I am trying to numerically solve the Klein-Gordon equation that can be found here. To make sure I solved it correctly, I am comparing it with an analytical solution that can be found on the same link. I am using the finite difference method and Matlab. The initial spatial conditions are known, not the initial time conditions.
I start off by initializing the constants and the space-time coordinate system:
close all
%% Constant parameters
A = 2;
B = 3;
lambda = 2;
mu = 3;
a = 4;
b = - (lambda^2 / a^2) + mu^2;
%% Coordinate system
number_of_discrete_time_steps = 300;
t = linspace(0, 2, number_of_discrete_time_steps);
dt = t(2) - t(1);
number_of_discrete_space_steps = 100;
x = transpose( linspace(0, 1, number_of_discrete_space_steps) );
dx = x(2) - x(1);
Next, I define and plot the analitical solution:
%% Analitical solution
Wa = cos(lambda * x) * ( A * cos(mu * t) + B * sin(mu * t) );
figure('Name', 'Analitical solution');
surface(t, x, Wa, 'edgecolor', 'none');
title('Wa(x, t) - analitical solution');
The plot of the analytical solution is shown here.
In the end, I define the initial spatial conditions, execute the finite difference method algorithm and plot the solution:
%% Numerical solution
Wn = zeros(number_of_discrete_space_steps, number_of_discrete_time_steps);
Wn(1, :) = Wa(1, :);
Wn(2, :) = Wa(2, :);
for j = 2 : (number_of_discrete_time_steps - 1)
for i = 2 : (number_of_discrete_space_steps - 1)
Wn(i + 1, j) = dx^2 / a^2 ...
* ( ( Wn(i, j + 1) - 2 * Wn(i, j) + Wn(i, j - 1) ) / dt^2 + b * Wn(i - 1, j - 1) ) ...
+ 2 * Wn(i, j) - Wn(i - 1, j);
figure('Name', 'Numerical solution');
surface(t, x, Wn, 'edgecolor', 'none');
title('Wn(x, t) - numerical solution');
The plot of the numerical solution is shown here.
The two plotted graphs are not the same, which is proof that I did something wrong in the algorithm. The problem is, I can't find the errors. Please help me find them.
To summarize, please help me change the code so that the two plotted graphs become approximately the same. Thank you for your time.
The finite difference discretization of w_tt = a^2 * w_xx - b*w is
( w(i,j+1) - 2*w(i,j) + w(i,j-1) ) / dt^2
= a^2 * ( w(i+1,j) - 2*w(i,j) + w(i-1,j) ) / dx^2 - b*w(i,j)
In your order this gives the recursion equation
w(i,j+1) = dt^2 * ( (a/dx)^2 * ( w(i+1,j) - 2*w(i,j) + w(i-1,j) ) - b*w(i,j) )
+2*w(i,j) - w(i,j-1)
The stability condition is that at least a*dt/dx < 1. For the present parameters this is not satisfied, they give this ratio as 2.6. Increasing the time discretization to 1000 points is sufficient.
Next up is the boundary conditions. Besides the two leading columns for times 0 and dt one also needs to set the values at the boundaries for x=0 and x=1. Copy also them from the exact solution.
Wn(:,1:2) = Wa(:,1:2);
Then also correct the definition (and use) of b to that in the source
b = - (lambda^2 * a^2) + mu^2;
and the resulting numerical image looks identical to the analytical image in the color plot. The difference plot confirms the closeness
I am replicating using Julia a sequence of steps originally made in Matlab. In Octave, this procedure takes 1.4582 seconds and in Julia (using Jupyter) it takes approximately 10 seconds. I'll try to be brief in the scripts. My goal is to achieve or improve Octave's performance. First of all, I will describe my variables and some function:
zgrid (double 1x7 size)
kgrid (double 500x1 size)
V0 (double 500x7 size)
P (double 7x7 size) a transition matrix
delta and beta are fixed parameters.
F(z,k) and u(c) are particular functions and are specified in the Julia script.
% Octave script
% V0 is given
[K, Z, K2] = meshgrid(kgrid, zgrid, kgrid);
K = permute(K, [2, 1, 3]);
Z = permute(Z, [2, 1, 3]);
K2 = permute(K2, [2, 1, 3]);
C = max(f(Z,K) + (1-delta)*K - K2,0);
U = u(C);
EV = V0*P';% EV is a 500x7 matrix size
EV = permute(repmat(EV, 1, 1, 500), [3, 2, 1]);
H = U + beta*EV;
[TV, index] = max(H, [], 3);
In Julia, I created a function that replicates this procedure. I used loops, but it has a performance 9 times longer.
