Terraform template variables from other Terraform resources - bash

I have Terraform that is using a templated bash script to set my user data section for an AWS launch configuration.
data "template_file" "user_data" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/user-data.tpl")}"
vars {
file_system_id = "${aws_efs_mount_target.my_efs_alpha.dns_name}"
The file_system_id variable then needs to be used in my template:
sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 $$$${file_system_id}:/ /mnt/efs
Bash will interpret a single dollar sign as a bash variable. As I understand it, Terraform will interpret a double-dollar-sign as a Terraform variable. For added fun, the dollar signs in the template need to be escaped with another dollar sign -- hence the 4 dollar signs in front of file_system_id.
Looking at the user data in my Launch Config over in AWS Console, Terraform does not appear to be making any effort to replace my $$$${file_system_id) with the variable value from my template_file definition. Rather, it just shows up in the user data section as literally $${file_system_id}.
So, the question is, how do I get my EFS DNS name (or whatever other value I want) to replace the file_system_id variable in my template? What have I missed?

As BMW mentioned, you don't need to escape the dollar signs. ${file_system_id} works just fine.
Terraform's variable-replacement in templates will run first so you don't need to worry about how Bash will parse it until after the variables are replaced.


Export array of JSON objects as environment variable

How can I export an environment variable like this?
What I've tried so far unsuccessfully
I know that with docker-compose and terraform this can easily be done but I have to define a single env var here
Something very important that I forgot to mentioned:
I want this variable to be read as a LIST since it's part of a configuration file. Not as a string. Since I want to map it to a User object.
User {
Put it in quotes and use the export command to put it in the environment. Also, make it valid JSON by quoting all the strings
export USERS='[{"name":"a","surname":"b","age":10},{"name":"d","surname":"e","age":35}]'

Using date as an ENV variable in GitHub action

This is very funny but very frustrating problem. I am using an ENV variable, which specifies date. I provide an ISO 8601 compliant version and in application, I retrieve it and parse. When I specify it in GH action workflow, it is get parsed as a date (rather than a string) and formatted. Therefore, my application parsing fails.
MY_DATE: '2020-10-07T12:00:00+01:00'
run: echo $MY_DATE
Result (GH action UI):
TMOU_GAME_END: 10/07/2020 11:00:00
10/07/2020 11:00:00
It is specific to GitHub action and their yaml parsing, it works OK on Heroku, on various local setups, etc.
Things I tried and they don't work:
using no quotes, single quotes ('), double quotes (")
setting another ENV var, LC_TIME to en_DK.UTF-8
using !!str shorthand (see https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html, section Example 2.23. Various Explicit Tags); this one fails either with  The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/rust.yml: Unexpected tag 'tag:yaml.org,2002:str' or with The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/rust.yml: The scalar style 'DoubleQuoted | SingleQuoted' on line 29 and column 24 is not valid with the tag 'tag:yaml.org,2002:str'
Is there any help? Any secret parameter I can turn on? Any escaping sequence? I just wanna GH Actions yaml parser to treat the value as a string.
Surprisingly, it seems GitHub Actions workflow YAML parser does not fully implement the standard and using explicit typing (like !!str) does not work. You can, however, workaround it by setting the environment variable to the desired value not in the YAML file itself but dynamically during workflow execution using a dedicated workflow command:
- name: Dynamically set MY_DATE environment variable
run: echo "MY_DATE=2020-10-07T12:00:00+01:00" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Test MY_DATE variable
run: echo ${{ env.MY_DATE }}
This should do the trick.

Double-Double Curly Braces in docker-compose.yml for kafka

I'm looking at wurstmeister/kafka-docker, and found this pull suggesting using the IP address. Basically, it uses the docker info formatting:
HOSTNAME_COMMAND: "docker info -f '{{`{{.Swarm.NodeAddr}}`}}'"
I get the idea that it uses the formatting to get the address, but I don't understand what's going on with the extra {{...}} and the backticks (which would normally be an eval). docker-compose allows for ${variables}, but there's no dollar sign ($) here, so no need to escape. Why isn't this just:
HOSTNAME_COMMAND: "docker info -f '{{.Swarm.NodeAddr}}'"
I've seen this elsewhere, so I assume there's a reason.
This is basically a duplicate of this post. However, you might not find that one if you aren't aware that docker-compose files use Go templates (I didn't find any mention of it in the compose file reference). So basically, in go, the backquotes indicate a literal string, so the outer set of {{ }} is a template allowing for the backquotes to take everything between literally.

looping a shell command in ansible

I'm trying to get going with some more advanced Ansible playbooks and have hit a wall. I'm trying to get Ansible to do what this /bin/bash 'for' loop does;
for i in $(</filename.txt);do '/some/command options=1 user=usera server=$i';done
filesnames.txt contains 50-100 hostnames.
I can't use jinja templates as the command has to be run, not just the config file updated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
you can use jinja templates, but differently
your specific code is not doing something that is most advisable
for multi-line code you should use shell module.
example of multi-code piece of call:
- name: run multiline stuff
shell: |
for x in "${envvar}"; do
echo "${x}"
executable: /bin/bash
note I'm explicitly setting executable, which will ensure bash-isms would work.
I just used envvar as an example, of arbitrary environment variable available.
if you need to pass specific env variables, you should use environment clause of the call to shell module, refer to: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_environment.html
For simple variables you can just use their value in shell: echo "myvar: {{myvar}}"
If you wish to use an ansible list/tuple variable inside bash code, you can make it bash variable first. e.g. if you have a list of stuff in mylist, you can expand it and assign into a bash array, and then iterate over it. the shell code of the call to shell would be:
mylist_for_bash=({{mylist|join(" ")}})
for myitem in "${mylist_for_bash[#]}"; do
echo "my current item: ${myitem}"
Another approach would be to pass it as string env variable, and convert it into an array later in the code.
of course all this works correctly only with SPACELESS values
I've never had to pass array with space containing items

Can Octopus Deploy have variables in variables

This is a system Octopus Deploy Variable:
#{Octopus.Action[Deploy To Server].Output.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath}
The text "Deploy to Server" is the name of the step in my project that deploys the Nuget Package to the server. This variable gives the install location of the NugetPackage.
I am wondering if I can make this more generic:
#{DeploymentStep} is itself a variable with the value of "Deploy to Server"?
I tried this and it not did do the substitution when it tried to run. But I am hoping there is a different syntax for variable in variable substitution.
(I want to do this so I can make this the default value for a Step Template.)
It can be done; but you need to use slightly different syntax!
Variable substitution syntax: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Variable+Substitution+Syntax
$deploymentStep = "#{DeploymentStep}"
$installationDirectory = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Action[$deploymentStep].Output.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath"]
Have just had the same issue, but with a few tests I got it working in a 1 liner.
You need to encapsulate the inner variable in brackets with a dollar, and you need to change the double quotes within the variables to single quotes so it doesn't complain about the miss match of quotes. Double quotes on the outside and single quotes in the in.
The example below gets a step name with an octopus variable and also a the machine name it ran on variable to produce the result:
