Selecting which overload is used in c++11 - c++11

In the following code, as none of the arguments is const, i can't understand why the second overload is called in the 3 following cases.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
void ToLower( std::string& ioValue )
std::transform( ioValue.begin(), ioValue.end(), ioValue.begin(), ::tolower );
std::string ToLower( const std::string& ioValue )
std::string aValue = ioValue;
return aValue;
int main()
string test = "test";
cout<<"Hello World" << endl;
// case 1
cout << ToLower("test") << endl;
// case 2
cout << ToLower(static_cast<string>(test)) << endl;
// case 3
cout << ToLower(string(test)) << endl;

In all 3 cases you are creating a temporary std::string, this is an unnamed object, an R-value. R-values aren't allowed to bind to non-const l-value references (T&) and so only the overload taking const std::string& ioValue is valid.

The reasoning is the return type is std::string for the second function but void for the first. std::cout << (void) << std::endl is not a valid set of operations. std::cout << (std::string) << std::endl is. If you return a std::string& from the first function you'd probably see #2 & #3 probably use your first function call.


Using tuple as a parameter of a function

Hi I'm trying to pass a tuple as a parameter to a function.
I would like to not to specify the amount of elements in the tuple (I followed this example: tuple as function argument)
What is missing now is how I can count the number of element into the tuple in order to access it with std::get
template <typename... T> void fill(std::tuple<T...> values) {
std::cout << std::tuple_size<T...>::value << '\n';
//std::cout << std::get<0>(values) << '\n';
//std::cout << std::get<1>(values) << '\n';
int main() {
fill(std::make_tuple(2., 5));
tuple_size seems not suitable to be used (
Lets look at the example in the provided reference:
template <class T>
void test(T t)
int a[std::tuple_size<T>::value]; // can be used at compile time
std::cout << std::tuple_size<T>::value << '\n'; // or at run time
int main()
test(std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3.14));
From this example (as well as from the reference itself, see e.g. the second declaration), it could be deduced that the template argument to std::tuple_size is the tuple type.
As in (in your case)
std::cout << std::tuple_size<std::tuple<T...>>::value << '\n';
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Note: The tuple type is used here

How to correctly transfer the ownership of a shared_ptr?

I have the following code snipet:
// code snipet one:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
struct A {
uint32_t val0 = 0xff;
~A() {
std::cout << "item gets freed" << std::endl;
typedef std::shared_ptr<A> A_PTR;
int main()
std::queue<A_PTR> Q;
auto && temp_PTR = Q.front();
std::cout << "first use count = " << temp_PTR.use_count() << std::endl;
std::cout << "second use count = " << temp_PTR.use_count() <<std::endl;
return 0;
After running it, I got the result as following:
first use count = 1
item gets freed
second use count = 0
Q1: is anybody can explain what the type of temp_PTR after the third line of main function is called?
if I change that line as
A_PTR && temp_PTR = Q.front();
compiler complains that
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:26:32: error: cannot bind '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits > >::value_type {aka std::shared_ptr}' lvalue to 'A_PTR&& {aka std::shared_ptr&&}'
A_PTR && temp_PTR = Q.front();
Q2: I remember that the return value of a function should be a r-value, but it seems here the compiler tell me: " hey, the return value of Queue.front() is a l-value", why is here?
For Q2, I just check the C++ docs, that the return value of Queue.front() is refernece, that means it return a l-value
reference& front();
const_reference& front() const;
For Q3, it works for A_PTR temp_PTR = std::move(Q.front());, it is what I want.