% Julia script
% V0 is the input of my T operator function
V0 = repeat(sqrt.(kgrid), outer = [1,7]);
F = (z,k) -> exp(z)*(k^α);
u = (c) -> (c^(1-μ) - 1)/(1-μ)
% parameters
α = 1/3
β = 0.987
δ = 0.012;
μ = 2
Kss = 48.1905148382166
kgrid = range(0.75*Kss, stop=1.25*Kss, length=500);
zgrid = [-0.06725382459813659, -0.044835883065424395, -0.0224179415327122, 0 , 0.022417941532712187, 0.04483588306542438, 0.06725382459813657]
function T(V)
T1 = zeros(Float64, 500, 7 )
aux = zeros(Float64, 500)
for i = 1:7
for j = 1:500
for l = 1:500
c= maximum( (F(zrid[i],kgrid[j]) +(1-δ)*kgrid[j] - kgrid[l],0))
aux[l] = u(c) + β*E[l,i]
T1[j,i] = maximum(aux)
return T1
I would very much like to improve my performance in Julia. I believe there is a way to improve, but I am new in Julia programming.
This code runs for me in 5ms. Note that I have made F and u into proper (not anonymous) functions, F_ and u_, but you could get a similar effect by making the anonymous functions const.
Your main problem is that you have a lot of non-const global variables, and also that your main function is doing unnecessary work multiple times, and creating an unnecessary array, aux.
The performance tips section in the manual is essential reading:
F_(z,k) = exp(z) * (k^(1/3)); # you can still use α, but it must be const
u_(c) = (c^(1-2) - 1)/(1-2)
function T_(V, P, kgrid, zgrid, β, δ)
E = V * P'
T1 = similar(V)
for i in axes(T1, 2)
for j in axes(T1, 1)
temp = F_(zgrid[i], kgrid[j]) + (1-δ)*kgrid[j]
aux = -Inf
for l in eachindex(kgrid)
c = max(0.0, temp - kgrid[l])
aux = max(aux, u_(c) + β * E[l, i])
T1[j,i] = aux
return T1
V0 = repeat(sqrt.(kgrid), outer = [1,7]);
zgrid = sort!(rand(1, 7); dims=2)
kgrid = sort!(rand(500, 1); dims=1)
P = rand(length(zgrid), length(zgrid))
#btime T_($V0, $P, $kgrid, $zgrid, $β, $δ);
# output: 5.126 ms (4 allocations: 54.91 KiB)
The following should perform much better. The most noticeable differences are that it calculates F 500x less, and doesn't rely on global variables.
function T(V,kgrid,zgrid,β,δ)
T1 = zeros(Float64, 500, 7)
for j = 1:500
for i = 1:7
x = F(zrid[i],kgrid[j]) +(1-δ)*kgrid[j]
T1[j,i] = maximum(u(max(x - kgrid[l], 0)) + β*E[l,i] for l in 1:500)
return T1
i am asking for help.. I want to animate the Kaczmarz method on Matlab. It's method allows to find solution of system of equations by the serial projecting solution vector on hyperplanes, which which is given by the eqations of system.
And i want make animation of this vector moving (like the point is going on the projected vectors).
%% System of equations
% 2x + 3y = 4;
% x - y = 2;
% 6x + y = 15;
A = [2 3;1 -1; 6 1];
f = [4; 2; 15];
resh = pinv(A)*f
x = -10:0.1:10;
e1 = (1 - 2*x)/3;
e2 = (x - 2);
e3 = 15 - 6*x;
grid on
axis([0 4 -2 2])
hold on
hold on
hold on
precision = 0.001; % точность
iteration = 100; % количество итераций
lambda = 0.75; % лямбда
[m,n] = size(A);
x = zeros(n,1);
%count of norms
for i = 1:m
nrm(i) = norm(A(i,:));
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
p = plot(x);
%pause 0.04;
hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
I wrote the code for this method, by don't imagine how make the animation, how I can use the set function.
In your code there are a lot of redundant and random pieces. Do not call hold on more than once, it does nothing. Also set(p) does nothing, you want to set some ps properties to something, then you use set.
Also, you are plotting the result, but not the "change". The change is a line between the previous and current, and that is the only reason you'd want to have a variable such as predx, to plot. SO USE IT!
Anyway, this following code plots your algorithm. I added a repeated line to plot in green and then delete, so you can see what the last step does. I also changed the plots in the begging to just plot in red so its more clear what is each of the things.
