nothing
TryConnection_NoMsg = SvName
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
Exit Function
TryConnection_NoMsg = ""
Set objConn = Nothing
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
Exit Function
End Function
You have already closed the connection here in TryConnection_NoMsg function (?)
With objConn
.CommandTimeout = 30
.ConnectionTimeout = 30
.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Server=" & SvName & "; Database=NORS; User ID=RS_Auth; Password=weLcomers_auth; Initial Catalog=NORS" ' Test
I'd suspect that FindServerConnection_NoMsg is not managing to open the connection, and since it ends in NoMsg that you're not seeing the error about why the connection wasn't opened. You then go on to just use the connection without knowing that the open failed.
Post the code for FindServerConnection_NoMsg.
BTW, your question itself should have given you a clue. It specifically says that the connection can't be used, and that it may not be open. That should have told you where to start looking, and at the least told you you should have posted the code that opened the connection as part of your question.
Thanks for everyone. I sloved my problem. This what i cahnge in my code
Dim lngRecCount As Long
lngRecCount = 0
With cmdCommand
.ActiveConnection = objConn
.CommandText = "insert into t_DATA_DneFrc (RTN, AccountNbr, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Amount) values ('" & rcdDNE("RTN") & "', '" & rcdDNE("AccountNbr") & "', '" & rcdDNE("FirstName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("MiddleName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("LastName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("Amount") & "')"
.CommandType = adCmdText
End With
Set rcddnefrc = New ADODB.Recordset
With rcddnefrc
.ActiveConnection = objConn
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With
Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
lngRecCount = lngRecCount + 1
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Adding record " & lngRecCount & " of " & rcdDNE.RecordCount & " to database."
Call CommitNew
frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "DNE Processing Complete."