ASIO handler arguments and boost::bind, compile time error

I am struggling with compile time errors, and try as I might, I dont see in what way am I doing it wrong or different from handler function signature as set out in documentation/examples. (I am using Boost 1.41 on Linux)
Please help me understand the error! (included below as snippet)
My application has objects whose methods are handlers for async_* functions. Below is the code snippet. The error is reported in the line labelled as "line 58", where I use boost::bind
class RPC {
char recv_buffer[56];
void data_recv (void) {
socket.async_read_some (
boost::bind ( &RPC::on_data_recv, this, _1, _2 )
); // **<<==== this is line 58, that shows up in error listing**
std::cout << "[" << boost::this_thread::get_id()
<< "] data recvd" << std::endl;
} // RPC::data_recv
void on_data_recv (boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytesRx) {
std::cout << "[" << boost::this_thread::get_id()
<< "] bytes rcvd: " << std::endl;
data_recv(); // call function that waits for more data
} // RPC::on_data_recv
}; // RPC class def
There is a huge error output, but the relevant lines seem to be:
../src/besw.cpp:58: instantiated from here
/usr/include/boost/bind/bind.hpp:385: error: no match for call to ‘(boost::_m fi::mf2<void, RPC, boost::system::error_code&, long unsigned int>) (RPC*&, boost::asio::error::basic_errors&, int&)’
/usr/include/boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp:272: note: candidates are: R boost::_mfi::mf2<R, T, A1, A2>::operator()(T*, A1, A2) const [with R = void, T = RPC, A1 = boost::system::error_code&, A2 = long unsigned int]
/usr/include/boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp:291: note: R boost::_mfi::mf2<R, T, A1, A2>::operator()(T&, A1, A2) const [with R = void, T = RPC, A1 = boost::system::error_code&, A2 = long unsigned int]
make: *** [src/besw.o] Error 1
When I remove the place holders (_1 and _2) and have a handler without arguments, then it compiles and executes without errors. Here's that modified code snippet.
void data_recv (void) {
socket.async_read_some (
boost::bind ( &RPC::on_data_recv, this )
std::cout << "[" << boost::this_thread::get_id()
<< "] data recvd" << std::endl;
} // RPC::data_recv
void on_data_recv (void) {
The error code cannot be taken by reference. Make it by-value or by const&:
void on_data_recv(boost::system::error_code/* ec */, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) {
Also, consider using the Asio specific placeholders:
boost::bind(&RPC::on_data_recv, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
Also use proper lock guards. We're in C++! It's easy to make things exception-safe, so why not?
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
static boost::mutex global_stream_lock;
class RPC {
char recv_buffer[56];
void data_recv() {
boost::bind(&RPC::on_data_recv, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(global_stream_lock);
std::cout << "[" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << "] data recvd" << std::endl;
void on_data_recv(boost::system::error_code/* ec */, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(global_stream_lock);
std::cout << "[" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << "] bytes rcvd: " << std::endl;
data_recv(); // call function that waits for more data
boost::asio::io_service service;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket{service};
}; // RPC class def
int main() {}

Can I use an alias for static member function templates?

Using C++11, I'd like to call a static member function template without qualifying it with the scope of its enclosing class:
struct Test {
template<typename T>
static bool Function(T x)
{ /* ... */ }
int x;
Test::Function(x); // I don't want to write this
Function(x); // I want to be able to write this instead
I can define another function with the same signature at global scope and forward the arguments, but I'd prefer a solution that doesn't force me to write another function. I'd also like to avoid using a macro.
This question is related:
(using alias for static member functions?)
but doesn't seem to cover the case of function templates.
Sure, you can alias the templated function if you want to do a little work with the using keyword first:
template<typename T>
using testfn = bool (*)(T);
and then create a pointer to the function with:
testfn<int> fnPointer = Test::Function;
and finally call it:
std::cout << boolalpha << fnPointer(x) << std::endl;
Live Demo
If you only ever want to bind to the case where T is int, you can do this:
using testfn = bool (*)(int);
testfn fnPointer = Test::Function;
std::cout << boolalpha << fnPointer(x) << std::endl;
Live Demo 2
Edit: If you want a constexpr function pointer like in the accepted answer of the question you linked, that's a pretty simple extension:
constexpr auto yourFunction = &Test::Function<int>;
std::cout << boolalpha << yourFunction(x) << std::endl;
Live Demo 3
I learned this playing with the #andyg answer (probably above mine), but it worked for me and it doesn't require putting a different alias for every template.
It requires c++14 or later though.
Step 1 - magical template alias:
template <typename T> constexpr auto funky1 = &Test::Function<T>;
Step 2 - lambda means you don't need to pass the template argument:
auto funky = [](auto in) { return funky1<decltype(in)>(in); };
full example
Also, inline full example:
#include <iostream>
struct Test {
template <typename T> static bool Function(T x) { return true; }
// Magical template alias
template <typename T> constexpr auto funky1 = &Test::Function<T>;
// lambda means it'll infer the template parameters when calling
auto funky = [](auto in) { return funky1<decltype(in)>(in); };
int main() {
int x = 0;
// Just use the `funky1` version, but you have to specify the template parameters
std::cout << "string: " << funky1<std::string>("I'm a string") << std::endl
<< "int: " << funky1<int>(42) << std::endl
<< "bool: " << funky1<bool>(true) << std::endl;
// Use the `funky` version, where template parameters are inferred
std::cout << "string: " << funky("I'm a string") << std::endl
<< "int: " << funky(42) << std::endl
<< "bool: " << funky(true) << std::endl;
return 0;

