Handling failures in data driven testing using rspec - ruby

I am using rspec to do some data driven testing. My test reads from a csv file, grabs an entry which is inserted into the text box on the page and is then compared to expected text which is also read from the csv file. All this is working as expected, I am able to read and compare without any issues.
Below is my code:
Method for reading csv file:
def user_data
user_data = CSV.read Dir.pwd + '/user_data.csv'
descriptor = user_data.shift
descriptor = descriptor.map { |key| key.to_sym }
user_data.map { |user| Hash[ descriptor.zip(user) ] }
describe "Text box tests" do
before :all do
#homepage = Homepage.new
it "should display the correct name" do
visit('http://my test url')
sleep 2
user_data.each do |entry|
sleep 2
expect(page).to have_css("#firstname", text: entry[:expected_name])
The problem is with failures. If I have a failure with one of the tests (i.e the expected text is not displayed on the page) then the test stops and all subsequent entries in the csv are not tested. If I put in a rescue after the expect statement like this:
rescue Exception => error
puts error.message
Then the error is logged to the console, however at the end of my test run it says no failures.
So basically I am looking for is, in the event of a failure for my test to keep running(until all entries in the csv have been covered), but for the test run to be marked as failed. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Try something like this:
context "when the user is on some page" do
before(:context) { visit('http://example.org/') }
user_data.each do |entry|
it "should display the correct name: #{entry[:name]}" do
expect(page).to have_css("#firstname", text: entry[:expected_name])
You will also need to change def user_data to def self.user_data

I would advise mapping over the entries and calling the regular capybara method has_css? instead of the rspec helper method. It would look like this:
results = user_data.map do |entry|
sleep 2
page.has_css?("#firstname", text: entry[:expected_name])
expect(results.all?) to be_truthy
if you want to keep track of which ones failed, you cann modify it a bit:
missing_entries = []
user_data.each do |entry|
sleep 2
has_entry = page.has_css?("#firstname", text: entry[:expected_name])
unless has_entry
missing_entries.push entry[:expected_name]
expect(missing_entries).to be_empty


Test failing - one class method to call another ("expected: 1 time with arguments, received 0 times")

My problem:
I'm trying to stub a class method that returns an instance of that class, but I'm getting the following error for the test entitled "creates an instance with CSV data":
1) QuestionData.load_questions creates an instance with CSV data
Failure/Error: expect(question_data_class).to receive(:new).with(data).and_return(question_data_instance)
(QuestionData (class)).new([{:time_limit=>10, :text=>"Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne?", :correct_...the world?", :correct_answer=>"Lake Superior", :option_2=>"Lake Victoria", :option_3=>"Lake Huron"}])
expected: 1 time with arguments: ([{:time_limit=>10, :text=>"Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne?", :correct_...the world?", :correct_answer=>"Lake Superior", :option_2=>"Lake Victoria", :option_3=>"Lake Huron"}])
received: 0 times
The context:
The code (shown below) works - QuestionData.load_questions loads data from a CSV file and calls QuestionData.new with the data as an argument. My test for the .load_questions method however, is giving the above error. When it's called, the double of the QuestionData class isn't receiving the stub of .new with the data double.
I've tried researching how to test stubs that return another stub or an instance, but can't seem to find a relevant answer.
I'd really appreciate any help or advice, thanks very much in advance!
The code:
require "csv"
class QuestionData
attr_reader :questions
def initialize(questions)
#questions = questions
def self.load_questions(file = './app/lib/question_list.csv', questions = [])
self.parse_csv(file, questions)
def self.parse_csv(file, questions)
CSV.foreach(file) do |row|
time_limit, text, correct_answer, option_2, option_3 = row[0],
row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]
questions << { time_limit: time_limit, text: text,
correct_answer: correct_answer, option_2: option_2, option_3: option_3
The test file:
require './app/models/question_data'
describe QuestionData do
subject(:question_data_instance) { described_class.new(data) }
let(:question_data_class) { described_class }
let(:CSV) { double(:CSV, foreach: nil) }
let(:questions) { [] }
let(:file) { double(:file) }
let(:data) do
time_limit: 10,
text: "Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne?",
correct_answer: "Dom Perignon",
option_2: "Ansgar",
option_3: "Willibrord"
time_limit: 12,
text: "Name the largest freshwater lake in the world?",
correct_answer: "Lake Superior",
option_2: "Lake Victoria",
option_3: "Lake Huron"
describe '#questions' do
it "has an array of question data from CSV" do
expect(question_data_instance.questions).to eq(data)
describe '.parse_csv' do
it "parses CSV data into hash data" do
expect(CSV).to receive(:foreach).with(file)
question_data_class.parse_csv(file, questions)
describe '.load_questions' do
it "calls '.parse_csv' method" do
expect(question_data_class).to receive(:parse_csv).with(file, questions)
question_data_class.load_questions(file, questions)
it "creates an instance with CSV data" do
allow(question_data_class).to receive(:load_questions).with(file, questions).and_return(question_data_instance)
allow(question_data_class).to receive(:new).with(data).and_return(question_data_instance)
expect(question_data_class).to receive(:new).with(data).and_return(question_data_instance)
question_data_class.load_questions(file, questions)
describe '.new' do
it "creates a new instance with CSV data" do
expect(question_data_class).to receive(:new).with(data).and_return(question_data_instance)
The thing is that you are stubbing the call on:
allow(question_data_class).to receive(:load_questions).with(file)
If you still want that the call executes you need to add a:
Therefore the original method will be executed and your code will call the new method on the original block.
But the thing is that you don't need to stub the class you just need to change the stubs because you are calling the method on a double, and it will try to execute it in a class, so you might need to change your second test to:
describe '.load_questions' do
it "creates an instance containing CSV data" do
expect(described_class).to receive(:new).with(data).and_return(question_data_instance)