Change your loop for:
for i = 1:1:iteration
j = mod(i-1,m) + 1;
if (nrm(j) <= 0), continue, end;
predx = x;
x = x + ((f(j) - A(j,:)*x)*A(j,:)')/(nrm(j))^2;
plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'b'); %plot line
c=plot([predx(1) x(1)],[predx(2) x(2)],'g'); %plot it in green
children = get(gca, 'children'); %delete the green line
% hold on;
if(norm(predx - x) <= precision), break, end
This will show:
I am implementing a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab. The goal of that method is that find optimal value of u. Denote u={u_i,i=1..2}. The optimal value of u can be obtained as following steps:
Sorry about my image because I cannot type mathematics equation in here.
To do that task, I tried to find u follows above steps. However, I don't know how to implement the term \sum_{j!=i} (u_j-1) in equation 25. This is my code. Please see it and could you give me some comment or suggestion about my implementation to correct them. Currently, I tried to run that code but it give an incorrect answer.
function u = compute_u_TV(Im0, N_class)
% Initialization
N_class=2; % only have u1 and u2
% Iterative segmentation process
for i=1:N_class
v(:,:,i) = Im0/max(Im0(:)); % u between 0 and 1.
qxv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
qyv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
u(:,:,i) = v(:,:,i);
for iteration=1:10000
% Update v
Divqi = ( BackwardX(qxv(:,:,i)) + BackwardY(qyv(:,:,i)) );
Term = Divqi - u(:,:,i)/ (theta*gamma);
TermX = ForwardX(Term);
TermY = ForwardY(Term);
Norm = sqrt(TermX.^2 + TermY.^2);
Denom = 1 + tau*Norm;
%Equation 24
qxv(:,:,i) = (qxv(:,:,i) + tau*TermX)./Denom;
qyv(:,:,i) = (qyv(:,:,i) + tau*TermY)./Denom;
v(:,:,i) = u(:,:,i) - theta*gamma* Divqi; %Equation 23
% Update u
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma*(sum(u(:))-u(:,:,i)-1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
u(:,:,i) = max(u(:,:,i),0);
u(:,:,i) = min(u(:,:,i),1);
% Sub-functions- X.Berson
function [dx]=BackwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = u;
dx(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(2:Ny-1,1:Nx-2) );
dx(:,Nx) = -u(:,Nx-1);
function [dy]=BackwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = u;
dy(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-2,2:Nx-1) );
dy(Ny,:) = -u(Ny-1,:);
function [dx]=ForwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dx(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(1:Ny-1,2:Nx) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
function [dy]=ForwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dy(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny,1:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
% End of sub-function
You should do
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma* ...
(sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3) -1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
The part you were searching for is
sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3)
Let's decompose this :
1:size(u,3) ~= i
is a vector containing all values from 1 to the max size of u on the third dimension except i.
u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i)
is all the matrix of the third dimension of u except for j = i
is the sum of all the matrix by the thrid dimension.
Let me know if it does help!
:) I'm trying to code a Least Squares algorithm and I've come up with this:
function [y] = ex1_Least_Squares(xValues,yValues,x) % a + b*x + c*x^2 = y
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
b = zeros(points,1);
for i=1:points
A(i,1) = 1;
A(i,2) = xValues(i);
A(i,3) = xValues(i)^2;
b(i) = yValues(i);
constants = (A'*A)\(A'*b);
y = constants(1) + constants(2)*x + constants(3)*x^2;
When I use this matlab script for linear functions, it works fine I think. However, when I'm passing 12 points of the sin(x) function I get really bad results.
These are the points I pass to the function:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
yValues = [sind(-180); sind(-144); sind(-108); sind(-72); sind(-36); sind(0); sind(36); sind(72); sind(108); sind(144); sind(160); sind(180) ];
And the result is sin(165°) = 0.559935259380508, when it should be sin(165°) = 0.258819
There is no reason why fitting a parabola to a full period of a sinusoid should give good results. These two curves are unrelated.
MATLAB already contains a least square polynomial fitting function, polyfit and a complementary function, polyval. Although you are probably supposed to write your own, trying out something like the following will be educational:
xValues = [ -180; -144; -108; -72; -36; 0; 36; 72; 108; 144; 160; 180];
% you may want to experiment with different ranges of xValues
yValues = sind(xValues);
% try this with different values of n, say 2, 3, and 4
p = polyfit(xValues,yValues,n);
x = -180:36:180;
y = polyval(p,x);
hold on
Also, more generically, you should avoid using loops as you have in your code. This should be equivalent:
points = size(xValues,1);
A = ones(points,3);
A(:,2) = xValues;
A(:,3) = xValues.^2; % .^ and ^ are different
The part of the loop involving b is equivalent to doing b = yValues; either name the incoming variable b or just use the variable yValues, there's no need to make a copy of it.