Output to logging class via operator<<

I have implemented a logging class TLogFile and now I want to overload the output operator<<.
I want to use the log like this:
TLogFile* log = new TLogFile("some arguments...");
*log << "Hello world."; // (1)
*log << "Hello world." << endl; // (2)
*log << std::hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << someValue << endl; // (3)
I used ostream as a class member and as a friend. The class looks like this:
namespace app {
class TLogFile
app::TLogFile& operator<< (std::string& out);
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out);
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, TLogFile& o);
} // namespace app
Only plain text (1) is working by using the string version. A soon as I use endl (2) or iomanip (3) I get error messages:
../src/main.cpp:164:70: error: no match for 'operator<<' in '>app::TLogFile::operator<<((* & std::basic_string(((const char*)"sysdat.obj.applicationLog <<"), ((const std::allocator*)(& std::allocator()))))) << std::endl'
../src/main.cpp:164:70: note: candidates are:
../src/inc/logger.h:85:17: note: app::TLogFile& app::TLogFile::operator<<(const string&)
../src/inc/logger.h:85:17: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from '' to 'const string& {aka const std::basic_string&}'
../src/inc/logger.h:88:17: note: std::ostream& app::TLogFile::operator<<(std::ostream&)
../src/inc/logger.h:88:17: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from '' to 'std::ostream& {aka std::basic_ostream&}'
../src/inc/logger.h:93:23: note: std::ostream& app::operator<<(std::ostream&, app::TLogFile&)
../src/inc/logger.h:93:23: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'app::TLogFile' to 'std::ostream& {aka std::basic_ostream&}'
I believed that one of the ostream version should work.
Has anyone an idea how to overload the operator so that endl and iomanip can be used?
Your operator<< is able to take only std::ostream& and std::string&
(note: probably it should be const std::string&).
The most elegant solution I can imagine is to write a template:
class TLogFile{
std::ostream* stream;
/* default ctor, copy ctor and assignment operator: */
TLogFile(std::ostream& _stream=std::clog):stream(&_stream){}
TLogFile (const TLogFile&) =default;
TLogFile& operator= (const TLogFile&) =default;
/* std::endl is overloaded,
* so I think compiler doesn't know which version to use.
* This funchtion handles function pointers, including std::endl
inline TLogFile& operator<< (std::ostream&(*func)(std::ostream&)){
(*stream) << func;
return *this;
/* should handle everything else */
template<typename T>
inline TLogFile& operator<< (const T& t) {
(*stream) << t;
return *this;
See it working in online compiler
This way your objects' operator<<s should be able to take anything that std::ostream's can take.
Next time, please say that you want to have custom std::endl.
I'm not sure that function with signature
inline TLogFile& operator<< (std::ostream&(*func)(std::ostream&))
is used only when std::endl is passed to it. My previous solution seems inelegent or even inworking. I'm wondering about how to change behaviour of std::endl when it's passed to object of different class.
In most cases I'd like to use '\n instead of std::endl.
TLogFile* log = new TLogFile("some arguments...");
I think using raw pointer isn't the best idea here (it's easy to forget about delete),
unless you have to explicitly decide when the object should die.
When the object should die when the current scope does, it should be a local variable:
TLogFile log("some arguments...");
log << "Hello world."; // (1)
log << "Hello world." << endl; // (2)
log << std::hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << someValue << endl; // (3)
If the object is used in multiple places, and each of the places uses it independently from others, IMO the best solution is to use std::shared_ptr:
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
auto log=std::make_shared<TLogFile>("some arguments...");
*log << "Hello world."; // (1)
*log << "Hello world." << endl; // (2)
*log << std::hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << someValue << endl; // (3)
This way the object dies when the last shared_ptr does.
I used pointer in the class to be able to re-assign it. If you don't need re-assignment, you can use reference instead.
Thanks to GingerPlusPlus. I found out, that the operator operator<< (std::ostream&(*func)(std::ostream&)) is called only once for the endl (maybe this assumtion is not always true, Please read remarks/edit above of GingerPlusPlus). I replaced the ostream against a stringstream and write the contens of the stringstream when the operator ist called.
class TLogFile{
std::ostream* stream;
std::stringstream line;
/* default ctor, copy ctor and assignment operator: */
TLogFile(std::ostream& _stream=std::clog):stream(&_stream){}
TLogFile (const TLogFile&) =default;
TLogFile& operator= (const TLogFile&) =default;
void write() {
// Doing some write stuff
// ...
// Empty stringstream buffer
/* std::endl is overloaded,
* so I think compiler doesn't know which version to use.
* This funchtion handles function pointers, including std::endl
inline TLogFile& operator<< (std::ostream&(*func)(std::ostream&)){
line << func;
return *this;
/* should handle everything else */
template<typename T>
inline TLogFile& operator<< (const T& t) {
line << t;
return *this;