Writing a Rspec test for an error condition finished with exit

I am writing a command line interface to a Ruby gem and I have this method exit_error, which acts as an exit error point to all validations performed while processing.
def self.exit_error(code,possibilities=[])
puts #errormsgs[code].colorize(:light_red)
if not possibilities.empty? then
puts "It should be:"
possibilities.each{ |p| puts " #{p}".colorize(:light_green) }
exit code
where #errormsgs is a hash whose keys are the error codes and whose values are the corresponding error messages.
This way I may give users customized error messages writing validations like:
exit_error(101,#commands) if not valid_command? command
#errormsgs[101] => "Invalid command."
#commands = [ :create, :remove, :list ]
and the user typing a wrong command would receive an error message like:
Invalid command.
It should be:
At the same time, this way I may have bash scripts detecting exactly the error code who caused the exit condition, and this is very important to my gem.
Everything is working fine with this method and this strategy as a whole. But I must confess that I wrote all this without writing tests first. I know, I know... Shame on me!
Now that I am done with the gem, I want to improve my code coverage rate. Everything else was done by the book, writing tests first and code after tests. So, it would be great having tests for these error conditions too.
It happens that I really don't know how to write Rspec tests to this particular situation, when I use exit to interrupt processing. Any suggestions?
Update => This gem is part of a "programming environment" full of bash scripts. Some of these scripts need to know exactly the error condition which interrupted the execution of a command to act accordingly.
For example:
class MyClass
def self.exit_error(code,possibilities=[])
puts #errormsgs[code].colorize(:light_red)
if not possibilities.empty? then
puts "It should be:"
possibilities.each{ |p| puts " #{p}".colorize(:light_green) }
exit code
You could write its rspec to be something like this:
describe 'exit_error' do
let(:errormsgs) { {101: "Invalid command."} }
let(:commands) { [ :create, :remove, :list ] }
context 'exit with success'
before(:each) do
MyClass.errormsgs = errormsgs # example/assuming that you can #errormsgs of the object/class
allow(MyClass).to receive(:exit).with(:some_code).and_return(true)
it 'should print commands of failures'
expect(MyClass).to receive(:puts).with(errormsgs[101])
expect(MyClass).to receive(:puts).with("It should be:")
expect(MyClass).to receive(:puts).with(" create")
expect(MyClass).to receive(:puts).with(" remove")
expect(MyClass).to receive(:puts).with(" list")
MyClass.exit_error(101, commands)
context 'exit with failure'
before(:each) do
MyClass.errormsgs = {} # example/assuming that you can #errormsgs of the object/class
allow(MyClass).to receive(:exit).with(:some_code).and_return(false)
# follow the same approach as above for a failure
Of course this is an initial premise for your specs and might not just work if you copy and paste the code. You will have to do a bit of a reading and refactoring in order to get green signals from rspec.

Using rescue and ensure in the middle of code

Still new to Ruby - I've had a look at some of the answers to seemingly similar questions but, to be honest, I couldn't get my head around them.
I have some code that reads a .csv file. The data is split into groups of 40-50 rows per user record and validates data in the rows against a database accessed via a website.
A login is required for each record, but once that user has logged in each row in the .csv file can be checked until the next user is reached, at which point the user logs out.
All that's working, however, if an error occurs (e.g. a different result on the website than the expected result on the .csv file) the program stops.
I need something that will
a) at tell me which line on the file the error occurred
b) log the row to be output when it's finished running, and
iii) restart the program from the next line in the .csv file
The code I have so far is below
Thanks in advance,
require 'csv-mapper'
loginrequired = true
Given(/^I compare the User Details from rows "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/) do |firstrow, lastrow|
data = CsvMapper.import('C:/auto_test_data/User Data csv.csv') do
[dln, nino, pcode, endor_cd, ct_cd]
#Row number changed because Excel starts at 'row 1' and Ruby starts counting at 'row 0'
(firstrow.to_i-1..lastrow.to_i-1).each do |row|
#licnum1 = data.at(row).dln
#licnum2 = data.at(row+1).dln
#nino = data.at(row).nino
#postcode = data.at(row).pcode
#endor_cd = data.at(row).endor_cd
#ct_cd = data.at(row).ct_cd
#Login only required once for each new user-account
loginrequired == true
logon_to_vdr #def for this is in hooks
click_on 'P and D'
loginrequired = false
#This is the check against the database and is required for every line in the .csv file
check_ctcd #def for this is in hooks
#Need something in here to log errors and move on to the next line in the .csv file
#Compare the ID for the next record and logout if they're different
if #licnum1 == #licnum2
loginrequired = false
loginrequired = true`enter code here`
click_on 'Logout'
It seems like you need some error logging since you apparently don't know what type of error you're receiving or where. If this script is standalone you can redirect $stderr to file so that you can read what went wrong.
# put this line at the top of your script
$stderr = File.open("/path/to/your/logfile.log","a")
When an error occurs, ruby will automatically write the error message, class, and backtrace to the log file you specify so that you can trace back the line where things are not going as expected. (When you run a script from the command line, normally this information will just get blurted back to the terminal when an error happens.)
For example, on my desktop I created a file log_stderr.rb with the following (line numbers included):
1 $stderr = File.open("C:/Users/me/Desktop/my_log.log","w")
3 #require a file which will raise an error to see the backtrace
4 require_relative 'raise_error.rb'
6 puts "code that will never be reached"
Also on my desktop I created the file raise_error.rb with the following (to deepen the backtrace for better example output):
1 # call raise to generate an error arbitrarily
2 # to halt execution and exit the program.
3 raise RuntimeError, 'the program stopped working!'
When I run ruby log_stderr.rb from the command line, my_log.log is created on my desktop with the following:
C:/Users/me/Desktop/raise_error.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': the program stopped working! (RuntimeError)
from C:/Users/me/Desktop/log_stderr.rb:4:in `require_relative'
from C:/Users/me/Desktop/log_stderr.rb:4:in `<main>'
If you are working in a larger environment where your script is being called amidst other scripts then you probably do not want to redirect $stderr because this would affect everything else running in the environment. ($stderr is global as indicated by the $ variable prefix.) If this is the case you would want to implement a begin; rescue; end structure and also make your own logfile so that you don't affect $stderr.
Again, since you don't know where the error is happening you want to wrap the whole script with begin; end
# at the very top of the script, begin watching for weirdness
logfile = File.open("/path/to/your/logfile.log", "w")
require 'csv-mapper'
#. . .
# rescue and end at the very bottom to capture any errors that have happened
rescue => e
# capture details about the error in your logfile
logfile.puts "ERROR:", e.class, e.message, e.backtrace
# pass the error along since you don't know what it is
# and there may have been a very good reason to stop the program
raise e
If you find that your error is happening only in the block (firstrow.to_i-1..lastrow.to_i-1).each do |row| you can place the begin; end inside of this block to have access to the local row variable, or else create a top level variable independent of the block and assign it during each iteration of the block to report to your logfile:
logfile = File.open("/path/to/your/logfile.log", "w")
csv_row = "before csv"
#. . .
(firstrow.to_i-1..lastrow.to_i-1).each do |row|
csv_row = row
#. . .
csv_row = "after csv"
rescue => e
logfile.puts "ERROR AT ROW: #{csv_row}", e.class, e.message, e.backtrace
raise e
I hope this helps!
It doesn't seem like you need to rescue exception here. But what you could do is in your check_ctcd method, raise error if records doesn't match. Then you can rescue from it. In order to know which line it is, in your iteration, you could use #each_with_index and log the index when things go wrong.
(firstrow.to_i-1..lastrow.to_i-1).each_with_index do |row, i|
#licnum1 = data.at(row).dln
#licnum2 = data.at(row+1).dln
#nino = data.at(row).nino
#postcode = data.at(row).pcode
#endor_cd = data.at(row).endor_cd
#ct_cd = data.at(row).ct_cd
#Login only required once for each new user-account
loginrequired == true
logon_to_vdr #def for this is in hooks
click_on 'P and D'
loginrequired = false
#This is the check against the database and is required for every line in the .csv file
check_ctcd #def for this is in hooks
rescue => e
# log the error and index here
And you can make your own custom error, and rescue only the certain type so that you don't silently rescue other errors.

How do I test reading a file?

I'm writing a test for one of my classes which has the following constructor:
def initialize(filepath)
#transactions = []
File.open(filepath).each do |line|
next if $. == 1
elements = line.split(/\t/).map { |e| e.strip }
transaction = Transaction.new(elements[0], Integer(1))
#transactions << transaction
I'd like to test this by using a fake file, not a fixture. So I wrote the following spec:
it "should read a file and create transactions" do
filepath = "path/to/file"
mock_file = double(File)
expect(File).to receive(:open).with(filepath).and_return(mock_file)
expect(mock_file).to receive(:each).with(no_args()).and_yield("phrase\tvalue\n").and_yield("yo\t2\n")
filereader = FileReader.new(filepath)
filereader.transactions.should_not be_nil
Unfortunately this fails because I'm relying on $. to equal 1 and increment on every line and for some reason that doesn't happen during the test. How can I ensure that it does?
Global variables make code hard to test. You could use each_with_index:
File.open(filepath) do |file|
file.each_with_index do |line, index|
next if index == 0 # zero based
# ...
But it looks like you're parsing a CSV file with a header line. Therefore I'd use Ruby's CSV library:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach(filepath, col_sep: "\t", headers: true, converters: :numeric) do |row|
#transactions << Transaction.new(row['phrase'], row['value'])
You can (and should) use IO#each_line together with Enumerable#each_with_index which will look like:
File.open(filepath).each_line.each_with_index do |line, i|
next if i == 1
# …
Or you can drop the first line, and work with others:
File.open(filepath).each_line.drop(1).each do |line|
# …
If you don't want to mess around with mocking File for each test you can try FakeFS which implements an in memory file system based on StringIO that will clean up automatically after your tests.
This way your test's don't need to change if your implementation changes.
require 'fakefs/spec_helpers'
describe "FileReader" do
include FakeFS::SpecHelpers
def stub_file file, content
FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file)
File.open( file, 'w' ){|f| f.write( content ); }
it "should read a file and create transactions" do
file_path = "path/to/file"
stub_file file_path, "phrase\tvalue\nyo\t2\n"
filereader = FileReader.new(file_path)
expect( filereader.transactions ).to_not be_nil
Be warned: this is an implementation of most of the file access in Ruby, passing it back onto the original method where possible. If you are doing anything advanced with files you may start running into bugs in the FakeFS implementation. I got stuck with some binary file byte read/write operations which weren't implemented in FakeFS quite how Ruby implemented them.

Testing with RSpec - Output activity messages to STDOUT in Ruby

I'm looking for some help outputting the activity messages into the command line window. I know this may seem backwards but this is the task I've been given. I've already written tests so that they all pass but I need to convert the below activity into the command line window. It's just a game that resembles the Impossible Machine game.
Firstly I need to create a process which starts the Impossible Machine, then simulate each of the activities being initiated in succession before finishing.
Of what I understand, all the messages displayed should be sent to the STDOUT channel. These are some of the tests that have been written:
module ImpossibleMachine
# Input and output constants processed by subprocesses
# RSpec Tests
describe Game do
describe "#start The impossible machine game" do
before(:each) do
#process = []
#output = double('output').as_null_object
#game = Game.new(#output)
it "sends a welcome message" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('Welcome to the Impossible Machine!')
it "should contain a method created_by which returns the students name" do
myname = #game.created_by
myname.should == "My Name"
it "should perform lifts_lever_turns_wheel activity which returns REPEAT_ARROW" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with("Input: #{UP_ARROW}, Activity: Heave_ho_squeek_squeek")
#process[1] = #game.lifts_lever_turns_wheel(UP_ARROW)
#process[1].should == REPEAT_ARROW
it "sends a finishing message" do
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('...Game finished.')
My only knowledge is that I need to start the module like this and then proceed to add code below it so that it outputs the activity messages to the command line:
module ImpossibleMachine
#process = []
g = Game.new(STDOUT)
Hope that makes sense.
It is not very clear from your question - you want the game to show its output to STDOUT when you run the rspec?
If this is the case, I'll explain why in your code as you post it, it does not happen:
When you create the new game #game you create it with Game.new(#output). The #output is a double, which means that it is not really an output object at all, but it is a mock object instead.
This is totally fine, by the way. The only problem with it is that it doesn't actually print anything to the console.
If you want to make the tests, while actually printing to the console, you should pass the actual STDOUT object:
before(:each) do
#process = []
#output = STDOUT
#game = Game.new(#output)
This will almost work, as it will print all messages except the ones you stub in your tests #output.should_receive(...). To make those work, you should add and_call_original to each expectation:
#output.should_receive(:puts).with('Welcome to the Impossible Machine!').and_call_original
You can do this without doubles:
it "should perform lifts_lever_turns_wheel activity which returns REPEAT_ARROW" do
expect(STDOUT).to receive(:puts).with("Input: #{UP_ARROW}, Activity: Heave_ho_squeek_squeek")
#process[1] = #game.lifts_lever_turns_wheel(UP_ARROW)
#process[1].should == REPEAT_ARROW
